blob: bd197e7abd24e459782697c62bf8d6da6bce9900 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode=200;
set hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions=200;
set hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition.threshold=-1;
drop table src2_n3;
create table src2_n3 (key int) partitioned by (value string);
-- regular insert overwrite + insert into
insert overwrite table src2_n3 partition (value) select * from src where key < 100;
insert into table src2_n3 partition (value) select * from src where key < 200;
drop table src2_n3;
create table src2_n3 (key int) partitioned by (value string);
insert overwrite table src2_n3 partition (value) select * from src where key < 200;
insert into table src2_n3 partition (value) select * from src where key < 300;
-- multi insert overwrite + insert into
drop table src2_n3;
drop table src3_n0;
create table src2_n3 (key int) partitioned by (value string);
create table src3_n0 (key int) partitioned by (value string);
from src
insert overwrite table src2_n3 partition (value) select * where key < 100
insert overwrite table src3_n0 partition (value) select * where key >= 100 and key < 200;
from src
insert into table src2_n3 partition (value) select * where key < 100
insert into table src3_n0 partition (value) select * where key >= 100 and key < 300;
-- union all insert overwrite + insert into
drop table src2_n3;
create table src2_n3 (key int) partitioned by (value string);
insert overwrite table src2_n3 partition (value)
select temps.* from (
select * from src where key < 100
union all
select * from src where key >= 100 and key < 200) temps;
insert into table src2_n3 partition (value)
select temps.* from (
select * from src where key < 100
union all
select * from src where key >= 100 and key < 300) temps;