blob: e6f07032e9294e04638d34c1a8a4acf21ffbe3c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hive.jdbc;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException;
import org.apache.hive.service.rpc.thrift.TStatus;
import org.apache.hive.service.rpc.thrift.TStatusCode;
import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore;
import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class Utils {
static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Utils.class.getName());
* The required prefix for the connection URL.
public static final String URL_PREFIX = "jdbc:hive2://";
* If host is provided, without a port.
static final String DEFAULT_PORT = "10000";
// To parse the intermediate URI as a Java URI, we'll give a dummy authority(dummyhost:00000).
// Later, we'll substitute the dummy authority for a resolved authority.
static final String dummyAuthorityString = "dummyhost:00000";
* Hive's default database name
static final String DEFAULT_DATABASE = "default";
private static final String URI_JDBC_PREFIX = "jdbc:";
private static final String URI_HIVE_PREFIX = "hive2:";
// This value is set to true by the setServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy() when the server returns 401.
// This value is used only when cookie is sent for authorization. In case the cookie is expired,
// client will send the actual credentials in the next connection request.
// If credentials are sent in the first request it self, then no need to retry.
static final String HIVE_SERVER2_RETRY_KEY = "hive.server2.retryserver";
static final String HIVE_SERVER2_SENT_CREDENTIALS = "hive.server2.sentCredentials";
static final String HIVE_SERVER2_CONST_TRUE = "true";
static final String HIVE_SERVER2_CONST_FALSE = "false";
public static class JdbcConnectionParams {
// Note on client side parameter naming convention:
// Prefer using a shorter camelCase param name instead of using the same name as the
// corresponding
// HiveServer2 config.
// For a jdbc url: jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/dbName;sess_var_list?hive_conf_list#hive_var_list,
// client side params are specified in sess_var_list
// Client param names:
// Retry setting
public static final String RETRIES = "retries";
public static final String RETRY_INTERVAL = "retryInterval";
public static final String AUTH_TYPE = "auth";
// We're deprecating this variable's name.
public static final String AUTH_QOP_DEPRECATED = "sasl.qop";
public static final String AUTH_QOP = "saslQop";
public static final String AUTH_SIMPLE = "noSasl";
public static final String AUTH_TOKEN = "delegationToken";
public static final String AUTH_USER = "user";
public static final String AUTH_PRINCIPAL = "principal";
public static final String AUTH_PASSWD = "password";
public static final String AUTH_KERBEROS_AUTH_TYPE = "kerberosAuthType";
public static final String AUTH_KERBEROS_AUTH_TYPE_FROM_SUBJECT = "fromSubject";
public static final String AUTH_KERBEROS_ENABLE_CANONICAL_HOSTNAME_CHECK = "kerberosEnableCanonicalHostnameCheck";
public static final String AUTH_TYPE_JWT = "jwt";
public static final String AUTH_TYPE_JWT_KEY = "jwt";
public static final String AUTH_JWT_ENV = "JWT";
// JdbcConnection param which specifies if we need to use a browser to do
// authentication.
// JdbcConnectionParam which specifies if the authMode is done via a browser
public static final String AUTH_SSO_BROWSER_MODE = "browser";
public static final String AUTH_SSO_TOKEN_MODE = "token";
// connection parameter used to specify a port number to listen on in case of
// browser mode.
public static final String AUTH_BROWSER_RESPONSE_PORT = "browserResponsePort";
// connection parameter used to specify the timeout in seconds for the browser mode
public static final String AUTH_BROWSER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SECS = "browserResponseTimeout";
// connection parameter to optionally disable the SSL validation done when using
// browser based authentication. Useful mostly for testing/dev purposes.
