blob: 8a2b975df32e25d7da88960a327e4eeb17fc386c [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
set hive.fetch.task.conversion=more;
create table timestamp1 (t timestamp) stored as parquet;
insert into timestamp1 values
("1969-12-31 23:59:59.999999999")
from timestamp1 select cast (t as string format "yyyy hh24...PM ff");
from timestamp1 select cast (t as char(11) format "yyyy hh24...PM ff"); -- will be truncated
from timestamp1 select cast (t as varchar(11) format "yyyy hh24...PM ff"); -- will be truncated
create table dates (d date) stored as parquet;
insert into dates values
from dates select cast (d as string format "yyyy mm dd , hh24 mi ss ff9");
from dates select cast (d as char(10) format "yyyy mm dd , hh24 mi ss ff9"); -- will be truncated
from dates select cast (d as varchar(10) format "yyyy mm dd , hh24 mi ss ff9"); -- will be truncated
create table strings (s string) stored as parquet;
create table varchars (s varchar(11)) stored as parquet;
create table chars (s char(11)) stored as parquet;
insert into strings values
("20 / 2 / 3"),
("1969 12 31")
insert into varchars select * from strings;
insert into chars select * from strings;
from strings select cast (s as timestamp format "");
from strings select cast (s as date format "");
from varchars select cast (s as timestamp format "");
from varchars select cast (s as date format "");
from chars select cast (s as timestamp format "");
from chars select cast (s as date format "");
--output null when input can't be parsed
select cast ("2015-05-15 12::00" as timestamp format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss");
select cast ("2015-05-15 12::00" as date format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss");
--correct descriptions
explain from strings select cast (s as timestamp format "");
explain from strings select cast (s as date format "");
explain from timestamp1 select cast (t as string format "yyyy");
explain from timestamp1 select cast (t as varchar(12) format "yyyy");
--quotation marks, apostrophes, and literal quotation marks are handled correctly
cast ("2019\' \' '' 01-01" as timestamp format "yyyy\'' \'' mm-dd"),
cast ("2019\"01-01" as timestamp format "yyyy\"\\\"\"mm-dd"),
cast ('2019\' " \' 01-01' as timestamp format 'yyyy\' "\\" \'" mm-dd');
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true;
set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;
from timestamp1 select cast (t as string format "yyyy");
from dates select cast (d as string format "yyyy");
from timestamp1 select cast (t as varchar(11) format "yyyy");
from dates select cast (d as varchar(11) format "yyyy");
from timestamp1 select cast (t as char(11) format "yyyy");
from dates select cast (d as char(11) format "yyyy");
from strings select cast (s as timestamp format "");
from varchars select cast (s as timestamp format "");
from chars select cast (s as timestamp format "");
from strings select cast (s as date format "");
from varchars select cast (s as date format "");
from chars select cast (s as date format "");