blob: 06b8d1ff8f23fcbeef375baefab440397b7b8e4c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.repl.ReplConst;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.conf.MetastoreConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.messaging.EventMessage;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.FileUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreServerUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.StatsSetupConst;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatistics;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsObj;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.EnvironmentContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.InvalidInputException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.InvalidObjectException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.InvalidOperationException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.hive_metastoreConstants;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaHook.ALTERLOCATION;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaHook.ALTER_TABLE_OPERATION_TYPE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.Warehouse.DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils.getDefaultCatalog;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.StringUtils.normalizeIdentifier;
* Hive specific implementation of alter
public class HiveAlterHandler implements AlterHandler {
protected Configuration conf;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HiveAlterHandler.class
// hiveConf, getConf and setConf are in this class because AlterHandler extends Configurable.
// Always use the configuration from HMS Handler. Making AlterHandler not extend Configurable
// is not in the scope of the fix for HIVE-17942.
public Configuration getConf() {
return conf;
public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
this.conf = conf;
public void alterTable(RawStore msdb, Warehouse wh, String catName, String dbname,
String name, Table newt, EnvironmentContext environmentContext,
IHMSHandler handler, String writeIdList)
throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException {
catName = normalizeIdentifier(catName);
name = name.toLowerCase();
dbname = dbname.toLowerCase();
final boolean cascade;
final boolean replDataLocationChanged;
final boolean isReplicated;
if ((environmentContext != null) && environmentContext.isSetProperties()) {
cascade = StatsSetupConst.TRUE.equals(environmentContext.getProperties().get(StatsSetupConst.CASCADE));
replDataLocationChanged = ReplConst.TRUE.equals(environmentContext.getProperties().get(ReplConst.REPL_DATA_LOCATION_CHANGED));
} else {
cascade = false;
replDataLocationChanged = false;
if (newt == null) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("New table is null");
String newTblName = newt.getTableName().toLowerCase();
String newDbName = newt.getDbName().toLowerCase();
if (!MetaStoreUtils.validateName(newTblName, handler.getConf())) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(newTblName + " is not a valid object name");
String validate = MetaStoreServerUtils.validateTblColumns(newt.getSd().getCols());
if (validate != null) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid column " + validate);
// Validate bucketedColumns in new table
List<String> bucketColumns = MetaStoreServerUtils.validateBucketColumns(newt.getSd());
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(bucketColumns)) {
String errMsg = "Bucket columns - " + bucketColumns.toString() + " doesn't match with any table columns";
throw new InvalidOperationException(errMsg);
Path srcPath = null;
FileSystem srcFs;
Path destPath = null;
FileSystem destFs = null;
boolean success = false;
boolean dataWasMoved = false;
boolean isPartitionedTable = false;
Database olddb = null;
Table oldt = null;
List<TransactionalMetaStoreEventListener> transactionalListeners = handler.getTransactionalListeners();
List<MetaStoreEventListener> listeners = handler.getListeners();
Map<String, String> txnAlterTableEventResponses = Collections.emptyMap();
try {
boolean rename = false;
List<Partition> parts;
// Switching tables between catalogs is not allowed.
if (!catName.equalsIgnoreCase(newt.getCatName())) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Tables cannot be moved between catalogs, old catalog" +
catName + ", new catalog " + newt.getCatName());
// check if table with the new name already exists
if (!newTblName.equals(name) || !newDbName.equals(dbname)) {
if (msdb.getTable(catName, newDbName, newTblName, null) != null) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("new table " + newDbName
+ "." + newTblName + " already exists");
rename = true;
// get old table
// Note: we don't verify stats here; it's done below in alterTableUpdateTableColumnStats.
olddb = msdb.getDatabase(catName, dbname);
oldt = msdb.getTable(catName, dbname, name, null);
if (oldt == null) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("table " +
TableName.getQualified(catName, dbname, name) + " doesn't exist");
validateTableChangesOnReplSource(olddb, oldt, newt, environmentContext);
// On a replica this alter table will be executed only if old and new both the databases are
// available and being replicated into. Otherwise, it will be either create or drop of table.
isReplicated = HMSHandler.isDbReplicationTarget(olddb);
if (oldt.getPartitionKeysSize() != 0) {
isPartitionedTable = true;
// Throws InvalidOperationException if the new column types are not
// compatible with the current column types.
.allowChange(handler.getConf(), oldt, newt);
//check that partition keys have not changed, except for virtual views
//however, allow the partition comments to change
boolean partKeysPartiallyEqual = checkPartialPartKeysEqual(oldt.getPartitionKeys(),
Map<String, String> properties = environmentContext.getProperties();
if (properties == null || (properties != null &&
"false")))) {
if (!partKeysPartiallyEqual) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("partition keys can not be changed.");
// Two mutually exclusive flows possible.
// i) Partition locations needs update if replDataLocationChanged is true which means table's
// data location is changed with all partition sub-directories.
