blob: 35e04cd14056f7e6379c7b9404c0a0c6cdbdc1f7 [file] [log] [blame]
\set ECHO all
-- Test explicit subtransactions
-- Test table to see if transactions get properly rolled back
CREATE TABLE subtransaction_tbl (
i integer
-- Explicit case for Python <2.6
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_test(what_error text) RETURNS text
AS $$
import sys
subxact = plpy.subtransaction()
exc = True
plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (2)")
if what_error == "SPI":
plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES ('oops')")
elif what_error == "Python":
exc = False
if exc:
subxact.__exit__(None, None, None)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT subtransaction_test(NULL);
SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
SELECT subtransaction_test('SPI');
SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
SELECT subtransaction_test('Python');
SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
-- Context manager case for Python >=2.6
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_ctx_test(what_error text) RETURNS text
AS $$
with plpy.subtransaction():
plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (2)")
if what_error == "SPI":
plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES ('oops')")
elif what_error == "Python":
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT subtransaction_ctx_test(NULL);
SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
SELECT subtransaction_ctx_test('SPI');
SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
SELECT subtransaction_ctx_test('Python');
SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
-- Nested subtransactions
-- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_nested_test(swallow boolean) RETURNS text
-- AS $$
-- plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
-- with plpy.subtransaction():
-- plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (2)")
-- try:
-- with plpy.subtransaction():
-- plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (3)")
-- plpy.execute("error")
-- except plpy.SPIError, e:
-- if not swallow:
-- raise
-- plpy.notice("Swallowed %r" % e)
--return "ok"
--$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
--SELECT subtransaction_nested_test('f');
--SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
--TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
--SELECT subtransaction_nested_test('t');
--SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
--TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
-- Nested subtransactions that recursively call code dealing with
-- subtransactions
--CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_deeply_nested_test() RETURNS text
--AS $$
--plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
--with plpy.subtransaction():
-- plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (2)")
-- plpy.execute("SELECT subtransaction_nested_test('t')")
--return "ok"
--$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
--SELECT subtransaction_deeply_nested_test();
--SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
--TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
-- Error conditions from not opening/closing subtransactions
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_exit_without_enter() RETURNS void
AS $$
plpy.subtransaction().__exit__(None, None, None)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_enter_without_exit() RETURNS void
AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_exit_twice() RETURNS void
AS $$
plpy.subtransaction().__exit__(None, None, None)
plpy.subtransaction().__exit__(None, None, None)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_enter_twice() RETURNS void
AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_exit_same_subtransaction_twice() RETURNS void
AS $$
s = plpy.subtransaction()
s.__exit__(None, None, None)
s.__exit__(None, None, None)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_enter_same_subtransaction_twice() RETURNS void
AS $$
s = plpy.subtransaction()
s.__exit__(None, None, None)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- No warnings here, as the subtransaction gets indeed closed
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_enter_subtransaction_in_with() RETURNS void
AS $$
with plpy.subtransaction() as s:
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_exit_subtransaction_in_with() RETURNS void
AS $$
with plpy.subtransaction() as s:
s.__exit__(None, None, None)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT subtransaction_exit_without_enter();
SELECT subtransaction_enter_without_exit();
SELECT subtransaction_exit_twice();
SELECT subtransaction_enter_twice();
SELECT subtransaction_exit_same_subtransaction_twice();
SELECT subtransaction_enter_same_subtransaction_twice();
SELECT subtransaction_enter_subtransaction_in_with();
SELECT subtransaction_exit_subtransaction_in_with();
-- Make sure we don't get a "current transaction is aborted" error
SELECT 1 as test;
-- Mix explicit subtransactions and normal SPI calls
--CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_mix_explicit_and_implicit() RETURNS void
--AS $$
--p = plpy.prepare("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES ($1)", ["integer"])
-- with plpy.subtransaction():
-- plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
-- plpy.execute(p, [2])
-- plpy.execute(p, ["wrong"])
--except plpy.SPIError:
-- plpy.warning("Caught a SPI error from an explicit subtransaction")
-- plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
-- plpy.execute(p, [2])
-- plpy.execute(p, ["wrong"])
--except plpy.SPIError:
-- plpy.warning("Caught a SPI error")
--$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
--SELECT subtransaction_mix_explicit_and_implicit();
--SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
--TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
-- Alternative method names for Python <2.6
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtransaction_alternative_names() RETURNS void
AS $$
s = plpy.subtransaction()
s.exit(None, None, None)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT subtransaction_alternative_names();
-- try/catch inside a subtransaction block
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION try_catch_inside_subtransaction() RETURNS void
AS $$
with plpy.subtransaction():
plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES ('a')")
except plpy.SPIError:
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
SELECT try_catch_inside_subtransaction();
SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
TRUNCATE subtransaction_tbl;
--ALTER TABLE subtransaction_tbl ADD PRIMARY KEY (i);
--CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pk_violation_inside_subtransaction() RETURNS void
--AS $$
--with plpy.subtransaction():
-- plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
-- try:
-- plpy.execute("INSERT INTO subtransaction_tbl VALUES (1)")
-- except plpy.SPIError:
-- plpy.notice("caught")
--$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
--SELECT pk_violation_inside_subtransaction();
--SELECT * FROM subtransaction_tbl;
DROP TABLE subtransaction_tbl;