Update CHANGES.txt -- just adding a link since JIRA won't let me download more than 100 issues.... Also add some doc to make_rc.sh script

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/branches/0.96@1525295 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index e1f6dce..5c47c19 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,127 +1,7 @@
 HBase Change Log
 Release 0.96.0 - Unreleased
-Release 0.96.0 -- Second Release Candidate, Sep 16, 2013
-177 issues resolved.  See
-HBASE-931 TestLruBlockCache.testBackgroundEvictionThread fails on suse
-HBASE-928 TestCatalogTracker depends on the execution order
-HBASE-923 TestStoreFileBlockCacheSummary#testBlockCacheSummary occasionally fails
-HBASE-944 TestHBaseFsck could hang sometime
-HBASE-937 TestDistributedLogSplitting creates a MiniCluster rooted at ~/hbase
-HBASE-944 Intermittent TestRegionPlacement#testRegionPlacement failure
-HBASE-928 Minor logging cleanup; shorten logs, remove redundant info
-HBASE-919 Break HMaster metrics into multiple contexts
-HBASE-925 HConnectionManager#getKeepAliveZooKeeperWatcher() should be public
-HBASE-896 TestDistributedLogSplitting.testLogReplayForDisablingTable fails sometimes
-HBASE-906 Put back TestReplicationKillMasterRSCompressed when fixed over in HBASE-8615
-HBASE-937 Add logging to Schema change Chaos actions.
-HBASE-934 Document hbase.hstore.compaction.kv.max
-HBASE-934 WebUI fixes after bootstrap 3.0 update
-HBASE-933 Two css files raise release audit warning
-HBASE-940 Add getQualifierBufferShallowCopy to Cell Utility.
-HBASE-950 Enable replication by default
-HBASE-949 Sanity check visiblity and audience for hbase-client and hbase-common apis.
-HBASE-911 HBASE-8348 Meta region edits not recovered while migrating to 0.96.0
-HBASE-931 HBASE-8348 Create a migration script that will move data from 0.94.x to 0.96
-HBASE-927 HBASE-9275 Thrift should use listTableNames to list tables
-HBASE-927 HBASE-9275 REST should use listTableNames to list tables
-HBASE-927 HBASE-9275 List tables API should filter with isSystemTable
-HBASE-926 HBASE-9245 Make KeyValue.KEY_COMPARATOR default for HFile WriterFactory
-HBASE-926 HBASE-6721 Add initialize method to load balancer interface
-HBASE-924 HBASE-9245 Cleanup Key/KV/Meta/MetaKey Comparators
-HBASE-940 HBASE-8348 Document 0.96 migration
-HBASE-925 HBASE-8165 Update hadoop versions grid in refguide adding hadoop-2.1.x and a note on hadoop-2.0.x versions
-HBASE-935 HBASE-9245 Convert KeyValue to Cell in hbase-client module - Result/Put/Delete, ColumnInterpreter
-HBASE-947 HBASE-9245 Make Cell @interfaceAudience.public and evolving.
-HBASE-947 HBASE-9245 Add deprecation compat shim for Result#raw and Result#list for 0.96
-HBASE-948 HBASE-8015 create_namespace with property value throws error
-HBASE-949 HBASE-9245 Rename CellUtil#get*Array to CellUtil#clone*
-HBASE-951 HBASE-9495 Mark hbase-common classes missing @InterfaceAudience annotation as Private
-HBASE-951 HBASE-9495 Include only InterfaceAudiencePublic elements in generated Javadoc
-HBASE-924 HBASE-9203 Add cp hook before initialize variable set to true in master intialization
-HBASE-952 HBASE-9495 Audit of hbase-common @InterfaceAudience.Public apis.
