blob: 7449ecdca8f2e5fd4cbad8e7c17b9cfee5e876e0 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# gpload - load file(s) into Greenplum Database
'''gpload [options] -f configuration file
-h hostname: host to connect to
-p port: port to connect to
-U username: user to connect as
-d database: database to connect to
-W: force password authentication
-q: quiet mode
-D: do not actually load data
-v: verbose
-V: very verbose
-l logfile: log output to logfile
--gpfdist_timeout timeout: gpfdist timeout value
--version: print version number and exit
-?: help
import sys
if sys.hexversion<0x2040400:
sys.stderr.write("gpload needs python 2.4.4 or higher\n")
import yaml
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("gpload needs pyyaml. You can get it from\n")
from pygresql import pg
except Exception, e:
errorMsg = "gpload was unable to import The PyGreSQL Python module ( - %s\n" % str(e)
import hashlib
import datetime,getpass,os,signal,socket,subprocess,threading,time,traceback,re
import platform
thePlatform = platform.system()
if thePlatform in ['Windows', 'Microsoft']:
windowsPlatform = True
windowsPlatform = False
if windowsPlatform == False:
import select
EXECNAME = 'gpload'
# Mapping for validing our configuration file. We're only concerned with
# keys -- stuff left of ':'. It gets complex in two cases: firstly when
# we handle blocks which have keys which are not keywords -- such as under
# COLUMNS:. Secondly, we want to detect when users put keywords in the wrong
# place. To that end, the mapping is structured such that:
# key -> { 'parse_children' -> [ True | False ],
# 'parent' -> <parent name> }
# Each key is a keyword in the configuration file. parse_children tells us
# whether children are expected to be keywords. parent tells us the parent
# keyword or None
valid_tokens = {
"version": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': None},
"database": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': None},
"user": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': None},
"host": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': None},
"port": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': [None, "source"]},
"password": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': None},
"gpload": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': None},
"input": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "gpload"},
"source": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"local_hostname": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "source"},
"port_range": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "source"},
"file": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "source"},
"ssl": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "source"},
"certificates_path": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "source"},
"columns": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "input"},
"transform": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"transform_config": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"max_line_length": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"format": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"delimiter": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"escape": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"null_as": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"quote": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"encoding": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"force_not_null": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "input"},
"error_limit": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"error_percent": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"error_table": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"header": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "input"},
"output": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "gpload"},
"table": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "output"},
"mode": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "output"},
"match_columns": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "output"},
"update_columns": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "output"},
"update_condition": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': "output"},
"mapping": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': "output"},
"including_defaults": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': 'output'},
"preload": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': 'gpload'},
"truncate": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': 'preload'},
"reuse_tables": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': 'preload'},
"sql": {'parse_children': True, 'parent': 'gpload'},
"before": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': 'sql'},
"after": {'parse_children': False, 'parent': 'sql'}}
_abbrevs = [
(1<<50L, ' PB'),
(1<<40L, ' TB'),
(1<<30L, ' GB'),
(1<<20L, ' MB'),
(1<<10L, ' kB'),
(1, ' bytes')
received_kill = False
keywords = {
"abort": True,
"absolute": True,
"access": True,
"action": True,
"active": True,
"add": True,
"admin": True,
"after": True,
"aggregate": True,
"all": True,
"also": True,
"alter": True,
"analyse": True,
"analyze": True,
"and": True,
"any": True,
"array": True,
"as": True,
"asc": True,
"assertion": True,
"assignment": True,
"asymmetric": True,
"at": True,
"authorization": True,
"backward": True,
"before": True,
"begin": True,
"between": True,
"bigint": True,
"binary": True,
"bit": True,
"boolean": True,
"both": True,
"by": True,
"cache": True,
"called": True,
"cascade": True,
"cascaded": True,
"case": True,
"cast": True,
"chain": True,
"char": True,
"character": True,
"characteristics": True,
"check": True,
"checkpoint": True,
"class": True,
"close": True,
"cluster": True,
"coalesce": True,
"collate": True,
"column": True,
"comment": True,
"commit": True,
"committed": True,
"concurrently": True,
"connection": True,
"constraint": True,
"constraints": True,
"conversion": True,
"convert": True,
"copy": True,
"cost": True,
"create": True,
"createdb": True,
"createrole": True,
"createuser": True,
"cross": True,
