blob: f0b1206b3c7984f0b2df0a0557fbfc676d13ed26 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
package TestDriverHive;
# Test driver for hive nightly tests.
use TestDriver;
use IPC::Run; # don't do qw(run), it screws up TestDriver which also has a run method
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Util;
use File::Path;
use Cwd;
use strict;
use English;
our $className= "TestDriver";
our @ISA = "$className";
our $ROOT = (defined $ENV{'HARNESS_ROOT'} ? $ENV{'HARNESS_ROOT'} : die "ERROR: You must set environment variable HARNESS_ROOT\n");
our $toolpath = "$ROOT/libexec/HCatTest";
my $passedStr = 'passed';
my $failedStr = 'failed';
my $abortedStr = 'aborted';
my $skippedStr = 'skipped';
my $dependStr = 'failed_dependency';
sub new
# Call our parent
my ($proto) = @_;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
sub globalSetup
my ($self, $globalHash, $log) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
# Setup the output path
my $me = `whoami`;
chomp $me;
$globalHash->{'runid'} = $me . "." . time;
$globalHash->{'localpath'} = $globalHash->{'localpathbase'} . "/" . $globalHash->{'runid'} . "/";
IPC::Run::run(['mkdir', '-p', $globalHash->{'localpath'}], \undef, $log, $log) or
die "Cannot create localpath directory " . $globalHash->{'localpath'} .
" " . "$ERRNO\n";
IPC::Run::run(['mkdir', '-p', $globalHash->{'benchmarkPath'}], \undef, $log, $log) or
die "Cannot create benchmark directory " . $globalHash->{'benchmarkPath'} .
" " . "$ERRNO\n";
$globalHash->{'thisResultsPath'} = $globalHash->{'localpath'} . "/"
. $globalHash->{'resultsPath'};
IPC::Run::run(['mkdir', '-p', $globalHash->{'thisResultsPath'}], \undef, $log, $log) or
die "Cannot create results directory " . $globalHash->{'thisResultsPath'} .
" " . "$ERRNO\n";
sub globalCleanup
my ($self, $globalHash, $log) = @_;
sub runTest
my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
my %result;
my @hivefiles = ();
my @outfiles = ();
# Write the hive script to a file.
$hivefiles[0] = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" .
$testCmd->{'num'} . ".0.sql";
$outfiles[0] = $testCmd->{'thisResultsPath'} . "/" . $testCmd->{'group'} .
"_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".0.out";
open(FH, "> $hivefiles[0]") or
die "Unable to open file $hivefiles[0] to write SQL script, $ERRNO\n";
print FH $testCmd->{'sql'} . "\n";
# If the results are written to a table run the command and then
# run a another Hive command to dump the results of the table.
if (defined($testCmd->{'result_table'})) {
Util::runHiveCmdFromFile($testCmd, $log, $hivefiles[0]);
$result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
my @results = ();
if (ref($testCmd->{'result_table'}) ne 'ARRAY') {
$results[0] = $testCmd->{'result_table'};
} else {
@results = @{$testCmd->{'result_table'}};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @results; $i++) {
$hivefiles[$i] = $testCmd->{'localpath'} .
$testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} .
$outfiles[$i] = $testCmd->{'thisResultsPath'} . "/" .
$testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".$i.out";
open(FH, "> $hivefiles[$i]") or
die "Unable to open file $hivefiles[$i] to write SQL " .
"script, $ERRNO\n";
print FH "select * from " . $results[$i] . ";\n";
my @originalOutputs = ();
my @outputs = ();
$result{'originalOutput'} = \@originalOutputs;
$result{'output'} = \@outputs;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @hivefiles; $i++) {
my $outfp;
open($outfp, "> $outfiles[$i]") or
die "Unable to open output file $outfiles[$i], $!\n";
Util::runHiveCmdFromFile($testCmd, $log, $hivefiles[$i], $outfp);
# Don't overwrite rc if we set it above
$result{'rc'} = $? >> 8 unless defined $result{'rc'};
$originalOutputs[$i] = $outfiles[$i];
$outputs[$i] =
$self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfiles[$i], $testCmd, $log);
# Compare doesn't get the testCmd hash, so I need to stuff the necessary
# info about sorting into the result.
if (defined $testCmd->{'sortArgs'} && $testCmd->{'sortArgs'}) {
$result{'sortArgs'} = $testCmd->{'sortArgs'};
return \%result;
sub generateBenchmark
my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
my %result;
# Write the SQL to a file.
my @verifies = ();
if (defined $testCmd->{'verify_sql'}) {
if (ref($testCmd->{'verify_sql'}) eq "ARRAY") {
@verifies = @{$testCmd->{'verify_sql'}};
} else {
$verifies[0] = $testCmd->{'verify_sql'};
} else {
$verifies[0] = $testCmd->{'sql'};
my @rcs = ();
$result{'rc'} = \@rcs;
my @outputs = ();
$result{'output'} = \@outputs;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @verifies; $i++) {
my $sqlfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" .
$testCmd->{'num'} . ".benchmark.$i.sql";
my $outfile = $testCmd->{'benchmarkPath'} . "/" .
$testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} .
open(FH, "> $sqlfile") or
die "Unable to open file $sqlfile to write SQL script, $ERRNO\n";
print FH $verifies[$i];
my $outfp;
open($outfp, "> $outfile") or
die "Unable to open output file $outfile, $!\n";
Util::runDbCmd($testCmd, $log, $sqlfile, $outfp);
$rcs[$i] = $? >> 8;
$outputs[$i] =
$self->postProcessSingleOutputFile($outfile, $testCmd, $log, 1);
return \%result;
sub compare
my ($self, $testResult, $benchmarkResult, $log, $testCmd) = @_;
# Make sure we have the same number of results from runTest and
# generateBenchmark
if (scalar(@{$testResult->{'output'}}) !=
scalar(@{$benchmarkResult->{'output'}})) {
die "runTest returned " . scalar(@{$testResult->{'output'}}) .
" results, but generateBenchmark returned " .
scalar(@{$benchmarkResult->{'output'}}) . "\n";
my $totalFailures = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$testResult->{'output'}}; $i++) {
# cksum the the two files to see if they are the same
my ($testChksm, $benchmarkChksm);
IPC::Run::run((['cat', @{$testResult->{'output'}}[$i]], '|',
['cksum']), \$testChksm, $log) or
die "$0: error: cannot run cksum on test results\n";
IPC::Run::run((['cat', @{$benchmarkResult->{'output'}}[$i]], '|',
['cksum']), \$benchmarkChksm, $log) or
die "$0: error: cannot run cksum on benchmark\n";
chomp $testChksm;
chomp $benchmarkChksm;
print $log
"test cksum: $testChksm\nbenchmark cksum: $benchmarkChksm\n";
if ($testChksm ne $benchmarkChksm) {
print $log "Test output $i checksum does not match benchmark " .
print $log "Test $i checksum = <$testChksm>\n";
print $log "Expected $i checksum = <$benchmarkChksm>\n";
print $log "RESULTS DIFFER: vimdiff " . cwd .
"/" . @{$testResult->{'output'}}[$i] . " " . cwd .
"/" . @{$benchmarkResult->{'output'}}[$i] . "\n";
# Now, check if the sort order is specified
if (defined($testResult->{'sortArgs'})) {
my @sortChk = ('sort', '-cs');
push(@sortChk, @{$testResult->{'sortArgs'}});
push(@sortChk, @{$testResult->{'originalOutput'}}[$i]);
print $log "Going to run sort check command: " .
join(" ", @sortChk) . "\n";
IPC::Run::run(\@sortChk, \undef, $log, $log);
my $sortrc = $?;
if ($sortrc) {
print $log "Sort check failed\n";
return $totalFailures == 0;
sub postProcessSingleOutputFile
my ($self, $outfile, $testCmd, $log, $isBenchmark) = @_;
# If requested, process the data to smooth over floating point
# differences.
if (defined $testCmd->{'floatpostprocess'} &&
defined $testCmd->{'delimiter'}) {
# Move the file to a temp file and run through the pre-processor.
my $tmpfile = "$outfile.tmp";
link($outfile, $tmpfile) or
die "Unable to create temporary file $tmpfile, $!\n";
unlink($outfile) or
die "Unable to unlink file $outfile, $!\n";
open(IFH, "< $tmpfile") or
die "Unable to open file $tmpfile, $!\n";
open(OFH, "> $outfile") or
die "Unable to open file $outfile, $!\n";
my @cmd = ("$toolpath/",
print $log "Going to run [" . join(" ", @cmd) . "]\n";
IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, \*IFH, \*OFH, $log) or
die "Failed to run float postprocessor, $!\n";
if ($isBenchmark && defined $testCmd->{'nullpostprocess'}) {
# Move the file to a temp file and run through the pre-processor.
my $tmpfile = "$outfile.tmp";
link($outfile, $tmpfile) or
die "Unable to create temporary file $tmpfile, $!\n";
unlink($outfile) or
die "Unable to unlink file $outfile, $!\n";
open(IFH, "< $tmpfile") or
die "Unable to open file $tmpfile, $!\n";
open(OFH, "> $outfile") or
die "Unable to open file $outfile, $!\n";
my @cmd = ("sed", "s/NULL//g");
print $log "Going to run [" . join(" ", @cmd) . "]\n";
IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, \*IFH, \*OFH, $log) or
die "Failed to run float postprocessor, $!\n";
# Sort the results for the benchmark compare.
my $sortfile = "$outfile.sorted";
my @cmd = ("sort", $outfile);
print $log "Going to run [" . join(" ", @cmd) . "]\n";
IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, '>', "$sortfile");
return $sortfile;
# Count the number of stores in a Pig Latin script, so we know how many files
# we need to compare.
sub countStores($$)
my ($self, $testCmd) = @_;
# Special work around for queries with more than one store that are not
# actually multiqueries.
if (defined $testCmd->{'notmq'}) {
return 1;
my $count;
# hope they don't have more than store per line
# also note that this won't work if you comment out a store
my @q = split(/\n/, $testCmd->{'pig'});
for (my $i = 0; $i < @q; $i++) {
$count += $q[$i] =~ /store\s+[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s+into/i;
return $count;