// By default, SSL validation is done unless this parameter is set to true.
public static final String AUTH_BROWSER_DISABLE_SSL_VALIDATION = "browserDisableSslCheck";
public static final String ANONYMOUS_USER = "anonymous";
public static final String ANONYMOUS_PASSWD = "anonymous";
public static final String USE_SSL = "ssl";
public static final String SSL_TRUST_STORE = "sslTrustStore";
public static final String SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD = "trustStorePassword";
public static final String SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE = "trustStoreType";
public static final String SSL_TRUST_MANAGER_FACTORY_ALGORITHM = "trustManagerFactoryAlgorithm";
// We're deprecating the name and placement of this in the parsed map (from hive conf vars to
// hive session vars).
static final String TRANSPORT_MODE_DEPRECATED = "hive.server2.transport.mode";
public static final String TRANSPORT_MODE = "transportMode";
// We're deprecating the name and placement of this in the parsed map (from hive conf vars to
// hive session vars).
static final String HTTP_PATH_DEPRECATED = "hive.server2.thrift.http.path";
public static final String HTTP_PATH = "httpPath";
public static final String SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MODE = "serviceDiscoveryMode";
public static final String PROPERTY_DRIVER = "driver";
public static final String PROPERTY_URL = "url";
// Don't use dynamic service discovery
static final String SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MODE_NONE = "none";
// Use ZooKeeper for indirection while using dynamic service discovery
public static final String SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MODE_ZOOKEEPER = "zooKeeper";
public static final String SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MODE_ZOOKEEPER_HA = "zooKeeperHA";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_NAMESPACE = "zooKeeperNamespace";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_SSL_ENABLE = "zooKeeperSSLEnable";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_KEYSTORE_LOCATION = "zooKeeperKeystoreLocation";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD= "zooKeeperKeystorePassword";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION = "zooKeeperTruststoreLocation";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD = "zooKeeperTruststorePassword";
// Default namespace value on ZooKeeper.
// This value is used if the param "zooKeeperNamespace" is not specified in the JDBC Uri.
static final String ZOOKEEPER_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "hiveserver2";
static final String COOKIE_AUTH = "cookieAuth";
static final String COOKIE_AUTH_FALSE = "false";
static final String COOKIE_NAME = "cookieName";
// The default value of the cookie name when CookieAuth=true
static final String DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAMES_HS2 = "hive.server2.auth";
// The http header prefix for additional headers which have to be appended to the request
static final String HTTP_HEADER_PREFIX = "http.header.";
// Request tracking
static final String JDBC_PARAM_REQUEST_TRACK = "requestTrack";
// Set the fetchSize
static final String FETCH_SIZE = "fetchSize";
static final String INIT_FILE = "initFile";
static final String WM_POOL = "wmPool";
// Cookie prefix
static final String HTTP_COOKIE_PREFIX = "http.cookie.";
// Create external purge table by default
static final String CREATE_TABLE_AS_EXTERNAL = "hiveCreateAsExternalLegacy";
public static final String SOCKET_TIMEOUT = "socketTimeout";
static final String THRIFT_CLIENT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = "thrift.client.max.message.size";
// We support ways to specify application name modeled after some existing DBs, since
// there's no standard approach.
// MSSQL: applicationName
// Postgres 9~: ApplicationName
// Note: various ODBC names used include "Application Name", "APP", etc. Add those?
