blob: b1d5180e97c6acd49dd53cc236ddcc7525d6ef5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "hbase/client/append.h"
#include "hbase/client/cell.h"
#include "hbase/client/client.h"
#include "hbase/client/configuration.h"
#include "hbase/client/delete.h"
#include "hbase/client/get.h"
#include "hbase/client/hbase-configuration-loader.h"
#include "hbase/client/increment.h"
#include "hbase/client/put.h"
#include "hbase/client/result.h"
#include "hbase/client/table.h"
#include "hbase/exceptions/exception.h"
#include "hbase/serde/table-name.h"
#include "hbase/test-util/test-util.h"
#include "hbase/utils/bytes-util.h"
#include "hbase/utils/optional.h"
using hbase::Cell;
using hbase::Configuration;
using hbase::Get;
using hbase::RetriesExhaustedException;
using hbase::none;
using hbase::Put;
using hbase::Table;
using hbase::TestUtil;
class ClientTest : public ::testing::Test {
static const constexpr char *kDefHBaseConfPath = "./build/test-data/client-test/conf/";
static const constexpr char *kHBaseDefaultXml = "hbase-default.xml";
static const constexpr char *kHBaseSiteXml = "hbase-site.xml";
static const constexpr char *kHBaseXmlData =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" "
"href=\"configuration.xsl\"?>\n<!--\n/**\n *\n * Licensed to the Apache "
"Software Foundation (ASF) under one\n * or more contributor license "
"agreements. See the NOTICE file\n * distributed with this work for "
"additional information\n * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF "
"licenses this file\n * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 "
"(the\n * \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance\n * "
"with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * "
"\n *\n * Unless required by "
"applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under "
"the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES "
"OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License "
"for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under "
"the License.\n "
static void WriteDataToFile(const std::string &file, const std::string &xml_data) {
std::ofstream hbase_conf;;
hbase_conf << xml_data;
static void CreateHBaseConf(const std::string &dir, const std::string &file,
const std::string xml_data) {
// Remove temp file always
boost::filesystem::remove((dir + file).c_str());
WriteDataToFile((dir + file), xml_data);
static void CreateHBaseConfWithEnv() {
// Creating Empty Config Files so that we dont get a Configuration exception @Client
CreateHBaseConf(kDefHBaseConfPath, kHBaseDefaultXml, kHBaseXmlData);
// the hbase-site.xml would be persisted by MiniCluster
setenv("HBASE_CONF", kDefHBaseConfPath, 1);
static std::unique_ptr<hbase::TestUtil> test_util;
static void SetUpTestCase() {
test_util = std::make_unique<hbase::TestUtil>();
std::unique_ptr<hbase::TestUtil> ClientTest::test_util = nullptr;
TEST_F(ClientTest, EmptyConfigurationPassedToClient) { ASSERT_ANY_THROW(hbase::Client client); }
TEST_F(ClientTest, ConfigurationPassedToClient) {
// Remove already configured env if present.
// Create Configuration
hbase::HBaseConfigurationLoader loader;
auto conf = loader.LoadDefaultResources();
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(conf.value());
TEST_F(ClientTest, DefaultConfiguration) {
// Remove already configured env if present.