"csv": True,
"cube": True,
"current": True,
"current_date": True,
"current_role": True,
"current_time": True,
"current_timestamp": True,
"current_user": True,
"cursor": True,
"cycle": True,
"database": True,
"day": True,
"deallocate": True,
"dec": True,
"decimal": True,
"declare": True,
"default": True,
"defaults": True,
"deferrable": True,
"deferred": True,
"definer": True,
"delete": True,
"delimiter": True,
"delimiters": True,
"desc": True,
"disable": True,
"distinct": True,
"distributed": True,
"do": True,
"domain": True,
"double": True,
"drop": True,
"each": True,
"else": True,
"enable": True,
"encoding": True,
"encrypted": True,
"end": True,
"errors": True,
"escape": True,
"every": True,
"except": True,
"exchange": True,
"exclude": True,
"excluding": True,
"exclusive": True,
"execute": True,
"exists": True,
"explain": True,
"external": True,
"extract": True,
"false": True,
"fetch": True,
"fields": True,
"fill": True,
"filter": True,
"first": True,
"float": True,
"following": True,
"for": True,
"force": True,
"foreign": True,
"format": True,
"forward": True,
"freeze": True,
"from": True,
"full": True,
"function": True,
"global": True,
"grant": True,
"granted": True,
"greatest": True,
"group": True,
"group_id": True,
"grouping": True,
"handler": True,
"hash": True,
"having": True,
"header": True,
"hold": True,
"host": True,
"hour": True,
"if": True,
"ignore": True,
"ilike": True,
"immediate": True,
"immutable": True,
"implicit": True,
"in": True,
"including": True,
"inclusive": True,
"increment": True,
"index": True,
"indexes": True,
"inherit": True,
"inherits": True,
"initially": True,
"inner": True,
"inout": True,
"input": True,
"insensitive": True,
"insert": True,
"instead": True,
"int": True,
"integer": True,
"intersect": True,
"interval": True,
"into": True,
"invoker": True,
"is": True,
"isnull": True,
"isolation": True,
"join": True,
"keep": True,
"key": True,
"lancompiler": True,
"language": True,
"large": True,
"last": True,
"leading": True,
"least": True,
"left": True,
"level": True,
"like": True,
"limit": True,
"list": True,
"listen": True,
"load": True,
"local": True,
"localtime": True,
"localtimestamp": True,
"location": True,
"lock": True,
"log": True,
"login": True,
"master": True,
"match": True,
"maxvalue": True,
"merge": True,
"minute": True,
"minvalue": True,
"mirror": True,
"missing": True,
"mode": True,
"modify": True,
"month": True,
"move": True,
"names": True,
"national": True,
"natural": True,
"nchar": True,
"new": True,
"next": True,
"no": True,
"nocreatedb": True,
"nocreaterole": True,
"nocreateuser": True,
"noinherit": True,
"nologin": True,
"none": True,
"noovercommit": True,
"nosuperuser": True,
"not": True,
"nothing": True,
"notify": True,
"notnull": True,
"nowait": True,
"null": True,
"nullif": True,
"numeric": True,
"object": True,
"of": True,
"off": True,
"offset": True,
"oids": True,
"old": True,
"on": True,
"only": True,
"operator": True,
"option": True,
"or": True,
"order": True,
"others": True,
"out": True,
"outer": True,
"over": True,
"overcommit": True,
"overlaps": True,
"overlay": True,
"owned": True,
"owner": True,
"partial": True,
"partition": True,
"partitions": True,
"password": True,
"percent": True,
"placing": True,
"position": True,
"preceding": True,
"precision": True,
"prepare": True,
"prepared": True,
"preserve": True,
"primary": True,
"prior": True,
"privileges": True,
"procedural": True,
"procedure": True,
"queue": True,
"quote": True,
"randomly": True,
"range": True,
"read": True,
"real": True,
"reassign": True,
"recheck": True,
"references": True,
"reindex": True,
"reject": True,
"relative": True,
"release": True,
"rename": True,
"repeatable": True,
"replace": True,
"reset": True,
"resource": True,
"restart": True,
"restrict": True,
"returning": True,
"returns": True,
"revoke": True,
"right": True,
"role": True,
"rollback": True,
"rollup": True,
"row": True,
"rows": True,
"rule": True,
"savepoint": True,
"schema": True,
"scroll": True,
"second": True,
"security": True,
"segment": True,
"select": True,
"sequence": True,
"serializable": True,
"session": True,
"session_user": True,
"set": True,
"setof": True,
"sets": True,
"share": True,
"show": True,
"similar": True,
"simple": True,
"smallint": True,
"some": True,
"split": True,
"stable": True,
"start": True,
"statement": True,
"statistics": True,
"stdin": True,
"stdout": True,
"storage": True,
"strict": True,
"subpartition": True,
"subpartitions": True,
"substring": True,
"superuser": True,
"symmetric": True,
"sysid": True,
"system": True,
"table": True,
"tablespace": True,
"temp": True,
"template": True,
"temporary": True,
"then": True,
"threshold": True,
"ties": True,
"time": True,
"timestamp": True,
"to": True,
"trailing": True,
"transaction": True,
"transform": True,
"treat": True,
"trigger": True,
"trim": True,
"true": True,
"truncate": True,
"trusted": True,
"type": True,
"unbounded": True,
"uncommitted": True,
"unencrypted": True,
"union": True,
"unique": True,
"unknown": True,
"unlisten": True,
"until": True,
"update": True,
"user": True,
"using": True,
"vacuum": True,
"valid": True,
"validation": True,
"validator": True,
"values": True,
"varchar": True,
"varying": True,
"verbose": True,
"view": True,
"volatile": True,
"web": True,
"when": True,
"where": True,
"window": True,
"with": True,
"without": True,
"work": True,
"write": True,
"year": True,
"zone": True
def is_keyword(tab):
if tab in keywords:
return True
return False
def caseInsensitiveDictLookup(key, dictionary):
Do a case insensitive dictionary lookup. Return the dictionary value if found,
or None if not found.
for entry in dictionary:
if entry.lower() == key.lower():
return dictionary[entry]
return None
def sqlIdentifierCompare(x, y):
Compare x and y as SQL identifiers. Use SQL rules for comparing delimited
and non-delimited identifiers. Return True if they are equivalent or False
if they are not equivalent.
if x == None or y == None:
return False
if isDelimited(x):
x = quote_unident(x)
x = x.lower()
if isDelimited(y):
y = quote_unident(y)
y = y.lower()
if x == y:
return True
return False
def isDelimited(value):
This method simply checks to see if the user supplied value has delimiters.