// ii) Rename needs change the data location and move the data to the new location corresponding
// to the new name if:
// 1) the table is not a virtual view, and
// 2) the table is not an external table, and
// 3) the user didn't change the default location (or new location is empty), and
// 4) the table was not initially created with a specified location
if (replDataLocationChanged
|| (rename
&& !oldt.getTableType().equals(TableType.VIRTUAL_VIEW.toString())
&& (oldt.getSd().getLocation().compareTo(newt.getSd().getLocation()) == 0
|| StringUtils.isEmpty(newt.getSd().getLocation()))
&& !MetaStoreUtils.isExternalTable(oldt))) {
srcPath = new Path(oldt.getSd().getLocation());
if (replDataLocationChanged) {
// If data location is changed in replication flow, then new path was already set in
// the newt. Also, it is as good as the data is moved and set dataWasMoved=true so that
// location in partitions are also updated accordingly.
// No need to validate if the destPath exists as in replication flow, data gets replicated
// separately.
destPath = new Path(newt.getSd().getLocation());
dataWasMoved = true;
} else {
// Rename flow.
// If a table was created in a user specified location using the DDL like
// create table tbl ... location ...., it should be treated like an external table
// in the table rename, its data location should not be changed. We can check
// if the table directory was created directly under its database directory to tell
// if it is such a table
String oldtRelativePath = wh.getDatabaseManagedPath(olddb).toUri()
boolean tableInSpecifiedLoc = !oldtRelativePath.equalsIgnoreCase(name)
&& !oldtRelativePath.equalsIgnoreCase(name + Path.SEPARATOR);
if (!tableInSpecifiedLoc) {
srcFs = wh.getFs(srcPath);
// get new location
Database db = msdb.getDatabase(catName, newDbName);
assert(isReplicated == HMSHandler.isDbReplicationTarget(db));
Path databasePath = constructRenamedPath(wh.getDatabaseManagedPath(db), srcPath);
destPath = new Path(databasePath, newTblName);
destFs = wh.getFs(destPath);
// check that destination does not exist otherwise we will be
// overwriting data
// check that src and dest are on the same file system
if (!FileUtils.equalsFileSystem(srcFs, destFs)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("table new location " + destPath
+ " is on a different file system than the old location "
+ srcPath + ". This operation is not supported");
try {
if (destFs.exists(destPath)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("New location for this table " +
TableName.getQualified(catName, newDbName, newTblName) +
" already exists : " + destPath);
// check that src exists and also checks permissions necessary, rename src to dest
if (srcFs.exists(srcPath) && wh.renameDir(srcPath, destPath,
ReplChangeManager.shouldEnableCm(olddb, oldt))) {
dataWasMoved = true;
} catch (IOException | MetaException e) {
LOG.error("Alter Table operation for " + dbname + "." + name + " failed.", e);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Alter Table operation for " + dbname + "." + name +
" failed to move data due to: '" + getSimpleMessage(e)
+ "' See hive log file for details.");
if (!HiveMetaStore.isRenameAllowed(olddb, db)) {
LOG.error("Alter Table operation for " + TableName.getQualified(catName, dbname, name) +
"to new table = " + TableName.getQualified(catName, newDbName, newTblName) + " failed ");
throw new MetaException("Alter table not allowed for table " +
TableName.getQualified(catName, dbname, name) +
"to new table = " + TableName.getQualified(catName, newDbName, newTblName));
if (isPartitionedTable) {
String oldTblLocPath = srcPath.toUri().getPath();
String newTblLocPath = dataWasMoved ? destPath.toUri().getPath() : null;
// also the location field in partition
parts = msdb.getPartitions(catName, dbname, name, -1);
Multimap<Partition, ColumnStatistics> columnStatsNeedUpdated = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (Partition part : parts) {
String oldPartLoc = part.getSd().getLocation();
if (dataWasMoved && oldPartLoc.contains(oldTblLocPath)) {
URI oldUri = new Path(oldPartLoc).toUri();
String newPath = oldUri.getPath().replace(oldTblLocPath, newTblLocPath);
Path newPartLocPath = new Path(oldUri.getScheme(), oldUri.getAuthority(), newPath);
List<ColumnStatistics> multiColStats = updateOrGetPartitionColumnStats(msdb, catName, dbname, name,
part.getValues(), part.getSd().getCols(), oldt, part, null, null);
for (ColumnStatistics colStats : multiColStats) {
columnStatsNeedUpdated.put(part, colStats);
// Do not verify stats parameters on a partitioned table.
