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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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minirepro utility
minirepro <db-name> [-h <master-host>] [-U <username>] [-p <port>]
-q <SQL-file> -f <repo-data-file>
minirepro -?
For any SQL commands, the minirepro utility generates HAWQ Database
information for the commands. The information can be analyzed to
perform root cause analysis.
The minirepro utility reads the input SQL file, passes the input SQL
command to hawq_toolkit function hawq_dump_query_oids() to get the dependent
object ids. Then the utility uses pg_dump to dump the object DDLs, and
queries the system catalog to collect statistics of these relations.
The information is written to output file. The output includes a minimal
sets of DDLs and statistics of relations and functions that are related
to the input SQL commands.
Name of the HAWQ Database.
-h <master-host>
HAWQ Database master host. Default is localhost.
-U <username>
HAWQ Database user name to log into the database and run the
SQL command. Default is the PGUSER environment variable. If PGUSER
is not defined, OS user name running the utility is used.
-p <port>
Port that is used to connect to HAWQ Database.
Default is the PGPORT environment variable. If PGPORT is not defined,
the default value is 5432.
-q <SQL-file>
A text file that contains SQL commands. The commands can be on
multiple lines.
-f <repo-data-file>
The output file that contains DDLs and statistics of relations
and functions that are related to the SQL commands.
-? Show this help text and exit.
minirepro gptest -h locahost -U gpadmin -p 4444 -q ~/in.sql -f ~/out.sql
import os, sys, re, json, platform, subprocess
from optparse import OptionParser
from pygresql import pgdb
from datetime import datetime
version = '1.10'
PATH_PREFIX = '/tmp/'
PGDUMP_FILE = 'pg_dump_out.sql'
sysnslist = "('pg_toast', 'pg_bitmapindex', 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'hawq_toolkit', 'pg_aoseg')"
pgoptions = '-c gp_session_role=utility'
class MRQuery(object):
def __init__(self):
self.schemas = []
self.funcids = []
self.relids = []
def E(query_str):
return pgdb.escape_string(query_str)
def generate_timestamp():
timestamp =
return timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
def result_iter(cursor, arraysize=1000):
'An iterator that uses fetchmany to keep memory usage down'
while True:
results = cursor.fetchmany(arraysize)
if not results:
for result in results:
yield result
def get_server_version(cursor):
query = "select version()"
vals = cursor.fetchone()
return vals[0]
except pgdb.DatabaseError as e:
sys.stderr.write('\nError while trying to find HAWQ/GPDB version.\n\n' + str(e) + '\n\n')
def parse_cmd_line():
p = OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog <database> [options]', version='%prog '+version, conflict_handler="resolve")
p.add_option('-?', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit')
p.add_option('-h', '--host', action='store',
dest='host', help='Specify a remote host')
p.add_option('-p', '--port', action='store',
dest='port', help='Specify a port other than 5432')
p.add_option('-U', '--user', action='store', dest='user',
help='Connect as someone other than current user')
p.add_option('-q', action='store', dest='query_file',
help='file name that contains the query')
p.add_option('-f', action='store', dest='output_file',
help='minirepro output file name')
return p
def dump_query(connectionInfo, query_file):
(host, port, user, db) = connectionInfo
print "Extracting metadata from query file %s ..." % query_file
with open(query_file, 'r') as query_f:
sql_text =
query = "select hawq_toolkit.hawq_dump_query_oids('%s')" % E(sql_text)
toolkit_sql = PATH_PREFIX + 'toolkit.sql'
with open(toolkit_sql, 'w') as toolkit_f:
query_cmd = "psql %s --pset footer -Atq -h %s -p %s -U %s -f %s" % (db, host, port, user, toolkit_sql)
print query_cmd
p = subprocess.Popen(query_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ)
if p.wait() is not 0:
errormsg = p.communicate()[1]
