blob: df728574bcac2ea5c84b6a18c4bea35dbeb474f9 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:srcpart
set hive.explain.user=false;
create table if not exists nzhang_part_bucket (key string, value string)
partitioned by (ds string, hr string)
clustered by (key) into 10 buckets;
describe extended nzhang_part_bucket;
set hive.merge.mapfiles=false;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
insert overwrite table nzhang_part_bucket partition (ds='2010-03-23', hr) select key, value, hr from srcpart where ds is not null and hr is not null;
insert overwrite table nzhang_part_bucket partition (ds='2010-03-23', hr) select key, value, hr from srcpart where ds is not null and hr is not null;
show partitions nzhang_part_bucket;
select * from nzhang_part_bucket where ds='2010-03-23' and hr='11';
select * from nzhang_part_bucket where ds='2010-03-23' and hr='12';