// Create Configuration
hbase::Client client;
TEST_F(ClientTest, Append) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable("t", "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>("t");
auto row = "test1";
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
std::string val1 = "a";
auto result = table->Append(hbase::Append{row}.Add("d", "1", val1));
ASSERT_TRUE(!result->IsEmpty()) << "Result shouldn't be empty.";
EXPECT_EQ(row, result->Row());
EXPECT_EQ(val1, *(result->Value("d", "1")));
std::string val2 = "b";
result = table->Append(hbase::Append{row}.Add("d", "1", val2));
ASSERT_TRUE(!result->IsEmpty()) << "Result shouldn't be empty.";
EXPECT_EQ(row, result->Row());
EXPECT_EQ("ab", *(result->Value("d", "1")));
TEST_F(ClientTest, PutGetDelete) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
std::string tableName = "t1";
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable(tableName, "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(tableName);
auto row = "test1";
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
// Perform Puts
std::string valExtra = "value for extra";
std::string valExt = "value for ext";
table->Put(Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "1", "value1"));
// Put two values for column "extra"
table->Put(Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "extra", "1st val extra"));
table->Put(Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "extra", valExtra));
table->Put(Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "ext", valExt));
// Perform the Get
hbase::Get get(row);
auto result = table->Get(get);
// Test the values, should be same as in put executed on hbase shell
ASSERT_TRUE(!result->IsEmpty()) << "Result shouldn't be empty.";
EXPECT_EQ("test1", result->Row());
EXPECT_EQ("value1", *(result->Value("d", "1")));
EXPECT_EQ(valExtra, *(result->Value("d", "extra")));
auto cell = *(result->ColumnCells("d", "extra"))[0];
auto tsExtra = cell.Timestamp();
auto tsExt = (*(result->ColumnCells("d", "ext"))[0]).Timestamp();
// delete column "1"
table->Delete(hbase::Delete{row}.AddColumn("d", "1"));
result = table->Get(get);
ASSERT_TRUE(!result->IsEmpty()) << "Result shouldn't be empty.";
ASSERT_FALSE(result->Value("d", "1")) << "Column 1 should be gone";
EXPECT_EQ(valExtra, *(result->Value("d", "extra")));
// delete cell from column "extra" with timestamp tsExtra
table->Delete(hbase::Delete{row}.AddColumn("d", "extra", tsExtra));
result = table->Get(get);
ASSERT_TRUE(!result->IsEmpty()) << "Result shouldn't be empty.";
ASSERT_FALSE(result->Value("d", "1")) << "Column 1 should be gone";
ASSERT_TRUE(result->Value("d", "extra") != none) << "Column extra should have value";
EXPECT_EQ(valExt, *(result->Value("d", "ext"))) << "Column ext should have value";
// delete all cells from "extra" column
table->Delete(hbase::Delete{row}.AddColumns("d", "extra"));
result = table->Get(get);
ASSERT_TRUE(!result->IsEmpty()) << "Result shouldn't be empty.";
ASSERT_FALSE(result->Value("d", "1")) << "Column 1 should be gone";
ASSERT_FALSE(result->Value("d", "extra")) << "Column extra should be gone";
EXPECT_EQ(valExt, *(result->Value("d", "ext"))) << "Column ext should have value";
// Delete the row and verify that subsequent Get returns nothing
result = table->Get(get);
ASSERT_TRUE(result->IsEmpty()) << "Result should be empty.";
TEST_F(ClientTest, Increment) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable("t1", "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>("t1");
auto row = "test1";
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
int64_t incr1 = 1235;
auto result = table->Increment(hbase::Increment{row}.AddColumn("d", "1", incr1));
EXPECT_EQ(row, result->Row());
long l = hbase::BytesUtil::ToInt64(*(result->Value("d", "1")));
EXPECT_EQ(incr1, l);
int64_t incr2 = -2;
result = table->Increment(hbase::Increment{row}.AddColumn("d", "1", incr2));
EXPECT_EQ(row, result->Row());
EXPECT_EQ(incr1 + incr2, hbase::BytesUtil::ToInt64(*(result->Value("d", "1"))));
TEST_F(ClientTest, CheckAndPut) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable("check", "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>("check");
auto row = "test1";
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
// Perform Puts
table->Put(Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "1", "value1"));
auto result = table->CheckAndPut(row, "d", "1", "value1", Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "1", "value2"));
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << "CheckAndPut didn't replace value";
result = table->CheckAndPut(row, "d", "1", "value1", Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "1", "value3"));
// Perform the Get
hbase::Get get(row);
auto result1 = table->Get(get);
EXPECT_EQ("value2", *(result1->Value("d", "1")));
ASSERT_FALSE(result) << "CheckAndPut shouldn't replace value";
TEST_F(ClientTest, CheckAndDelete) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable("checkDel", "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>("checkDel");
auto row = "test1";
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