static final String[] APPLICATION = new String[] { "applicationName", "ApplicationName" };
// --------------- Begin 2 way ssl options -------------------------
// Use two way ssl. This param will take effect only when ssl=true
static final String USE_TWO_WAY_SSL = "twoWay";
static final String TRUE = "true";
static final String SSL_KEY_STORE = "sslKeyStore";
static final String SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD = "keyStorePassword";
static final String SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE = "JKS";
static final String SUNX509_ALGORITHM_STRING = "SunX509";
static final String SUNJSSE_ALGORITHM_STRING = "SunJSSE";
// --------------- End 2 way ssl options ----------------------------
static final String SSL_STORE_PASSWORD_PATH = "storePasswordPath";
private static final String HIVE_VAR_PREFIX = "hivevar:";
public static final String HIVE_CONF_PREFIX = "hiveconf:";
private String host = null;
private int port = 0;
private String jdbcUriString;
private String dbName = DEFAULT_DATABASE;
private Map<String,String> hiveConfs = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
private Map<String,String> hiveVars = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
private Map<String,String> sessionVars = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
private boolean isEmbeddedMode = false;
private String suppliedURLAuthority;
private String zooKeeperEnsemble = null;
private boolean zooKeeperSslEnabled = false;
private String zookeeperKeyStoreLocation = "";
private String zookeeperKeyStorePassword = "";
private String zookeeperTrustStoreLocation = "";
private String zookeeperTrustStorePassword = "";
private String currentHostZnodePath;
private final List<String> rejectedHostZnodePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
// HiveConf parameters
public static final String HIVE_DEFAULT_NULLS_LAST_KEY =
public JdbcConnectionParams() {
public JdbcConnectionParams(JdbcConnectionParams params) { =;
this.port = params.port;
this.jdbcUriString = params.jdbcUriString;
this.dbName = params.dbName;
this.isEmbeddedMode = params.isEmbeddedMode;
this.suppliedURLAuthority = params.suppliedURLAuthority;
this.zooKeeperEnsemble = params.zooKeeperEnsemble;
this.zooKeeperSslEnabled = params.zooKeeperSslEnabled;
this.zookeeperKeyStoreLocation = params.zookeeperKeyStoreLocation;
this.zookeeperKeyStorePassword = params.zookeeperKeyStorePassword;
this.zookeeperTrustStoreLocation = params.zookeeperTrustStoreLocation;
this.zookeeperTrustStorePassword = params.zookeeperTrustStorePassword;
this.currentHostZnodePath = params.currentHostZnodePath;
public String getHost() {
return host;
public int getPort() {
return port;
public String getJdbcUriString() {
return jdbcUriString;
public String getDbName() {
return dbName;
public Map<String, String> getHiveConfs() {
return hiveConfs;
public Map<String, String> getHiveVars() {
return hiveVars;
public boolean isEmbeddedMode() {
return isEmbeddedMode;
public Map<String, String> getSessionVars() {
return sessionVars;
public String getSuppliedURLAuthority() {
return suppliedURLAuthority;
public String getZooKeeperEnsemble() {
return zooKeeperEnsemble;
public boolean isZooKeeperSslEnabled() {
return zooKeeperSslEnabled;
public String getZookeeperKeyStoreLocation() {
return zookeeperKeyStoreLocation;
public String getZookeeperKeyStorePassword() {
return zookeeperKeyStorePassword;
public String getZookeeperTrustStoreLocation() {
return zookeeperTrustStoreLocation;
public String getZookeeperTrustStorePassword() {
return zookeeperTrustStorePassword;
public List<String> getRejectedHostZnodePaths() {
return rejectedHostZnodePaths;
public String getCurrentHostZnodePath() {
return currentHostZnodePath;
public void setHost(String host) { = host;
public void setPort(int port) {
this.port = port;
public void setJdbcUriString(String jdbcUriString) {
this.jdbcUriString = jdbcUriString;
public void setDbName(String dbName) {
this.dbName = dbName;
public void setHiveConfs(Map<String, String> hiveConfs) {
this.hiveConfs = hiveConfs;
public void setHiveVars(Map<String, String> hiveVars) {
this.hiveVars = hiveVars;
public void setEmbeddedMode(boolean embeddedMode) {
this.isEmbeddedMode = embeddedMode;
public void setSessionVars(Map<String, String> sessionVars) {
this.sessionVars = sessionVars;
public void setSuppliedURLAuthority(String suppliedURLAuthority) {
