blob: ff77bf52ba28875c56a7ffd18b2fd78db7319cce [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// NOTE: The "required" and "optional" keywords for the service methods are purely for documentation
namespace java org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated
namespace cpp apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2
namespace rb Apache.Hadoop.Hbase.Thrift2
namespace py hbase
namespace perl Hbase
struct TTimeRange {
1: required i64 minStamp,
2: required i64 maxStamp
* Addresses a single cell or multiple cells
* in a HBase table by column family and optionally
* a column qualifier and timestamp
struct TColumn {
1: required binary family,
2: optional binary qualifier,
3: optional i64 timestamp
* Represents a single cell and its value.
struct TColumnValue {
1: required binary family,
2: required binary qualifier,
3: required binary value,
4: optional i64 timestamp,
5: optional binary tags,
6: optional byte type
* Represents a single cell and the amount to increment it by
struct TColumnIncrement {
1: required binary family,
2: required binary qualifier,
3: optional i64 amount = 1
* if no Result is found, row and columnValues will not be set.
struct TResult {
1: optional binary row,
2: required list<TColumnValue> columnValues,
3: optional bool stale = false
4: optional bool partial = false
* Specify type of delete:
* - DELETE_COLUMN means exactly one version will be removed,
* - DELETE_COLUMNS means previous versions will also be removed.
enum TDeleteType {
* Specify Durability:
* - SKIP_WAL means do not write the Mutation to the WAL.
* - ASYNC_WAL means write the Mutation to the WAL asynchronously,
* - SYNC_WAL means write the Mutation to the WAL synchronously,
* - FSYNC_WAL means Write the Mutation to the WAL synchronously and force the entries to disk.
enum TDurability {
struct TAuthorization {
1: optional list<string> labels
struct TCellVisibility {
1: optional string expression
* Specify Consistency:
* - STRONG means reads only from primary region
* - TIMELINE means reads might return values from secondary region replicas
enum TConsistency {
* Used to perform Get operations on a single row.
* The scope can be further narrowed down by specifying a list of
* columns or column families.
* To get everything for a row, instantiate a Get object with just the row to get.
* To further define the scope of what to get you can add a timestamp or time range
* with an optional maximum number of versions to return.
* If you specify a time range and a timestamp the range is ignored.
* Timestamps on TColumns are ignored.
struct TGet {
1: required binary row,
2: optional list<TColumn> columns,
3: optional i64 timestamp,
4: optional TTimeRange timeRange,
5: optional i32 maxVersions,
6: optional binary filterString,
7: optional map<binary, binary> attributes
8: optional TAuthorization authorizations
9: optional TConsistency consistency
10: optional i32 targetReplicaId
11: optional bool cacheBlocks
12: optional i32 storeLimit
13: optional i32 storeOffset
14: optional bool existence_only
15: optional binary filterBytes
* Used to perform Put operations for a single row.
* Add column values to this object and they'll be added.
* You can provide a default timestamp if the column values
* don't have one. If you don't provide a default timestamp
* the current time is inserted.
* You can specify how this Put should be written to the write-ahead Log (WAL)
* by changing the durability. If you don't provide durability, it defaults to
* column family's default setting for durability.
struct TPut {
1: required binary row,
2: required list<TColumnValue> columnValues
3: optional i64 timestamp,
5: optional map<binary, binary> attributes,
6: optional TDurability durability,
7: optional TCellVisibility cellVisibility
* Used to perform Delete operations on a single row.
* The scope can be further narrowed down by specifying a list of
* columns or column families as TColumns.
* Specifying only a family in a TColumn will delete the whole family.
* If a timestamp is specified all versions with a timestamp less than
* or equal to this will be deleted. If no timestamp is specified the
* current time will be used.
* Specifying a family and a column qualifier in a TColumn will delete only
* this qualifier. If a timestamp is specified only versions equal
* to this timestamp will be deleted. If no timestamp is specified the
* most recent version will be deleted. To delete all previous versions,
* specify the DELETE_COLUMNS TDeleteType.
* The top level timestamp is only used if a complete row should be deleted
* (i.e. no columns are passed) and if it is specified it works the same way
* as if you had added a TColumn for every column family and this timestamp
* (i.e. all versions older than or equal in all column families will be deleted)
* You can specify how this Delete should be written to the write-ahead Log (WAL)
* by changing the durability. If you don't provide durability, it defaults to
* column family's default setting for durability.
struct TDelete {
1: required binary row,
2: optional list<TColumn> columns,
3: optional i64 timestamp,
4: optional TDeleteType deleteType = 1,
6: optional map<binary, binary> attributes,
7: optional TDurability durability
* Used to perform Increment operations for a single row.
