blob: 5fa6da12d6fb7255a10e67a36228070e740ab636 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hcatalog.templeton;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hcatalog.templeton.tool.TempletonUtils;
* Run hcat on the local server using the ExecService. This is
* the backend of the ddl web service.
public class HcatDelegator extends LauncherDelegator {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HcatDelegator.class);
private ExecService execService;
public HcatDelegator(AppConfig appConf, ExecService execService) {
this.execService = execService;
* Run the local hcat executable.
public ExecBean run(String user, String exec, boolean format,
String group, String permissions)
throws NotAuthorizedException, BusyException, ExecuteException, IOException
SecureProxySupport proxy = new SecureProxySupport();
try {
List<String> args = makeArgs(exec, format, group, permissions);, appConf);
// Setup the hadoop vars to specify the user.
String cp = makeOverrideClasspath(appConf);
Map<String, String> env = TempletonUtils.hadoopUserEnv(user, cp);
return, args, env);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} finally {
if (proxy != null)
private List<String> makeArgs(String exec, boolean format,
String group, String permissions) {
ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
if (TempletonUtils.isset(group)) {
if (TempletonUtils.isset(permissions)) {
if (format) {
// Use both args to ease development. Delete this one on
// May 1.
return args;
* Return a json description of the database.
public Response descDatabase(String user, String db, boolean extended)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = "desc database " + db + "; ";
if (extended)
exec = "desc database extended " + db + "; ";
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec);
return JsonBuilder.create(res).build();
} catch (HcatException e) {
if (e.execBean.stderr.indexOf("Error in semantic analysis") > -1) {
return JsonBuilder.create().
put("error", "Database " + db + " does not exist")
.put("errorCode", "404")
.put("database", db).build();
throw new HcatException("unable to describe database: " + db,
e.execBean, exec);
* Return a json "show databases like". This will return a list of
* databases.
public Response listDatabases(String user, String dbPattern)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("show databases like '%s';", dbPattern);
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to show databases for: " + dbPattern,
e.execBean, exec);
* Create a database with the given name
public Response createDatabase(String user, DatabaseDesc desc)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = "create database";
if (desc.ifNotExists)
exec += " if not exists";
exec += " " + desc.database;
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.comment))
exec += String.format(" comment '%s'", desc.comment);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.location))
exec += String.format(" location '%s'", desc.location);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(
exec += String.format(" with dbproperties (%s)",
exec += ";";
String res = jsonRun(user, exec,, desc.permissions);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", desc.database)
* Drop the given database
public Response dropDatabase(String user, String db,
boolean ifExists, String option,
String group, String permissions)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = "drop database";
if (ifExists)
exec += " if exists";
exec += " " + db;
if (TempletonUtils.isset(option))
exec += " " + option;
exec += ";";
String res = jsonRun(user, exec, group, permissions);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
* Create a table.
public Response createTable(String user, String db, TableDesc desc)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = makeCreateTable(db, desc);
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec,, desc.permissions, true);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", desc.table)
} catch (final HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to create table: " + desc.table,
e.execBean, exec);
* Create a table like another.
public Response createTableLike(String user, String db, TableLikeDesc desc)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("use %s; create", db);
if (desc.external)
exec += " external";
exec += String.format(" table %s like %s", desc.newTable, desc.existingTable);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.location))
exec += String.format(" location '%s'", desc.location);
exec += ";";
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec,, desc.permissions, true);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", desc.newTable)
} catch (final HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to create table: " + desc.newTable,
e.execBean, exec);
* Return a json description of the table.
public Response descTable(String user, String db, String table, boolean extended)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = "use " + db + "; ";
if (extended)
exec += "desc extended " + table + "; ";
exec += "desc " + table + "; ";
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to describe table: " + table,
e.execBean, exec);
* Return a json "show table like". This will return a list of
* tables.
public Response listTables(String user, String db, String tablePattern)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("use %s; show tables like '%s';",
db, tablePattern);
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to show tables for: " + tablePattern,
e.execBean, exec);
* Return a json "show table extended like". This will return
* only the first single table.