msdb.alterTable(catName, dbname, name, newt, null);
// alterPartition is only for changing the partition location in the table rename
if (dataWasMoved) {
int partsToProcess = parts.size();
int partitionBatchSize = MetastoreConf.getIntVar(handler.getConf(),
int batchStart = 0;
while (partsToProcess > 0) {
int batchEnd = Math.min(batchStart + partitionBatchSize, parts.size());
List<Partition> partBatch = parts.subList(batchStart, batchEnd);
int partBatchSize = partBatch.size();
partsToProcess -= partBatchSize;
batchStart += partBatchSize;
List<List<String>> partValues = new ArrayList<>(partBatchSize);
for (Partition part : partBatch) {
msdb.alterPartitions(catName, newDbName, newTblName, partValues,
partBatch, newt.getWriteId(), writeIdList);
for (Entry<Partition, ColumnStatistics> partColStats : columnStatsNeedUpdated.entries()) {
ColumnStatistics newPartColStats = partColStats.getValue();
msdb.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(newPartColStats, partColStats.getKey().getValues(),
writeIdList, newt.getWriteId());
} else {
msdb, oldt, newt, environmentContext, writeIdList, conf, null);
} else {
// operations other than table rename
if (MetaStoreServerUtils.requireCalStats(null, null, newt, environmentContext) &&
!isPartitionedTable) {
Database db = msdb.getDatabase(catName, newDbName);
assert(isReplicated == HMSHandler.isDbReplicationTarget(db));
// Update table stats. For partitioned table, we update stats in alterPartition()
MetaStoreServerUtils.updateTableStatsSlow(db, newt, wh, false, true, environmentContext);
if (isPartitionedTable) {
//Currently only column related changes can be cascaded in alter table
boolean runPartitionMetadataUpdate =
(cascade && !MetaStoreServerUtils.areSameColumns(oldt.getSd().getCols(), newt.getSd().getCols()));
// we may skip the update entirely if there are only new columns added
runPartitionMetadataUpdate |=
!cascade && !MetaStoreServerUtils.arePrefixColumns(oldt.getSd().getCols(), newt.getSd().getCols());
boolean retainOnColRemoval =
MetastoreConf.getBoolVar(handler.getConf(), MetastoreConf.ConfVars.COLSTATS_RETAIN_ON_COLUMN_REMOVAL);
if (runPartitionMetadataUpdate) {
if (cascade || retainOnColRemoval) {
parts = msdb.getPartitions(catName, dbname, name, -1);
for (Partition part : parts) {
Partition oldPart = new Partition(part);
List<FieldSchema> oldCols = part.getSd().getCols();
List<ColumnStatistics> colStats = updateOrGetPartitionColumnStats(msdb, catName, dbname, name,
part.getValues(), oldCols, oldt, part, null, null);
assert (colStats.isEmpty());
if (cascade) {
catName, dbname, name, part.getValues(), part, writeIdList);
} else {
// update changed properties (stats)
msdb.alterPartition(catName, dbname, name, part.getValues(), oldPart, writeIdList);
} else {
// clear all column stats to prevent incorract behaviour in case same column is reintroduced
TableName tableName = new TableName(catName, dbname, name);
msdb.deleteAllPartitionColumnStatistics(tableName, writeIdList);
// Don't validate table-level stats for a partitoned table.
msdb.alterTable(catName, dbname, name, newt, null);
} else {
LOG.warn("Alter table not cascaded to partitions.");
msdb, oldt, newt, environmentContext, writeIdList, conf, null);
} else {
msdb, oldt, newt, environmentContext, writeIdList, conf, null);
if (transactionalListeners != null && !transactionalListeners.isEmpty()) {
txnAlterTableEventResponses = MetaStoreListenerNotifier.notifyEvent(transactionalListeners,
new AlterTableEvent(oldt, newt, false, true,
newt.getWriteId(), handler, isReplicated),
// commit the changes
success = msdb.commitTransaction();
} catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
LOG.debug("Failed to get object from Metastore ", e);
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Unable to change partition or table."
+ " Check metastore logs for detailed stack." + e.getMessage());
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
LOG.debug("Accessing Metastore failed due to invalid input ", e);
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Unable to change partition or table."
+ " Check metastore logs for detailed stack." + e.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
LOG.debug("Object not found in metastore ", e);
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Unable to change partition or table. Object " + e.getMessage() + " does not exist."
+ " Check metastore logs for detailed stack.");
} finally {
if (success) {
// Txn was committed successfully.
// If data location is changed in replication flow, then need to delete the old path.
if (replDataLocationChanged) {
assert(olddb != null);
assert(oldt != null);
Path deleteOldDataLoc = new Path(oldt.getSd().getLocation());
boolean isSkipTrash = MetaStoreUtils.isSkipTrash(oldt.getParameters());
try {
wh.deleteDir(deleteOldDataLoc, true, isSkipTrash,
ReplChangeManager.shouldEnableCm(olddb, oldt));"Deleted the old data location: {} for the table: {}",
deleteOldDataLoc, dbname + "." + name);
} catch (MetaException ex) {
// Eat the exception as it doesn't affect the state of existing tables.
// Expect, user to manually drop this path when exception and so logging a warning.