* You can specify how this Increment should be written to the write-ahead Log (WAL)
* by changing the durability. If you don't provide durability, it defaults to
* column family's default setting for durability.
struct TIncrement {
1: required binary row,
2: required list<TColumnIncrement> columns,
4: optional map<binary, binary> attributes,
5: optional TDurability durability
6: optional TCellVisibility cellVisibility
7: optional bool returnResults
* Used to perform append operation
struct TAppend {
1: required binary row,
2: required list<TColumnValue> columns,
3: optional map<binary, binary> attributes,
4: optional TDurability durability
5: optional TCellVisibility cellVisibility
6: optional bool returnResults
enum TReadType {
* Any timestamps in the columns are ignored but the colFamTimeRangeMap included, use timeRange to select by timestamp.
* Max versions defaults to 1.
struct TScan {
1: optional binary startRow,
2: optional binary stopRow,
3: optional list<TColumn> columns
4: optional i32 caching,
5: optional i32 maxVersions=1,
6: optional TTimeRange timeRange,
7: optional binary filterString,
8: optional i32 batchSize,
9: optional map<binary, binary> attributes
10: optional TAuthorization authorizations
11: optional bool reversed
12: optional bool cacheBlocks
13: optional map<binary,TTimeRange> colFamTimeRangeMap
14: optional TReadType readType
15: optional i32 limit
16: optional TConsistency consistency
17: optional i32 targetReplicaId
18: optional binary filterBytes
* Atomic mutation for the specified row. It can be either Put or Delete.
union TMutation {
1: TPut put
2: TDelete deleteSingle
* A TRowMutations object is used to apply a number of Mutations to a single row.
struct TRowMutations {
1: required binary row
2: required list<TMutation> mutations
struct THRegionInfo {
1: required i64 regionId
2: required binary tableName
3: optional binary startKey
4: optional binary endKey
5: optional bool offline
6: optional bool split
7: optional i32 replicaId
struct TServerName {
1: required string hostName
2: optional i32 port
3: optional i64 startCode
struct THRegionLocation {
1: required TServerName serverName
2: required THRegionInfo regionInfo
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CompareOperator.
enum TCompareOperator {
LESS = 0,
EQUAL = 2,
NO_OP = 6
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.BloomType
enum TBloomFilterType {
* Bloomfilters disabled
NONE = 0,
* Bloom enabled with Table row as Key
ROW = 1,
* Bloom enabled with Table row &amp; column (family+qualifier) as Key
* Bloom enabled with Table row prefix as Key, specify the length of the prefix
* Thrift wrapper around
enum TCompressionAlgorithm {
LZO = 0,
GZ = 1,
NONE = 2,
LZ4 = 4,
BZIP2 = 5,
ZSTD = 6
* Thrift wrapper around
enum TDataBlockEncoding {
/** Disable data block encoding. */
NONE = 0,
// id 1 is reserved for the BITSET algorithm to be added later
DIFF = 3,
// id 5 is reserved for the COPY_KEY algorithm for benchmarking
// COPY_KEY(5, ""),
// PREFIX_TREE(6, "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.codec.prefixtree.PrefixTreeCodec"),
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeepDeletedCells
enum TKeepDeletedCells {
/** Deleted Cells are not retained. */
FALSE = 0,
* Deleted Cells are retained until they are removed by other means
* such TTL or VERSIONS.
* If no TTL is specified or no new versions of delete cells are
* written, they are retained forever.
TRUE = 1,
* Deleted Cells are retained until the delete marker expires due to TTL.
* This is useful when TTL is combined with MIN_VERSIONS and one
* wants to keep a minimum number of versions around but at the same
* time remove deleted cells after the TTL.
