Add notes on philosophy to README
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 28b554a..8e15f0b 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,25 @@
 and/or their versions are subject to change at the dictate of hbase without
 regard to the concern of others!
+We have a number of submodules, one per ornery lib -- protobuf and netty --
+where we need special-handling and then a bucket for all the rest,
+hbase-shaded-miscellaneous. This latter includes protobuf-util, gson, and guava.
+General philosophy is many modules rather than a few fat ones so we can keep
+dependency narrow; a fat jar would put a load of unnecessaries on the
+CLASSPATH. The hbase-shaded-miscellaneous is a sort of all-the-rest but it
+is also libs that depend on each other and are awkward to disentangle.
+All shading is done using the same relocation offset of
+org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded; we add this prefix to the relocated thirdparty
+library class names.
+See the pom.xml for the explicit version of each third-party lib included.
+Note that in hbase-shaded-protobuf, we unzip the protobuf jar to src/main/java
+rather than to a dir under target because the jar plugin wants src here (its
+hard to convince it otherwise).
 To build, just run:
  $ mvn install
@@ -18,17 +37,3 @@
 (Make sure you have your credentials set over in ~/.m2/settings.xml, etc. -- see
 hbase refguide for publishing SNAPSHOTS/Release Candidates)
-We have a number of submodules, one per ornery lib -- protobuf and netty --
-where we need special-handling and then a bucket for all the rest,
-hbase-shaded-miscellaneous. This latter includes protobuf-util, gson, and guava.
-All shading is done using the same relocation offset of
-org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded; we add this prefix to the relocated thirdparty
-library class names.
-See the pom.xml for the explicit version of each third-party lib included.
-Note that in hbase-shaded-protobuf, we unzip the protobuf jar to src/main/java
-rather than to a dir under target because the jar plugin wants src here (its
-hard to convince it otherwise).