blob: a402444fba156c4ea732fa6b9ff24caf515ed837 [file] [log] [blame]
create table over1k_n4(
t tinyint,
si smallint,
i int,
b bigint,
f float,
d double,
bo boolean,
s string,
ts timestamp,
`dec` decimal(4,2),
bin binary)
load data local inpath '../../data/files/over1k' overwrite into table over1k_n4;
load data local inpath '../../data/files/over1k' into table over1k_n4;
analyze table over1k_n4 compute statistics;
analyze table over1k_n4 compute statistics for columns;
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
set hive.optimize.point.lookup=false;
explain select count(*) from over1k_n4 where (
(t=1 and si=2)
or (t=2 and si=3)
or (t=3 and si=4)
or (t=4 and si=5)
or (t=5 and si=6)
or (t=6 and si=7)
or (t=7 and si=8)
or (t=9 and si=10)
or (t=10 and si=11)
or (t=11 and si=12)
or (t=12 and si=13)
or (t=13 and si=14)
or (t=14 and si=15)
or (t=15 and si=16)
or (t=16 and si=17)
or (t=17 and si=18)
or (t=27 and si=28)
or (t=37 and si=38)
or (t=47 and si=48)
or (t=52 and si=53));
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=false;
explain select count(*) from over1k_n4 where (
(t=1 and si=2)
or (t=2 and si=3)
or (t=3 and si=4)
or (t=4 and si=5)
or (t=5 and si=6)
or (t=6 and si=7)
or (t=7 and si=8)
or (t=9 and si=10)
or (t=10 and si=11)
or (t=11 and si=12)
or (t=12 and si=13)
or (t=13 and si=14)
or (t=14 and si=15)
or (t=15 and si=16)
or (t=16 and si=17)
or (t=17 and si=18)
or (t=27 and si=28)
or (t=37 and si=38)
or (t=47 and si=48)
or (t=52 and si=53));