blob: ff7c1a83556e864d37c1a22673926cf20a47e36f [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
--! qt:dataset:alltypesorc
set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
set hive.compute.query.using.stats=true;
drop table if exists acid_ivot_stage;
create table acid_ivot_stage(
ctinyint TINYINT,
csmallint SMALLINT,
cint INT,
cbigint BIGINT,
cfloat FLOAT,
cdouble DOUBLE,
cstring1 STRING,
cstring2 STRING,
ctimestamp1 TIMESTAMP,
ctimestamp2 TIMESTAMP,
cboolean1 BOOLEAN,
cboolean2 BOOLEAN) stored as orc;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH "../../data/files/alltypesorc" into table acid_ivot_stage;
create table acid_ivot(
ctinyint TINYINT,
csmallint SMALLINT,
cint INT,
cbigint BIGINT,
cfloat FLOAT,
cdouble DOUBLE,
cstring1 STRING,
cstring2 STRING,
ctimestamp1 TIMESTAMP,
ctimestamp2 TIMESTAMP,
cboolean1 BOOLEAN,
cboolean2 BOOLEAN) clustered by (cint) into 1 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');
desc formatted acid_ivot;
insert into acid_ivot select * from acid_ivot_stage;
desc formatted acid_ivot;
explain select count(*) from acid_ivot;
select count(*) from acid_ivot;
insert into table acid_ivot values
(1, 2, 3, 4, 3.14, 2.34, 'fred', 'bob', '2014-09-01 10:34:23.111', '1944-06-06 06:00:00', true, true),
(111, 222, 3333, 444, 13.14, 10239302.34239320, 'fred', 'bob', '2014-09-01 10:34:23.111', '1944-06-06 06:00:00', true, true);
select count(*) from acid_ivot;
drop table acid_ivot;
create table acid_ivot(
ctinyint TINYINT,
csmallint SMALLINT,
cint INT,
cbigint BIGINT,
cfloat FLOAT,
cdouble DOUBLE,
cstring1 STRING,
cstring2 STRING,
ctimestamp1 TIMESTAMP,
ctimestamp2 TIMESTAMP,
cboolean1 BOOLEAN,
cboolean2 BOOLEAN) clustered by (cint) into 1 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');
insert into table acid_ivot values
(1, 2, 3, 4, 3.14, 2.34, 'fred', 'bob', '2014-09-01 10:34:23.111', '1944-06-06 06:00:00', true, true),
(111, 222, 3333, 444, 13.14, 10239302.34239320, 'fred', 'bob', '2014-09-01 10:34:23.111', '1944-06-06 06:00:00', true, true);
desc formatted acid_ivot;
explain select count(*) from acid_ivot;
select count(*) from acid_ivot;
insert into table acid_ivot values
(1, 2, 3, 4, 3.14, 2.34, 'fred', 'bob', '2014-09-01 10:34:23.111', '1944-06-06 06:00:00', true, true),
(111, 222, 3333, 444, 13.14, 10239302.34239320, 'fred', 'bob', '2014-09-01 10:34:23.111', '1944-06-06 06:00:00', true, true);
desc formatted acid_ivot;
explain select count(*) from acid_ivot;
select count(*) from acid_ivot;
insert into acid_ivot select * from acid_ivot_stage;
desc formatted acid_ivot;
explain select count(*) from acid_ivot;
drop table acid_ivot;
create table acid_ivot like src;
desc formatted acid_ivot;
insert overwrite table acid_ivot select * from src;
desc formatted acid_ivot;
explain select count(*) from acid_ivot;
select count(*) from acid_ivot;
CREATE TABLE sp (key STRING COMMENT 'default', value STRING COMMENT 'default')
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH "../../data/files/kv1.txt"
OVERWRITE INTO TABLE sp PARTITION (ds="2008-04-08", hr="11");
desc formatted sp PARTITION (ds="2008-04-08", hr="11");
explain select count(*) from sp where ds="2008-04-08" and hr="11";
select count(*) from sp where ds="2008-04-08" and hr="11";
insert into table sp PARTITION (ds="2008-04-08", hr="11") values
('1', '2'), ('3', '4');
desc formatted sp PARTITION (ds="2008-04-08", hr="11");
analyze table sp PARTITION (ds="2008-04-08", hr="11") compute statistics;
desc formatted sp PARTITION (ds="2008-04-08", hr="11");
explain select count(*) from sp where ds="2008-04-08" and hr="11";
select count(*) from sp where ds="2008-04-08" and hr="11";