sys.stderr.writelines('\nError when executing function hawq_toolkit.hawq_dump_query_oids.\n\n' + errormsg + '\n\n')
outmsg, errormsg = p.communicate()
if errormsg:
sys.stderr.writelines('\nError when executing function hawq_toolkit.hawq_dump_query_oids.\n\n' + errormsg + '\n\n')
return outmsg
# relation and function oids will be extracted from the dump string
def parse_oids(cursor, json_oids):
result = MRQuery()
result.relids = json.loads(json_oids)['relids']
result.funcids = json.loads(json_oids)['funcids']
if len(result.relids) == 0:
result.relids = '0'
if len(result.funcids) == 0:
result.funcids = '0'
cat_query = "SELECT distinct(nspname) FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE " \
"c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.oid IN (%s) " \
"AND n.nspname NOT IN %s" % (result.relids, sysnslist)
for vals in result_iter(cursor):
cat_query = "SELECT distinct(nspname) FROM pg_proc p, pg_namespace n WHERE " \
"p.pronamespace = n.oid AND p.oid IN (%s) " \
"AND n.nspname NOT IN %s" % (result.funcids, sysnslist)
for vals in result_iter(cursor):
return result
def pg_dump_object(mr_query, connectionInfo, envOpts):
dmp_cmd = 'pg_dump -h %s -p %s -U %s -sxO %s' % connectionInfo
dmp_cmd = "%s --relation-oids %s --function-oids %s -f %s" % \
(dmp_cmd, mr_query.relids, mr_query.funcids, E(out_file))
print dmp_cmd
p = subprocess.Popen(dmp_cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=envOpts)
if p.wait() is not 0:
sys.stderr.write('\nError while dumping schema.\n\n' + p.communicate()[1] + '\n\n')
def dump_tuple_count(cur, oid_str, f_out):
stmt = "SELECT pgc.relname, pgn.nspname, pgc.relpages, pgc.reltuples FROM pg_class pgc, pg_namespace pgn " \
"WHERE pgc.relnamespace = pgn.oid and pgc.oid in (%s) and pgn.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_temp_%%' " \
"and pgn.nspname NOT IN %s" % (oid_str, sysnslist)
templateStmt = '-- Table: {1}\n' \
'UPDATE pg_class\nSET\n' \
'{0}\n' \
'WHERE relname = \'{1}\' AND relnamespace = ' \
'(SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = \'{2}\');\n\n'
columns = [x[0] for x in cur.description]
types = ['int', 'real']
for vals in result_iter(cur):
lines = []
for col, val, typ in zip(columns[2:], vals[2:], types):
# i.e. relpages = 1::int, reltuples = 1.0::real
lines.append('\t%s = %s::%s' % (col, val, typ))
updateStmt = templateStmt.format(E(',\n'.join(lines)), E(vals[0]), E(vals[1]))
def dump_stats(cur, oid_str, f_out):
query = 'SELECT pgc.relname, pgn.nspname, pga.attname, pgt.typname, pgs.* ' \
'FROM pg_class pgc, pg_statistic pgs, pg_namespace pgn, pg_attribute pga, pg_type pgt ' \
'WHERE pgc.relnamespace = pgn.oid and pgc.oid in (%s) and pgn.nspname NOT IN %s ' \
'and pgn.nspname NOT LIKE \'pg_temp_%%\' ' \
'and pgc.oid = pgs.starelid ' \
'and pga.attrelid = pgc.oid ' \
'and pga.attnum = pgs.staattnum ' \
'and pga.atttypid = pgt.oid ' \
'ORDER BY pgc.relname, pgs.staattnum' % (oid_str, sysnslist)
pstring = '--\n' \
'-- Table: {0}, Attribute: {1}\n' \
'--\n' \
'INSERT INTO pg_statistic VALUES (\n' \
types = ['smallint', # staattnum
for vals in result_iter(cur):
rowVals = ["\t'%s.%s'::regclass" % (E(vals[1]), E(vals[0]))]
if vals[3][0] == '_':
rowTypes = types + [vals[3]] * 4
rowTypes = types + [vals[3] + '[]'] * 4
for val, typ in zip(vals[5:], rowTypes):
if val is None:
val = 'NULL'
elif isinstance(val, (str, unicode)) and val[0] == '{':
val = "E'%s'" % E(val)
rowVals.append('\t{0}::{1}'.format(val, typ))
f_out.writelines(pstring.format(E(vals[0]), E(vals[2]), ',\n'.join(rowVals)))
def main():
parser = parse_cmd_line()
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
parser.error("No database specified")
# setup all the arguments & options
envOpts = os.environ
db = args[0]
host = or platform.node()
user = options.user or ('PGUSER' in envOpts and envOpts['PGUSER']) or os.getlogin()
port = options.port or ('PGPORT' in envOpts and envOpts['PGPORT']) or '5432'
query_file = options.query_file
output_file = options.output_file
if query_file is None:
parser.error("No query file specified.")
