blob: 8a65aa5cb3204f981cf641ac21b2d69962b4080b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "hbase/client/cell.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <memory>
using hbase::Cell;
using hbase::CellType;
TEST(CellTest, Constructor) {
std::string row = "row-value";
std::string family = "family-value";
std::string column = "column-value";
std::string value = "value-value";
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
Cell cell{row, family, column, timestamp, value, cell_type};
EXPECT_EQ(row, cell.Row());
EXPECT_EQ(family, cell.Family());
EXPECT_EQ(column, cell.Qualifier());
EXPECT_EQ(value, cell.Value());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, cell.Timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(cell_type, cell.Type());
TEST(CellTest, CopyConstructor) {
std::string row = "row-value";
std::string family = "family-value";
std::string column = "column-value";
std::string value = "value-value";
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
auto cell = std::make_unique<Cell>(row, family, column, timestamp, value, cell_type);
Cell cell2{*cell};
cell = nullptr;
EXPECT_EQ(row, cell2.Row());
EXPECT_EQ(family, cell2.Family());
EXPECT_EQ(column, cell2.Qualifier());
EXPECT_EQ(value, cell2.Value());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, cell2.Timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(cell_type, cell2.Type());
TEST(CellTest, CopyAssignment) {
std::string row = "row-value";
std::string family = "family-value";
std::string column = "column-value";
std::string value = "value-value";
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
auto cell = std::make_unique<Cell>(row, family, column, timestamp, value, cell_type);
Cell cell2 = *cell;
cell = nullptr;
EXPECT_EQ(row, cell2.Row());
EXPECT_EQ(family, cell2.Family());
EXPECT_EQ(column, cell2.Qualifier());
EXPECT_EQ(value, cell2.Value());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, cell2.Timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(cell_type, cell2.Type());
TEST(CellTest, CellRowTest) {
std::string row = "only-row";
std::string family = "D";
std::string column = "";
std::string value = "";
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
Cell cell{row, family, column, timestamp, value, cell_type};
EXPECT_EQ(row, cell.Row());
EXPECT_EQ(family, cell.Family());
EXPECT_EQ(column, cell.Qualifier());
EXPECT_EQ(value, cell.Value());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, cell.Timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(cell_type, cell.Type());
TEST(CellTest, CellRowFamilyTest) {
std::string row = "only-row";
std::string family = "only-family";
std::string column = "";
std::string value = "";
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
Cell cell{row, family, column, timestamp, value, cell_type};
EXPECT_EQ(row, cell.Row());
EXPECT_EQ(family, cell.Family());
EXPECT_EQ(column, cell.Qualifier());
EXPECT_EQ(value, cell.Value());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, cell.Timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(cell_type, cell.Type());
TEST(CellTest, CellRowFamilyValueTest) {
std::string row = "only-row";
std::string family = "only-family";
std::string column = "";
std::string value = "only-value";
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
Cell cell{row, family, column, timestamp, value, cell_type};
EXPECT_EQ(row, cell.Row());
EXPECT_EQ(family, cell.Family());
EXPECT_EQ(column, cell.Qualifier());
EXPECT_EQ(value, cell.Value());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, cell.Timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(cell_type, cell.Type());
TEST(CellTest, CellRowFamilyColumnValueTest) {
std::string row = "only-row";
std::string family = "only-family";
std::string column = "only-column";
std::string value = "only-value";
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
Cell cell{row, family, column, timestamp, value, cell_type};
EXPECT_EQ(row, cell.Row());
EXPECT_EQ(family, cell.Family());
EXPECT_EQ(column, cell.Qualifier());
EXPECT_EQ(value, cell.Value());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, cell.Timestamp());
EXPECT_EQ(cell_type, cell.Type());
TEST(CellTest, CellDebugString) {
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
std::string row = "row";
std::string family = "family";
std::string column = "column";
std::string value = "value";
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
Cell cell{row, family, column, timestamp, value, cell_type};
LOG(INFO) << cell.DebugString();
EXPECT_EQ("row/family:column/LATEST_TIMESTAMP/PUT/vlen=5/seqid=0", cell.DebugString());
Cell cell2{row, "", column, 42, value, CellType::DELETE};
LOG(INFO) << cell2.DebugString();
EXPECT_EQ("row/column/42/DELETE/vlen=5/seqid=0", cell2.DebugString());
TEST(CellTest, CellEstimatedSize) {
CellType cell_type = CellType::PUT;
int64_t timestamp = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
Cell empty{"a", "a", "", timestamp, "", cell_type};
Cell cell1{"aa", "a", "", timestamp, "", cell_type};
Cell cell2{"a", "aa", "", timestamp, "", cell_type};
Cell cell3{"a", "a", "a", timestamp, "", cell_type};
Cell cell4{"a", "a", "", timestamp, "a", cell_type};
Cell cell5{"a", "a", "", timestamp, "a", CellType::DELETE};
Cell cell6{"aaaaaa", "a", "", timestamp, "a", cell_type};
LOG(INFO) << empty.EstimatedSize();
LOG(INFO) << cell1.EstimatedSize();
EXPECT_TRUE(empty.EstimatedSize() > sizeof(Cell));
EXPECT_TRUE(cell1.EstimatedSize() > empty.EstimatedSize());
EXPECT_EQ(cell1.EstimatedSize(), cell2.EstimatedSize());
EXPECT_EQ(cell2.EstimatedSize(), cell3.EstimatedSize());
EXPECT_EQ(cell3.EstimatedSize(), cell4.EstimatedSize());
EXPECT_EQ(cell4.EstimatedSize(), cell5.EstimatedSize());
EXPECT_TRUE(cell6.EstimatedSize() > cell1.EstimatedSize());