blob: 0bbaaa6b6e520e43c62d7c67b427ff9fb413d9fd [file] [log] [blame]
--! qt:dataset:src
--! qt:dataset:part
--! qt:dataset:lineitem
set hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict;
-- non agg, non corr
select *
from src
where src.key not in
( select key from src s1
where s1.key > '2'
select *
from src
where src.key not in ( select key from src s1 where s1.key > '2')
order by key
-- non agg, corr
select p_mfgr, b.p_name, p_size
from part b
where b.p_name not in
(select p_name
from (select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_size) as r from part) a
where r <= 2 and b.p_mfgr = a.p_mfgr
select p_mfgr, b.p_name, p_size
from part b
where b.p_name not in
(select p_name
from (select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size, rank() over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_size) as r from part) a
where r <= 2 and b.p_mfgr = a.p_mfgr
order by p_mfgr, b.p_name
-- agg, non corr
select p_name, p_size
part where part.p_size not in
(select avg(p_size)
from (select p_size, rank() over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_size) as r from part) a
where r <= 2
select p_name, p_size
part where part.p_size not in
(select avg(p_size)
from (select p_size, rank() over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_size) as r from part) a
where r <= 2
order by p_name, p_size
-- agg, corr
select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size
from part b where b.p_size not in
(select min(p_size)
from (select p_mfgr, p_size, rank() over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_size) as r from part) a
where r <= 2 and b.p_mfgr = a.p_mfgr
select p_mfgr, p_name, p_size
from part b where b.p_size not in
(select min(p_size)
from (select p_mfgr, p_size, rank() over(partition by p_mfgr order by p_size) as r from part) a
where r <= 2 and b.p_mfgr = a.p_mfgr
-- non agg, non corr, Group By in Parent Query
select li.l_partkey, count(*)
from lineitem li
where li.l_linenumber = 1 and
li.l_orderkey not in (select l_orderkey from lineitem where l_shipmode = 'AIR')
group by li.l_partkey
-- alternate not in syntax
select *
from src
where not src.key in ( select key from src s1 where s1.key > '2')
order by key
-- null check
create view T1_v as
select key from src where key <'11';
create view T2_v as
select case when key > '104' then null else key end as key from T1_v;
select *
from T1_v where T1_v.key not in (select T2_v.key from T2_v);
select *
from T1_v where T1_v.key not in (select T2_v.key from T2_v);
--where has multiple conjuction
explain select * from part where p_brand <> 'Brand#14' AND p_size NOT IN (select (p_size*p_size) from part p where p.p_type = part.p_type ) AND p_size <> 340;
select * from part where p_brand <> 'Brand#14' AND p_size NOT IN (select (p_size*p_size) from part p where p.p_type = part.p_type ) AND p_size <> 340;
--lhs contains non-simple expression
explain select * from part where (p_size-1) NOT IN (select min(p_size) from part group by p_type) order by p_partkey;
select * from part where (p_size-1) NOT IN (select min(p_size) from part group by p_type) order by p_partkey;
explain select * from part where (p_partkey*p_size) NOT IN (select min(p_partkey) from part group by p_type);
select * from part where (p_partkey*p_size) NOT IN (select min(p_partkey) from part group by p_type);
--lhs contains non-simple expression, corr
explain cbo select count(*) as c from part as e where p_size + 100 NOT IN (select p_partkey from part where p_name = e.p_name);
explain select count(*) as c from part as e where p_size + 100 NOT IN (select p_partkey from part where p_name = e.p_name);
select count(*) as c from part as e where p_size + 100 NOT IN (select p_partkey from part where p_name = e.p_name);
-- lhs contains udf expression
explain select * from part where floor(p_retailprice) NOT IN (select floor(min(p_retailprice)) from part group by p_type);
select * from part where floor(p_retailprice) NOT IN (select floor(min(p_retailprice)) from part group by p_type);
explain cbo select * from part where p_name NOT IN (select p_name from part p where p.p_size = part.p_size AND part.p_size + 121150 = p.p_partkey );
explain select * from part where p_name NOT IN (select p_name from part p where p.p_size = part.p_size AND part.p_size + 121150 = p.p_partkey );
select * from part where p_name NOT IN (select p_name from part p where p.p_size = part.p_size AND part.p_size + 121150 = p.p_partkey );
-- correlated query, multiple correlated variables referring to different outer var
explain select * from part where p_name NOT IN (select p_name from part p where p.p_size = part.p_size AND part.p_partkey= p.p_partkey );
select * from part where p_name NOT IN (select p_name from part p where p.p_size = part.p_size AND part.p_partkey= p.p_partkey );
-- correlated var refers to outer table alias
explain select p_name from (select p_name, p_type, p_brand as brand from part) fpart where fpart.p_type NOT IN (select p_type+2 from part where part.p_brand = fpart.brand);
select p_name from (select p_name, p_type, p_brand as brand from part) fpart where fpart.p_type NOT IN (select p_type+2 from part where part.p_brand = fpart.brand);
