blob: 4708d3327eb881ffc07d1018807712df826bb0a0 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=false;
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
create table clustergroupby(key string, value string) partitioned by(ds string);
describe extended clustergroupby;
alter table clustergroupby clustered by (key) into 1 buckets;
insert overwrite table clustergroupby partition (ds='100') select key, value from src sort by key;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='100' group by key order by key limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='100' group by key order by key limit 10;
describe extended clustergroupby;
insert overwrite table clustergroupby partition (ds='101') select key, value from src distribute by key;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='101' group by key order by key limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='101' group by key order by key limit 10;
select length(key), count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='101' group by length(key) limit 10;
select length(key), count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='101' group by length(key) limit 10;
select abs(length(key)), count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='101' group by abs(length(key)) limit 10;
select abs(length(key)), count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='101' group by abs(length(key)) limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='101' group by key,'a' order by key,'a' limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='101' group by key,'a' order by key,'a' limit 10;
select key, count(1) from (select value as key, key as value from clustergroupby where ds='101')subq group by key order by key limit 10;
select key, count(1) from (select value as key, key as value from clustergroupby where ds='101')subq group by key order by key limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby group by key;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby group by key;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby group by key, 3;
-- number of buckets cannot be changed, so drop the table
drop table clustergroupby;
create table clustergroupby(key string, value string) partitioned by(ds string);
--sort columns--
alter table clustergroupby clustered by (value) sorted by (key, value) into 1 buckets;
describe extended clustergroupby;
insert overwrite table clustergroupby partition (ds='102') select key, value from src distribute by value sort by key, value;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='102' group by key order by key limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='102' group by key order by key limit 10;
select value, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='102' group by value order by value limit 10;
select value, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='102' group by value order by value limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='102' group by key, value limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='102' group by key, value limit 10;
-- number of buckets cannot be changed, so drop the table
drop table clustergroupby;
create table clustergroupby(key string, value string) partitioned by(ds string);
alter table clustergroupby clustered by (value, key) sorted by (key) into 1 buckets;
describe extended clustergroupby;
insert overwrite table clustergroupby partition (ds='103') select key, value from src distribute by value, key sort by key;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='103' group by key order by key limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='103' group by key order by key limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='103' group by value, key order by key limit 10;
select key, count(1) from clustergroupby where ds='103' group by value, key order by key limit 10;