That is, if it starts and ends with double-quotes, then it is delimited.
if len(value) < 2:
return False
if value[0] == '"' and value[-1] == '"':
return True
return False
def convertListToDelimited(identifiers):
This method will convert a list of identifiers, which may be a mix of
delimited and non-delimited identifiers, and return a list of
delimited identifiers.
returnList = []
for id in identifiers:
if isDelimited(id) == False:
id = id.lower()
return returnList
def splitUpMultipartIdentifier(id):
Given a sql identifer like, return a list of its
individual elements (e.g. would return ['sch','tab']
returnList = []
elementList = splitIntoLiteralsAndNonLiterals(id, quoteValue='"')
# If there is a leading empty string, remove it.
if elementList[0] == ' ':
# Remove the dots, and split up undelimited multipart names
for e in elementList:
if e != '.':
if e[0] != '"':
subElementList = e.split('.')
subElementList = [e]
for se in subElementList:
# remove any empty elements
if se != '':
return returnList
def splitIntoLiteralsAndNonLiterals(str1, quoteValue="'"):
Break the string (str1) into a list of literals and non-literals where every
even number element is a non-literal and every odd number element is a literal.
The delimiter between literals and non-literals is the quoteValue, so this
function will not take into account any modifiers on a literal (e.g. E'adf').
returnList = []
if len(str1) > 1 and str1[0] == quoteValue:
# Always start with a non-literal
str1 = ' ' + str1
inLiteral = False
i = 0
tokenStart = 0
while i < len(str1):
if str1[i] == quoteValue:
if inLiteral == False:
# We are at start of literal
inLiteral = True
tokenStart = i
elif i + 1 < len(str1) and str1[i+1] == quoteValue:
# We are in a literal and found quote quote, so skip over it
i = i + 1
# We are at the end of a literal or end of str1
tokenStart = i + 1
inLiteral = False
i = i + 1
if tokenStart < len(str1):
return returnList
def quote_ident(val):
This method returns a new string replacing " with "",
and adding a " at the start and end of the string.
return '"' + val.replace('"', '""') + '"'
def quote_unident(val):
This method returns a new string replacing "" with ",
and removing the " at the start and end of the string.
if val != None and len(val) > 0:
val = val.replace('""', '"')
if val != None and len(val) > 1 and val[0] == '"' and val[-1] == '"':
val = val[1:-1]
return val
def notice_processor(self):
if windowsPlatform == True:
# We don't have a pygresql with our notice fix, so skip for windows.
# This means we will not get any warnings on windows (MPP10989).
theNotices = self.db.notices()
r = re.compile("^NOTICE: Found (\d+) data formatting errors.*")
messageNumber = 0
m = None
while messageNumber < len(theNotices) and m == None:
aNotice = theNotices[messageNumber]
m = r.match(aNotice)
messageNumber = messageNumber + 1
if m:
def handle_kill(signum, frame):
# already dying?
global received_kill
if received_kill:
received_kill = True
g.log(g.INFO, "received signal %d" % signum)
g.exitValue = 2
def bytestr(size, precision=1):
"""Return a string representing the greek/metric suffix of a size"""
if size==1:
return '1 byte'
for factor, suffix in _abbrevs:
if size >= factor:
float_string_split = `size/float(factor)`.split('.')
integer_part = float_string_split[0]
decimal_part = float_string_split[1]
if int(decimal_part[0:precision]):
float_string = '.'.join([integer_part, decimal_part[0:precision]])
float_string = integer_part
return float_string + suffix
class CatThread(threading.Thread):
Simple threading wrapper to read a file descriptor and put the contents
in the log file.
The fd is assumed to be stdout and stderr from gpfdist. We must use
and locks to ensure both threads are not read at the same time. A dead lock
situation could happen if they did. communicate() is not used since it blocks.
We will wait 1 second between read attempts.
def __init__(self,gpload,fd, sharedLock = None):
self.gpload = gpload
self.fd = fd
self.theLock = sharedLock
def run(self):
if windowsPlatform == True:
while 1:
