blob: e4ec7e5ef3141e4d87a8dbb6a50169fd07afd28c [file] [log] [blame]
# Redirect replication URL to the right section of the book
# Rule added 2015-1-12 -- can be removed in 6 months
Redirect permanent /replication.html /book.html#_cluster_replication
# Redirect old page-per-chapter book sections to new single file.
RedirectMatch permanent ^/book/(.*)\.html$ /book.html#$1
RedirectMatch permanent ^/book/$ /book.html
# Redirect xref references to git tree view
RedirectMatch permanent ^/xref/(.*)\.html$;a=tree
# Redirect 0.94 pages to main site
RedirectMatch permanent ^/0.94/(.*)$ /$1
Redirect permanent /0.94 /