blob: d27c2b7f99d0afcba71aeaba5557c666be2dcc16 [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
-- create a table
create table src_autho_test as select * from src;
-- create a view
create view v1 as select * from src_autho_test;
-- create a second view by simple select query
create view v2 as select * from v1;
-- create a third view by with clause
create view v3 as with t as (select * from v1) select * from t;
-- grant access to the views barring the source view and table.
grant select on table v2 to user hive_test_user;
grant select on table v3 to user hive_test_user;
explain authorization select * from v2;
explain authorization select * from v3;
-- try reading from the views
select * from v2 order by key LIMIT 10;
select * from v3 order by key LIMIT 10;