this.suppliedURLAuthority = suppliedURLAuthority;
public void setZooKeeperEnsemble(String zooKeeperEnsemble) {
this.zooKeeperEnsemble = zooKeeperEnsemble;
public void setZooKeeperSslEnabled(boolean zooKeeperSslEnabled) {
this.zooKeeperSslEnabled = zooKeeperSslEnabled;
public void setZookeeperKeyStoreLocation(String zookeeperKeyStoreLocation) {
this.zookeeperKeyStoreLocation = zookeeperKeyStoreLocation;
public void setZookeeperKeyStorePassword(String zookeeperKeyStorePassword) {
this.zookeeperKeyStorePassword = zookeeperKeyStorePassword;
public void setZookeeperTrustStoreLocation(String zookeeperTrustStoreLocation) {
this.zookeeperTrustStoreLocation = zookeeperTrustStoreLocation;
public void setZookeeperTrustStorePassword(String zookeeperTrustStorePassword) {
this.zookeeperTrustStorePassword = zookeeperTrustStorePassword;
public void setCurrentHostZnodePath(String currentHostZnodePath) {
this.currentHostZnodePath = currentHostZnodePath;
// Verify success or success_with_info status, else throw SQLException
static void verifySuccessWithInfo(TStatus status) throws SQLException {
verifySuccess(status, true);
// Verify success status, else throw SQLException
static void verifySuccess(TStatus status) throws SQLException {
verifySuccess(status, false);
// Verify success and optionally with_info status, else throw SQLException
static void verifySuccess(TStatus status, boolean withInfo) throws SQLException {
if (status.getStatusCode() == TStatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS ||
(withInfo && status.getStatusCode() == TStatusCode.SUCCESS_WITH_INFO_STATUS)) {
throw new HiveSQLException(status);
public static JdbcConnectionParams parseURL(String uri) throws JdbcUriParseException,
SQLException, ZooKeeperHiveClientException {
return parseURL(uri, new Properties());
* Parse JDBC connection URL
* The new format of the URL is:
* jdbc:hive2://&lt;host1&gt;:&lt;port1&gt;,&lt;host2&gt;:&lt;port2&gt;/dbName;sess_var_list?hive_conf_list#hive_var_list
* where the optional sess, conf and var lists are semicolon separated &lt;key&gt;=&lt;val&gt; pairs.
* For utilizing dynamic service discovery with HiveServer2 multiple comma separated host:port pairs can
* be specified as shown above.
* The JDBC driver resolves the list of uris and picks a specific server instance to connect to.
* Currently, dynamic service discovery using ZooKeeper is supported, in which case the host:port pairs represent a ZooKeeper ensemble.
* As before, if the host/port is not specified, it the driver runs an embedded hive.
* examples -
* jdbc:hive2://ubuntu:11000/db2?hive.cli.conf.printheader=true;;icol=customerID
* jdbc:hive2://?hive.cli.conf.printheader=true;;icol=customerID
* jdbc:hive2://ubuntu:11000/db2;user=foo;password=bar
* Connect to http://server:10001/hs2, with specified basicAuth credentials and initial database:
* jdbc:hive2://server:10001/db;user=foo;password=bar?hive.server2.transport.mode=http;hive.server2.thrift.http.path=hs2
* @param uri
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public static JdbcConnectionParams parseURL(String uri, Properties info)
throws JdbcUriParseException, SQLException, ZooKeeperHiveClientException {
JdbcConnectionParams connParams = extractURLComponents(uri, info);
if (ZooKeeperHiveClientHelper.isZkDynamicDiscoveryMode(connParams.getSessionVars())) {
return connParams;
* This method handles the base parsing of the given jdbc uri. Some of JdbcConnectionParams
* returned from this method are updated if ZooKeeper is used for service discovery
* @param uri
* @param info
* @return
* @throws JdbcUriParseException
public static JdbcConnectionParams extractURLComponents(String uri, Properties info)
throws JdbcUriParseException {
JdbcConnectionParams connParams = new JdbcConnectionParams();
if (!uri.startsWith(URL_PREFIX)) {
throw new JdbcUriParseException("Bad URL format: Missing prefix " + URL_PREFIX);
// For URLs with no other configuration
// Don't parse them, but set embedded mode as true
if (uri.equalsIgnoreCase(URL_PREFIX)) {
return connParams;
// The JDBC URI now supports specifying multiple host:port if dynamic service discovery is
// configured on HiveServer2 (like: host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3)
// We'll extract the authorities (host:port combo) from the URI, extract session vars, hive
// confs & hive vars by parsing it as a Java URI.
