blob: 3dfef821db293e8f9f6d811c65ac7332668dcea7 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
-- Test that CREATE TABLE LIKE commands can take explicit table properties
CREATE TABLE test_table_n15 LIKE src TBLPROPERTIES('key'='value');
DESC FORMATTED test_table_n15;
set hive.table.parameters.default=key1=value1;
--Test that CREATE TABLE LIKE commands can take default table properties
CREATE TABLE test_table1_n18 LIKE src;
DESC FORMATTED test_table1_n18;
-- Test that CREATE TABLE LIKE commands can take default and explicit table properties
CREATE TABLE test_table2_n17 LIKE src TBLPROPERTIES('key2' = 'value2');
DESC FORMATTED test_table2_n17;
-- Test that properties inherited are overwritten by explicitly set ones
CREATE TABLE test_table3_n9 LIKE test_table2_n17 TBLPROPERTIES('key2' = 'value3');
DESC FORMATTED test_table3_n9;
--Test that CREATE TALBE LIKE on a view can take explicit table properties
CREATE VIEW test_view (key, value) AS SELECT * FROM src;
CREATE TABLE test_table4_n2 LIKE test_view TBLPROPERTIES('key'='value');
DESC FORMATTED test_table4_n2;