if output_file is None:
parser.error("No output file specified.")
if not os.path.isfile(query_file):
parser.error('Query file %s does not exist.' % query_file)
output_file = os.path.abspath(output_file)
timestamp = generate_timestamp()
PATH_PREFIX = PATH_PREFIX + timestamp + '/'
# create tmp dir if not already there
# setup the connection info tuple with options
connectionInfo = (host, port, user, db)
connectionString = ':'.join([host, port, db, user, '', pgoptions, ''])
print "Connecting to database: host=%s, port=%s, user=%s, db=%s ..." % connectionInfo
conn = pgdb.connect(connectionString)
cursor = conn.cursor()
# get server version, which is dumped to minirepro output file
server_ver = get_server_version(cursor)
invoke hawq_toolkit UDF, dump object oids as json text
input: query file name
output: json oids string
json_str = dump_query(connectionInfo, query_file)
parse json oids string, collect all things that need to be dumped
input: json oids string
output: MRQuery class (self.schemas, self.funcids, self.relids)
mr_query = parse_oids(cursor, json_str)
# dump relations and functions
print "Invoking pg_dump to dump DDL ..."
pg_dump_object(mr_query, connectionInfo, envOpts)
### start writing out to stdout ###
output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file)
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
f_out = open(output_file, 'w')
ts =
f_out.writelines(['-- MiniRepro ' + version,
'\n-- Copyright 2016, The Apache Software Foundation'
'\n-- Database: ' + db,
'\n-- Date: ' +,
'\n-- Time: ' + ts.time().isoformat(),
'\n-- CmdLine: ' + ' '.join(sys.argv),
'\n-- Version: ' + server_ver + '\n\n'])
# make sure we connect with the right database
f_out.writelines('\\connect ' + db + '\n\n')
# first create schema DDLs
print "Writing schema DDLs ..."
table_schemas = ["CREATE SCHEMA %s;\n" % E(schema) for schema in mr_query.schemas if schema != 'public']
# write relation and function DDLs
print "Writing relation and function DDLs ..."
with open(PATH_PREFIX + PGDUMP_FILE, 'r') as f_pgdump:
# explicitly allow editing of these pg_class & pg_statistic tables
f_out.writelines(['\n-- ',
'\n-- Allow system table modifications',
'\n-- ',
'\nset allow_system_table_mods="DML";\n\n'])
# dump table stats
print "Writing table statistics ..."
dump_tuple_count(cursor, mr_query.relids, f_out)
# dump column stats
print "Writing column statistics ..."
dump_stats(cursor, mr_query.relids, f_out)
# attach query text
print "Attaching raw query text ..."
f_out.writelines(['\n-- ',
'\n-- Query text',
'\n-- \n\n'])
with open(query_file, 'r') as query_f:
for line in query_f:
f_out.writelines('-- ' + line)
f_out.writelines('\n-- MiniRepro completed.\n')
print "--- MiniRepro completed! ---"
if __name__ == "__main__":