blob: bfc80e146288a1643d8c1fceeacd425f07a6f530 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.helix.integration.rebalancer.PartitionMigration;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.helix.ConfigAccessor;
import org.apache.helix.HelixManager;
import org.apache.helix.HelixManagerFactory;
import org.apache.helix.InstanceType;
import org.apache.helix.NotificationContext;
import org.apache.helix.PropertyKey;
import org.apache.helix.api.listeners.ExternalViewChangeListener;
import org.apache.helix.api.listeners.IdealStateChangeListener;
import org.apache.helix.common.ZkTestBase;
import org.apache.helix.controller.rebalancer.strategy.CrushRebalanceStrategy;
import org.apache.helix.integration.DelayedTransitionBase;
import org.apache.helix.integration.manager.ClusterControllerManager;
import org.apache.helix.integration.manager.MockParticipantManager;
import org.apache.helix.model.BuiltInStateModelDefinitions;
import org.apache.helix.model.ClusterConfig;
import org.apache.helix.model.ExternalView;
import org.apache.helix.model.IdealState;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
public class TestPartitionMigrationBase extends ZkTestBase {
final int NUM_NODE = 6;
protected static final int START_PORT = 12918;
protected static final int _PARTITIONS = 50;
protected final String CLASS_NAME = getShortClassName();
protected final String CLUSTER_NAME = CLUSTER_PREFIX + "_" + CLASS_NAME;
protected ClusterControllerManager _controller;
List<MockParticipantManager> _participants = new ArrayList<>();
int _replica = 3;
int _minActiveReplica = _replica - 1;
ZkHelixClusterVerifier _clusterVerifier;
List<String> _testDBs = new ArrayList<>();
MigrationStateVerifier _migrationVerifier;
HelixManager _manager;
ConfigAccessor _configAccessor;
public void beforeClass() throws Exception {
System.out.println("START " + CLASS_NAME + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
_gSetupTool.addCluster(CLUSTER_NAME, true);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NODE; i++) {
String storageNodeName = PARTICIPANT_PREFIX + "_" + (START_PORT + i);
MockParticipantManager participant = createAndStartParticipant(storageNodeName);
// start controller
String controllerName = CONTROLLER_PREFIX + "_0";
_controller = new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, CLUSTER_NAME, controllerName);
_clusterVerifier =
new BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier.Builder(CLUSTER_NAME).setZkAddr(ZK_ADDR).build();
enablePersistIntermediateAssignment(_gZkClient, CLUSTER_NAME, true);
_manager =
HelixManagerFactory.getZKHelixManager(CLUSTER_NAME, "admin", InstanceType.ADMINISTRATOR, ZK_ADDR);
_configAccessor = new ConfigAccessor(_gZkClient);
protected MockParticipantManager createAndStartParticipant(String instancename) {
_gSetupTool.addInstanceToCluster(CLUSTER_NAME, instancename);
// start dummy participants
MockParticipantManager participant =
new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, CLUSTER_NAME, instancename, 10);
participant.setTransition(new DelayedTransitionBase(10));
return participant;
protected String[] TestStateModels = {,,
protected Map<String, IdealState> createTestDBs(long delayTime) throws InterruptedException {
Map<String, IdealState> idealStateMap = new HashMap<>();
int i = 0;
for (String stateModel : TestStateModels) {
String db = "Test-DB-" + i++;
createResourceWithDelayedRebalance(CLUSTER_NAME, db, stateModel, _PARTITIONS, _replica, _minActiveReplica,
-1, CrushRebalanceStrategy.class.getName());
for (String db : _testDBs) {
IdealState is = _gSetupTool.getClusterManagementTool().getResourceIdealState(CLUSTER_NAME, db);
idealStateMap.put(db, is);
ClusterConfig clusterConfig = _configAccessor.getClusterConfig(CLUSTER_NAME);
_configAccessor.setClusterConfig(CLUSTER_NAME, clusterConfig);
return idealStateMap;
class MigrationStateVerifier implements IdealStateChangeListener, ExternalViewChangeListener {
static final int EXTRA_REPLICA = 1;
boolean _hasMoreReplica = false;
boolean _hasLessReplica = false;
boolean _hasMinActiveReplica = false;
HelixManager _manager;
boolean trackEnabled = false;
Map<String, IdealState> _resourceMap;
public MigrationStateVerifier(Map<String, IdealState> resourceMap, HelixManager manager) {
_resourceMap = resourceMap;
_manager = manager;
// start tracking changes
public void start() throws Exception {
trackEnabled = true;
// stop tracking changes
public void stop() {
trackEnabled = false;
PropertyKey.Builder keyBuilder = _manager.getHelixDataAccessor().keyBuilder();
_manager.removeListener(keyBuilder.idealStates(), this);
_manager.removeListener(keyBuilder.externalViews(), this);
public void onIdealStateChange(List<IdealState> idealStates, NotificationContext changeContext)
throws InterruptedException {
if (!trackEnabled) {
for (IdealState is : idealStates) {
int replica = is.getReplicaCount(NUM_NODE);
for (String p : is.getPartitionSet()) {
Map<String, String> stateMap = is.getRecord().getMapField(p);
verifyPartitionCount(is.getResourceName(), p, stateMap, replica, "IS",
public void onExternalViewChange(List<ExternalView> externalViewList,
NotificationContext changeContext) {
if (!trackEnabled) {
for (ExternalView ev : externalViewList) {
IdealState is = _resourceMap.get(ev.getResourceName());
if (is == null) {
int replica = is.getReplicaCount(NUM_NODE);
for (String p : is.getPartitionSet()) {
Map<String, String> stateMap = ev.getStateMap(p);
verifyPartitionCount(is.getResourceName(), p, stateMap, replica, "EV",
private void verifyPartitionCount(String resource, String partition,
Map<String, String> stateMap, int replica, String warningPrefix, int minActiveReplica) {
if (stateMap.size() < replica) {
// System.out.println(
// "resource " + resource + ", partition " + partition + " has " + stateMap.size()
// + " replicas in " + warningPrefix);
_hasLessReplica = true;
if (stateMap.size() > replica + EXTRA_REPLICA) {
// System.out.println(
// "resource " + resource + ", partition " + partition + " has " + stateMap.size()
// + " replicas in " + warningPrefix);
// _hasMoreReplica = true;
if (stateMap.size() < minActiveReplica) {
// System.out.println(
// "resource " + resource + ", partition " + partition + " has " + stateMap.size()
// + " min active replicas in " + warningPrefix);
_hasMinActiveReplica = true;
public boolean hasMoreReplica() {
return _hasMoreReplica;
public boolean hasLessReplica() {
return _hasLessReplica;
public boolean hasLessMinActiveReplica() {
return _hasMinActiveReplica;
public void reset() {
_hasMoreReplica = false;
_hasLessReplica = false;
public void afterClass() throws Exception {
* shutdown order: 1) disconnect the controller 2) disconnect participants
for (MockParticipantManager participant : _participants) {
System.out.println("END " + CLASS_NAME + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));