blob: e23c542d670bebc55185f488b199f3ee9df521af [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.StatsSetupConst;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.Warehouse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NotificationEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsObj;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.conf.MetastoreConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.messaging.EventMessage;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.messaging.json.gzip.GzipJSONMessageEncoder;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.InjectableBehaviourObjectStore;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.InjectableBehaviourObjectStore.BehaviourInjection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.InjectableBehaviourObjectStore.CallerArguments;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveMetaStoreClientWithLocalCache;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.Utils;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Assert;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.repl.ReplConst.SOURCE_OF_REPLICATION;
* Tests for statistics replication.
public class TestStatsReplicationScenarios {
public final TestName testName = new TestName();
protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestReplicationScenarios.class);
static WarehouseInstance primary;
private static WarehouseInstance replica;
private String primaryDbName, replicatedDbName;
private static HiveConf conf;
private static boolean hasAutogather;
enum AcidTableKind {
private static AcidTableKind acidTableKindToUse;
public static void classLevelSetup() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> overrides = new HashMap<>();
internalBeforeClassSetup(overrides, overrides, TestReplicationScenarios.class, true, null);
static void internalBeforeClassSetup(Map<String, String> primaryOverrides,
Map<String, String> replicaOverrides, Class clazz,
boolean autogather, AcidTableKind acidTableKind)
throws Exception {
conf = new HiveConf(clazz);
conf.set("dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname", "true");
conf.set("hadoop.proxyuser." + Utils.getUGI().getShortUserName() + ".hosts", "*");
MiniDFSCluster miniDFSCluster =
new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(2).format(true).build();
Map<String, String> additionalOverrides = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
put("fs.defaultFS", miniDFSCluster.getFileSystem().getUri().toString());
put(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_IN_TEST_REPL.varname, "true");
put(HiveConf.ConfVars.REPL_RUN_DATA_COPY_TASKS_ON_TARGET.varname, "false");
put(HiveConf.ConfVars.REPL_RETAIN_CUSTOM_LOCATIONS_FOR_DB_ON_TARGET.varname, "false");
put(MetastoreConf.ConfVars.TXN_OPENTXN_TIMEOUT.getVarname(), "2000");
Map<String, String> replicatedOverrides = new HashMap<>();
// Run with autogather false on primary if requested
Map<String, String> sourceOverrides = new HashMap<>();
hasAutogather = autogather;
autogather ? "true" : "false");
primary = new WarehouseInstance(LOG, miniDFSCluster, sourceOverrides);
replicatedOverrides.put(MetastoreConf.ConfVars.REPLDIR.getHiveName(), primary.repldDir);
replica = new WarehouseInstance(LOG, miniDFSCluster, replicatedOverrides);
// Use transactional tables
acidTableKindToUse = acidTableKind;
public static void classLevelTearDown() throws IOException {
public void setup() throws Throwable {
// set up metastore client cache
if (conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.MSC_CACHE_ENABLED)) {
primaryDbName = testName.getMethodName() + "_" + +System.currentTimeMillis();
replicatedDbName = "replicated_" + primaryDbName;"create database " + primaryDbName + " WITH DBPROPERTIES ( '" +
SOURCE_OF_REPLICATION + "' = '1,2,3')");
public void tearDown() throws Throwable {"drop database if exists " + primaryDbName + " cascade");"drop database if exists " + replicatedDbName + " cascade");
private Map<String, String> collectStatsParams(Map<String, String> allParams) {
Map<String, String> statsParams = new HashMap<>();
List<String> params = new ArrayList<>(StatsSetupConst.SUPPORTED_STATS);
for (String param : params) {
String value = allParams.get(param);
if (value != null) {
statsParams.put(param, value);
return statsParams;
private void verifyReplicatedStatsForTable(String tableName) throws Throwable {
// Test column stats
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatching column statistics for table " + tableName,
primary.getTableColumnStatistics(primaryDbName, tableName),
replica.getTableColumnStatistics(replicatedDbName, tableName));
// Test table level stats
Map<String, String> rParams =
collectStatsParams(replica.getTable(replicatedDbName, tableName).getParameters());
Map<String, String> pParams =
collectStatsParams(primary.getTable(primaryDbName, tableName).getParameters());
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatch in stats parameters for table " + tableName, pParams, rParams);
primary.getTable(primaryDbName, tableName).getPartitionKeys();
private void verifyReplicatedStatsForPartitionsOfTable(String tableName)
throws Throwable {
// Test partition level stats
List<Partition> pParts = primary.getAllPartitions(primaryDbName, tableName);
if (pParts == null || pParts.isEmpty()) {
// Not a partitioned table, nothing to verify.
