blob: 41e5eef31b6cdc4e57a7c518530ff08058ddd948 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Do
# egrep '^#|name.*=>' hcat.conf | egrep -v '^#!|egrep' | less
# to get an outline of this test conf file
# Has a couple of Hive set directives:
# set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
# set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
$cfg = {
'driver' => 'Hadoop',
'groups' => [
# This first group should be moved to deployer ?
'name' => 'Hadoop_Checkin',
'tests' => [
'num' => 1
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.SimpleRead -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: studenttab10k :OUTPATH:
,'sql' => q\select name, age from studenttab10k;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
'num' => 2
,'hcat_prep'=>q\drop table if exists hadoop_checkin_2;
create table hadoop_checkin_2 (name string, age int, gpa double) STORED AS TEXTFILE;\
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.ReadWrite -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: studenttab10k hadoop_checkin_2
,'result_table' => 'hadoop_checkin_2'
,'sql' => q\select * from studenttab10k;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
'num' => 3
,'hcat_prep'=>q\drop table if exists hadoop_checkin_3;
create table hadoop_checkin_3 (age int, cnt int) STORED AS TEXTFILE;\
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.GroupByAge -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: studenttab10k hadoop_checkin_3
,'result_table' => 'hadoop_checkin_3'
,'sql' => q\select age, count(*) from studenttab10k group by age;\
# Read from a partitioned table
'num' => 4
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.SimpleRead -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: studentparttab30k :OUTPATH:
,'sql' => q\select name, age from studentparttab30k;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
# Write a single partition to a partitioned table
'num' => 5
,'hcat_prep'=>q\drop table if exists hadoop_checkin_5;
create table hadoop_checkin_5 (name string, age int) partitioned by (ds string) STORED AS TEXTFILE;\
,'hadoop' => q?
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.WriteTextPartitioned -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: studentparttab30k hadoop_checkin_5 ds=\"20110924\"
,'result_table' => 'hadoop_checkin_5'
,'sql' => q\select name, age, ds from studentparttab30k where ds='20110924';\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
}, {
# Write a multiple partitions to a partitioned table
'num' => 6
,'hcat_prep'=>q\drop table if exists hadoop_checkin_6;
create table hadoop_checkin_6 (name string, age int) partitioned by (ds string) STORED AS TEXTFILE;\
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.WriteTextPartitioned -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: studentparttab30k hadoop_checkin_6
,'result_table' => 'hadoop_checkin_6'
,'sql' => q\select name, age, ds from studentparttab30k;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
}, # end g
'name' => 'Hadoop_Read',
'tests' => [
'num' => 1
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.ReadText -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: all100k :OUTPATH:
,'sql' => q\select * from all100k;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
'num' => 2
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.ReadJson -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: all100kjson :OUTPATH:
,'sql' => q\select s, i, d from all100kjson;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
'num' => 3
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.ReadRC -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: all100krc :OUTPATH:
,'sql' => q\select name, age, floor(gpa) + 0.1 from all100krc;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
}, # end g
'name' => 'Hadoop_Write',
'tests' => [
'ignore' => 1, # Need to checkin HCATALOG-168.
'num' => 1
drop table if exists hadoop_write_1;
create table hadoop_write_1(
t tinyint,
si smallint,
i int,
b bigint,
f float,
d double,
s string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ':'
stored as textfile;\
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.WriteText -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: all100k hadoop_write_1
,'result_table' => 'hadoop_write_1'
,'sql' => q\select * from all100k;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
'num' => 2
,'hcat_prep' => q\
drop table if exists hadoop_write_2;
create table hadoop_write_2(
s string,
i int,
d double,
m map<string, string>,
bb array<struct<a: int, b: string>>)
row format serde ''
stored as textfile;\
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.WriteJson -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: all100kjson hadoop_write_2
,'result_table' => 'hadoop_write_2'
,'sql' => q\select s, i, d, '', '' from all100kjson;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
'num' => 3
,'hcat_prep' => q\
drop table if exists hadoop_write_3;
create table hadoop_write_3(
name string,
age int,
gpa double)
stored as rcfile;
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.WriteRC -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: all100krc hadoop_write_3
,'result_table' => 'hadoop_write_3'
,'sql' => q\select name, age, floor(gpa) + 0.1 from all100krc;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
'num' => 4
,'hcat_prep' => q\
drop table if exists hadoop_write_4;
create table hadoop_write_4(
name string,
age int,
gpa double)
stored as sequencefile;
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.WriteRC -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: all100krc hadoop_write_4
,'result_table' => 'hadoop_write_4'
,'sql' => q\select name, age, floor(gpa) + 0.1 from all100krc;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
}, # end g
'name' => 'Hadoop_HBase',
'tests' => [
'num' => 1
,'hcat_prep'=>q\drop table if exists hadoop_hbase_1;
create table hadoop_hbase_1(key string, gpa string) STORED BY 'org.apache.hcatalog.hbase.HBaseHCatStorageHandler' TBLPROPERTIES ('hbase.columns.mapping'=':key,info:gpa');\
,'hadoop' => q\
jar :FUNCPATH:/testudf.jar org.apache.hcatalog.utils.HBaseReadWrite -libjars :HCAT_JAR: :THRIFTSERVER: :INPATH:/studenttab10k hadoop_hbase_1 :OUTPATH:
,'sql' => q\select name, sum(gpa) from studenttab10k group by name;\
,'floatpostprocess' => 1
,'delimiter' => ' '
}, # end g