public Response descExtendedTable(String user, String db, String table)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("use %s; show table extended like %s;",
db, table);
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec);
JsonBuilder jb = JsonBuilder.create(singleTable(res, table))
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table);
// If we can get them from HDFS, add group and permission
String loc = (String) jb.getMap().get("location");
if (loc != null && loc.startsWith("hdfs://")) {
try {
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(appConf);
FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(new URI(loc)));
jb.put("group", status.getGroup());
jb.put("permission", status.getPermission().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn(e.getMessage() + " Couldn't get permissions for " + loc);
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to show table: " + table, e.execBean, exec);
// Format a list of Columns for a create statement
private String makeCols(List<ColumnDesc> cols) {
ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ColumnDesc col : cols)
return StringUtils.join(res, ", ");
// Format a Column for a create statement
private String makeOneCol(ColumnDesc col) {
String res = String.format("%s %s",, col.type);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(col.comment))
res += String.format(" comment '%s'", col.comment);
return res;
// Make a create table statement
private String makeCreateTable(String db, TableDesc desc) {
String exec = String.format("use %s; create", db);
if (desc.external)
exec += " external";
exec += " table";
if (desc.ifNotExists)
exec += " if not exists";
exec += " " + desc.table;
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.columns))
exec += String.format("(%s)", makeCols(desc.columns));
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.comment))
exec += String.format(" comment '%s'", desc.comment);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.partitionedBy))
exec += String.format(" partitioned by (%s)", makeCols(desc.partitionedBy));
if (desc.clusteredBy != null)
exec += String.format(" clustered by %s", makeClusteredBy(desc.clusteredBy));
if (desc.format != null)
exec += " " + makeStorageFormat(desc.format);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.location))
exec += String.format(" location '%s'", desc.location);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.tableProperties))
exec += String.format(" tblproperties (%s)",
exec += ";";
return exec;
// Format a clustered by statement
private String makeClusteredBy(TableDesc.ClusteredByDesc desc) {
String res = String.format("(%s)", StringUtils.join(desc.columnNames, ", "));
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.sortedBy))
res += String.format(" sorted by (%s)", makeClusterSortList(desc.sortedBy));
res += String.format(" into %s buckets", desc.numberOfBuckets);
return res;
// Format a sorted by statement
private String makeClusterSortList(List<TableDesc.ClusterSortOrderDesc> descs) {
ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
for (TableDesc.ClusterSortOrderDesc desc : descs)
return StringUtils.join(res, ", ");
// Format a single cluster sort statement
private String makeOneClusterSort(TableDesc.ClusterSortOrderDesc desc) {
return String.format("%s %s", desc.columnName, desc.order.toString());
// Format the storage format statements
private String makeStorageFormat(TableDesc.StorageFormatDesc desc) {
String res = "";
if (desc.rowFormat != null)
res += makeRowFormat(desc.rowFormat);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.storedAs))
res += String.format(" stored as %s", desc.storedAs);
if (desc.storedBy != null)
res += " " + makeStoredBy(desc.storedBy);
return res;
// Format the row format statement
private String makeRowFormat(TableDesc.RowFormatDesc desc) {
String res =
makeTermBy(desc.fieldsTerminatedBy, "fields")
+ makeTermBy(desc.collectionItemsTerminatedBy, "collection items")
+ makeTermBy(desc.mapKeysTerminatedBy, "map keys")
+ makeTermBy(desc.linesTerminatedBy, "lines");
if (TempletonUtils.isset(res))
return "row format delimited" + res;
else if (desc.serde != null)
return makeSerdeFormat(desc.serde);
return "";
// A row format terminated by clause
private String makeTermBy(String sep, String fieldName) {
if (TempletonUtils.isset(sep))
return String.format(" %s terminated by '%s'", fieldName, sep);
return "";
// Format the serde statement
private String makeSerdeFormat(TableDesc.SerdeDesc desc) {
String res = "row format serde " +;
if (TempletonUtils.isset(
res += String.format(" with serdeproperties (%s)",
return res;
// Format the properties statement
private String makePropertiesStatement(Map<String, String> properties) {
ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : properties.entrySet())
res.add(String.format("'%s'='%s'", e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
return StringUtils.join(res, ", ");
// Format the stored by statement
private String makeStoredBy(TableDesc.StoredByDesc desc) {
String res = String.format("stored by '%s'", desc.className);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(
res += String.format(" with serdeproperties (%s)",
return res;
// Pull out the first table from the "show extended" json.
private String singleTable(String json, String table)
throws IOException
Map obj = JsonBuilder.jsonToMap(json);
if (JsonBuilder.isError(obj))
return json;
List tables = (List) obj.get("tables");
if (TempletonUtils.isset(tables))
return JsonBuilder.mapToJson(tables.get(0));
else {
return JsonBuilder
.createError(String.format("Table %s does not exist", table),
* Drop a table.
public Response dropTable(String user, String db,
String table, boolean ifExists,
String group, String permissions)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("use %s; drop table", db);
if (ifExists)
exec += " if exists";
exec += String.format(" %s;", table);
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec, group, permissions, true);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to drop table: " + table, e.execBean, exec);
* Rename a table.
public Response renameTable(String user, String db,
String oldTable, String newTable,
String group, String permissions)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("use %s; alter table %s rename to %s;",
db, oldTable, newTable);
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec, group, permissions, true);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", newTable)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to rename table: " + oldTable,
e.execBean, exec);
* Describe one table property.
public Response descTableProperty(String user, String db,
String table, String property)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
Response res = descTable(user, db, table, true);
if (res.getStatus() != JsonBuilder.OK)
return res;
Map props = tableProperties(res.getEntity());
Map found = null;
if (props != null) {
String value = (String) props.get(property);
if (value != null) {
found = new HashMap<String, String>();
found.put(property, value);
return JsonBuilder.create()
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
.put("property", found)
* List the table properties.
