blob: fa4a6623ef4c77b1bac682230da40f58ea2e889e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Class: Util
# A collection of helper subroutines.
package Util;
use IPC::Run qw(run);
use strict;
use English;
sub prepareHCat
my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
my $hcatCmd = replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'hcat_prep'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log);
my @hivefiles = ();
my @outfiles = ();
# Write the hive script to a file.
$hivefiles[0] = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" .
$testCmd->{'num'} . ".0.sql";
$outfiles[0] = $testCmd->{'thisResultsPath'} . "/" . $testCmd->{'group'} .
"_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".0.out";
open(FH, "> $hivefiles[0]") or
die "Unable to open file $hivefiles[0] to write SQL script, $ERRNO\n";
print FH $testCmd->{'hcat_prep'} . "\n";
Util::runHCatCmdFromFile($testCmd, $log, $hivefiles[0]);
sub getHadoopCmd
my ( $properties ) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
my @baseCmd;
die "$0.$subName: null properties" if (! $properties );
my $cmd;
$cmd = $properties->{'hadoopbin'};
if ( ! -x "$cmd" ) {
print STDERR "\n$0::$subName WARNING: Can't find hadoop command: $cmd\n";
$cmd = `which hadoop`;
chomp $cmd;
print STDERR "$0::$subName WARNING: Instead using command: $cmd\n";
if ( ! -x "$cmd" ) {
die "\n$0::$subName FATAL: Hadoop command does not exist: $cmd\n";
push (@baseCmd, $cmd);
push (@baseCmd, '--config', $properties->{'hadoopconfdir'})
if defined($properties->{'hadoopconfdir'});
return @baseCmd;
# Sub: runHiveCmdFromFile
# Run the provided file using the Hive command line.
# cfg - The configuration file for the test
# log - reference to the log file, should be an open file pointer
# sql - name of file containing SQL to run. Optional, if present -f $sql
# will be appended to the command.
# outfile - open file pointer (or variable reference) to write stdout to for
# this test. Optional, will be written to $log if this value is not
# provided.
# outfile - open file pointer (or variable reference) to write stderr to for
# this test. Optional, will be written to $log if this value is not
# provided.
# noFailOnFail - if true, do not fail when the Hive command returns non-zero
# value.
# Returns:
# Nothing
sub runHiveCmdFromFile($$;$$$$)
my ($cfg, $log, $sql, $outfile, $errfile, $noFailOnFail) = @_;
if (!defined($ENV{'HADOOP_HOME'})) {
die "Cannot run hive when HADOOP_HOME environment variable is not set.";
$outfile = $log if (!defined($outfile));
$errfile = $log if (!defined($errfile));
my @cmd = ($cfg->{'hivebin'});
$ENV{'HIVE_CONF_DIR'} = $cfg->{'hiveconf'};
$ENV{'HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH'} = $cfg->{'hcatshare'};
if (defined($cfg->{'hivecmdargs'})) {
push(@cmd, @{$cfg->{'hivecmdargs'}});
if (defined($cfg->{'hiveops'})) {
$ENV{'HIVE_OPTS'} = join(" ", @{$cfg->{'hiveops'}});
$ENV{'HIVE_HOME'} = $cfg->{'hivehome'};
my $envStr;
for my $k (keys(%ENV)) {
$envStr .= $k . "=" . $ENV{$k} . " " if ($k =~ /HADOOP/ || $k =~ /HIVE/);
$envStr .= " ";
if (defined($sql)) {
push(@cmd, "-f", $sql);
print $log "Going to run hive command [" . join(" ", @cmd) .
"] with environment set to [$envStr]\n";
my $runrc = run(\@cmd, \undef, $outfile, $errfile);
my $rc = $? >> 8;
return $runrc if $runrc; # success
if (defined($noFailOnFail) && $noFailOnFail) {
return $rc;
} else {
die "Failed running hive command [" . join(" ", @cmd) . "]\n";
