blob: f33e94643adb6dba48805f1e797ce640cbe3f5dd [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
create database D1;
alter database D1 set dbproperties('test'='yesthisis');
drop database D1;
create table T1_n50(key string, val string) stored as textfile;
create table T2_n31 like T1_n50;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/T1.txt' INTO TABLE T1_n50;
select * from T1_n50;
create table T3_n11 as select * from T1_n50;
create table T4_n4 (key char(10), val decimal(5,2), b int)
partitioned by (ds string)
clustered by (b) into 10 buckets
stored as orc;
alter table T3_n11 rename to newT3_n11;
alter table T2_n31 set tblproperties ('test'='thisisatest');
alter table T2_n31 set serde '';
alter table T2_n31 set serdeproperties ('test'='thisisatest');
alter table T2_n31 clustered by (key) into 32 buckets;
alter table T4_n4 add partition (ds='today');
alter table T4_n4 partition (ds='today') rename to partition(ds='yesterday');
alter table T4_n4 drop partition (ds='yesterday');
alter table T4_n4 add partition (ds='tomorrow');
create table T5_n1 (a string, b int);
alter table T5_n1 set fileformat orc;
create table T7_n2 (a string, b int);
alter table T7_n2 set location 'file:///tmp';
alter table T4_n4 partition (ds='tomorrow') set location 'file:///tmp';
alter table T2_n31 touch;
alter table T4_n4 touch partition (ds='tomorrow');
create view V1_n5 as select key from T1_n50;
alter view V1_n5 set tblproperties ('test'='thisisatest');
drop view V1_n5;
drop table T1_n50;
drop table T2_n31;
drop table newT3_n11;