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End to end tests
End to end tests in templeton runs tests against an existing templeton server.
It runs hcat, mapreduce, streaming, hive and pig tests.
Test cases
The tests are defined in src/test/e2e/templeton/tests/*.conf
Test framework
The test framework is derived from the one used in pig, there is more documentation here on the framework -
1. Templeton needs to be installed and setup to be able to run hcat, maprduce, hive and pig commands.
2. Install perl and following perl modules (cpan -i <MODULE_NAME>)
* IPC::Run
* Data::Dump
* Number::Compare
* Text::Glob
* Data::Compare
* File::Find::Rule
* HTTP::Daemon
* Using perlbrew ( should make installing perl modules easier.
* Use 'yes | cpan -i <MODULE_NAME>' to avoid answering the 100's of questions cpan asks.
3. Copy contents of src/test/e2e/templeton/inpdir to hdfs
Running the tests
Use the following command to run tests -
ant test -Dinpdir.hdfs=<location of inpdir on hdfs><user the tests should run as> \
-Dsecure.mode=<yes/no> -Dharness.webhdfs.url=<webhdfs url upto port num> -Dharness.templeton.url=<templeton url upto port num>
If you want to run specific test group you can specify the group, for example:'-t TestHive'
If you want to run specific test in a group group you can specify the test, for example:'-t TestHive_1'
Running the hcat authorization tests
Hcat authorization tests run commands as different users to test if authorization is done right.
ant test-hcat-authorization -Dkeytab.dir=<keytab files dir>
-Dsecure.mode=<yes/no><common group> -Dinpdir.hdfs=<location of inpdir on hdfs><user 1 belonging to common group><user 2 belonging to common group><user 3 who does not belong to common group>
-Dharness.webhdfs.url=<webhdfs url upto port num> -Dharness.templeton.url=<templeton url upto port num>
The <keytab files dir> is expected to have keytab filenames of the form - user_name.*keytab .
Enable webhdfs by adding the following to your hadoop hdfs-site.xml :
You can build a server that will measure test coverage by using templeton:
ant clean; ant e2e
This assumes you've got webhdfs at the address above, the inpdir info in /user/templeton, and templeton running on the default port. You can change any of those properties in the build file.
It's best to set HADOOP_HOME_WARN_SUPPRESS=true everywhere you can.