blob: e537b2758530dc1905bae2d8b107106010a2dfe7 [file] [log] [blame]
set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
set hive.stats.autogather=false;
drop table if exists io_test_acid_part;
drop table if exists io_test_text_1;
drop table if exists io_test_text_2;
drop table if exists io_test_text_3;
drop table if exists io_test_acid_1;
drop table if exists io_test_acid_2;
drop table if exists io_test_acid_3;
create external table io_test_text_1 (a int, b int, c int) stored as textfile;
insert into io_test_text_1 values (1111, 11, 1111), (2222, 22, 1111), (3333, 33, 2222), (4444, 44, NULL), (5555, 55, NULL);
create external table io_test_text_2 (a int, b int, c int) stored as textfile;
insert into io_test_text_2 values (1111, 11, 1111), (2222, 22, 1111), (3333, 33, 2222), (4444, 44, 4444), (5555, 55, 4444);
-- non-partitioned table
create table io_test_acid (a int, b int, c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
insert overwrite table io_test_acid select a, b, c from io_test_text_1 where c is not null;
select * from io_test_acid order by a;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid select a, b, c from io_test_text_1 where c is null;
select * from io_test_acid order by a;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid select a, b, c from io_test_text_2 where c is null;
select * from io_test_acid order by a;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid select a, b, c from io_test_text_2 where c is not null;
select * from io_test_acid order by a;
drop table io_test_acid;
create table io_test_acid_1 (a int, b int, c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
create table io_test_acid_2 (a int, b int, c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
create table io_test_acid_3 (a int, b int, c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
from io_test_text_2
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_1 select a, b, c where c=1111
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_2 select a, b, c where c=2222
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_3 select a, b, c where c=4444
select * from io_test_acid_1 order by a;
select * from io_test_acid_2 order by a;
select * from io_test_acid_3 order by a;
from io_test_text_1
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_1 select a, b, c where c is null
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_2 select a, b, c where c=7777
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_3 select a, b, c where c is not null
select * from io_test_acid_1 order by a;
select * from io_test_acid_2 order by a;
select * from io_test_acid_3 order by a;
drop table io_test_acid_1;
drop table io_test_acid_2;
drop table io_test_acid_3;
-- static partitioning
create table io_test_acid_part (a int, b int) partitioned by (c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=1) select a, b from io_test_text_1 where c is not null;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=2) select a, b from io_test_text_1 where c is null;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=1) select a, b from io_test_text_1 where c is null;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a, c;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=1) select a, b from io_test_text_2 where c is null;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=1) select a, b from io_test_text_2 where c is not null;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a, c;
drop table io_test_acid_part;
create table io_test_acid_part (a int, b int) partitioned by (c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
from io_test_text_2
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=1) select a, b where c=1111
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=2) select a, b where c=2222
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=3) select a, b where c=4444
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
from io_test_text_1
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=1) select a, b where c is null
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=2) select a, b where c=7777
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=3) select a, b where c is not null
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
from io_test_text_1
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=1) select a, b where c=8888
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=2) select a, b where c=7777
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c=3) select a, b where c=9999
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
drop table io_test_acid_part;
-- dynamic partitioning
create table io_test_acid_part (a int, b int) partitioned by (c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c from io_test_text_1 where c is not null;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c from io_test_text_1 where c is null;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c from io_test_text_2 where b=11 or b=44 or b=99;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a, c;
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c from io_test_text_2 where b=99;
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a, c;
drop table io_test_acid_part;
create table io_test_acid_part (a int, b int) partitioned by (c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
from io_test_text_1
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where c is not null
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where c is null
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
from io_test_text_1
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=11
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=99
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=44
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
from io_test_text_2
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=7
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=44
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=9
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a, c;
drop table io_test_acid_part;
create table io_test_acid_part (a int, b int) partitioned by (c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
from io_test_text_2
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where c is not null
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where c is null
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
drop table io_test_acid_part;
create table io_test_acid_part (a int, b int) partitioned by (c int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
from io_test_text_2
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=11
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=99
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=33
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (c) select a, b, c where b=88
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
drop table io_test_acid_part;
create external table io_test_text_3 (a int, b int, pc1 int, pc2 int, pc3 int) stored as textfile;
insert into io_test_text_3 values (11,11,11,11,11),
create table io_test_acid_part (a int, b int) partitioned by (pc1 int, pc2 int, pc3 int) stored as orc tblproperties('transactional'='true');
from io_test_text_3
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (pc1, pc2, pc3)
select a, b, pc1, pc2, pc3
where pc1 is not null and pc2 is not null and pc3 is not null
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (pc1, pc2, pc3)
select a, b, pc1, pc2, pc3
where pc2 is null and pc1 is not null
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (pc1, pc2, pc3)
select a, b, pc1, pc2, pc3
where pc3 is null and pc2 is not null and pc1 is not null
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (pc1, pc2, pc3)
select a, b, pc1, pc2, pc3
where pc1 is null
insert overwrite table io_test_acid_part partition (pc1, pc2, pc3)
select a, b, pc1, pc2, pc3
where a=111
select * from io_test_acid_part order by a;
drop table io_test_acid_part;
drop table io_test_text_1;
drop table io_test_text_2;
drop table io_test_text_3;