TTL = 2
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName
struct TTableName {
/** namespace name */
1: optional binary ns
/** tablename */
2: required binary qualifier
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ColumnFamilyDescriptor
struct TColumnFamilyDescriptor {
1: required binary name
2: optional map<binary, binary> attributes
3: optional map<string, string> configuration
4: optional i32 blockSize
5: optional TBloomFilterType bloomnFilterType
6: optional TCompressionAlgorithm compressionType
7: optional i16 dfsReplication
8: optional TDataBlockEncoding dataBlockEncoding
9: optional TKeepDeletedCells keepDeletedCells
10: optional i32 maxVersions
11: optional i32 minVersions
12: optional i32 scope
13: optional i32 timeToLive
14: optional bool blockCacheEnabled
15: optional bool cacheBloomsOnWrite
16: optional bool cacheDataOnWrite
17: optional bool cacheIndexesOnWrite
18: optional bool compressTags
19: optional bool evictBlocksOnClose
20: optional bool inMemory
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.TableDescriptor
struct TTableDescriptor {
1: required TTableName tableName
2: optional list<TColumnFamilyDescriptor> columns
3: optional map<binary, binary> attributes
4: optional TDurability durability
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NamespaceDescriptor
struct TNamespaceDescriptor {
1: required string name
2: optional map<string, string> configuration
enum TLogType {
enum TFilterByOperator {
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.LogQueryFilter
struct TLogQueryFilter {
1: optional string regionName
2: optional string clientAddress
3: optional string tableName
4: optional string userName
5: optional i32 limit = 10
6: optional TLogType logType = 1
7: optional TFilterByOperator filterByOperator = TFilterByOperator.OR
* Thrift wrapper around
* org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.OnlineLogRecordrd
struct TOnlineLogRecord {
1: required i64 startTime
2: required i32 processingTime
3: required i32 queueTime
4: required i64 responseSize
5: required string clientAddress
6: required string serverClass
7: required string methodName
8: required string callDetails
9: required string param
10: required string userName
11: required i32 multiGetsCount
12: required i32 multiMutationsCount
13: required i32 multiServiceCalls
14: optional string regionName
// Exceptions
* A TIOError exception signals that an error occurred communicating
* to the HBase master or a HBase region server. Also used to return
* more general HBase error conditions.
exception TIOError {
1: optional string message
2: optional bool canRetry
* A TIllegalArgument exception indicates an illegal or invalid
* argument was passed into a procedure.
exception TIllegalArgument {
1: optional string message
* Specify type of thrift server: thrift and thrift2
enum TThriftServerType {
ONE = 1,
TWO = 2
enum TPermissionScope {
TABLE = 0,
* TAccessControlEntity for permission control
struct TAccessControlEntity {
1: required string username
2: required TPermissionScope scope
4: required string actions
5: optional string tableName
6: optional string nsName
service THBaseService {
* Test for the existence of columns in the table, as specified in the TGet.
* @return true if the specified TGet matches one or more keys, false if not
bool exists(
/** the table to check on */
1: required binary table,
/** the TGet to check for */
2: required TGet tget
) throws (1:TIOError io)
* Test for the existence of columns in the table, as specified by the TGets.
* This will return an array of booleans. Each value will be true if the related Get matches
* one or more keys, false if not.
list<bool> existsAll(
/** the table to check on */
1: required binary table,
/** a list of TGets to check for */
2: required list<TGet> tgets
) throws (1:TIOError io)
* Method for getting data from a row.
* If the row cannot be found an empty Result is returned.
* This can be checked by the empty field of the TResult
* @return the result
TResult get(
/** the table to get from */
1: required binary table,
/** the TGet to fetch */
2: required TGet tget
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Method for getting multiple rows.
* If a row cannot be found there will be a null
* value in the result list for that TGet at the
* same position.
* So the Results are in the same order as the TGets.
list<TResult> getMultiple(
/** the table to get from */
1: required binary table,
/** a list of TGets to fetch, the Result list
will have the Results at corresponding positions
or null if there was an error */
2: required list<TGet> tgets
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Commit a TPut to a table.
void put(
/** the table to put data in */
1: required binary table,
/** the TPut to put */
2: required TPut tput
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected
* value. If it does, it adds the TPut.
* @return true if the new put was executed, false otherwise
bool checkAndPut(
/** to check in and put to */
1: required binary table,
/** row to check */
2: required binary row,
/** column family to check */
3: required binary family,
/** column qualifier to check */
4: required binary qualifier,
/** the expected value, if not provided the
check is for the non-existence of the
column in question */
5: binary value,
/** the TPut to put if the check succeeds */
6: required TPut tput
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Commit a List of Puts to the table.
void putMultiple(
/** the table to put data in */
1: required binary table,
/** a list of TPuts to commit */
2: required list<TPut> tputs
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Deletes as specified by the TDelete.
* Note: "delete" is a reserved keyword and cannot be used in Thrift
* thus the inconsistent naming scheme from the other functions.
void deleteSingle(
/** the table to delete from */
1: required binary table,
/** the TDelete to delete */
2: required TDelete tdelete
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Bulk commit a List of TDeletes to the table.
* Throws a TIOError if any of the deletes fail.
* Always returns an empty list for backwards compatibility.
list<TDelete> deleteMultiple(
/** the table to delete from */
1: required binary table,
/** list of TDeletes to delete */
2: required list<TDelete> tdeletes
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected
* value. If it does, it adds the delete.
