blob: a144d5190a33908dcc3cfff97db462e208790555 [file] [log] [blame]
create table ax(s char(1),t char(10));
insert into ax values ('a','a'),('a','a '),('b','bb');
select 'expected 2',count(*) from ax where s = 'a' and t = 'a';
select 'expected 2',count(*) from ax where s = 'a' and t = 'a';
select 'expected 3',count(*) from ax where (s,t) in (('a','a'),('b','bb'));
select 'expected 3',count(*) from ax where (s,t) in (('a','a'),('b','bb'));
select 'expected 2',count(*) from ax where t = 'a ';
select 'expected 2',count(*) from ax where t = 'a ';
select 'expected 0',count(*) from ax where t = 'a d';
select 'expected 2',count(*) from ax where (s,t) in (('a','a'),(null, 'bb'));
-- this is right now broken; HIVE-20779 should fix it
explain select 'expected 1',count(*) from ax where ((s,t) in (('a','a'),(null, 'bb'))) is null;
select 'expected 1',count(*) from ax where ((s,t) in (('a','a'),(null, 'bb'))) is null;
set hive.optimize.point.lookup=false;
explain cbo select count(*) from ax where t in
explain select count(*) from ax where t in
explain cbo select count(*) from ax where t in
explain select count(*) from ax where t in