-HBASE-952 HBASE-9495 Audit of hbase-client @InterfaceAudience.Public apis
-HBASE-949 HBASE-9245 make sure HBase APIs are compatible between 0.94 and 0.96
-New Feature
-HBASE-929 Generate the protobuf classes with hadoop-maven-plugin
-HBASE-937 Eliminate log spam when tailing files
-HBASE-931 NamespaceJanitor is spammy when the namespace table moves
-HBASE-924 Place holders for tags in 0.96 to accommodate tags in 0.98
-HBASE-911 Add a view/edit tool for favored node mappings for regions
-HBASE-927 Consolidate isSystemTable checking
-HBASE-913 Independent timeout configuration for rpc channel between cluster nodes
-HBASE-875 Log the client IP/port of the balancer invoker
-HBASE-844 [replication] Refactor KeeperExceptions thrown from replication state interfaces into replication specific exceptions
-HBASE-933 Refactor PE to create HTable the correct way
-HBASE-756 [replication] Create interfaces for manipulation of replication state
-HBASE-920 ReplicationLogCleaner slow at large scale
-HBASE-938 Log HBase Master command line arguments on startup
-HBASE-937 [replication] data loss because replication doesn't expect partial reads
-HBASE-924 Add more useful statistics in the HFile tool
-HBASE-931 Dropping a table always prints a TableInfoMissingException in the master log
-HBASE-943 Enhance hbase shell un/assign to take encoded region name
-HBASE-948 [WINDOWS] Allow running upgrade tool from hbase.cmd
-HBASE-949 Cleanup inconsistencies in protobuf message and rpc names
-HBASE-934 Support for enabling servlet filters for REST service
-HBASE-952 shortcut split asap while requested splitPoint equals with region's startKey
-HBASE-946 write can be totally blocked temporarily by a write-heavy region
-HBASE-932 ServerName is created using getLocalSocketAddress, breaks binding to the wildcard address. Revert HBASE-8640
-HBASE-930 Fix precommit javadoc warnings
-HBASE-931 Remove slop for Stochastic load balancer
-HBASE-929 Add logging in IntegrationTestBigLinkedList Verify reduce phase
-HBASE-926 StochasticLoadBalancer goes over its processing time limit
-HBASE-925 TestAsyncProcess#testErrorsServers is flaky on suse linux
-HBASE-923 region_mover#getTable() should use TableName.toString() instead of Bytes.toString()
-HBASE-923 Rebuilding user regions should ignore system tables
-HBASE-923 isTableAvailable() may be stuck if an offline parent was never assigned
-HBASE-931 Lower StochasticLoadBalancer's default max run time
-HBASE-928 hbase-assembly pom should use project.parent.basedir
-HBASE-920 An Offline SplitParent Region can be assigned breaking split references
-HBASE-920 fix javadoc warning violation introduced by HBASE-9142
-HBASE-930 Snapshot restore of table which splits after snapshot was taken encounters 'Region is not online'
-HBASE-930 Column family and qualifier should be allowed to be set as null in grant shell command
-HBASE-929 Update to bootstrap 3.0
-HBASE-928 Struct and StructIterator should properly handle trailing nulls
-HBASE-926 IntegrationTestBulkLoad fails because a public constructor is needed.
-HBASE-925 list_namespace_tables seems to fail
-HBASE-930 HalfStoreFileReader needs to handle the faked key else compactions go into infinite loops
-HBASE-929 ns checker runs too frequently; too much mention in master logs
-HBASE-925 Lease sleep time can throw an exception
-HBASE-927 After HBASE-8408 applied, temporary test files are being left in /tmp/hbase-<user>
-HBASE-925 Clean up IT test code
-HBASE-931 Procedure#waitForLatch may not throw error even there is one
-HBASE-928 User who created table cannot scan the same table due to Insufficient permissions
-HBASE-923 Integration test cleanup after ChaosMonkey refactor
-HBASE-923 Fix the server so it can take a pure pb request param and return a pure pb result
-HBASE-919 Fix TestFSHDFSUtils against java7 test re-ordering
-HBASE-919 Remove dead code related to KeyValue
-HBASE-916 Convert List<? extends Cell> anti pattern to List<Cell> pattern.
-HBASE-900 TestDistributedLogSplitting.testRecoveredEdits fails
-HBASE-902 TestIOFencing.testFencingAroundCompactionAfterWALSync occasionally fails
-HBASE-856 stop-hbase.sh clean up: backup master
-HBASE-876 possible loss of data in snapshot taken after region split
-HBASE-937 Restore HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME as deprecated
-HBASE-934 revoke 'user' throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
-HBASE-932 Up timeouts on NamespaceUpgrades timeouts
+205 issues resolved/closed.  See http://goo.gl/4zegPr for the list.
 Release 0.95.1 -- Release Candidate, May 27th, 2013 
 215 issues resolved.  See