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Instruction for Building the Greenplum Database, PerfMon, Clients, Loaders, and Connectivity Packages
July, 2009
Along with this file you will find the complete source to the above Greenplum products and pre-built
versions of all of the third-party libraries that they use. In addition, you will need the following
autoconf 2.59 or later. autoconf 2.63 preferred.
binutils 2.15
bison 1.875 or later. bison 2.4.1 preferred.
diffutils 2.8.1
flex 2.5.4a or later. flex 2.5.35 preferred.
gcc 4.4.2
gfortran 4.4.2
greptools 2.5.1 on Linux, 2.5 on Solaris
libtool 1.4.6 on CentOS, 1.5.22 on SuSE
make 3.80 or later
perl 5.8.8
tar (GNU) 1.14 (named or symlinked to gtar on Solaris)
Most of these tools can be installed anywhere on the PATH. A few, however, need to be installed into
specific locations:
/opt/gcc-4.1.1 on CentOS and Solaris
In addition, there is one GNU library that is not included in the source set. That is readline-5.2.
It is only required if you want readline support on Solaris for Python-2.6.2. It just needs to be in
LD_LIBRARY_PATH if you build Python and when you run it. Again, this is only for Solaris as CentOS
and SuSE already include readline.
To build the Greenplum Database and PerfMon products, run GNU make with the following options:
For a debug build:
# make HOME=`pwd` devel
For a dist build:
# make GPROOT=`pwd` dist
To build the Clients, Loaders, and Connectivity packages, add the BLD_TARGETS= argument to the make
command line:
# make GPROOT=`pwd` BLD_TARGETS="clients loaders connectivity" dist
These packages are supported on a longer list of platforms than the Database and PerfMon packages.
Supported Clients, Loaders, and Connectivity platforms include the following and require, where listed
an additional argument to make.
OSX 10.5
CentOS 4.5 32-bit
CentOS 4.5 64-bit
CentOS 5.2 32-bit
Solaris 10u3 x86 32-bit BLD_ARCH=sol10_x86_32
Solaris 10u4 SPARC 32-bit BLD_ARCH=sol10_sparc_32
Solaris 10u4 SPARC 64-bit BLD_ARCH=sol10_sparc_64
Solaris 9u9 SPARC 32-bit BLD_ARCH=sol9_sparc_32
Solaris 8 2/04 SPARC 32-bit BLD_ARCH=sol8_sparc_32
Windows 32-bit BLD_ARCH=win32
Later updates of the Solaris releases should suffice for building but will respectively raise the OS
level requirement at runtime. The Windows build requires an install of mingw32 on a Linux machine
and a Windows machine with Cygwin sshd the WIX packaging tools installed.
Locations of the Component Products
The Greenplum Database source set is contained in the cdb-pg, gpcc, and gpMgmt directories with support
from the releng and ext/<arch> directories as well as the top-level files.
Greenplum Performance Monitor is located in the gpperfmon directory with dependencies on the cdb-pg and
ext/<arch> directories.
Clients, Loaders, and Connectivity products are built from a subset of the Greenplum Database binaries
and the client directory.
The ext/<arch> directories provide the third-party libraries used by the above products for each platform.