# Windows select does not support select on non-file fd's, so we can use the lock fix. Deadlock is possible here.
# We need to look into the Python windows module to see if there is another way to do this in Windows.
line = self.fd.readline()
if line=='':
self.gpload.log(self.gpload.DEBUG, 'gpfdist: ' + line.strip('\n'))
while 1:
retList = [self.fd]
, []
, []
, 1
if retList[0] == [self.fd]:
line = self.fd.readline()
if line=='':
self.gpload.log(self.gpload.DEBUG, 'gpfdist: ' + line.strip('\n'))
class Progress(threading.Thread):
Determine our progress from the gpfdist daemon
def __init__(self,gpload,ports):
self.gpload = gpload
self.ports = ports
self.number = 0
self.condition = threading.Condition()
def get(self,port):
Connect to gpfdist and issue an HTTP query. No need to do this with
httplib as the transaction is extremely simple
addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo('localhost', port)
s = socket.socket(addrinfo[0][0],socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.sendall('GET gpfdist/status HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n')
f = s.makefile()
read_bytes = -1
total_bytes = -1
total_sessions = -1
for line in f:
self.gpload.log(self.gpload.DEBUG, "gpfdist stat: %s" % \
a = line.split(' ')
if not a:
if a[0]=='read_bytes':
read_bytes = int(a[1])
elif a[0]=='total_bytes':
total_bytes = int(a[1])
elif a[0]=='total_sessions':
total_sessions = int(a[1])
return read_bytes,total_bytes,total_sessions
def get1(self):
Parse gpfdist output
read_bytes = 0
total_bytes = 0
for port in self.ports:
a = self.get(port)
if a[2]<1:
if a[0]!=-1:
read_bytes += a[0]
if a[1]!=-1:
total_bytes += a[1]
self.gpload.log(self.gpload.INFO,'transferred %s of %s' % \
def run(self):
Thread worker
while 1:
n = self.number
if n:
self.gpload.log(self.gpload.DEBUG, "gpfdist status thread told to stop")
except socket.error, e:
self.gpload.log(self.gpload.DEBUG, "got socket exception: %s" % e)
def cli_help():
help_path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', 'docs', 'cli_help', EXECNAME +
f = None
f = open(help_path);
return ''
if f: f.close()
def usage(error = None):
print cli_help() or __doc__
if error:
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: ' + error + '\n')
def quote(a):
SQLify a string
return "'"+a.replace("'","''").replace('\\','\\\\')+"'"
def splitPgpassLine(a):
If the user has specified a .pgpass file, we'll have to parse it. We simply
split the string into arrays at :. We could just use a native python
function but we need to escape the ':' character.
b = []
escape = False
d = ''
for c in a:
if not escape and c=='\\':
escape = True
elif not escape and c==':':
d = ''
d += c
escape = False
if escape:
d += '\\'
return b
def test_key(gp, key, crumb):
Make sure that a key is a valid keyword in the configuration grammar and
that it appears in the configuration file where we expect -- that is, where
it has the parent we expect
val = valid_tokens.get(key)
if val == None:
gp.log(gp.ERROR, 'unrecognized key: "%s"' % key)
p = val['parent']
# simplify for when the same keyword can appear in multiple places
if type(p) != list:
p = [p]
c = None
if len(crumb):
c = crumb[-1]
found = False
for m in p:
if m == c:
found = True
if not found:
gp.log(gp.ERROR, 'unexpected key: "%s"' % key)
return val
def yaml_walk(gp, node, crumb):
if type(node) == list:
for a in node:
if type(a) == tuple:
key = a[0].value.lower()
val = test_key(gp, key, crumb)
if (len(a) > 1 and val['parse_children'] and
(isinstance(a[1], yaml.nodes.MappingNode) or
isinstance(a[1], yaml.nodes.SequenceNode))):
yaml_walk(gp, a[1], crumb)
elif isinstance(a, yaml.nodes.ScalarNode):
test_key(gp, a.value, crumb)
yaml_walk(gp, a, crumb)
elif isinstance(node, yaml.nodes.MappingNode):
yaml_walk(gp, node.value, crumb)
elif isinstance(node, yaml.nodes.ScalarNode):
elif isinstance(node, yaml.nodes.SequenceNode):
yaml_walk(gp, node.value, crumb)
elif isinstance(node, yaml.nodes.CollectionNode):
def changeToUnicode(a):
Change every entry in a list or dictionary to a unicode item
if type(a) == list:
return map(changeToUnicode,a)
if type(a) == dict:
b = dict()
for key,value in a.iteritems():
if type(key) == str:
key = unicode(key)
b[key] = changeToUnicode(value)
return b
if type(a) == str:
a = unicode(a)
return a
def dictKeyToLower(a):
down case all entries in a list or dict
if type(a) == list:
return map(dictKeyToLower,a)
if type(a) == dict:
b = dict()
for key,value in a.iteritems():
if type(key) == str:
key = unicode(key.lower())
b[key] = dictKeyToLower(value)
return b
if type(a) == str:
a = unicode(a)
return a
# MPP-13348
'''Jenkins hash -'''
def jenkinsmix(a, b, c):
a &= 0xffffffff; b &= 0xffffffff; c &= 0xffffffff
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>13); a &= 0xffffffff
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<8); b &= 0xffffffff
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>13); c &= 0xffffffff
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>12); a &= 0xffffffff
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<16); b &= 0xffffffff
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>5); c &= 0xffffffff
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>3); a &= 0xffffffff
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<10); b &= 0xffffffff
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>15); c &= 0xffffffff
return a, b, c
def jenkins(data, initval = 0):
length = lenpos = len(data)
if length == 0:
return 0
a = b = 0x9e3779b9
c = initval
p = 0
while lenpos >= 12:
a += (ord(data[p+0]) + (ord(data[p+1])<<8) + (ord(data[p+2])<<16) + (ord(data[p+3])<<24))
b += (ord(data[p+4]) + (ord(data[p+5])<<8) + (ord(data[p+6])<<16) + (ord(data[p+7])<<24))
c += (ord(data[p+8]) + (ord(data[p+9])<<8) + (ord(data[p+10])<<16) + (ord(data[p+11])<<24))
a, b, c = jenkinsmix(a, b, c)
p += 12
lenpos -= 12
c += length
if lenpos >= 11: c += ord(data[p+10])<<24
if lenpos >= 10: c += ord(data[p+9])<<16
if lenpos >= 9: c += ord(data[p+8])<<8
if lenpos >= 8: b += ord(data[p+7])<<24
if lenpos >= 7: b += ord(data[p+6])<<16
if lenpos >= 6: b += ord(data[p+5])<<8
if lenpos >= 5: b += ord(data[p+4])
if lenpos >= 4: a += ord(data[p+3])<<24
if lenpos >= 3: a += ord(data[p+2])<<16
if lenpos >= 2: a += ord(data[p+1])<<8
if lenpos >= 1: a += ord(data[p+0])
a, b, c = jenkinsmix(a, b, c)
return c
def shortname(name):
Returns a 10 character string formed by concatenating the first two characters
of the name with another 8 character string computed using the Jenkins hash
function of the table name. When the original name has only a single non-space
ascii character, we return '00' followed by 8 char hash.
