blob: 2fe75089a7c268d58a318ac445dc20002fb03f63 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
create table if not exists loc_staging_n5 (
state string,
locid int,
zip bigint,
year int
) row format delimited fields terminated by '|' stored as textfile;
create table loc_orc_n5 like loc_staging_n5;
alter table loc_orc_n5 set fileformat orc;
load data local inpath '../../data/files/loc.txt' overwrite into table loc_staging_n5;
insert overwrite table loc_orc_n5 select * from loc_staging_n5;
analyze table loc_orc_n5 compute statistics for columns state, locid, zip, year;
-- numRows: 8 rawDataSize: 796
explain select * from loc_orc_n5;
-- numRows: 4 rawDataSize: 396
explain select * from loc_orc_n5 limit 4;
-- greater than the available number of rows
-- numRows: 8 rawDataSize: 796
explain select * from loc_orc_n5 limit 16;
-- numRows: 0 rawDataSize: 0
explain select * from loc_orc_n5 limit 0;