String authorityFromClientJdbcURL = getAuthorityFromJdbcURL(uri);
if ((authorityFromClientJdbcURL == null) || (authorityFromClientJdbcURL.isEmpty())) {
// Given uri of the form:
// jdbc:hive2:///dbName;sess_var_list?hive_conf_list#hive_var_list
} else {
uri = uri.replace(authorityFromClientJdbcURL, dummyAuthorityString);
// Now parse the connection uri with dummy authority
URI jdbcURI = URI.create(uri.substring(URI_JDBC_PREFIX.length()));
// key=value pattern
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([^;]*)=([^;]*)[;]?");
// dbname and session settings
String sessVars = jdbcURI.getPath();
if ((sessVars != null) && !sessVars.isEmpty()) {
String dbName = "";
// removing leading '/' returned by getPath()
sessVars = sessVars.substring(1);
if (!sessVars.contains(";")) {
// only dbname is provided
dbName = sessVars;
} else {
// we have dbname followed by session parameters
dbName = sessVars.substring(0, sessVars.indexOf(';'));
sessVars = sessVars.substring(sessVars.indexOf(';') + 1);
if (sessVars != null) {
Matcher sessMatcher = pattern.matcher(sessVars);
while (sessMatcher.find()) {
if (connParams.getSessionVars().put(, != null) {
throw new JdbcUriParseException(
"Bad URL format: Multiple values for property " +;
if (!dbName.isEmpty()) {
// parse hive conf settings
String confStr = jdbcURI.getQuery();
if (confStr != null) {
Matcher confMatcher = pattern.matcher(confStr);
while (confMatcher.find()) {
// parse hive var settings
String varStr = jdbcURI.getFragment();
if (varStr != null) {
Matcher varMatcher = pattern.matcher(varStr);
while (varMatcher.find()) {
// Apply configs supplied in the JDBC connection properties object
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> kv : info.entrySet()) {
if ((kv.getKey() instanceof String)) {
String key = (String) kv.getKey();
if (key.startsWith(JdbcConnectionParams.HIVE_VAR_PREFIX)) {
} else if (key.startsWith(JdbcConnectionParams.HIVE_CONF_PREFIX)) {
key.substring(JdbcConnectionParams.HIVE_CONF_PREFIX.length()), info.getProperty(key));
// Extract user/password from JDBC connection properties if its not supplied
// in the connection URL
if (!connParams.getSessionVars().containsKey(JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_USER)) {
if (info.containsKey(JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_USER)) {
if (info.containsKey(JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_PASSWD)) {
if (!connParams.getSessionVars().containsKey(JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_PASSWD)) {
if (info.containsKey(JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_USER)) {
if (info.containsKey(JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_PASSWD)) {
if (info.containsKey(JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_TYPE)) {
// Extract host, port
if (connParams.isEmbeddedMode()) {
// In case of embedded mode we were supplied with an empty authority.
// So we never substituted the authority with a dummy one.
} else {
String authorityStr = connParams.getSuppliedURLAuthority();
// If we're using ZooKeeper, the final host, port will be read from ZooKeeper
// (in a different method call). Therefore, we put back the original authority string
// (which basically is the ZooKeeper ensemble) back in the uri
if (ZooKeeperHiveClientHelper.isZkDynamicDiscoveryMode(connParams.getSessionVars())) {
uri = uri.replace(dummyAuthorityString, authorityStr);
// Set ZooKeeper ensemble in connParams for later use
} else {
URI jdbcBaseURI = URI.create(URI_HIVE_PREFIX + "//" + authorityStr);
// Check to prevent unintentional use of embedded mode. A missing "/"
// to separate the 'path' portion of URI can result in this.