For example:
>>> shortname('mytable')
>>> shortname('some_pretty_long_test_table_name')
>>> shortname('t')
@param name: the input tablename
@returns: a string 10 characters or less built from the table name
# Remove spaces from original name
name = re.sub(r' ', '', name)
# Run the hash function
j = jenkins(name)
# Now also remove non ascii chars from original name.
# We do this after jenkins so that we exclude the
# (very rare) case of passing an empty string to jenkins
name = "".join(i for i in name if ord(i) < 128)
if len(name) > 1:
return '%2s%08x' % (name[0:2], j)
return '00%08x' % (j) # could be len 0 or 1
class options:
class gpload:
Main class wrapper
def __init__(self,argv):
self.threads = [] # remember threads so that we can join() against them
self.exitValue = 0
self.options = options()
self.options.h = None
self.options.gpfdist_timeout = None
self.options.p = None
self.options.U = None
self.options.W = False
self.options.D = False
self.options.password = None
self.options.d = None
self.DEBUG = 5
self.LOG = 4
self.INFO = 3
self.WARN = 2
self.ERROR = 1
self.options.qv = self.INFO
seenv = False
seenq = False
# default to hawqAdminLogs for a log file, may be overwritten
self.options.l = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', '.'),'hawqAdminLogs')
if not os.path.isdir(self.options.l):
self.options.l = os.path.join(self.options.l, 'gpload_' + \'%Y%m%d') + '.log')
# Create Temp and External table names. However external table name could
# get overwritten with another name later on (see create_external_table_name).
self.unique_suffix = '%s_%d'%('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'),os.getpid())
self.staging_table_name = 'temp_staging_gpload_' + self.unique_suffix
self.extTableName = 'ext_gpload' + self.unique_suffix
# SQL to run in order to undo our temporary work
self.cleanupSql = []
self.distkey = None
configFilename = None
while argv:
if argv[0]=='-h':
self.options.h = argv[1]
argv = argv[2:]
if argv[0]=='--gpfdist_timeout':
self.options.gpfdist_timeout = argv[1]
argv = argv[2:]
elif argv[0]=='-p':
self.options.p = int(argv[1])
argv = argv[2:]
elif argv[0]=='-l':
self.options.l = argv[1]
argv = argv[2:]
elif argv[0]=='-q':
self.options.qv -= 1
argv = argv[1:]
seenq = True
elif argv[0]=='--version':
sys.stderr.write("gpload version $Revision$\n")
elif argv[0]=='-v':
self.options.qv = self.LOG
argv = argv[1:]
seenv = True
elif argv[0]=='-V':
self.options.qv = self.DEBUG
argv = argv[1:]
seenv = True
elif argv[0]=='-W':
self.options.W = True
argv = argv[1:]
elif argv[0]=='-D':
self.options.D = True
argv = argv[1:]
elif argv[0]=='-U':
self.options.U = argv[1]
argv = argv[2:]
elif argv[0]=='-d':
self.options.d = argv[1]
argv = argv[2:]
elif argv[0]=='-f':
configFilename = argv[1]
argv = argv[2:]
elif argv[0]=='help':
elif argv[0]=='-?':
except IndexError:
sys.stderr.write("Option %s needs a parameter.\n"%argv[0])
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("Parameter for option %s must be an integer.\n"%argv[0])
if configFilename==None:
usage('configuration file required')
elif argv:
a = ""
if len(argv) > 1:
a = "s"
usage('unrecognized argument%s: %s' % (a, ' '.join(argv)))
self.logfile = open(self.options.l,'a')
except Exception, e:
self.log(self.ERROR, "could not open logfile %s: %s" % \
(self.options.l, e))
if seenv and seenq:
self.log(self.ERROR, "-q conflicts with -v and -V")
if self.options.D:
self.log(self.INFO, 'gpload has the -D option, so it does not actually load any data')
f = open(configFilename,'r')
except IOError,e:
self.log(self.ERROR, "could not open configuration file: %s" % e)
# pull in the config file, which should be in valid YAML
# do an initial parse, validating the config file
doc =
self.config = yaml.load(doc)
self.configOriginal = changeToUnicode(self.config)
self.config = dictKeyToLower(self.config)
ver = self.getconfig('version', unicode, extraStuff = ' tag')
if ver != '':
self.control_file_error("gpload configuration schema version must be")
# second parse, to check that the keywords are sensible
y = yaml.compose(doc)
# first should be MappingNode
if not isinstance(y, yaml.MappingNode):
self.control_file_error("configuration file must begin with a mapping")
yaml_walk(self, y.value, [])
except yaml.scanner.ScannerError,e:
self.log(self.ERROR, "configuration file error: %s, line %s" % \
(e.problem, e.problem_mark.line))
except yaml.reader.ReaderError, e:
es = ""
if isinstance(e.character, str):
es = "'%s' codec can't decode byte #x%02x: %s position %d" % \
(e.encoding, ord(e.character), e.reason,
es = "unacceptable character #x%04x at byte %d: %s" \
% (ord(e.character), e.position, e.reason)
self.log(self.ERROR, es)
except yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError, e:
self.log(self.ERROR, "configuration file error: %s, line %s" % \
(e.problem, e.problem_mark.line))