List<FieldSchema> partKeys = primary.getTable(primaryDbName, tableName).getPartitionKeys();
for (Partition pPart : pParts) {
Partition rPart = replica.getPartition(replicatedDbName, tableName,
Map<String, String> rParams = collectStatsParams(rPart.getParameters());
Map<String, String> pParams = collectStatsParams(pPart.getParameters());
String partName = Warehouse.makePartName(partKeys, pPart.getValues());
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatch in stats parameters for partition " + partName + " of table " + tableName,
pParams, rParams);
// Test partition column stats for the partition
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatching column statistics for partition " + partName + "of table " + tableName,
primary.getPartitionColumnStatistics(primaryDbName, tableName, partName,
replica.getPartitionColumnStatistics(replicatedDbName, tableName, partName,
private void verifyNoStatsReplicationForMetadataOnly(String tableName) throws Throwable {
// Test column stats
Assert.assertTrue(replica.getTableColumnStatistics(replicatedDbName, tableName).isEmpty());
// When no data is replicated, the basic stats parameters for table should look as if it's a
// new table created on replica i.e. zero or null.
Map<String, String> rParams =
collectStatsParams(replica.getTable(replicatedDbName, tableName).getParameters());
for (String param : StatsSetupConst.SUPPORTED_STATS) {
String val = rParams.get(param);
Assert.assertTrue("parameter " + param + " of table " + tableName + " is expected to be " +
"null or 0", val == null || val.trim().equals("0"));
// As long as the above conditions are met, it doesn't matter whether basic and column stats
// state are set to true or false. If those are false, actual values are immaterial. If they
// are true, the values assured above represent the correct state of no data.
private void verifyNoPartitionStatsReplicationForMetadataOnly(String tableName) throws Throwable {
// Test partition level stats
List<Partition> pParts = primary.getAllPartitions(primaryDbName, tableName);
if (pParts == null || pParts.isEmpty()) {
// Not a partitioned table, nothing to verify.
// Partitions are not replicated in metadata only replication.
List<Partition> rParts = replica.getAllPartitions(replicatedDbName, tableName);
Assert.assertTrue("Partitions replicated in a metadata only dump",
rParts == null || rParts.isEmpty());
// Test partition column stats for all partitions
Map<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> rPartColStats =
replica.getAllPartitionColumnStatistics(replicatedDbName, tableName);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> entry: rPartColStats.entrySet()) {
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats = entry.getValue();
Assert.assertTrue(colStats == null || colStats.isEmpty());
private String getCreateTableProperties() {
if (acidTableKindToUse == AcidTableKind.FULL_ACID) {
return " stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES('transactional'='true')";
if (acidTableKindToUse == AcidTableKind.INSERT_ONLY) {
return " TBLPROPERTIES('transactional'='true', 'transactional_properties'='insert_only')";
return "";
private List<String> createBootStrapData() throws Throwable {
// Unpartitioned table with data
String simpleTableName = "sTable";
// partitioned table with data
String partTableName = "pTable";
// Unpartitioned table without data during bootstrap and hence no stats
String ndTableName = "ndTable";
// Partitioned table without data during bootstrap and hence no stats.
String ndPartTableName = "ndPTable";
String tblCreateExtra = getCreateTableProperties();"use " + primaryDbName)
.run("create table " + simpleTableName + " (id int)" + tblCreateExtra)
.run("insert into " + simpleTableName + " values (1), (2)")
.run("create table " + partTableName + " (place string) partitioned by (country string)"
+ tblCreateExtra)
.run("insert into " + partTableName + " partition(country='india') values ('bangalore')")
.run("insert into " + partTableName + " partition(country='us') values ('austin')")
.run("insert into " + partTableName + " partition(country='france') values ('paris')")
.run("create table " + ndTableName + " (str string)" + tblCreateExtra)
.run("create table " + ndPartTableName + " (val string) partitioned by (pk int)" +
List<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(simpleTableName, partTableName,
ndTableName, ndPartTableName));
// Run analyze on each of the tables, if they are not being gathered automatically.
if (!hasAutogather) {
for (String name : tableNames) {
Assert.assertTrue(primary.getTableColumnStatistics(primaryDbName, name).isEmpty());"use " + primaryDbName)
.run("analyze table " + name + " compute statistics for columns");
return tableNames;
* Dumps primarydb on primary, loads it on replica as replicadb, verifies that the statistics
* loaded are same as the ones on primary.
