blob: 11296a9029ddd5f71dd728203bf09b4479c7b295 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src1
--! qt:dataset:src
--! qt:dataset:alltypesorc
SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
set hive.stats.column.autogather=true;
drop table src_stats_n0;
create table src_stats_n0 as select * from src;
explain analyze analyze table src_stats_n0 compute statistics;
explain analyze analyze table src_stats_n0 compute statistics for columns;
drop table src_multi2_n7;
create table src_multi2_n7 like src;
explain analyze insert overwrite table src_multi2_n7 select subq.key, src.value from (select * from src union select * from src1)subq join src on subq.key=src.key;
select count(*) from (select * from src union select * from src1)subq;
insert overwrite table src_multi2_n7 select subq.key, src.value from (select * from src union select * from src1)subq join src on subq.key=src.key;
describe formatted src_multi2_n7;
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
create table acid_uami_n2(i int,
de decimal(5,2),
vc varchar(128)) clustered by (i) into 2 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');
insert into table acid_uami_n2 values
(1, 109.23, 'mary had a little lamb'),
(6553, 923.19, 'its fleece was white as snow');
insert into table acid_uami_n2 values
(10, 119.23, 'and everywhere that mary went'),
(65530, 823.19, 'the lamb was sure to go');
select * from acid_uami_n2 order by de;
explain analyze update acid_uami_n2 set de = 3.14 where de = 109.23 or de = 119.23;
select * from acid_uami_n2 order by de;
update acid_uami_n2 set de = 3.14 where de = 109.23 or de = 119.23;
select * from acid_uami_n2 order by de;
set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
dfs ${system:test.dfs.mkdir} ${system:test.tmp.dir}/delete_orig_table;
dfs -copyFromLocal ../../data/files/alltypesorc ${system:test.tmp.dir}/delete_orig_table/00000_0;
create table acid_dot_n0(
ctinyint TINYINT,
csmallint SMALLINT,
cint INT,
cbigint BIGINT,
cfloat FLOAT,
cdouble DOUBLE,
cstring1 STRING,
cstring2 STRING,
ctimestamp1 TIMESTAMP,
ctimestamp2 TIMESTAMP,
cboolean1 BOOLEAN,
cboolean2 BOOLEAN) clustered by (cint) into 1 buckets stored as orc location '${system:test.tmp.dir}/delete_orig_table' TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');
select count(*) from acid_dot_n0;
explain analyze delete from acid_dot_n0 where cint < -1070551679;
select count(*) from acid_dot_n0;
delete from acid_dot_n0 where cint < -1070551679;
select count(*) from acid_dot_n0;
dfs -rmr ${system:test.tmp.dir}/delete_orig_table;