blob: 4e8c591976dd3e0f07d99030546f652a17420269 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.helix.task;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.apache.helix.common.caches.TaskDataCache;
import org.apache.helix.model.ClusterConfig;
import org.apache.helix.model.InstanceConfig;
import org.apache.helix.model.LiveInstance;
import org.apache.helix.task.assigner.AssignableInstance;
import org.apache.helix.task.assigner.TaskAssignResult;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class AssignableInstanceManager {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AssignableInstanceManager.class);
public static final int QUOTA_TYPE_NOT_EXIST = -1;
// Instance name -> AssignableInstance
private Map<String, AssignableInstance> _assignableInstanceMap;
// TaskID -> TaskAssignResult TODO: Hunter: Move this if not needed
private Map<String, TaskAssignResult> _taskAssignResultMap;
// With one dimentional quota, and every task only needs 1 quota, this map will save some work
// in case quota is full. But if there is multi-dimential quota, such aggregated quota map may not
// help in most of the cases, as this global view does not mean that a single instance has all
// these quota available.
// This map is quota type -> remaining global quota
private Map<String, Integer> _globalThreadBasedQuotaMap;
* Basic constructor for AssignableInstanceManager to allow an empty instantiation.
* buildAssignableInstances() must be explicitly called after instantiation.
public AssignableInstanceManager() {
_assignableInstanceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
_taskAssignResultMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
_globalThreadBasedQuotaMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Builds AssignableInstances and restores TaskAssignResults from scratch by reading from
* TaskDataCache. It re-computes current quota profile for each AssignableInstance.
* @param clusterConfig
* @param taskDataCache
* @param liveInstances
* @param instanceConfigs
public void buildAssignableInstances(ClusterConfig clusterConfig, TaskDataCache taskDataCache,
Map<String, LiveInstance> liveInstances, Map<String, InstanceConfig> instanceConfigs) {
// Reset all cached information
// Create all AssignableInstance objects based on what's in liveInstances
for (Map.Entry<String, LiveInstance> liveInstanceEntry : liveInstances.entrySet()) {
// Prepare instance-specific metadata
String instanceName = liveInstanceEntry.getKey();
LiveInstance liveInstance = liveInstanceEntry.getValue();
if (!instanceConfigs.containsKey(instanceName)) {
continue; // Ill-formatted input; skip over this instance
InstanceConfig instanceConfig = instanceConfigs.get(instanceName);
// Create an AssignableInstance
AssignableInstance assignableInstance =
new AssignableInstance(clusterConfig, instanceConfig, liveInstance);
_assignableInstanceMap.put(instanceConfig.getInstanceName(), assignableInstance);
LOG.debug("AssignableInstance created for instance: {}", instanceName);
// Update task profiles by traversing all TaskContexts
Map<String, JobConfig> jobConfigMap = taskDataCache.getJobConfigMap();
for (String jobName : jobConfigMap.keySet()) {
JobConfig jobConfig = jobConfigMap.get(jobName);
JobContext jobContext = taskDataCache.getJobContext(jobName);
if (jobConfig == null || jobContext == null) {
"JobConfig or JobContext for this job is null. Skipping this job! Job name: {}, JobConfig: {}, JobContext: {}",
jobName, jobConfig, jobContext);
continue; // Ignore this job if either the config or context is null
// First, check that the workflow and job are in valid states. This is important because
// sometimes aborted jobs do not get a proper update of their task states, meaning there could
// be INIT and RUNNING tasks we want to ignore
String workflowName = jobConfig.getWorkflow();
WorkflowConfig workflowConfig = taskDataCache.getWorkflowConfig(workflowName);
WorkflowContext workflowContext = taskDataCache.getWorkflowContext(workflowName);
if (workflowConfig == null || workflowContext == null) {
// There is no workflow config or context - meaning no tasks are currently scheduled and
// invalid, so skip this job
TaskState workflowState = workflowContext.getWorkflowState();
TaskState jobState = workflowContext.getJobState(jobName);
if (isResourceTerminalOrStopped(workflowState) || isResourceTerminalOrStopped(jobState)) {
String quotaType = jobConfig.getJobType();
if (quotaType == null) {
quotaType = AssignableInstance.DEFAULT_QUOTA_TYPE;
Set<Integer> taskIndices = jobContext.getPartitionSet(); // Each integer represents a task in
// this job (this is NOT taskId)
for (int taskIndex : taskIndices) {
TaskPartitionState taskState = jobContext.getPartitionState(taskIndex);
if (taskState == TaskPartitionState.INIT || taskState == TaskPartitionState.RUNNING) {
// Because task state is INIT or RUNNING, find the right AssignableInstance and subtract
// the right amount of resources. STOPPED means it's been cancelled, so it will be
