blob: 59c93210d4cae1c4f4a114807b98e8d610b5424a [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.cbo.enable=false;
create table t_n1 (i int,a string,b string);
insert into t_n1 values (1,'hello','world'),(2,'bye',null);
select * from t_n1 where t_n1.b is null;
with cte as (select t_n1.a as a,t_n1.a as b,t_n1.a as c from t_n1 where t_n1.b is null) select * from cte;
select t_n1.a as a,t_n1.a as b,t_n1.a as c from t_n1 where t_n1.b is null;
with cte as (select t_n1.a as a,t_n1.a as b,t_n1.a as c from t_n1 where t_n1.b is not null) select * from cte;