# Sub: runHiveCmdFromFile
# Run the provided file using the Hive command line.
# cfg - The configuration file for the test
# log - reference to the log file, should be an open file pointer
# sql - name of file containing SQL to run. Optional, if present -f $sql
# will be appended to the command.
# outfile - open file pointer (or variable reference) to write stdout to for
# this test. Optional, will be written to $log if this value is not
# provided.
# outfile - open file pointer (or variable reference) to write stderr to for
# this test. Optional, will be written to $log if this value is not
# provided.
# noFailOnFail - if true, do not fail when the Hive command returns non-zero
# value.
# Returns:
# Nothing
sub runHCatCmdFromFile($$;$$$$)
my ($cfg, $log, $sql, $outfile, $errfile, $noFailOnFail) = @_;
if (!defined($ENV{'HADOOP_HOME'})) {
die "Cannot run hcat when HADOOP_HOME environment variable is not set.";
$outfile = $log if (!defined($outfile));
$errfile = $log if (!defined($errfile));
$ENV{'HADOOP_CLASSPATH'} = $cfg->{'hbaseconf'};
$ENV{'HCAT_CLASSPATH'} = Util::getHBaseLibs($cfg, $log);
my @cmd;
if (defined($sql)) {
@cmd = ("$cfg->{'hcatbin'}", "-f", $sql);
} else {
@cmd = ("$cfg->{'hcatbin'}");
my $envStr;
for my $k (keys(%ENV)) {
$envStr .= $k . "=" . $ENV{$k} . " " if ($k =~ /HADOOP/ || $k =~ /HIVE/ ||
$k =~ /HCAT/);
$envStr .= " ";
print $log "Going to run hcat command [" . join(" ", @cmd) .
"] with environment set to [$envStr]\n";
my $runrc = run(\@cmd, \undef, $outfile, $errfile);
my $rc = $? >> 8;
return $runrc if $runrc; # success
if (defined($noFailOnFail) && $noFailOnFail) {
return $rc;
} else {
die "Failed running hcat command [" . join(" ", @cmd) . "]\n";
# Sub: runDbCmd
# Run the provided mysql command
# Returns:
# Nothing
sub runDbCmd($$$;$)
my ($cfg, $log, $sqlfile, $outfile) = @_;
$outfile = $log if (!defined($outfile));
open(SQL, "< $sqlfile") or die "Unable to open $sqlfile for reading, $!\n";
my @cmd = ('mysql', '-u', $cfg->{'dbuser'}, '-D', $cfg->{'dbdb'},
'-h', $cfg->{'dbhost'}, "--password=$cfg->{'dbpasswd'}",
print $log "Going to run [" . join(" ", @cmd) . "] passing in [$sqlfile]\n";
run(\@cmd, \*SQL, $outfile, $log) or
die "Failed running " . join(" ", @cmd) . "\n";
# Sub: runHadoopCmd
# Run the provided hadoop command
# Returns:
# Nothing
sub runHadoopCmd($$$)
my ($cfg, $log, $c) = @_;
my @cmd = ("$ENV{'HADOOP_HOME'}/bin/hadoop");
push(@cmd, split(' ', $c));
print $log "Going to run [" . join(" ", @cmd) . "]\n";
run(\@cmd, \undef, $log, $log) or
die "Failed running " . join(" ", @cmd) . "\n";
sub show_call_stack {
my ( $path, $line, $subr );
my $max_depth = 30;
my $i = 1;
print("--- Begin stack trace ---");
while ( (my @call_details = (caller($i++))) && ($i<$max_depth) ) {
print("$call_details[1] line $call_details[2] in function $
print("--- End stack trace ---");
sub getPigCmd
my ( $cfg, $log ) = @_;
my @cmd = ("$cfg->{'pigbin'}");
# sets the queue, for exampel "grideng"
if(defined($cfg->{'queue'})) {
push( @cmd,''.$cfg->{'queue'});
my $cp = Util::getHCatLibs($cfg, $log) . Util::getHiveLibsForPig($cfg, $log) .