* @param tableNames, names of tables on primary expected to be loaded
* @param parallelLoad, if true, parallel bootstrap load is used
* @param metadataOnly, only metadata is dumped and loaded.
* @param lastReplicationId of the last dump, for incremental dump/load
* @param failRetry
* @return lastReplicationId of the dump performed.
private String dumpLoadVerify(List<String> tableNames, String lastReplicationId,
boolean parallelLoad, boolean metadataOnly, boolean failRetry)
throws Throwable {
List<String> withClauseList;
// Parallel load works only for bootstrap.
parallelLoad = parallelLoad && (lastReplicationId == null);
// With clause construction for REPL DUMP command.
if (metadataOnly) {
withClauseList = Collections.singletonList("'hive.repl.dump.metadata.only'='true'");
} else {
withClauseList = Collections.emptyList();
// Take dump
WarehouseInstance.Tuple dumpTuple ="use " + primaryDbName)
.dump(primaryDbName, withClauseList);
// Load, if necessary changing configuration.
if (parallelLoad) {
replica.hiveConf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.EXECPARALLEL, true);
// Fail load if for testing failure and retry scenario. Fail the load while setting
// checkpoint for a table in the middle of list of tables.
if (failRetry) {
if (lastReplicationId == null) {
} else {
Path baseDumpDir = new Path(primary.hiveConf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.REPLDIR));
Path nonRecoverablePath = TestReplicationScenarios.getNonRecoverablePath(baseDumpDir, primaryDbName, primary.hiveConf);
if(nonRecoverablePath != null){
baseDumpDir.getFileSystem(primary.hiveConf).delete(nonRecoverablePath, true);
// Load, possibly a retry
replica.load(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName);
// Metadata load may not load all the events.
if (!metadataOnly) {"repl status " + replicatedDbName)
if (parallelLoad) {
replica.hiveConf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.EXECPARALLEL, false);
// Test statistics
for (String name : tableNames) {
if (metadataOnly) {
} else {
return dumpTuple.lastReplicationId;
* Run a bootstrap that will fail.
private void failBootstrapLoad(int failAfterNumTables) throws Throwable {
// fail setting ckpt directory property for the second table so that we test the case when
// bootstrap load fails after some but not all tables are loaded.
BehaviourInjection<CallerArguments, Boolean> callerVerifier
= new BehaviourInjection<CallerArguments, Boolean>() {
int cntTables = 0;
String prevTable = null;
public Boolean apply(@Nullable CallerArguments args) {
if (prevTable == null ||
!prevTable.equalsIgnoreCase(args.tblName)) {
prevTable = args.tblName;
if (args.dbName.equalsIgnoreCase(replicatedDbName) && cntTables > failAfterNumTables) {
injectionPathCalled = true;
LOG.warn("Verifier - DB : " + args.dbName + " TABLE : " + args.tblName);
return false;
return true;
try {
replica.loadFailure(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName);
callerVerifier.assertInjectionsPerformed(true, false);
} finally {
private void failIncrementalLoad() throws Throwable {
// fail add notification when second update table stats event is encountered. Thus we
// test successful application as well as failed application of this event.
BehaviourInjection<NotificationEvent, Boolean> callerVerifier
= new BehaviourInjection<NotificationEvent, Boolean>() {
int cntEvents = 0;
public Boolean apply(NotificationEvent entry) {
if (entry.getEventType().equalsIgnoreCase(EventMessage.EventType.UPDATE_TABLE_COLUMN_STAT.toString()) &&
cntEvents > 1) {
injectionPathCalled = true;
LOG.warn("Verifier - DB: " + entry.getDbName()
+ " Table: " + entry.getTableName()
+ " Event: " + entry.getEventType());
return false;
return true;
try {
replica.loadFailure(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName);
} finally {
callerVerifier.assertInjectionsPerformed(true, false);
// fail second call to update partition column stats. Thus we test
// successful application as well as failed application of this event.