auto val1 = "value1";
// Perform Puts
table->Put(Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "1", val1));
table->Put(Put{row}.AddColumn("d", "2", "value2"));
auto result = table->CheckAndDelete(row, "d", "1", val1, hbase::Delete{row}.AddColumn("d", "2"));
ASSERT_TRUE(result) << "CheckAndDelete didn't replace value";
// Perform the Get
hbase::Get get(row);
auto result1 = table->Get(get);
EXPECT_EQ(val1, *(result1->Value("d", "1")));
ASSERT_FALSE(result1->Value("d", "2")) << "Column 2 should be gone";
TEST_F(ClientTest, PutGet) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable("t", "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>("t");
auto row = "test1";
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
// Perform Puts
table->Put(Put{"test1"}.AddColumn("d", "1", "value1"));
table->Put(Put{"test1"}.AddColumn("d", "extra", "value for extra"));
// Perform the Get
hbase::Get get(row);
auto result = table->Get(get);
// Test the values, should be same as in put executed on hbase shell
ASSERT_TRUE(!result->IsEmpty()) << "Result shouldn't be empty.";
EXPECT_EQ("test1", result->Row());
EXPECT_EQ("value1", *(result->Value("d", "1")));
EXPECT_EQ("value for extra", *(result->Value("d", "extra")));
TEST_F(ClientTest, GetForNonExistentTable) {
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>("t_not_exists");
auto row = "test1";
// Get to be performed on above HBase Table
hbase::Get get(row);
ClientTest::test_util->conf()->SetInt("hbase.client.retries.number", 5);
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
// Perform the Get
try {
FAIL() << "Should have thrown RetriesExhaustedException";
} catch (const RetriesExhaustedException &ex) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, ex.num_retries());
} catch (...) {
FAIL() << "Should have thrown RetriesExhaustedException";
TEST_F(ClientTest, GetForNonExistentRow) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable("t_exists", "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>("t_exists");
auto row = "row_not_exists";
// Get to be performed on above HBase Table
hbase::Get get(row);
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
// Perform the Get
auto result = table->Get(get);
ASSERT_TRUE(result->IsEmpty()) << "Result should be empty.";
TEST_F(ClientTest, PutsWithTimestamp) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable("t_puts_with_timestamp", "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>("t_puts_with_timestamp");
auto row = "test1";
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
int64_t ts = 42;
// Perform Puts
table->Put(Put{"test1"}.AddColumn("d", "1", ts, "value1"));
auto cell =
std::make_unique<Cell>("test1", "d", "extra", ts, "value for extra", hbase::CellType::PUT);
// Perform the Get
hbase::Get get(row);
auto result = table->Get(get);
// Test the values, should be same as in put executed on hbase shell
ASSERT_TRUE(!result->IsEmpty()) << "Result shouldn't be empty.";
EXPECT_EQ("test1", result->Row());
EXPECT_EQ("value1", *(result->Value("d", "1")));
EXPECT_EQ("value for extra", *(result->Value("d", "extra")));
EXPECT_EQ(ts, result->ColumnLatestCell("d", "1")->Timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(ts, result->ColumnLatestCell("d", "extra")->Timestamp());
void SetClientParams() {
ClientTest::test_util->conf()->SetInt("hbase.client.cpu.thread.pool.size", 6);
ClientTest::test_util->conf()->SetInt("hbase.client.operation.timeout", 600000);
ClientTest::test_util->conf()->SetInt("hbase.client.retries.number", 7);
ClientTest::test_util->conf()->SetInt("hbase.client.start.log.errors.counter", 1);
void PerformPuts(uint64_t num_rows, std::shared_ptr<hbase::Client> client,
const std::string &table_name) {
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(table_name);
auto table = client->Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
// Perform Puts
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
table->Put(Put{"test" + std::to_string(i)}.AddColumn("d", std::to_string(i),
"value" + std::to_string(i)));
void MakeGets(uint64_t num_rows, const std::string &row_prefix, std::vector<hbase::Get> &gets) {
// Perform the Gets
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
auto row = "test" + std::to_string(i);
hbase::Get get(row);
void TestMultiResults(uint64_t num_rows, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<hbase::Result>> &results,
const std::vector<hbase::Get> &gets) {
// Test the values, should be same as in put executed on hbase shell
ASSERT_TRUE(!results.empty()) << "Result vector shouldn't be empty.";
uint32_t i = 0;
for (; i < num_rows; ++i) {
ASSERT_TRUE(!results[i]->IsEmpty()) << "Result for Get " << gets[i].row()
<< " must not be empty";
EXPECT_EQ("test" + std::to_string(i), results[i]->Row());
EXPECT_EQ("value" + std::to_string(i), results[i]->Value("d", std::to_string(i)).value());
// We are inserting test2 twice so the below test should pass
ASSERT_TRUE(!results[i]->IsEmpty()) << "Result for Get " << gets[i].row() << " must not be empty";
ASSERT_TRUE(results[i]->IsEmpty()) << "Result for Get " << gets[i].row() << " must be empty";