* @return true if the new delete was executed, false otherwise
bool checkAndDelete(
/** to check in and delete from */
1: required binary table,
/** row to check */
2: required binary row,
/** column family to check */
3: required binary family,
/** column qualifier to check */
4: required binary qualifier,
/** the expected value, if not provided the
check is for the non-existence of the
column in question */
5: binary value,
/** the TDelete to execute if the check succeeds */
6: required TDelete tdelete
) throws (1: TIOError io)
TResult increment(
/** the table to increment the value on */
1: required binary table,
/** the TIncrement to increment */
2: required TIncrement tincrement
) throws (1: TIOError io)
TResult append(
/** the table to append the value on */
1: required binary table,
/** the TAppend to append */
2: required TAppend tappend
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get a Scanner for the provided TScan object.
* @return Scanner Id to be used with other scanner procedures
i32 openScanner(
/** the table to get the Scanner for */
1: required binary table,
/** the scan object to get a Scanner for */
2: required TScan tscan,
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Grabs multiple rows from a Scanner.
* @return Between zero and numRows TResults
list<TResult> getScannerRows(
/** the Id of the Scanner to return rows from. This is an Id returned from the openScanner function. */
1: required i32 scannerId,
/** number of rows to return */
2: i32 numRows = 1
) throws (
1: TIOError io,
/** if the scannerId is invalid */
2: TIllegalArgument ia
* Closes the scanner. Should be called to free server side resources timely.
* Typically close once the scanner is not needed anymore, i.e. after looping
* over it to get all the required rows.
void closeScanner(
/** the Id of the Scanner to close **/
1: required i32 scannerId
) throws (
1: TIOError io,
/** if the scannerId is invalid */
2: TIllegalArgument ia
* mutateRow performs multiple mutations atomically on a single row.
void mutateRow(
/** table to apply the mutations */
1: required binary table,
/** mutations to apply */
2: required TRowMutations trowMutations
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get results for the provided TScan object.
* This helper function opens a scanner, get the results and close the scanner.
* @return between zero and numRows TResults
list<TResult> getScannerResults(
/** the table to get the Scanner for */
1: required binary table,
/** the scan object to get a Scanner for */
2: required TScan tscan,
/** number of rows to return */
3: i32 numRows = 1
) throws (
1: TIOError io
* Given a table and a row get the location of the region that
* would contain the given row key.
* reload = true means the cache will be cleared and the location
* will be fetched from meta.
THRegionLocation getRegionLocation(
1: required binary table,
2: required binary row,
3: bool reload,
) throws (
1: TIOError io
* Get all of the region locations for a given table.
list<THRegionLocation> getAllRegionLocations(
1: required binary table,
) throws (
1: TIOError io
* Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected
* value. If it does, it mutates the row.
* @return true if the row was mutated, false otherwise
bool checkAndMutate(
/** to check in and delete from */
1: required binary table,
/** row to check */
2: required binary row,
/** column family to check */
3: required binary family,
/** column qualifier to check */
4: required binary qualifier,
/** comparison to make on the value */
5: required TCompareOperator compareOperator,
/** the expected value to be compared against, if not provided the
check is for the non-existence of the column in question */
6: binary value,
/** row mutations to execute if the value matches */
7: required TRowMutations rowMutations
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get a table descriptor.
* @return the TableDescriptor of the giving tablename
TTableDescriptor getTableDescriptor(
/** the tablename of the table to get tableDescriptor*/
1: required TTableName table
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get table descriptors of tables.
* @return the TableDescriptor of the giving tablename
list<TTableDescriptor> getTableDescriptors(
/** the tablename list of the tables to get tableDescriptor*/
1: required list<TTableName> tables
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* @return true if table exists already, false if not
bool tableExists(
/** the tablename of the tables to check*/
1: TTableName tableName
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get table descriptors of tables that match the given pattern
* @return the tableDescriptors of the matching table
list<TTableDescriptor> getTableDescriptorsByPattern(
/** The regular expression to match against */
1: optional string regex
/** set to false if match only against userspace tables */
2: required bool includeSysTables
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get table descriptors of tables in the given namespace
* @return the tableDescriptors in the namespce
list<TTableDescriptor> getTableDescriptorsByNamespace(
/** The namesapce's name */
1: required string name
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get table names of tables that match the given pattern
* @return the table names of the matching table
list<TTableName> getTableNamesByPattern(
/** The regular expression to match against */
1: optional string regex
/** set to false if match only against userspace tables */
2: required bool includeSysTables
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get table names of tables in the given namespace
* @return the table names of the matching table
list<TTableName> getTableNamesByNamespace(
/** The namesapce's name */
1: required string name
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Creates a new table with an initial set of empty regions defined by the specified split keys.