LOG.warn("Unable to delete the old data location: {} for the table: {}",
deleteOldDataLoc, dbname + "." + name);
} else {
LOG.error("Failed to alter table " + TableName.getQualified(catName, dbname, name));
if (!replDataLocationChanged && dataWasMoved) {
try {
if (destFs.exists(destPath)) {
if (!destFs.rename(destPath, srcPath)) {
LOG.error("Failed to restore data from " + destPath + " to " + srcPath
+ " in alter table failure. Manual restore is needed.");
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to restore data from " + destPath + " to " + srcPath
+ " in alter table failure. Manual restore is needed.");
if (!listeners.isEmpty()) {
// I don't think event notifications in case of failures are necessary, but other HMS operations
// make this call whether the event failed or succeeded. To make this behavior consistent,
// this call is made for failed events also.
MetaStoreListenerNotifier.notifyEvent(listeners, EventMessage.EventType.ALTER_TABLE,
new AlterTableEvent(oldt, newt, false, success, newt.getWriteId(), handler, isReplicated),
environmentContext, txnAlterTableEventResponses, msdb);
* MetaException that encapsulates error message from RemoteException from hadoop RPC which wrap
* the stack trace into e.getMessage() which makes logs/stack traces confusing.
* @param ex
* @return
String getSimpleMessage(Exception ex) {
if(ex instanceof MetaException) {
String msg = ex.getMessage();
if(msg == null || !msg.contains("\n")) {
return msg;
return msg.substring(0, msg.indexOf('\n'));
return ex.getMessage();
public Partition alterPartition(final RawStore msdb, Warehouse wh, final String dbname,
final String name, final List<String> part_vals, final Partition new_part,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext)
throws InvalidOperationException, InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException {
return alterPartition(msdb, wh, DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME, dbname, name, part_vals, new_part,
environmentContext, null, null);
public Partition alterPartition(RawStore msdb, Warehouse wh, String catName, String dbname,
String name, List<String> part_vals, final Partition new_part,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext, IHMSHandler handler, String validWriteIds)
throws InvalidOperationException, InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException {
boolean success = false;
Partition oldPart;
List<TransactionalMetaStoreEventListener> transactionalListeners = null;
if (handler != null) {
transactionalListeners = handler.getTransactionalListeners();
// Set DDL time to now if not specified
if (new_part.getParameters() == null ||
new_part.getParameters().get(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME) == null ||
Integer.parseInt(new_part.getParameters().get(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME)) == 0) {
new_part.putToParameters(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME, Long.toString(System
.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));
//alter partition
if (part_vals == null || part_vals.size() == 0) {
try {
Table tbl = msdb.getTable(catName, dbname, name, null);
if (tbl == null) {
throw new InvalidObjectException(
"Unable to alter partition because table or database does not exist.");
oldPart = msdb.getPartition(catName, dbname, name, new_part.getValues());
if (MetaStoreServerUtils.requireCalStats(oldPart, new_part, tbl, environmentContext)) {
// if stats are same, no need to update
if (MetaStoreServerUtils.isFastStatsSame(oldPart, new_part)) {
MetaStoreServerUtils.updateBasicState(environmentContext, new_part.getParameters());
} else {
new_part, tbl, wh, false, true, environmentContext, false);
// PartitionView does not have SD. We do not need update its column stats
if (oldPart.getSd() != null) {
updateOrGetPartitionColumnStats(msdb, catName, dbname, name, new_part.getValues(),
oldPart.getSd().getCols(), tbl, new_part, null, null);
catName, dbname, name, new_part.getValues(), new_part, validWriteIds);
if (transactionalListeners != null && !transactionalListeners.isEmpty()) {
new AlterPartitionEvent(oldPart, new_part, tbl, false,
true, new_part.getWriteId(), handler),
success = msdb.commitTransaction();
} catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
LOG.warn("Alter failed", e);
throw new InvalidOperationException("alter is not possible: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
//old partition does not exist
throw new InvalidOperationException("alter is not possible: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if(!success) {
return oldPart;
//rename partition
String oldPartLoc;
String newPartLoc;
Path srcPath = null;
Path destPath = null;
FileSystem srcFs;
FileSystem destFs = null;
boolean dataWasMoved = false;
Database db;
try {
Table tbl = msdb.getTable(DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME, dbname, name, null);
if (tbl == null) {
throw new InvalidObjectException(
"Unable to alter partition because table or database does not exist.");
try {
oldPart = msdb.getPartition(catName, dbname, name, part_vals);
} catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
// this means there is no existing partition
throw new InvalidObjectException(
"Unable to rename partition because old partition does not exist");
Partition check_part;
try {
check_part = msdb.getPartition(catName, dbname, name, new_part.getValues());
} catch(NoSuchObjectException e) {
// this means there is no existing partition
check_part = null;
if (check_part != null) {
throw new AlreadyExistsException("Partition already exists:" + dbname + "." + name + "." +
// when renaming a partition, we should update
// 1) partition SD Location
// 2) partition column stats if there are any because of part_name field in HMS table PART_COL_STATS
// 3) rename the partition directory if it is not an external table
if (!tbl.getTableType().equals(TableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE.toString())) {
// TODO: refactor this into a separate method after master merge, this one is too big.
