blob: 8d87bfc0de7eded7201b2e7a9938c8bbb1a554f7 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $TESTDIR = '/tmp/templetontest/';
my $TEST_INP_DIR = '/tmp/test_inpdir/'; #dir on hadoop
my $TEST_USER = 'hortonth';
my $WEBHDFS_URL = 'http://localhost:50070';
my $TEMPLETON_URL = 'http://localhost:8080';
#use env variables if they have been set
if(defined $ENV{'TESTDIR'}){
if(defined $ENV{'TEST_INP_DIR'}){
if(defined $ENV{'TEST_USER'}){
if(defined $ENV{'WEBHDFS_URL'}){
if(defined $ENV{'TEMPLETON_URL'}){
if(! defined $ENV{'HCAT_PREFIX'}){
if(! defined $ENV{'HADOOP_PREFIX'}){
my $host = `hostname` ;
chomp $host;
if(! defined $ENV{'ZOOKEEPER_HOST'}){
$ENV{'ZOOKEEPER_HOST'} = $host . ':2181';
if(! defined $ENV{'METASTORE_HOST'}){
$ENV{'METASTORE_HOST'} = $host . ':9933';
print STDERR "##################################################################\n";
print STDERR "Using the following settings for environment variables\n" .
" (Set them to override the default values) \n" .
'HCAT_PREFIX :' . $ENV{'HCAT_PREFIX'} . "\n" .
print STDERR "##################################################################\n";
system("rm -rf $TESTDIR/");
#restart tomcat with updated env variables
my $templeton_src = "$TESTDIR/templeton_src";
$ENV{'TEMPLETON_HOME'} = "$templeton_src/templeton";
system ("$CATALINA_HOME/bin/") == 0 or die "tomcat shutdown failed" ;
sleep 3;
#get templeton git repo, build and install
system("mkdir -p $templeton_src") == 0 or die "could not create dir $templeton_src: $!";
chdir "$templeton_src" or die "could not change directory to $templeton_src : $!";
system ('git clone') == 0 or die "could not clone templeton git repo";
chdir 'templeton' or die 'could not change dir : $!';
#put a templeton-site.xml in $TEMPLETON_HOME with zookeeper hostname
system ('ant install-war') == 0 or die "templeton build failed";
#tomcat should have shutdown by now, try starting it
system ("$CATALINA_HOME/bin/") == 0 or die 'tomcat startup failed';
sleep 3;
my $tdir = "$templeton_src/templeton/src/test/e2e/templeton";
chdir $tdir or die "could not change dir $tdir : $!";
#copy input files
system("hadoop fs -rmr $TEST_INP_DIR");
system("hadoop fs -copyFromLocal $tdir/inpdir $TEST_INP_DIR") == 0 or die "failed to copy input dir : $!";
system("hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 $TEST_INP_DIR") == 0 or die "failed to set input dir permissions : $!";
#start tests
my $cmd = "ant test -Dinpdir.hdfs=$TEST_INP_DIR$TEST_USER" .
" -Dharness.webhdfs.url=$WEBHDFS_URL -Dharness.templeton.url=$TEMPLETON_URL ";
system($cmd) == 0 or die "templeton tests failed";
sub writeTempletonSiteXml {
my $conf = $ENV{'TEMPLETON_HOME'} . "/templeton-site.xml";
open ( CFH, ">$conf" ) or die $!;
print CFH '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value>' .
<description>ZooKeeper servers, as comma separated host:port pairs</description>
<value>hive.metastore.local=false,hive.metastore.uris=thrift://' .
<description>Properties to set when running hive.</description>
<description>The path to the Hive archive.</description>
<description>The path to the Hive executable.</description>
<description>The path to the Pig archive.</description>
<description>The path to the Pig executable.</description>
close CFH or die $!;