self.subprocesses = []
self.log(self.INFO,'gpload session started ' + \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
def control_file_warning(self, msg):
self.log(self.WARN, "A gpload control file processing warning occurred. %s" % msg)
def control_file_error(self, msg):
self.log(self.ERROR, "A gpload control file processing error occurred. %s" % msg)
def elevel2str(self, level):
if level == self.DEBUG:
return "DEBUG"
elif level == self.LOG:
return "LOG"
elif level == self.INFO:
return "INFO"
elif level == self.ERROR:
return "ERROR"
elif level == self.WARN:
return "WARN"
self.log(self.ERROR, "unknown log type %i" % level)
def log(self, level, a):
Level is either DEBUG, LOG, INFO, ERROR. a is the message
t = time.localtime()
str = '|'.join(
['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
self.elevel2str(level), a]) + '\n'
str = str.encode('utf-8')
if level <= self.options.qv:
if level <= self.options.qv or level <= self.INFO:
except AttributeError, e:
if level == self.ERROR:
self.exitValue = 2;
def getconfig(self, a, typ=None, default='error', extraStuff='', returnOriginal=False):
Look for a config entry, via a column delimited string. a:b:c points to
Make sure that end point is of type 'typ' when not set to None.
If returnOriginal is False, the return value will be in lower case,
else the return value will be in its original form (i.e. the case that
the user specified in their yaml file).
self.log(self.DEBUG, "getting config for " + a)
if returnOriginal == True:
config = self.configOriginal
config = self.config
for s in a.split(':'):
self.log(self.DEBUG, "trying " + s)
index = 1
if s[-1:]==')':
j = s.index('(')
index = int(s[j+1:-1])
s = s[:j]
if type(config)!=list:
config = [config]
for c in config:
if type(c)==dict:
temp = caseInsensitiveDictLookup(s, c)
if temp != None:
index -= 1
if not index:
self.log(self.DEBUG, "found " + s)
config = temp
if default=='error':
self.control_file_error("The configuration must contain %s%s"%(a,extraStuff))
return default
if typ != None and type(config) != typ:
if typ == list:
self.control_file_error("The %s entry must be a YAML sequence %s"% (a ,extraStuff))
elif typ == dict:
self.control_file_error("The %s entry must be a YAML mapping %s"% (a, extraStuff))
elif typ == unicode or typ == str:
self.control_file_error("%s must be a string %s" % (a, extraStuff))
elif typ == int:
self.control_file_error("The %s entry must be a YAML integer %s" % (a, extraStuff))
assert 0
self.control_file_error("Encountered unknown configuration type %s"% type(config))
return config
def read_config(self):
Configure ourselves
# ensure output is of type list
self.getconfig('gpload:output', list)
# The user supplied table name can be completely or partially delimited,
# and it can be a one or two part name. Get the originally supplied name
# and parse it into its delimited one or two part name.
self.schemaTable = self.getconfig('gpload:output:table', unicode, returnOriginal=True)
schemaTableList = splitUpMultipartIdentifier(self.schemaTable)
schemaTableList = convertListToDelimited(schemaTableList)
if len(schemaTableList) == 2:
self.schema = schemaTableList[0]
self.table = schemaTableList[1]
self.schema = None
self.table = schemaTableList[0]
# Precendence for configuration: command line > config file > env
# variable
# host to connect to
if not self.options.h:
self.options.h = self.getconfig('host', unicode, None)
if self.options.h:
self.options.h = str(self.options.h)
if not self.options.h:
self.options.h = os.environ.get('PGHOST')
if not self.options.h or len(self.options.h) == 0:
self.log(self.INFO, "no host supplied, defaulting to localhost")
self.options.h = "localhost"
# Port to connect to
if not self.options.p:
self.options.p = self.getconfig('port',int,None)
if not self.options.p:
self.options.p = int(os.environ.get('PGPORT'))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if not self.options.p:
self.options.p = 5432
# User to connect as
if not self.options.U:
self.options.U = self.getconfig('user', unicode, None)
if not self.options.U:
self.options.U = os.environ.get('PGUSER')
if not self.options.U:
self.options.U = os.environ.get('USER') or \
os.environ.get('LOGNAME') or \
if not self.options.U or len(self.options.U) == 0:
"You need to specify your username with the -U " +
"option or in your configuration or in your " +
"environment as PGUSER")
# database to connect to
if not self.options.d:
self.options.d = self.getconfig('database', unicode, None)
if not self.options.d:
self.options.d = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE')
if not self.options.d:
# like libpq, just inherit USER
self.options.d = self.options.U
def gpfdist_port_options(self, name, availablePorts, popenList):
Adds gpfdist -p / -P port options to popenList based on port and port_range in YAML file.
