blob: bfd5befd56fce63cc1854c09e9a93cff1852af25 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.model;
/** Representing a row in the KEY_CONSTARINTS table. */
public class MConstraint
private String constraintName; // Primary key of KEY_CONSTARINTS
private int position; // Primary key of KEY_CONSTARINTS
private int constraintType;
private Integer deleteRule;
private Integer updateRule;
private MTable parentTable; // Primary key of KEY_CONSTARINTS
private MTable childTable;
private MColumnDescriptor parentColumn;
private MColumnDescriptor childColumn;
private Integer childIntegerIndex;
private Integer parentIntegerIndex;
private int enableValidateRely;
private String defaultValue;
// 0 - Primary Key
// 1 - PK-FK relationship
// 2 - Unique Constraint
// 3 - Not Null Constraint
public final static int PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT = 0;
public final static int FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT = 1;
public final static int UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT = 2;
public final static int NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT = 3;
public final static int DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT = 4;
public final static int CHECK_CONSTRAINT = 5;
public static class PK implements Serializable {
public MTable.PK parentTable;
public String constraintName;
public int position;
public PK() {}
public PK(MTable.PK parentTable, String constraintName, int position) {
this.parentTable = parentTable;
this.constraintName = constraintName;
this.position = position;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s:%s:%d",, constraintName, position);
public int hashCode() {
return toString().hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other != null && (other instanceof PK)) {
PK otherPK = (PK) other;
return == &&
otherPK.constraintName.equals(constraintName) &&
otherPK.position == position;
return false;
public MConstraint() {}
public MConstraint(String constraintName, int position, int constraintType, Integer deleteRule, Integer updateRule,
int enableRelyValidate, MTable parentTable, MTable childTable, MColumnDescriptor parentColumn,
MColumnDescriptor childColumn, Integer childIntegerIndex, Integer parentIntegerIndex) {
this.constraintName = constraintName;
this.constraintType = constraintType;
this.parentTable = parentTable;
this.childTable = childTable;
this.parentColumn = parentColumn;
this.childColumn = childColumn;
this.position = position;
this.deleteRule = deleteRule;
this.updateRule = updateRule;
this.enableValidateRely = enableRelyValidate;
this.childIntegerIndex = childIntegerIndex;
this.parentIntegerIndex = parentIntegerIndex;
public MConstraint(String constraintName, int position, int constraintType, Integer deleteRule, Integer updateRule,
int enableRelyValidate, MTable parentTable, MTable childTable, MColumnDescriptor parentColumn,
MColumnDescriptor childColumn, Integer childIntegerIndex, Integer parentIntegerIndex, String defaultValue) {
this.constraintName = constraintName;
this.constraintType = constraintType;
this.parentTable = parentTable;
this.childTable = childTable;
this.parentColumn = parentColumn;
this.childColumn = childColumn;
this.position = position;
this.deleteRule = deleteRule;
this.updateRule = updateRule;
this.enableValidateRely = enableRelyValidate;
this.childIntegerIndex = childIntegerIndex;
this.parentIntegerIndex = parentIntegerIndex;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
public String getConstraintName() {
return constraintName;
public void setConstraintName(String constraintName) {
this.constraintName = constraintName;
public int getPosition() {
return position;
public void setPosition(int position) {
this.position = position;
public int getConstraintType() {
return constraintType;
public void setConstraintType(int constraintType) {
this.constraintType = constraintType;
public Integer getDeleteRule() {
return deleteRule;
public void setDeleteRule(Integer deleteRule) {
this.deleteRule = deleteRule;
public Integer getUpdateRule() {
return updateRule;
public void setUpdateRule(Integer updateRule) {
this.updateRule = updateRule;
public MTable getParentTable() {
return parentTable;
public void setParentTable(MTable parentTable) {
this.parentTable = parentTable;
public MTable getChildTable() {
return childTable;
public void setChildTable(MTable childTable) {
this.childTable = childTable;
public MColumnDescriptor getParentColumn() {
return parentColumn;
public void setParentColumn(MColumnDescriptor parentColumn) {
this.parentColumn = parentColumn;
public MColumnDescriptor getChildColumn() {
return childColumn;
public void setChildColumn(MColumnDescriptor childColumn) {
this.childColumn = childColumn;
public Integer getChildIntegerIndex() {
return childIntegerIndex;
public void setChildIntegerIndex(Integer childIntegerIndex) {
this.childIntegerIndex = childIntegerIndex;
public Integer getParentIntegerIndex() {
return parentIntegerIndex;
public void setParentIntegerIndex(Integer parentIntegerIndex) {
this.parentIntegerIndex = parentIntegerIndex;
public int getEnableValidateRely() {
return enableValidateRely;
public void setEnableValidateRely(int enableValidateRely) {
this.enableValidateRely = enableValidateRely;
public String getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;