try {
db = msdb.getDatabase(catName, dbname);
// if tbl location is available use it
// else derive the tbl location from database location
destPath = wh.getPartitionPath(db, tbl, new_part.getValues());
destPath = constructRenamedPath(destPath, new Path(new_part.getSd().getLocation()));
} catch (NoSuchObjectException e) {
LOG.debug("Didn't find object in metastore ", e);
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Unable to change partition or table. Database " + dbname + " does not exist"
+ " Check metastore logs for detailed stack." + e.getMessage());
if (destPath != null) {
newPartLoc = destPath.toString();
oldPartLoc = oldPart.getSd().getLocation();"srcPath:" + oldPartLoc);"descPath:" + newPartLoc);
srcPath = new Path(oldPartLoc);
srcFs = wh.getFs(srcPath);
destFs = wh.getFs(destPath);
// check that src and dest are on the same file system
if (!FileUtils.equalsFileSystem(srcFs, destFs)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("New table location " + destPath
+ " is on a different file system than the old location "
+ srcPath + ". This operation is not supported.");
try {
if (srcFs.exists(srcPath)) {
if (newPartLoc.compareTo(oldPartLoc) != 0 && destFs.exists(destPath)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("New location for this table "
+ tbl.getDbName() + "." + tbl.getTableName()
+ " already exists : " + destPath);
//if destPath's parent path doesn't exist, we should mkdir it
Path destParentPath = destPath.getParent();
if (!wh.mkdirs(destParentPath)) {
throw new MetaException("Unable to create path " + destParentPath);
//rename the data directory
wh.renameDir(srcPath, destPath, ReplChangeManager.shouldEnableCm(db, tbl));"Partition directory rename from " + srcPath + " to " + destPath + " done.");
dataWasMoved = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Cannot rename partition directory from " + srcPath + " to " + destPath, e);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to access src or dest location for partition "
+ tbl.getDbName() + "." + tbl.getTableName() + " " + new_part.getValues());
} catch (MetaException me) {
LOG.error("Cannot rename partition directory from " + srcPath + " to " + destPath, me);
throw me;
} else {
if (MetaStoreServerUtils.requireCalStats(oldPart, new_part, tbl, environmentContext)) {
new_part, tbl, wh, false, true, environmentContext, false);
String newPartName = Warehouse.makePartName(tbl.getPartitionKeys(), new_part.getValues());
List<ColumnStatistics> multiColumnStats = updateOrGetPartitionColumnStats(msdb, catName, dbname, name, oldPart.getValues(),
oldPart.getSd().getCols(), tbl, new_part, null, null);
msdb.alterPartition(catName, dbname, name, part_vals, new_part, validWriteIds);
if (!multiColumnStats.isEmpty()) {
for (ColumnStatistics cs : multiColumnStats) {
try {
msdb.updatePartitionColumnStatistics(cs, new_part.getValues(),
validWriteIds, new_part.getWriteId());
} catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to update partition stats in table rename." + iie);
} catch (NoSuchObjectException nsoe) {
// It is ok, ignore
if (transactionalListeners != null && !transactionalListeners.isEmpty()) {
new AlterPartitionEvent(oldPart, new_part, tbl, false,
true, new_part.getWriteId(), handler),
success = msdb.commitTransaction();
} finally {
if (!success) {
LOG.error("Failed to rename a partition. Rollback transaction");
if (dataWasMoved) {
LOG.error("Revert the data move in renaming a partition.");
try {
if (destFs.exists(destPath)) {
wh.renameDir(destPath, srcPath, false);
} catch (MetaException me) {
LOG.error("Failed to restore partition data from " + destPath + " to " + srcPath
+ " in alter partition failure. Manual restore is needed.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.error("Failed to restore partition data from " + destPath + " to " + srcPath
+ " in alter partition failure. Manual restore is needed.");
return oldPart;
public List<Partition> alterPartitions(final RawStore msdb, Warehouse wh, final String dbname,
final String name, final List<Partition> new_parts,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext)
throws InvalidOperationException, InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException {
return alterPartitions(msdb, wh, DEFAULT_CATALOG_NAME, dbname, name, new_parts,
environmentContext, null, -1, null);
private Map<List<String>, Partition> getExistingPartitions(final RawStore msdb,
final List<Partition> new_parts, final Table tbl, final String catName,
final String dbname, final String name)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException {
// Get list of partition values
List<String> partValues = new LinkedList<>();
for (Partition tmpPart : new_parts) {
partValues.add(Warehouse.makePartName(tbl.getPartitionKeys(), tmpPart.getValues()));
// Get existing partitions from store
List<Partition> oldParts = msdb.getPartitionsByNames(catName, dbname, name, partValues);
if (new_parts.size() != oldParts.size()) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Alter partition operation failed: "
+ "new parts size " + new_parts.size()
+ " not matching with old parts size " + oldParts.size());
return, Partition -> Partition));
public List<Partition> alterPartitions(final RawStore msdb, Warehouse wh, final String catName,
final String dbname, final String name,
final List<Partition> new_parts,
EnvironmentContext environmentContext,
String writeIdList, long writeId,
IHMSHandler handler)
throws InvalidOperationException, InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException {
List<Partition> oldParts = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<String>> partValsList = new ArrayList<>();
List<TransactionalMetaStoreEventListener> transactionalListeners = null;
if (handler != null) {
transactionalListeners = handler.getTransactionalListeners();
boolean success = false;
try {
// Note: should we pass in write ID here? We only update stats on parts so probably not.
