blob: 8e62199769318ada6b49c22cdf4d1b231865f0e3 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:srcpart
--! qt:dataset:src
set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.materializedview.rewriting=false;
create table `masking_test_n_mv` stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true') as
select cast(key as int) as key, value from src;
create materialized view `masking_test_view_n_mv` as
select cast(key as string) col0 from `masking_test_n_mv` union select value col0 from `masking_test_n_mv`;
-- Masking/filtering is added when query is rewritten -> no exact sql text matches -> mv is not used.
explain cbo
select col0 from (select cast(key as string) col0 from `masking_test_n_mv` union select value col0 from `masking_test_n_mv`) sub;
create materialized view `masking_test_view_n_mv_masked` as
select cast(key as string) `col0` from (SELECT `key`, CAST(reverse(value) AS string) AS `value`, BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, INPUT__FILE__NAME, ROW__ID, ROW__IS__DELETED FROM `default`.`masking_test_n_mv` WHERE key % 2 = 0 and key < 10)`masking_test_n_mv` union select `value` `col0` from (SELECT `key`, CAST(reverse(value) AS string) AS `value`, BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE, INPUT__FILE__NAME, ROW__ID, ROW__IS__DELETED FROM `default`.`masking_test_n_mv` WHERE key % 2 = 0 and key < 10)`masking_test_n_mv`;
-- This will use the MV `masking_test_view_n_mv_masked` because it already has the required masking/filtering for the following query
explain cbo
select col0 from (select cast(key as string) col0 from `masking_test_n_mv` union select value col0 from `masking_test_n_mv`) sub;
select col0 from (select cast(key as string) col0 from `masking_test_n_mv` union select value col0 from `masking_test_n_mv`) sub;
drop materialized view `masking_test_view_n_mv`;
drop materialized view `masking_test_view_n_mv_masked`;
drop table `masking_test_n_mv`;