Util::getHBaseLibs($cfg, $log);
push(@cmd, ('-Dpig.additional.jars='. $cp));
$cp .= ':' . $cfg->{'hiveconf'};
$cp .= ':' . $cfg->{'hbaseconf'};
# sets the permissions on the jobtracker for the logs
push( @cmd,'-Dmapreduce.job.acl-view-job=*');
# Set local mode PIG option
if ( defined($cfg->{'exectype'}) && $cfg->{'exectype'}=~ "local" ) {
push(@cmd, ('-x', 'local'));
return @cmd;
sub setLocale
my $locale= shift;
# $locale = "en_US.UTF-8" if ( !$locale );
$locale = "ja_JP.utf8" if ( !$locale );
sub getLocaleCmd
my $locale= shift;
$locale = "en_US.UTF-8" if ( !$locale );
return "export LC_CTYPE=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_NUMERIC=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_TIME=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_COLLATE=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_MONETARY=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_MESSAGES=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_PAPER=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_NAME=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_ADDRESS=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_TELEPHONE=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_MEASUREMENT=\"$locale\";"
."export LC_IDENTIFICATION=\"$locale\"";
sub replaceParameters
my ($cmd, $outfile, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
# $self
# $cmd =~ s/:LATESTOUTPUTPATH:/$self->{'latestoutputpath'}/g;
# $outfile
$cmd =~ s/:OUTPATH:/$outfile/g;
# $ENV
# $testCmd
$cmd =~ s/:INPATH:/$testCmd->{'inpathbase'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:OUTPATH:/$outfile/g;
$cmd =~ s/:OUTPATHPARENT:/$testCmd->{'outpath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:FUNCPATH:/$testCmd->{'funcjarPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:PIGPATH:/$testCmd->{'pighome'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:RUNID:/$testCmd->{'UID'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:USRHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'userhomePath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:MAPREDJARS:/$testCmd->{'mapredjars'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:SCRIPTHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'scriptPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:DBUSER:/$testCmd->{'dbuser'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:DBNAME:/$testCmd->{'dbdb'}/g;
# $cmd =~ s/:LOCALINPATH:/$testCmd->{'localinpathbase'}/g;
# $cmd =~ s/:LOCALOUTPATH:/$testCmd->{'localoutpathbase'}/g;
# $cmd =~ s/:LOCALTESTPATH:/$testCmd->{'localpathbase'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:BMPATH:/$testCmd->{'benchmarkPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:TMP:/$testCmd->{'tmpPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:HDFSTMP:/tmp\/$testCmd->{'runid'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:HCAT_JAR:/$testCmd->{'libjars'}/g;
if ( $testCmd->{'hadoopSecurity'} eq "secure" ) {
$cmd =~ s/:REMOTECLUSTER:/$testCmd->{'remoteSecureCluster'}/g;
} else {
$cmd =~ s/:REMOTECLUSTER:/$testCmd->{'remoteNotSecureCluster'}/g;
return $cmd;
sub getHiveLibs($$)
my ($cfg, $log) = @_;
my $cp;
opendir(LIB, $cfg->{'hivelib'}) or die "Cannot open $cfg->{'hivelib'}, $!\n";
my @jars = readdir(LIB);
foreach (@jars) {
/\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
return $cp;
# Pig needs a limited set of the Hive libs, since they include some of the same jars
# and we get version mismatches if it picks up all the libraries.
sub getHiveLibsForPig($$)
my ($cfg, $log) = @_;
my $cp;
opendir(LIB, $cfg->{'hivelib'}) or die "Cannot open $cfg->{'hivelib'}, $!\n";
my @jars = readdir(LIB);
foreach (@jars) {
/hive-.*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
/libfb303.jar/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
/libthrift.jar/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
/datanucleus-.*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
/jdo2-api-.*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
/commons-dbcp-.*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
/commons-pool-.*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
# /hbase-.*\.jar$/ && do {
# $cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
# };
# /zookeeper-.*\.jar$/ && do {
# $cp .= $cfg->{'hivelib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
# };
return $cp;
sub getHBaseLibs($$)
my ($cfg, $log) = @_;
my $cp;
opendir(LIB, $cfg->{'hbaselibdir'}) or die "Cannot open $cfg->{'hbaselibdir'}, $!\n";
my @jars = readdir(LIB);
foreach (@jars) {
/hbase-.*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hbaselibdir'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
opendir(LIB, $cfg->{'zklibdir'}) or die "Cannot open $cfg->{'zklibdir'}, $!\n";
my @jars = readdir(LIB);
foreach (@jars) {
/zookeeper.*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'zklibdir'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
return $cp;
sub getHCatLibs($$)
my ($cfg, $log) = @_;
my $cp;
opendir(LIB, $cfg->{'hcatshare'}) or die "Cannot open $cfg->{'hcatshare'}, $!\n";
my @jars = readdir(LIB);
foreach (@jars) {
/hcatalog-[0-9].*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hcatshare'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
opendir(LIB, $cfg->{'hcatlib'}) or die "Cannot open $cfg->{'hcatlib'}, $!\n";
my @jars = readdir(LIB);
foreach (@jars) {
/hbase-storage-handler.*\.jar$/ && do {
$cp .= $cfg->{'hcatlib'} . '/' . $_ . ':';
return $cp;