blob: ac743b32e0ec940f67a96a56ef5393cef32fac6d [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
drop table char_2_n1;
create table char_2_n1 (
key char(10),
value char(20)
insert overwrite table char_2_n1 select * from src;
select value, sum(cast(key as int)), count(*) numrows
from src
group by value
order by value asc
limit 5;
-- should match the query from src
select value, sum(cast(key as int)), count(*) numrows
from char_2_n1
group by value
order by value asc
limit 5;
select value, sum(cast(key as int)), count(*) numrows
from src
group by value
order by value desc
limit 5;
-- should match the query from src
select value, sum(cast(key as int)), count(*) numrows
from char_2_n1
group by value
order by value desc
limit 5;
drop table char_2_n1;