blob: 48ff7ed3bd223cb3541a871354eace2d79504f20 [file] [log] [blame]
drop table customer_address_n0;
create table customer_address_n0
ca_address_sk int,
ca_address_id string,
ca_street_number string,
ca_street_name string,
ca_street_type string,
ca_suite_number string,
ca_city string,
ca_county string,
ca_state string,
ca_zip string,
ca_country string,
ca_gmt_offset float,
ca_location_type string
row format delimited fields terminated by '|';
load data local inpath '../../data/files/customer_address.txt' overwrite into table customer_address_n0;
analyze table customer_address_n0 compute statistics;
analyze table customer_address_n0 compute statistics for columns ca_state, ca_zip;
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
set hive.stats.correlated.multi.key.joins=false;
explain select count(*) from customer_address_n0 a join customer_address_n0 b on (a.ca_zip = b.ca_zip and a.ca_state = b.ca_state);
set hive.stats.correlated.multi.key.joins=true;
explain select count(*) from customer_address_n0 a join customer_address_n0 b on (a.ca_zip = b.ca_zip and a.ca_state = b.ca_state);
drop table customer_address_n0;