// The missing "/" common typo while using secure mode, eg of such url -
// jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000;principal=hive/HiveServer2Host@YOUR-REALM.COM
if (jdbcBaseURI.getAuthority() != null) {
String host = jdbcBaseURI.getHost();
int port = jdbcBaseURI.getPort();
if (host == null) {
throw new JdbcUriParseException(
"Bad URL format. Hostname not found " + " in authority part of the url: "
+ jdbcBaseURI.getAuthority() + ". Are you missing a '/' after the hostname ?");
// Set the port to default value; we do support jdbc url like:
// jdbc:hive2://localhost/db
if (port <= 0) {
port = Integer.parseInt(Utils.DEFAULT_PORT);
// We check for invalid host, port while configuring connParams with configureConnParams()
authorityStr = connParams.getHost() + ":" + connParams.getPort();
LOG.debug("Resolved authority: " + authorityStr);
uri = uri.replace(dummyAuthorityString, authorityStr);
return connParams;
// Configure using ZooKeeper
static void configureConnParamsFromZooKeeper(JdbcConnectionParams connParams)
throws ZooKeeperHiveClientException, JdbcUriParseException {
String authorityStr = connParams.getHost() + ":" + connParams.getPort();
LOG.debug("Resolved authority: " + authorityStr);
String jdbcUriString = connParams.getJdbcUriString();
// Replace ZooKeeper ensemble from the authority component of the JDBC Uri provided by the
// client, by the host:port of the resolved server instance we will connect to
jdbcUriString.replace(getAuthorityFromJdbcURL(jdbcUriString), authorityStr));
private static void handleAllDeprecations(JdbcConnectionParams connParams) {
// Handle all deprecations here:
String newUsage;
String usageUrlBase = "jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/dbName;";
// Handle deprecation of AUTH_QOP_DEPRECATED
newUsage = usageUrlBase + JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_QOP + "=<qop_value>";
handleParamDeprecation(connParams.getSessionVars(), connParams.getSessionVars(),
JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_QOP_DEPRECATED, JdbcConnectionParams.AUTH_QOP, newUsage);
// Handle deprecation of TRANSPORT_MODE_DEPRECATED
newUsage = usageUrlBase + JdbcConnectionParams.TRANSPORT_MODE + "=<transport_mode_value>";
handleParamDeprecation(connParams.getHiveConfs(), connParams.getSessionVars(),
JdbcConnectionParams.TRANSPORT_MODE_DEPRECATED, JdbcConnectionParams.TRANSPORT_MODE,
// Handle deprecation of HTTP_PATH_DEPRECATED
newUsage = usageUrlBase + JdbcConnectionParams.HTTP_PATH + "=<http_path_value>";
handleParamDeprecation(connParams.getHiveConfs(), connParams.getSessionVars(),
JdbcConnectionParams.HTTP_PATH_DEPRECATED, JdbcConnectionParams.HTTP_PATH, newUsage);
* Remove the deprecatedName param from the fromMap and put the key value in the toMap.
* Also log a deprecation message for the client.
* @param fromMap
* @param toMap
* @param deprecatedName
* @param newName
* @param newUsage
private static void handleParamDeprecation(Map<String, String> fromMap, Map<String, String> toMap,
String deprecatedName, String newName, String newUsage) {
if (fromMap.containsKey(deprecatedName)) {
LOG.warn("***** JDBC param deprecation *****");
LOG.warn("The use of " + deprecatedName + " is deprecated.");
LOG.warn("Please use " + newName +" like so: " + newUsage);
String paramValue = fromMap.remove(deprecatedName);
toMap.put(newName, paramValue);
* Get the authority string from the supplied uri, which could potentially contain multiple
* host:port pairs.
* @param uri
* @return
* @throws JdbcUriParseException
private static String getAuthorityFromJdbcURL(String uri) throws JdbcUriParseException {
String authorities;
* For a jdbc uri like:
* jdbc:hive2://<host1>:<port1>,<host2>:<port2>/dbName;sess_var_list?conf_list#var_list Extract
* the uri host:port list starting after "jdbc:hive2://", till the 1st "/" or "?" or "#"
* whichever comes first & in the given order Examples:
* jdbc:hive2://host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3/db;k1=v1?k2=v2#k3=v3
* jdbc:hive2://host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3/;k1=v1?k2=v2#k3=v3
* jdbc:hive2://host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3?k2=v2#k3=v3
* jdbc:hive2://host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3#k3=v3
int fromIndex = Utils.URL_PREFIX.length();
int toIndex = -1;
for (String toIndexChar : Arrays.asList("/", "?", "#")) {
toIndex = uri.indexOf(toIndexChar, fromIndex);
if (toIndex > 0) {
if (toIndex < 0) {
authorities = uri.substring(fromIndex);
} else {
authorities = uri.substring(fromIndex, toIndex);
return authorities;
* Read the next server coordinates (host:port combo) from ZooKeeper. Ignore the znodes already
* explored. Also update the host, port, jdbcUriString and other configs published by the server.