Raises errors if options are invalid or ports are unavailable.
@param name: input source name from YAML file.
@param availablePorts: current set of available ports
@param popenList: gpfdist options (updated)
port = self.getconfig(name + ':port', int, None)
port_range = self.getconfig(name+':port_range', list, None)
if port:
startPort = endPort = port
endPort += 1
elif port_range:
startPort = int(port_range[0])
endPort = int(port_range[1])
except (IndexError,ValueError):
self.control_file_error(name + ":port_range must be a YAML sequence of two integers")
startPort = self.getconfig(name+':port',int,8000)
endPort = self.getconfig(name+':port',int,9000)
if (startPort > 65535 or endPort > 65535):
# Do not allow invalid ports
self.control_file_error("Invalid port. Port values must be less than or equal to 65535.")
elif not (set(xrange(startPort,endPort+1)) & availablePorts):
self.log(self.ERROR, "no more ports available for gpfdist")
def gpfdist_filenames(self, name, popenList):
Adds gpfdist -f filenames to popenList.
Raises errors if YAML file option is invalid.
@param name: input source name from YAML file.
@param popenList: gpfdist options (updated)
@return: list of files names
file = self.getconfig(name+':file',list)
for i in file:
if type(i)!= unicode and type(i) != str:
self.control_file_error(name + ":file must be a YAML sequence of strings")
popenList.append('"'+' '.join(file)+'"')
return file
def gpfdist_timeout_options(self, popenList):
Adds gpfdist -t timeout option to popenList.
@param popenList: gpfdist options (updated)
if self.options.gpfdist_timeout != None:
gpfdistTimeout = self.options.gpfdist_timeout
gpfdistTimeout = 30
def gpfdist_verbose_options(self, popenList):
Adds gpfdist -v / -V options to popenList depending on logging level
@param popenList: gpfdist options (updated)
if self.options.qv == self.LOG:
elif self.options.qv > self.LOG:
def gpfdist_max_line_length(self, popenList):
Adds gpfdist -m option to popenList when max_line_length option specified in YAML file.
@param popenList: gpfdist options (updated)
max_line_length = self.getconfig('gpload:input:max_line_length',int,None)
if max_line_length is not None:
def gpfdist_transform(self, popenList):
Compute and return url fragment if transform option specified in YAML file.
Checks for readable transform config file if transform_config option is specified.
Adds gpfdist -c option to popenList if transform_config is specified.
Validates that transform_config is present when transform option is specified.
@param popenList: gpfdist options (updated)
@returns: uri fragment for transform or "" if not appropriate.
transform = self.getconfig('gpload:input:transform', unicode, None)
transform_config = self.getconfig('gpload:input:transform_config', unicode, None)
if transform_config:
f = open(transform_config,'r')
except IOError,e:
self.log(self.ERROR, "could not open transform_config file: %s" % e)
if transform:
self.control_file_error("transform_config is required when transform is specified")
fragment = ""
if transform is not None:
fragment = "#transform=" + transform
return fragment
def gpfdist_ssl(self, popenList):
Adds gpfdist --ssl option to popenList when ssl option specified as true in YAML file.
@param popenList: gpfdist options (updated)
ssl = self.getconfig('gpload:input:source:ssl',bool, False)
certificates_path = self.getconfig('gpload:input:source:certificates_path', unicode, None)
if ssl and certificates_path:
dir_exists = os.path.isdir(certificates_path)
if dir_exists == False:
self.log(self.ERROR, "could not access CERTIFICATES_PATH directory: %s" % certificates_path)
if ssl:
self.control_file_error("CERTIFICATES_PATH is required when SSL is specified as true")
elif certificates_path: # ssl=false (or not specified) and certificates_path is specified
self.control_file_error("CERTIFICATES_PATH is specified while SSL is not specified as true")
def start_gpfdists(self):
Start gpfdist daemon(s)
self.locations = []
self.ports = []
sourceIndex = 0
availablePorts = set(xrange(1,65535))
found_source = False
self.getconfig('gpload:input', list)
while 1:
sourceIndex += 1
name = 'gpload:input:source(%d)'%sourceIndex
a = self.getconfig(name,None,None)
if not a:
found_source = True
local_hostname = self.getconfig(name+':local_hostname', list, False)
# do default host, the current one
if not local_hostname:
pipe = subprocess.Popen("hostname",
result = pipe.communicate();
except OSError, e:
self.log(self.ERROR, "command failed: " + str(e))
local_hostname = [result[0].strip()]
# build gpfdist parameters
popenList = ['gpfdist']
self.gpfdist_port_options(name, availablePorts, popenList)
file = self.gpfdist_filenames(name, popenList)
fragment = self.gpfdist_transform(popenList)
self.log(self.LOG, 'trying to run %s' % ' '.join(popenList))
cfds = True
if platform.system() in ['Windows', 'Microsoft']: # not supported on win32
cfds = False
cmd = ' '.join(popenList)
needshell = False
srcfile = None
if os.environ.get('GPHOME_LOADERS'):
srcfile = os.path.join(os.environ.get('GPHOME_LOADERS'),
elif os.environ.get('GPHOME'):
srcfile = os.path.join(os.environ.get('GPHOME'),
if (not (srcfile and os.path.exists(srcfile))):
self.log(self.ERROR, 'cannot find greenplum environment ' +
'file: environment misconfigured')
cmd = '. %s ; exec ' % srcfile
cmd += ' '.join(popenList)
needshell = True
a = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
close_fds=cfds, shell=needshell)
except Exception, e:
self.log(self.ERROR, "could not run %s: %s" % \
(' '.join(popenList), str(e)))
Reading from stderr and stdout on a Popen object can result in a dead lock if done at the same time.