-- correlated var refers to outer table alias which is an expression
explain select p_name from (select p_name, p_type, p_size+1 as size from part) fpart where fpart.p_type NOT IN (select p_type from part where (part.p_size+1) = fpart.size);
select p_name from (select p_name, p_type, p_size+1 as size from part) fpart where fpart.p_type NOT IN (select p_type from part where (part.p_size+1) = fpart.size+1);
-- where plus having
explain select key, count(*) from src where value NOT IN (select key from src) group by key having count(*) in (select count(*) from src s1 where s1.key = '90' group by s1.key );
select key, count(*) from src where value NOT IN (select key from src) group by key having count(*) in (select count(*) from src s1 where s1.key = '90' group by s1.key );
-- where with having, correlated
explain select key, count(*) from src where value NOT IN (select concat('v', value) from src sc where sc.key = src.key ) group by key having count(*) in (select count(*) from src s1 where s1.key = '90' group by s1.key );
select key, count(*) from src where value NOT IN (select concat('v', value) from src sc where sc.key = src.key ) group by key having count(*) in (select count(*) from src s1 where s1.key = '90' group by s1.key );
-- subquery with order by
explain select * from part where (p_size-1) NOT IN (select min(p_size) from part group by p_type) order by p_brand;
select * from part where (p_size-1) NOT IN (select min(p_size) from part group by p_type) order by p_brand;
--order by with limit
explain select * from part where (p_size-1) NOT IN (select min(p_size) from part group by p_type) order by p_brand, p_partkey limit 4;
select * from part where (p_size-1) NOT IN (select min(p_size) from part group by p_type) order by p_brand, p_partkey limit 4;
-- union, uncorr
explain select * from src where key NOT IN (select p_name from part UNION ALL select p_brand from part);
select * from src where key NOT IN (select p_name from part UNION ALL select p_brand from part);
explain select count(*) as c from part as e where p_size + 100 not in ( select p_type from part where p_brand = e.p_brand);
select count(*) as c from part as e where p_size + 100 not in ( select p_type from part where p_brand = e.p_brand);
--nullability tests
CREATE TABLE t1_n0 (c1 INT, c2 CHAR(100));
INSERT INTO t1_n0 VALUES (null,null), (1,''), (2,'abcde'), (100,'abcdefghij');
CREATE TABLE t2_n0 (c1 INT);
INSERT INTO t2_n0 VALUES (null), (2), (100);
-- uncorr
explain SELECT c1 FROM t1_n0 WHERE c1 NOT IN (SELECT c1 FROM t2_n0);
SELECT c1 FROM t1_n0 WHERE c1 NOT IN (SELECT c1 FROM t2_n0);
-- corr
explain cbo SELECT c1 FROM t1_n0 WHERE c1 NOT IN (SELECT c1 FROM t2_n0 where t1_n0.c2=t2_n0.c1);
explain SELECT c1 FROM t1_n0 WHERE c1 NOT IN (SELECT c1 FROM t2_n0 where t1_n0.c2=t2_n0.c1);
SELECT c1 FROM t1_n0 WHERE c1 NOT IN (SELECT c1 FROM t2_n0 where t1_n0.c2=t2_n0.c1);
-- corr, nullability, should not produce any result
create table t1_n0(a int, b int);
insert into t1_n0 values(1,0), (1,0),(1,0);
create table t2_n0(a int, b int);
insert into t2_n0 values(2,1), (3,1), (NULL,1);
explain select t1_n0.a from t1_n0 where t1_n0.b NOT IN (select t2_n0.a from t2_n0 where t2_n0.b=t1_n0.a);
select t1_n0.a from t1_n0 where t1_n0.b NOT IN (select t2_n0.a from t2_n0 where t2_n0.b=t1_n0.a);
drop table t1_n0;
drop table t2_n0;
-- coor, nullability, should produce result
create table t7(i int, j int);
insert into t7 values(null, 5), (4, 15);
create table fixOb(i int, j int);
insert into fixOb values(-1, 5), (-1, 15);
explain select * from fixOb where j NOT IN (select i from t7 where t7.j=fixOb.j);
select * from fixOb where j NOT IN (select i from t7 where t7.j=fixOb.j);
drop table t7;
drop table fixOb;
create table t_n0(i int, j int);
insert into t_n0 values(1,2), (4,5), (7, NULL);
-- case with empty inner result (t1_n0.j=t_n0.j=NULL) and null subquery key(t_n0.j = NULL)
explain select t_n0.i from t_n0 where t_n0.j NOT IN (select t1_n0.i from t_n0 t1_n0 where t1_n0.j=t_n0.j);
select t_n0.i from t_n0 where t_n0.j NOT IN (select t1_n0.i from t_n0 t1_n0 where t1_n0.j=t_n0.j);
-- case with empty inner result (t1_n0.j=t_n0.j=NULL) and non-null subquery key(t_n0.i is never null)
explain select t_n0.i from t_n0 where t_n0.i NOT IN (select t1_n0.i from t_n0 t1_n0 where t1_n0.j=t_n0.j);
select t_n0.i from t_n0 where t_n0.i NOT IN (select t1_n0.i from t_n0 t1_n0 where t1_n0.j=t_n0.j);
-- case with non-empty inner result and null subquery key(t_n0.j is null)
explain select t_n0.i from t_n0 where t_n0.j NOT IN (select t1_n0.i from t_n0 t1_n0 );
select t_n0.i from t_n0 where t_n0.j NOT IN (select t1_n0.i from t_n0 t1_n0 );
-- case with non-empty inner result and non-null subquery key(t_n0.i is never null)
explain select t_n0.i from t_n0 where t_n0.i NOT IN (select t1_n0.i from t_n0 t1_n0 );
select t_n0.i from t_n0 where t_n0.i NOT IN (select t1_n0.i from t_n0 t1_n0 );
drop table t1_n0;
-- corr predicate is not equi
explain select *
from src b
where b.key not in
(select a.key
from src a
where b.value > a.value and a.key > '9'
select *
from src b
where b.key not in
(select a.key
from src a
where b.value > a.value and a.key > '9'