// re-assigned and therefore does not use instances' resources
String assignedInstance = jobContext.getAssignedParticipant(taskIndex);
String taskId = jobContext.getTaskIdForPartition(taskIndex);
if (taskId == null) {
// For targeted tasks, taskId will be null
// We instead use pName (see FixedTargetTaskAssignmentCalculator)
taskId = String.format("%s_%s", jobConfig.getJobId(), taskIndex);
if (assignedInstance == null) {
"This task's TaskContext does not have an assigned instance! Task will be ignored. "
+ "Job: {}, TaskId: {}, TaskIndex: {}",
jobContext.getName(), taskId, taskIndex);
if (_assignableInstanceMap.containsKey(assignedInstance)) {
TaskConfig taskConfig = jobConfig.getTaskConfig(taskId);
AssignableInstance assignableInstance = _assignableInstanceMap.get(assignedInstance);
TaskAssignResult taskAssignResult =
assignableInstance.restoreTaskAssignResult(taskId, taskConfig, quotaType);
if (taskAssignResult.isSuccessful()) {
_taskAssignResultMap.put(taskId, taskAssignResult);
LOG.debug("TaskAssignResult restored for taskId: {}, assigned on instance: {}",
taskId, assignedInstance);
} else {
"While building AssignableInstance map, discovered that the instance a task is assigned to is no "
+ "longer a LiveInstance! TaskAssignResult will not be created and no resource will be taken "
+ "up for this task. Job: {}, TaskId: {}, TaskIndex: {}, Instance: {}",
jobContext.getName(), taskId, taskIndex, assignedInstance);
"AssignableInstanceManager built AssignableInstances from scratch based on contexts in TaskDataCache due to Controller switch or ClusterConfig change.");
* Updates AssignableInstances when there are changes in LiveInstances or InstanceConfig. This
* update only keeps an up-to-date count of AssignableInstances and does NOT re-build tasks
* (because it's costly).
* Call this when there is only LiveInstance/InstanceConfig change.
* @param clusterConfig
* @param liveInstances
* @param instanceConfigs
public void updateAssignableInstances(ClusterConfig clusterConfig,
Map<String, LiveInstance> liveInstances, Map<String, InstanceConfig> instanceConfigs) {
// Keep a collection to determine what's no longer a LiveInstance, in which case the
// corresponding AssignableInstance must be removed
Collection<AssignableInstance> staleAssignableInstances =
new HashSet<>(_assignableInstanceMap.values());
// Loop over new LiveInstances
for (Map.Entry<String, LiveInstance> liveInstanceEntry : liveInstances.entrySet()) {
// Prepare instance-specific metadata
String instanceName = liveInstanceEntry.getKey();
LiveInstance liveInstance = liveInstanceEntry.getValue();
if (!instanceConfigs.containsKey(instanceName)) {
continue; // Ill-formatted input; skip over this instance
InstanceConfig instanceConfig = instanceConfigs.get(instanceName);
// Update configs for currently existing instance
if (_assignableInstanceMap.containsKey(instanceName)) {
_assignableInstanceMap.get(instanceName).updateConfigs(clusterConfig, instanceConfig,
} else {
// create a new AssignableInstance for a newly added LiveInstance; this is a new
// LiveInstance so TaskAssignResults are not re-created and no tasks are assigned
AssignableInstance assignableInstance =
new AssignableInstance(clusterConfig, instanceConfig, liveInstance);
_assignableInstanceMap.put(instanceName, assignableInstance);
LOG.debug("AssignableInstance created for instance: {} during updateAssignableInstances",
// Remove because we've confirmed that this AssignableInstance is a LiveInstance as well
// AssignableInstances that are not live need to be removed from the map because they are not
// live
for (AssignableInstance instanceToBeRemoved : staleAssignableInstances) {
// Remove all tasks on this instance first
for (String taskToRemove : instanceToBeRemoved.getCurrentAssignments()) {
// Check that AssignableInstances match
if (_taskAssignResultMap.containsKey(taskToRemove)) {
if (_taskAssignResultMap.get(taskToRemove).getAssignableInstance().getInstanceName()
.equals(instanceToBeRemoved.getInstanceName())) {
_taskAssignResultMap.remove(taskToRemove); // TODO: Hunter: Move this if necessary
"TaskAssignResult removed because its assigned instance is no longer live. TaskID: {}, instance: {}",
taskToRemove, instanceToBeRemoved.getInstanceName());
"Non-live AssignableInstance removed for instance: {} during updateAssignableInstances",
"AssignableInstanceManager updated AssignableInstances due to LiveInstance/InstanceConfig change.");
* Returns all instanceName -> AssignableInstance mappings.
* @return assignableInstanceMap
public Map<String, AssignableInstance> getAssignableInstanceMap() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(_assignableInstanceMap);
* Returns an AssignableInstance object by name.
* @param instanceName
* @return
public AssignableInstance getAssignableInstance(String instanceName) {
return _assignableInstanceMap.get(instanceName);
* Returns all AssignableInstances that support a given quota type.