BehaviourInjection<Table, Boolean> callerVerifier2 = new BehaviourInjection<Table, Boolean>() {
int cntEvents = 0;
public Boolean apply(Table entry) {
if (cntEvents > 1) {
injectionPathCalled = true;
LOG.warn("Verifier - DB: " + entry.getDbName()
+ " Table: " + entry.getTableName());
return false;
return true;
try {
replica.loadFailure(replicatedDbName, primaryDbName);
} finally {
callerVerifier.assertInjectionsPerformed(true, false);
private void createIncrementalData(List<String> tableNames) throws Throwable {
// Annotations for this table are same as createBootStrapData
String simpleTableName = "sTable";
String partTableName = "pTable";
String ndTableName = "ndTable";
String ndPartTableName = "ndPTable";
String tblCreateExtra = getCreateTableProperties();
Assert.assertTrue(tableNames.containsAll(Arrays.asList(simpleTableName, partTableName,
ndTableName, ndPartTableName)));
// New tables created during incremental phase and thus loaded with data and stats during
// incremental phase.
String incTableName = "iTable"; // New table
String incPartTableName = "ipTable"; // New partitioned table"use " + primaryDbName)
.run("insert into " + simpleTableName + " values (3), (4)")
// new data inserted into table
.run("insert into " + ndTableName + " values ('string1'), ('string2')")
// two partitions changed and one unchanged
.run("insert into " + partTableName + "(country, place) values ('india', 'pune')")
.run("insert into " + partTableName + "(country, place) values ('us', 'chicago')")
// new partition
.run("insert into " + partTableName + "(country, place) values ('australia', 'perth')")
.run("create table " + incTableName + " (config string, enabled boolean)" +
.run("insert into " + incTableName + " values ('conf1', true)")
.run("insert into " + incTableName + " values ('conf2', false)")
.run("insert into " + ndPartTableName + "(pk, val) values (1, 'one')")
.run("insert into " + ndPartTableName + "(pk, val) values (1, 'another one')")
.run("insert into " + ndPartTableName + "(pk, val) values (2, 'two')")
.run("create table " + incPartTableName +
"(val string) partitioned by (tvalue boolean)" + tblCreateExtra)
.run("insert into " + incPartTableName + "(tvalue, val) values (true, 'true')")
.run("insert into " + incPartTableName + "(tvalue, val) values (false, 'false')");
// Run analyze on each of the tables, if they are not being gathered automatically.
if (!hasAutogather) {
for (String name : tableNames) {"use " + primaryDbName)
.run("analyze table " + name + " compute statistics for columns");
private void applyDMLOperations(List<String> tableNames) throws Throwable {
// Annotations for this table are same as createBootStrapData
String simpleTableName = "sTable";
String partTableName = "pTable";
String ndTableName = "ndTable";
String ndPartTableName = "ndPTable";
String incTableName = "iTable"; // New table
String tblCreateExtra = getCreateTableProperties();
Assert.assertTrue(tableNames.containsAll(Arrays.asList(simpleTableName, partTableName,
ndTableName, ndPartTableName, incTableName)));
String ctasTableName = "ctasTable"; // Table created through CTAS
String ctasPartTableName = "ctasPartTable"; // Table created through CTAS
// Tables created through import
String eximTableName = "eximTable";
String eximPartTableName = "eximPartTable";
// Tables created through load
String loadTableName = "loadTable";
String loadPartTableName = "loadPartTable";
String exportPath = "'hdfs:///tmp/" + primaryDbName + "/" + incTableName + "/'";
String exportPartPath = "'hdfs:///tmp/" + primaryDbName + "/" + partTableName + "/'";
String localDir = "./test.dat";
String inPath = localDir + "/000000_0";
String tableStorage = "";
if (acidTableKindToUse == AcidTableKind.FULL_ACID) {
tableStorage = "stored as orc";
}"use " + primaryDbName)
// insert overwrite
.run("insert overwrite table " + simpleTableName + " values (5), (6), (7)")
.run("insert overwrite table " + partTableName + " partition (country='india') " +
" values ('bombay')")
// truncate
.run("truncate table " + ndTableName)
.run("truncate table " + ndPartTableName + " partition (pk=1)")
.run("create table " + ctasTableName + " as select * from " + incTableName)
.run("create table " + ctasPartTableName + " as select * from " + partTableName)
// Import
.run("export table " + partTableName + " to " + exportPartPath)
.run("import table " + eximPartTableName + " from " + exportPartPath)
.run("export table " + incTableName + " to " + exportPath)
.run("import table " + eximTableName + " from " + exportPath)
// load
.run("insert overwrite local directory '" + localDir + "'" + tableStorage + " select " +
"* from " + simpleTableName)
.run("create table " + loadTableName + " (id int)" + tblCreateExtra)
.run("load data local inpath '" + inPath + "' overwrite into table " + loadTableName)
.run("create table " + loadPartTableName + " (id int) partitioned by (key int) " + tblCreateExtra)
.run("load data local inpath '" + inPath + "' overwrite into table "
+ loadPartTableName + " partition (key=1)");
// Run analyze on each of the tables, if they are not being gathered automatically.
