blob: 056663ccb5d7e4bee326bc5a2b67708677cf0388 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.exec.submitviachild=false;
set hive.exec.submit.local.task.via.child=false;
CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_staging_n0 (
id int,
first_name string,
last_name string,
address string,
salary decimal,
start_date timestamp,
state string);
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/orc_create_people.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE orc_create_people_staging_n0;
set hive.stats.autogather=false;
-- non-partitioned table
-- partial scan gather
CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 (
id int,
first_name string,
last_name string,
address string,
salary decimal,
start_date timestamp,
state string)
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 SELECT * FROM orc_create_people_staging_n0 ORDER BY id;
set hive.stats.autogather = true;
analyze table orc_create_people_n0 compute statistics;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0;
analyze table orc_create_people_n0 compute statistics noscan;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0;
drop table orc_create_people_n0;
-- auto stats gather
CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 (
id int,
first_name string,
last_name string,
address string,
salary decimal,
start_date timestamp,
state string)
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 SELECT * FROM orc_create_people_staging_n0 ORDER BY id;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0;
drop table orc_create_people_n0;
set hive.stats.autogather=false;
-- partitioned table
-- partial scan gather
CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 (
id int,
first_name string,
last_name string,
address string,
salary decimal,
start_date timestamp)
PARTITIONED BY (state string)
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 PARTITION (state)
SELECT * FROM orc_create_people_staging_n0 ORDER BY id;
set hive.stats.autogather = true;
analyze table orc_create_people_n0 partition(state) compute statistics;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Ca");
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Or");
analyze table orc_create_people_n0 partition(state) compute statistics noscan;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Ca");
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Or");
drop table orc_create_people_n0;
-- auto stats gather
CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 (
id int,
first_name string,
last_name string,
address string,
salary decimal,
start_date timestamp)
PARTITIONED BY (state string)
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 PARTITION (state)
SELECT * FROM orc_create_people_staging_n0 ORDER BY id;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Ca");
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Or");
drop table orc_create_people_n0;
set hive.stats.autogather=false;
-- partitioned and bucketed table
-- partial scan gather
CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 (
id int,
first_name string,
last_name string,
address string,
salary decimal,
start_date timestamp)
PARTITIONED BY (state string)
clustered by (first_name)
sorted by (last_name)
into 4 buckets
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 PARTITION (state)
SELECT * FROM orc_create_people_staging_n0 ORDER BY id;
set hive.stats.autogather = true;
analyze table orc_create_people_n0 partition(state) compute statistics;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Ca");
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Or");
analyze table orc_create_people_n0 partition(state) compute statistics noscan;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Ca");
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Or");
drop table orc_create_people_n0;
-- auto stats gather
CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 (
id int,
first_name string,
last_name string,
address string,
salary decimal,
start_date timestamp)
PARTITIONED BY (state string)
clustered by (first_name)
sorted by (last_name)
into 4 buckets
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 PARTITION (state)
SELECT * FROM orc_create_people_staging_n0 ORDER BY id;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Ca");
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Or");
drop table orc_create_people_n0;
set hive.stats.autogather=false;
-- create table with partitions containing text and ORC files.
-- ORC files implements StatsProvidingRecordReader but text files does not.
-- So the partition containing text file should not have statistics.
CREATE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 (
id int,
first_name string,
last_name string,
address string,
salary decimal,
start_date timestamp)
PARTITIONED BY (state string)
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE orc_create_people_n0 PARTITION (state)
SELECT * FROM orc_create_people_staging_n0 ORDER BY id;
set hive.stats.autogather = true;
analyze table orc_create_people_n0 partition(state) compute statistics;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Ca");
analyze table orc_create_people_n0 partition(state) compute statistics noscan;
desc formatted orc_create_people_n0 partition(state="Ca");
drop table orc_create_people_n0;