* @param connParams
* @return true if new server info is retrieved successfully
static boolean updateConnParamsFromZooKeeper(JdbcConnectionParams connParams) {
// Add current host to the rejected list
String oldServerHost = connParams.getHost();
int oldServerPort = connParams.getPort();
// Update connection params (including host, port) from ZooKeeper
try {
oldServerHost + ":" + oldServerPort, connParams.getHost() + ":" + connParams.getPort()));"Selected HiveServer2 instance with uri: " + connParams.getJdbcUriString());
} catch(ZooKeeperHiveClientException e) {
return false;
return true;
* Takes a version string delimited by '.' and '-' characters
* and returns a partial version.
* @param fullVersion
* version string.
* @param position
* position of version string to get starting at 0. eg, for a
* string, 0 will return the major version, 1 will return minor
* version.
* @return version part, or -1 if version string was malformed.
static int getVersionPart(String fullVersion, int position) {
int version = -1;
try {
String[] tokens = fullVersion.split("[\\.-]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (tokens != null && tokens.length > 1 && tokens[position] != null) {
version = Integer.parseInt(tokens[position]);
} catch (Exception e) {
version = -1;
return version;
* The function iterates through the list of cookies in the cookiestore and tries to
* match them with the cookieName. If there is a match, the cookieStore already
* has a valid cookie and the client need not send Credentials for validation purpose.
* @param cookieStore The cookie Store
* @param cookieName Name of the cookie which needs to be validated
* @param isSSL Whether this is a http/https connection
* @return true or false based on whether the client needs to send the credentials or
* not to the server.
static boolean needToSendCredentials(CookieStore cookieStore, String cookieName, boolean isSSL) {
if (cookieName == null || cookieStore == null) {
return true;
List<Cookie> cookies = cookieStore.getCookies();
for (Cookie c : cookies) {
// If this is a secured cookie and the current connection is non-secured,
// then, skip this cookie. We need to skip this cookie because, the cookie
// replay will not be transmitted to the server.
if (c.isSecure() && !isSSL) {
if (c.getName().equals(cookieName)) {
return false;
return true;
public static String parsePropertyFromUrl(final String url, final String key) {
String[] tokens = url.split(";");
for (String token : tokens) {
if (token.trim().startsWith(key.trim() + "=")) {
return token.trim().substring((key.trim() + "=").length());
return null;
* Method to get canonical-ized hostname, given a hostname (possibly a CNAME).
* This should allow for service-principals to use simplified CNAMEs.
* @param hostName The hostname to be canonical-ized.
* @return Given a CNAME, the canonical-ized hostname is returned. If not found, the original hostname is returned.
public static String getCanonicalHostName(String hostName) {
try {
return InetAddress.getByName(hostName).getCanonicalHostName();
catch(UnknownHostException exception) {
LOG.warn("Could not retrieve canonical hostname for " + hostName, exception);
return hostName;
* Method to get the password from the credential provider
* @param providerPath provider path
* @param key alias name
* @return password
private static String getPasswordFromCredentialProvider(String providerPath, String key) {
try {
if (providerPath != null) {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set("", providerPath);
char[] password = conf.getPassword(key);
if (password != null) {
return new String(password);
} catch(IOException exception) {
LOG.warn("Could not retrieve password for " + key, exception);
return null;
* Method to get the password from the configuration map if available. Otherwise, get it from the credential provider
* @param confMap configuration map
* @param key param
* @return password
public static String getPassword(Map<String, String> confMap, String key) {
String password = confMap.get(key);
if (password == null) {
password = getPasswordFromCredentialProvider(confMap.get(JdbcConnectionParams.SSL_STORE_PASSWORD_PATH), key);
return password;