Table tbl = msdb.getTable(catName, dbname, name, null);
if (tbl == null) {
throw new InvalidObjectException(
"Unable to alter partitions because table or database does not exist.");
blockPartitionLocationChangesOnReplSource(msdb.getDatabase(catName, dbname), tbl,
Map<List<String>, Partition> oldPartMap = getExistingPartitions(msdb, new_parts, tbl, catName, dbname, name);
for (Partition tmpPart: new_parts) {
// Set DDL time to now if not specified
if (tmpPart.getParameters() == null ||
tmpPart.getParameters().get(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME) == null ||
Integer.parseInt(tmpPart.getParameters().get(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME)) == 0) {
tmpPart.putToParameters(hive_metastoreConstants.DDL_TIME, Long.toString(System
.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));
Partition oldTmpPart = oldPartMap.get(tmpPart.getValues());
if (MetaStoreServerUtils.requireCalStats(oldTmpPart, tmpPart, tbl, environmentContext)) {
// Check if stats are same, no need to update
if (MetaStoreServerUtils.isFastStatsSame(oldTmpPart, tmpPart)) {
MetaStoreServerUtils.updateBasicState(environmentContext, tmpPart.getParameters());
} else {
tmpPart, tbl, wh, false, true, environmentContext, false);
// PartitionView does not have SD and we do not need to update its column stats
if (oldTmpPart.getSd() != null) {
updateOrGetPartitionColumnStats(msdb, catName, dbname, name, oldTmpPart.getValues(),
oldTmpPart.getSd().getCols(), tbl, tmpPart, null, null);
msdb.alterPartitions(catName, dbname, name, partValsList, new_parts, writeId, writeIdList);
Iterator<Partition> oldPartsIt = oldParts.iterator();
for (Partition newPart : new_parts) {
Partition oldPart;
if (oldPartsIt.hasNext()) {
oldPart =;
} else {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing old partition corresponding to new partition " +
"when invoking MetaStoreEventListener for alterPartitions event.");
if (transactionalListeners != null && !transactionalListeners.isEmpty()) {
MetaStoreListenerNotifier.notifyEvent(transactionalListeners, EventMessage.EventType.ALTER_PARTITION,
new AlterPartitionEvent(oldPart, newPart, tbl, false, true, newPart.getWriteId(), handler),
success = msdb.commitTransaction();
} catch (InvalidObjectException | NoSuchObjectException e) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Alter partition operation failed: " + e);
} finally {
if(!success) {
return oldParts;
// Validate changes to partition's location to protect against errors on migration during
// replication
private void blockPartitionLocationChangesOnReplSource(Database db, Table tbl,
EnvironmentContext ec)
throws InvalidOperationException {
// If the database is not replication source, nothing to do
if (!ReplChangeManager.isSourceOfReplication(db)) {
// Do not allow changing location of a managed table as alter event doesn't capture the
// new files list. So, it may cause data inconsistency.
if ((ec != null) && ec.isSetProperties()) {
String alterType = ec.getProperties().get(ALTER_TABLE_OPERATION_TYPE);
if (alterType != null && alterType.equalsIgnoreCase(ALTERLOCATION) &&
tbl.getTableType().equalsIgnoreCase( {
String tableName = TableName.getQualified(tbl.getCatName(), tbl.getDbName(), tbl.getTableName());
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot change location of a managed table " + tableName + " as it is enabled for replication.");
// Validate changes to a table to protect against errors on migration during replication.
private void validateTableChangesOnReplSource(Database db, Table oldTbl, Table newTbl,
EnvironmentContext ec)
throws InvalidOperationException {
// If the database is not replication source, nothing to do
if (!ReplChangeManager.isSourceOfReplication(db)) {
// Do not allow changing location of a managed table as alter event doesn't capture the
// new files list. So, it may cause data inconsistency. We do this whether or not strict
// managed is true on the source cluster.