if (!hasAutogather) {
for (String name : tableNames) {"use " + primaryDbName)
.run("analyze table " + name + " compute statistics for columns");
private void applyTransactionalDMLOperations(List<String> tableNames) throws Throwable {
// Annotations for this table are same as createBootStrapData
String partTableName = "pTable";
String ndTableName = "ndTable";
String incTableName = "iTable";
String eximTableName = "eximTable";
String eximPartTableName = "eximPartTable";
Assert.assertTrue(tableNames.containsAll(Arrays.asList(partTableName, ndTableName,
eximPartTableName, eximTableName, incTableName)));"update " + partTableName + " set place = 'mumbai' where place = 'bombay'")
.run("delete from " + partTableName + " where place = 'chicago'")
.run("merge into " + eximPartTableName + " as T using " + partTableName + " as U "
+ " on = "
+ " when matched and != then update set place ="
+ " when not matched then insert values (,")
.run("update " + incTableName + " set enabled = false where config = 'conf1'")
.run("merge into " + eximTableName + " as T using " + incTableName + " as U "
+ " on T.config = U.config"
+ " when matched and T.enabled != U.enabled then update set enabled = U.enabled"
+ " when not matched then insert values (U.config, U.enabled)")
.run("delete from " + ndTableName);
// Run analyze on each of the tables, if they are not being gathered automatically.
if (!hasAutogather) {
for (String name : tableNames) {"use " + primaryDbName)
.run("analyze table " + name + " compute statistics for columns");
private void applyDDLOperations(List<String> tableNames) throws Throwable {
// Annotations for this table are same as createBootStrapData
String simpleTableName = "sTable";
String partTableName = "pTable";
String incTableName = "iTable";
String ctasTableName = "ctasTable"; // Table created through CTAS
Assert.assertTrue(tableNames.containsAll(Arrays.asList(simpleTableName, partTableName,
incTableName, ctasTableName)));
String renamedTableName = "rnTable";"use " + primaryDbName)
.run("alter table " + simpleTableName + " add columns (val int)")
.run("alter table " + incTableName + " change config configuration string")
.run("alter table " + ctasTableName + " rename to " + renamedTableName)
.run("alter table " + partTableName +
" partition(country='us') rename to partition (country='usa')");
private void testStatsReplicationCommon(boolean parallelBootstrap, boolean metadataOnly,
boolean failRetry) throws Throwable {
List<String> tableNames = createBootStrapData();
String lastReplicationId = dumpLoadVerify(tableNames, null, parallelBootstrap,
metadataOnly, failRetry);
// Incremental dump
lastReplicationId = dumpLoadVerify(tableNames, lastReplicationId, parallelBootstrap,
metadataOnly, failRetry);
// Incremental dump with Insert overwrite operation
lastReplicationId = dumpLoadVerify(tableNames, lastReplicationId, parallelBootstrap,
metadataOnly, false);
// Incremental dump with transactional DML operations
if (acidTableKindToUse == AcidTableKind.FULL_ACID) {
lastReplicationId = dumpLoadVerify(tableNames, lastReplicationId, parallelBootstrap,
metadataOnly, false);
// Incremental dump with DDL operations
lastReplicationId = dumpLoadVerify(tableNames, lastReplicationId, parallelBootstrap,
metadataOnly, false);
public void testNonParallelBootstrapLoad() throws Throwable {"Testing " + testName.getClass().getName() + "." + testName.getMethodName());
testStatsReplicationCommon(false, false, false);
public void testForParallelBootstrapLoad() throws Throwable {"Testing " + testName.getClass().getName() + "." + testName.getMethodName());
testStatsReplicationCommon(true, false, false);
public void testMetadataOnlyDump() throws Throwable {"Testing " + testName.getClass().getName() + "." + testName.getMethodName());
testStatsReplicationCommon(false, true, false);
public void testRetryFailure() throws Throwable {"Testing " + testName.getClass().getName() + "." + testName.getMethodName());
testStatsReplicationCommon(false, false, true);