* @param quotaType
* @return unmodifiable set of AssignableInstances
public Set<AssignableInstance> getAssignableInstancesForQuotaType(String quotaType) {
// TODO: Currently, quota types are global settings across all AssignableInstances. When this
// TODO: becomes customizable, we need to actually implement this so that it doesn't return all
// TODO: AssignableInstances
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(_assignableInstanceMap.values()));
* Returns taskId -> TaskAssignResult mappings.
* @return taskAssignResultMap
public Map<String, TaskAssignResult> getTaskAssignResultMap() {
return _taskAssignResultMap;
* Check remained global quota of certain quota type for skipping redundant computation
* @param quotaType
* @return
public boolean hasGlobalCapacity(String quotaType) {
return _globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.containsKey(quotaType)
&& _globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.get(quotaType) > 0;
* Check whether quota maps contains the quota type or not
* @param quotaType
* @return
public boolean hasQuotaType(String quotaType) {
return _globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.containsKey(quotaType);
* Wrapper for AssignableInstance release
* @param instanceName
* @param taskConfig
* @param quotaType
public void release(String instanceName, TaskConfig taskConfig, String quotaType) {
if (quotaType == null) {
LOG.debug("Task {}'s quotaType is null. Trying to release as DEFAULT type.",
quotaType = AssignableInstance.DEFAULT_QUOTA_TYPE;
if (_assignableInstanceMap.containsKey(instanceName)) {
_assignableInstanceMap.get(instanceName).release(taskConfig, quotaType);
if (_globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.containsKey(quotaType)) {
_globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.put(quotaType, _globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.get(quotaType) + 1);
* Wrapper for AssignableInstance tryAssign
* @param instanceName
* @param task
* @param quotaType
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public TaskAssignResult tryAssign(String instanceName, TaskConfig task, String quotaType)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (_assignableInstanceMap.containsKey(instanceName)) {
return _assignableInstanceMap.get(instanceName).tryAssign(task, quotaType);
return null;
* Wrapper for AssignableInstance assign
* @param instanceName
* @param result
* @throws IllegalStateException
public void assign(String instanceName, TaskAssignResult result) throws IllegalStateException {
if (result != null && _assignableInstanceMap.containsKey(instanceName)) {
_taskAssignResultMap.put(result.getTaskConfig().getId(), result);
if (_globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.containsKey(result.getQuotaType())) {
.put(result.getQuotaType(), _globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.get(result.getQuotaType()) - 1);
* Get all the AssignableInstance names
* @return
public Set<String> getAssignableInstanceNames() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_assignableInstanceMap.keySet());
* Determines whether it's possible for a given workflow or a job to have any running tasks. In
* other words, rule out all resources that are in terminal states or have been stopped.
* @param state
* @return
private boolean isResourceTerminalOrStopped(TaskState state) {
if (state == null) {
// If the state is null, it cannot have currently-running tasks either, so consider it
// inactive
return true;
switch (state) {
case FAILED:
return true;
return false;
* Creates a JSON-style String that shows the quota profile and logs it.
* TODO: Make this with an associated event ID if this becomes a performance bottleneck
* @param onlyDisplayIfFull if true, this String will only contain the profile for instances whose
* quota capacity is at its full to avoid cluttering up the log
public void logQuotaProfileJSON(boolean onlyDisplayIfFull) {
// Create a String to use as the log for quota status
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode instanceNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
// Loop through all instances
for (Map.Entry<String, AssignableInstance> instanceEntry : _assignableInstanceMap.entrySet()) {
AssignableInstance assignableInstance = instanceEntry.getValue();
boolean capacityFull = false;
JsonNode resourceTypeNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> capacityEntry : assignableInstance
.getTotalCapacity().entrySet()) {
String resourceType = capacityEntry.getKey();
Map<String, Integer> quotaTypeMap = capacityEntry.getValue();
JsonNode quotaTypeNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> typeEntry : quotaTypeMap.entrySet()) {
String quotaType = typeEntry.getKey();
int totalCapacity = typeEntry.getValue();
int usedCapacity = assignableInstance.getUsedCapacity().get(resourceType).get(quotaType);
if (!capacityFull) {
capacityFull = totalCapacity <= usedCapacity;
String capacityString = String.format("%d/%d", usedCapacity, totalCapacity);
((ObjectNode) quotaTypeNode).put(quotaType, capacityString);
((ObjectNode) resourceTypeNode).put(resourceType, quotaTypeNode);
// If onlyDisplayIfFull, do not add the JsonNode to the parent node
if (onlyDisplayIfFull && !capacityFull) {
((ObjectNode) instanceNode).put(instanceEntry.getKey(), resourceTypeNode);
if (instanceNode.size() > 0) {"Current quota capacity: {}", instanceNode.toString());
private void computeGlobalThreadBasedCapacity() {
for (AssignableInstance assignableInstance : _assignableInstanceMap.values()) {
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> capacityMap = assignableInstance.getTotalCapacity();
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : capacityMap
.get( {
int value = entry.getValue();
if (_globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
value += _globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.get(entry.getKey());
_globalThreadBasedQuotaMap.put(entry.getKey(), value);