if ((ec != null) && ec.isSetProperties()) {
String alterType = ec.getProperties().get(ALTER_TABLE_OPERATION_TYPE);
if (alterType != null && alterType.equalsIgnoreCase(ALTERLOCATION) &&
oldTbl.getTableType().equalsIgnoreCase( {
String tableName = TableName.getQualified(oldTbl.getCatName(), oldTbl.getDbName(), oldTbl.getTableName());
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot change location of a managed table " + tableName + " as it is enabled for replication.");
// Rest of the changes need validation only when strict managed tables is false. That's
// when there's scope for migration during replication, at least for now.
if (conf.getBoolean(MetastoreConf.ConfVars.STRICT_MANAGED_TABLES.getHiveName(), false)) {
// Do not allow changing the type of table. This is to avoid migration scenarios which causes
// Managed ACID table to be converted to external at replica. As ACID tables cannot be
// converted to external table and vice versa, we need to restrict this conversion at primary
// as well. Currently, table type conversion is allowed only between managed and external
// table types. But, to be future proof, any table type conversion is restricted on a
// replication enabled DB.
if (!oldTbl.getTableType().equalsIgnoreCase(newTbl.getTableType())) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Table type cannot be changed from " + oldTbl.getTableType()
+ " to " + newTbl.getTableType() + " for the table " +
TableName.getQualified(oldTbl.getCatName(), oldTbl.getDbName(), oldTbl.getTableName())
+ " as it is enabled for replication.");
// Also we do not allow changing a non-Acid managed table to acid table on source with strict
// managed false. After replicating a non-acid managed table to a target with strict managed
// true the table will be converted to acid or external table. So changing the transactional
// property of table on source can conflict with resultant change in the target.
if (!TxnUtils.isTransactionalTable(oldTbl) && TxnUtils.isTransactionalTable(newTbl)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("A non-Acid table cannot be converted to an Acid " +
"table for the table " + TableName.getQualified(oldTbl.getCatName(),
oldTbl.getDbName(), oldTbl.getTableName()) + " as it is enabled for replication.");
private boolean checkPartialPartKeysEqual(List<FieldSchema> oldPartKeys,
List<FieldSchema> newPartKeys) {
//return true if both are null, or false if one is null and the other isn't
if (newPartKeys == null || oldPartKeys == null) {
return oldPartKeys == newPartKeys;
if (oldPartKeys.size() != newPartKeys.size()) {
return false;
Iterator<FieldSchema> oldPartKeysIter = oldPartKeys.iterator();
Iterator<FieldSchema> newPartKeysIter = newPartKeys.iterator();
FieldSchema oldFs;
FieldSchema newFs;
while (oldPartKeysIter.hasNext()) {
oldFs =;
newFs =;
// Alter table can change the type of partition key now.
// So check the column name only.
if (!oldFs.getName().equals(newFs.getName())) {
return false;
return true;
* Uses the scheme and authority of the object's current location and the path constructed
* using the object's new name to construct a path for the object's new location.
private Path constructRenamedPath(Path defaultNewPath, Path currentPath) {
URI currentUri = currentPath.toUri();
return new Path(currentUri.getScheme(), currentUri.getAuthority(),
public static List<ColumnStatistics> alterTableUpdateTableColumnStats(RawStore msdb, Table oldTable, Table newTable,
EnvironmentContext ec, String validWriteIds, Configuration conf, List<String> deletedCols)
throws MetaException, InvalidObjectException {
String catName = normalizeIdentifier(oldTable.isSetCatName() ? oldTable.getCatName() :
String dbName = oldTable.getDbName().toLowerCase();
String tableName = normalizeIdentifier(oldTable.getTableName());
String newDbName = newTable.getDbName().toLowerCase();
String newTableName = normalizeIdentifier(newTable.getTableName());
//if its not called from cahced store then update the table
boolean doAlterTable = deletedCols == null;
List<ColumnStatistics> newMultiColStats = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<FieldSchema> oldCols = oldTable.getSd().getCols();
List<FieldSchema> newCols = newTable.getSd().getCols();
List<ColumnStatistics> multiColStats = null;
boolean updateColumnStats = !newDbName.equals(dbName) || !newTableName.equals(tableName)
|| !MetaStoreServerUtils.columnsIncludedByNameType(oldCols, newCols);
// Don't bother in the case of ACID conversion.
updateColumnStats = updateColumnStats
&& (TxnUtils.isAcidTable(oldTable) == TxnUtils.isAcidTable(newTable));
if (updateColumnStats) {
List<String> oldColNames = new ArrayList<>(oldCols.size());
for (FieldSchema oldCol : oldCols) {
// NOTE: this doesn't check stats being compliant, but the alterTable call below does.
// The worst we can do is delete the stats.