TEST_F(ClientTest, MultiGets) {
std::string table_name = "t";
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable(table_name, "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(table_name);
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
uint64_t num_rows = 50000;
PerformPuts(num_rows, std::make_shared<hbase::Client>(client), table_name);
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
std::vector<hbase::Get> gets;
MakeGets(num_rows, "test", gets);
auto results = table->Get(gets);
TestMultiResults(num_rows, results, gets);
TEST_F(ClientTest, MultiGetsWithRegionSplits) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
std::vector<std::string> keys{"test0", "test100", "test200", "test300", "test400",
"test500", "test600", "test700", "test800", "test900"};
std::string table_name = "t";
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable(table_name, "d", keys);
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(table_name);
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
uint64_t num_rows = 50000;
PerformPuts(num_rows, std::make_shared<hbase::Client>(client), table_name);
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
std::vector<hbase::Get> gets;
MakeGets(num_rows, "test", gets);
auto results = table->Get(gets);
TestMultiResults(num_rows, results, gets);
void PerformMultiPuts(uint64_t num_rows, std::shared_ptr<hbase::Client> client,
const std::string &table_name) {
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(table_name);
auto table = client->Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
std::vector<hbase::Put> puts;
// Perform Puts
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
puts.push_back(Put{"test" + std::to_string(i)}.AddColumn("d", std::to_string(i),
"value" + std::to_string(i)));
void PerformMultiPuts(std::vector<hbase::Put> &puts, std::shared_ptr<Table> table) {
TEST_F(ClientTest, MultiGetsWithMultiPuts) {
std::string table_name = "t";
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable(table_name, "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(table_name);
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
uint64_t num_rows = 50000;
PerformMultiPuts(num_rows, std::make_shared<hbase::Client>(client), table_name);
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
std::vector<hbase::Get> gets;
MakeGets(num_rows, "test", gets);
auto results = table->Get(gets);
TestMultiResults(num_rows, results, gets);
TEST_F(ClientTest, MultiGetsWithMultiPutsAndSplitRegions) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
std::vector<std::string> keys{"test0", "test100", "test200", "test300", "test400",
"test500", "test600", "test700", "test800", "test900"};
std::string table_name = "t";
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable(table_name, "d", keys);
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(table_name);
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
uint64_t num_rows = 50000;
PerformMultiPuts(num_rows, std::make_shared<hbase::Client>(client), table_name);
// Get connection to HBase Table
auto table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
std::vector<hbase::Get> gets;
MakeGets(num_rows, "test", gets);
auto results = table->Get(gets);
TestMultiResults(num_rows, results, gets);
TEST_F(ClientTest, MultiPuts) {
std::string table_name = "t";
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable(table_name, "d");
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(table_name);
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
std::shared_ptr<Table> table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
uint64_t num_rows = 80000;
uint64_t batch_num_rows = 10000;
std::vector<hbase::Put> puts;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_rows;) {
// accumulate batch_num_rows at a time
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < batch_num_rows && i < num_rows; ++j) {
hbase::Put put("test" + std::to_string(i));
put.AddColumn("d", std::to_string(i), "value" + std::to_string(i));
PerformMultiPuts(puts, table);
TEST_F(ClientTest, MultiPutsWithRegionSplits) {
// Using TestUtil to populate test data
std::vector<std::string> keys{"test0", "test100", "test200", "test300", "test400",
"test500", "test600", "test700", "test800", "test900"};
std::string table_name = "t";
ClientTest::test_util->CreateTable(table_name, "d", keys);
// Create TableName and Row to be fetched from HBase
auto tn = folly::to<hbase::pb::TableName>(table_name);
// Create a client
hbase::Client client(*ClientTest::test_util->conf());
std::shared_ptr<Table> table = client.Table(tn);
ASSERT_TRUE(table) << "Unable to get connection to Table.";
uint64_t num_rows = 80000;
uint64_t batch_num_rows = 10000;
std::vector<hbase::Put> puts;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_rows;) {
// accumulate batch_num_rows at a time
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < batch_num_rows && i < num_rows; ++j) {
hbase::Put put("test" + std::to_string(i));
put.AddColumn("d", std::to_string(i), "value" + std::to_string(i));
PerformMultiPuts(puts, table);