public Response listTableProperties(String user, String db, String table)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
Response res = descTable(user, db, table, true);
if (res.getStatus() != JsonBuilder.OK)
return res;
Map props = tableProperties(res.getEntity());
return JsonBuilder.create()
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
.put("properties", props)
* Add one table property.
public Response addOneTableProperty(String user, String db, String table,
TablePropertyDesc desc)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec
= String.format("use %s; alter table %s set tblproperties ('%s'='%s');",
db, table,, desc.value);
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec,, desc.permissions, true);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to add table property: " + table,
e.execBean, exec);
private Map tableProperties(Object extendedTable) {
if (! (extendedTable instanceof Map))
return null;
Map m = (Map) extendedTable;
Map tableInfo = (Map) m.get("tableInfo");
if (tableInfo == null)
return null;
return (Map) tableInfo.get("parameters");
* Return a json description of the partitions.
public Response listPartitions(String user, String db, String table)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = "use " + db + "; ";
exec += "show partitions " + table + "; ";
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to show partitions for table: " + table,
e.execBean, exec);
* Return a json description of one partition.
public Response descOnePartition(String user, String db, String table,
String partition)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = "use " + db + "; ";
exec += "show table extended like " + table
+ " partition (" + partition + "); ";
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec);
return JsonBuilder.create(singleTable(res, table))
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
.put("partition", partition)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to show partition: "
+ table + " " + partition,
* Add one partition.
public Response addOnePartition(String user, String db, String table,
PartitionDesc desc)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("use %s; alter table %s add", db, table);
if (desc.ifNotExists)
exec += " if not exists";
exec += String.format(" partition (%s)", desc.partition);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.location))
exec += String.format(" location '%s'", desc.location);
exec += ";";
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec,, desc.permissions, true);
if (res.indexOf("AlreadyExistsException") > -1) {
return JsonBuilder.create().
put("error", "Partition already exists")
.put("errorCode", "409")
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
.put("partition", desc.partition).build();
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
.put("partition", desc.partition)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to add partition: " + desc,
e.execBean, exec);
* Drop a partition.
public Response dropPartition(String user, String db,
String table, String partition, boolean ifExists,
String group, String permissions)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("use %s; alter table %s drop", db, table);
if (ifExists)
exec += " if exists";
exec += String.format(" partition (%s);", partition);
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec, group, permissions, true);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
.put("partition", partition)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to drop partition: " + partition,
e.execBean, exec);
* Return a json description of the columns. Same as
* describeTable.
public Response listColumns(String user, String db, String table)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
try {
return descTable(user, db, table, false);
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to show columns for table: " + table,
e.execBean, e.statement);
* Return a json description of one column.
public Response descOneColumn(String user, String db, String table, String column)
throws SimpleWebException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
Response res = listColumns(user, db, table);
if (res.getStatus() != JsonBuilder.OK)
return res;
Object o = res.getEntity();
final Map fields = (o != null && (o instanceof Map)) ? (Map) o : null;
if (fields == null)
throw new SimpleWebException(500, "Internal error, unable to find column "
+ column);
List<Map> cols = (List) fields.get("columns");
Map found = null;
if (cols != null) {
for (Map col : cols) {
if (column.equals(col.get("name"))) {
found = col;
if (found == null)
throw new SimpleWebException(500, "unable to find column " + column,
new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("description", fields);
fields.put("column", found);
return Response.fromResponse(res).entity(fields).build();
* Add one column.
public Response addOneColumn(String user, String db, String table,
ColumnDesc desc)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
String exec = String.format("use %s; alter table %s add columns (%s %s",
db, table,, desc.type);
if (TempletonUtils.isset(desc.comment))
exec += String.format(" comment '%s'", desc.comment);
exec += ");";
try {
String res = jsonRun(user, exec,, desc.permissions, true);
return JsonBuilder.create(res)
.put("database", db)
.put("table", table)
} catch (HcatException e) {
throw new HcatException("unable to add column: " + desc,
e.execBean, exec);
// Check that the hcat result is valid and or has a valid json
// error
private boolean isValid(ExecBean eb, boolean requireEmptyOutput) {
if (eb == null)
return false;
try {
Map m = JsonBuilder.jsonToMap(eb.stdout);
if (m.containsKey("error")) // This is a valid error message.
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
if (eb.exitcode != 0)
return false;
if (requireEmptyOutput)
if (TempletonUtils.isset(eb.stdout))
return false;
return true;
// Run an hcat expression and return just the json outout.
private String jsonRun(String user, String exec,
String group, String permissions,
boolean requireEmptyOutput)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
ExecBean res = run(user, exec, true, group, permissions);
if (! isValid(res, requireEmptyOutput))
throw new HcatException("Failure calling hcat: " + exec, res, exec);
return res.stdout;
// Run an hcat expression and return just the json outout. No
// permissions set.
private String jsonRun(String user, String exec)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
return jsonRun(user, exec, null, null);
// Run an hcat expression and return just the json outout.
private String jsonRun(String user, String exec,
String group, String permissions)
throws HcatException, NotAuthorizedException, BusyException,
ExecuteException, IOException
return jsonRun(user, exec, group, permissions, false);