// Collect column stats which need to be rewritten and remove old stats.
multiColStats = msdb.getTableColumnStatistics(catName, dbName, tableName, oldColNames);
if (multiColStats.isEmpty()) {
updateColumnStats = false;
} else {
for (ColumnStatistics colStats : multiColStats) {
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> statsObjs = colStats.getStatsObj();
if (statsObjs != null) {
// for out para, this value is initialized by caller.
if (deletedCols == null) {
deletedCols = new ArrayList<>();
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> newStatsObjs = new ArrayList<>();
for (ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj : statsObjs) {
boolean found = false;
for (FieldSchema newCol : newCols) {
if (statsObj.getColName().equalsIgnoreCase(newCol.getName())
&& statsObj.getColType().equalsIgnoreCase(newCol.getType())) {
found = true;
if (found) {
if (!newDbName.equals(dbName) || !newTableName.equals(tableName)) {
if (doAlterTable) {
msdb.deleteTableColumnStatistics(catName, dbName, tableName, statsObj.getColName(), colStats.getEngine());
} else {
if (doAlterTable) {
msdb.deleteTableColumnStatistics(catName, dbName, tableName, statsObj.getColName(), colStats.getEngine());
if (doAlterTable) {
StatsSetupConst.removeColumnStatsState(newTable.getParameters(), deletedCols);
// Change stats
ColumnStatisticsDesc statsDesc = colStats.getStatsDesc();
if (doAlterTable) {
// Change to new table and append stats for the new table
msdb.alterTable(catName, dbName, tableName, newTable, validWriteIds);
if (updateColumnStats) {
for (ColumnStatistics colStats : newMultiColStats) {
msdb.updateTableColumnStatistics(colStats, validWriteIds, newTable.getWriteId());
} catch (NoSuchObjectException nsoe) {
LOG.debug("Could not find db entry." + nsoe);
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
//should not happen since the input were verified before passed in
throw new InvalidObjectException("Invalid inputs to update table column stats: " + e);
return newMultiColStats;
public static List<ColumnStatistics> updateOrGetPartitionColumnStats(
RawStore msdb, String catName, String dbname, String tblname, List<String> partVals,
List<FieldSchema> oldCols, Table table, Partition part, List<FieldSchema> newCols, List<String> deletedCols)
throws MetaException, InvalidObjectException {
List<ColumnStatistics> newPartsColStats = new ArrayList<>();
boolean updateColumnStats = true;
try {
// if newCols are not specified, use default ones.
if (newCols == null) {
newCols = part.getSd() == null ? new ArrayList<>() : part.getSd().getCols();
String oldPartName = Warehouse.makePartName(table.getPartitionKeys(), partVals);
String newPartName = Warehouse.makePartName(table.getPartitionKeys(), part.getValues());
boolean rename = !part.getDbName().equals(dbname) || !part.getTableName().equals(tblname)
|| !oldPartName.equals(newPartName);
// do not need to update column stats if alter partition is not for rename or changing existing columns
if (!rename && MetaStoreServerUtils.columnsIncludedByNameType(oldCols, newCols)) {
return newPartsColStats;
List<String> oldColNames = new ArrayList<>(oldCols.size());
for (FieldSchema oldCol : oldCols) {
List<String> oldPartNames = Lists.newArrayList(oldPartName);
// TODO: doesn't take txn stats into account. This method can only remove stats.
List<List<ColumnStatistics>> multiPartsColStats = msdb.getPartitionColumnStatistics(catName, dbname, tblname,
oldPartNames, oldColNames);
for (List<ColumnStatistics> partsColStats : multiPartsColStats) {
assert (partsColStats.size() <= 1);
// for out para, this value is initialized by caller.
if (deletedCols == null) {
deletedCols = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
// in case deletedCols is provided by caller, stats will be updated by caller.
updateColumnStats = false;
for (ColumnStatistics partColStats : partsColStats) { //actually only at most one loop
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> newStatsObjs = new ArrayList<>();
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> statsObjs = partColStats.getStatsObj();
for (ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj : statsObjs) {
boolean found = false;
for (FieldSchema newCol : newCols) {
if (statsObj.getColName().equalsIgnoreCase(newCol.getName())
&& statsObj.getColType().equalsIgnoreCase(newCol.getType())) {
found = true;
if (found) {
if (rename) {
if (updateColumnStats) {
msdb.deletePartitionColumnStatistics(catName, dbname, tblname,
partColStats.getStatsDesc().getPartName(), partVals, statsObj.getColName(),
} else {
} else {
if (updateColumnStats) {
msdb.deletePartitionColumnStatistics(catName, dbname, tblname, partColStats.getStatsDesc().getPartName(),
partVals, statsObj.getColName(), partColStats.getEngine());
if (updateColumnStats) {
StatsSetupConst.removeColumnStatsState(part.getParameters(), deletedCols);
if (!newStatsObjs.isEmpty()) {
} catch (NoSuchObjectException nsoe) {
// ignore this exception, actually this exception won't be thrown from getPartitionColumnStatistics
} catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
throw new InvalidObjectException("Invalid input to delete partition column stats." + iie);
return newPartsColStats;