* The total number of regions created will be the number of split keys plus one. Synchronous
* operation.
void createTable(
/** table descriptor for table */
1: required TTableDescriptor desc
/** rray of split keys for the initial regions of the table */
2: optional list<binary> splitKeys
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Deletes a table. Synchronous operation.
void deleteTable(
/** the tablename to delete */
1: required TTableName tableName
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Truncate a table. Synchronous operation.
void truncateTable(
/** the tablename to truncate */
1: required TTableName tableName
/** whether to preserve previous splits*/
2: required bool preserveSplits
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Enalbe a table
void enableTable(
/** the tablename to enable */
1: required TTableName tableName
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Disable a table
void disableTable(
/** the tablename to disable */
1: required TTableName tableName
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* @return true if table is enabled, false if not
bool isTableEnabled(
/** the tablename to check */
1: required TTableName tableName
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* @return true if table is disabled, false if not
bool isTableDisabled(
/** the tablename to check */
1: required TTableName tableName
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* @return true if table is available, false if not
bool isTableAvailable(
/** the tablename to check */
1: required TTableName tableName
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Use this api to check if the table has been created with the specified number of splitkeys
* which was used while creating the given table. Note : If this api is used after a table's
* region gets splitted, the api may return false.
* @return true if table is available, false if not
* @deprecated Since 2.2.0. Because the same method in Table interface has been deprecated
* since 2.0.0, we will remove it in 3.0.0 release.
* Use {@link #isTableAvailable(TTableName tableName)} instead
bool isTableAvailableWithSplit(
/** the tablename to check */
1: required TTableName tableName
/** keys to check if the table has been created with all split keys */
2: optional list<binary> splitKeys
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Add a column family to an existing table. Synchronous operation.
void addColumnFamily(
/** the tablename to add column family to */
1: required TTableName tableName
/** column family descriptor of column family to be added */
2: required TColumnFamilyDescriptor column
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Delete a column family from a table. Synchronous operation.
void deleteColumnFamily(
/** the tablename to delete column family from */
1: required TTableName tableName
/** name of column family to be deleted */
2: required binary column
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Modify an existing column family on a table. Synchronous operation.
void modifyColumnFamily(
/** the tablename to modify column family */
1: required TTableName tableName
/** column family descriptor of column family to be modified */
2: required TColumnFamilyDescriptor column
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Modify an existing table
void modifyTable(
/** the descriptor of the table to modify */
1: required TTableDescriptor desc
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Create a new namespace. Blocks until namespace has been successfully created or an exception is
* thrown
void createNamespace(
/** descriptor which describes the new namespace */
1: required TNamespaceDescriptor namespaceDesc
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Modify an existing namespace. Blocks until namespace has been successfully modified or an
* exception is thrown
void modifyNamespace(
/** descriptor which describes the new namespace */
1: required TNamespaceDescriptor namespaceDesc
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Delete an existing namespace. Only empty namespaces (no tables) can be removed.
* Blocks until namespace has been successfully deleted or an
* exception is thrown.
void deleteNamespace(
/** namespace name */
1: required string name
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get a namespace descriptor by name.
* @retrun the descriptor
TNamespaceDescriptor getNamespaceDescriptor(
/** name of namespace descriptor */
1: required string name
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* @return all namespaces
list<TNamespaceDescriptor> listNamespaceDescriptors(
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* @return all namespace names
list<string> listNamespaces(
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Get the type of this thrift server.
* @return the type of this thrift server
TThriftServerType getThriftServerType()
* Returns the cluster ID for this cluster.
string getClusterId()
* Retrieves online slow RPC logs from the provided list of
* RegionServers
* @return online slowlog response list
* @throws TIOError if a remote or network exception occurs
list<TOnlineLogRecord> getSlowLogResponses(
/** @param serverNames Server names to get slowlog responses from */
1: set<TServerName> serverNames
/** @param logQueryFilter filter to be used if provided */
2: TLogQueryFilter logQueryFilter
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Clears online slow/large RPC logs from the provided list of
* RegionServers
* @return List of booleans representing if online slowlog response buffer is cleaned
* from each RegionServer
* @throws TIOError if a remote or network exception occurs
list<bool> clearSlowLogResponses(
/** @param serverNames Set of Server names to clean slowlog responses from */
1: set<TServerName> serverNames
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Grant permissions in table or namespace level.
bool grant(
1: required TAccessControlEntity info
) throws (1: TIOError io)
* Revoke permissions in table or namespace level.
bool revoke(
1: required TAccessControlEntity info
) throws (1: TIOError io)