Create a lock to share when reading stderr and stdout from gpfdist.
readLock = threading.Lock()
# get all the output from the daemon(s)
t = CatThread(self,a.stderr, readLock)
while 1:
line = a.stdout.readline()
if line=='':
self.log(self.ERROR,'failed to start gpfdist: ' +
'gpfdist command line: ' + ' '.join(popenList))
line = line.strip('\n')
self.log(self.LOG,'gpfdist says: ' + line)
if (line.startswith('Serving HTTP on port ') or line.startswith('Serving HTTPS on port ')):
port = int(line[21:line.index(',')])
self.log(self.INFO, 'started %s' % ' '.join(popenList))
self.log(self.LOG,'gpfdist is running on port %d'%port)
if port in availablePorts:
t = CatThread(self,a.stdout,readLock)
ssl = self.getconfig('gpload:input:source:ssl', bool, False)
if ssl:
protocol = 'gpfdists'
protocol = 'gpfdist'
for l in local_hostname:
if type(l) != str and type(l) != unicode:
self.control_file_error(name + ":local_hostname must be a YAML sequence of strings")
l = str(l)
sep = ''
if file[0] != '/':
sep = '/'
# MPP-13617
if ':' in l:
l = '[' + l + ']'
self.locations.append('%s://%s:%d%s%s%s' % (protocol, l, port, sep, '%20'.join(file), fragment))
if not found_source:
self.control_file_error("configuration file must contain source definition")
def readPgpass(self,pgpassname):
Get password form .pgpass file
f = open(pgpassname,'r')
except IOError:
for row in f:
row = row.rstrip("\n")
line = splitPgpassLine(row)
if line[0]!='*' and line[0].lower()!=self.options.h.lower():
if line[1]!='*' and int(line[1])!=self.options.p:
if line[2]!='*' and line[2]!=self.options.d:
if line[3]!='*' and line[3]!=self.options.U:
self.options.password = line[4]
except (ValueError,IndexError):
def setup_connection(self, recurse = 0):
Connect to the backend
if self.db != None:
self.db = None
if self.options.W:
if self.options.password==None:
self.options.password = getpass.getpass()
if self.options.password==None:
self.options.password = self.getconfig('password', unicode,
if self.options.password==None:
self.options.password = os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD')
if self.options.password==None:
self.log(self.DEBUG, "connection string:" +
" user=" + str(self.options.U) +
" host=" + str(self.options.h) +
" port=" + str(self.options.p) +
" database=" + str(self.options.d))
self.db = pg.DB( dbname=self.options.d
, host=self.options.h
, port=self.options.p
, user=self.options.U
, passwd=self.options.password
self.log(self.DEBUG, "Successfully connected to database")
except Exception, e:
errorMessage = str(e)
if errorMessage.find("no password supplied") != -1:
self.options.password = getpass.getpass()
recurse += 1
if recurse > 10:
self.log(self.ERROR, "too many login attempt failures")
self.log(self.ERROR, "could not connect to database: %s. Is " \
"the Greenplum Database running on port %i?" % (errorMessage,
def read_columns(self):
columns = self.getconfig('gpload:input:columns',list,None, returnOriginal=True)
if columns != None:
self.from_cols_from_user = True # user specified from columns
self.from_columns = []
for d in columns:
if type(d)!=dict:
self.control_file_error("gpload:input:columns must be a sequence of YAML mappings")
tempkey = d.keys()[0]
value = d[tempkey]
""" remove leading or trailing spaces """
d = { tempkey.strip() : value }
key = d.keys()[0]
if d[key] == None:
'getting source column data type from target')
for name, typ, mapto, hasseq in self.into_columns:
if sqlIdentifierCompare(name, key):
d[key] = typ
# perform the same kind of magic type change that postgres does
if d[key] == 'bigserial':
d[key] = 'bigint'
elif d[key] == 'serial':
d[key] = 'int4'
# Mark this column as having no mapping, which is important
# for do_insert()
self.from_columns.append([key,d[key],None, False])
self.from_columns = self.into_columns
self.from_cols_from_user = False
# make sure that all columns have a type
for name, typ, map, hasseq in self.from_columns:
if typ == None:
self.log(self.ERROR, 'column "%s" has no type ' % name +
'and does not appear in target table "%s"' % self.schemaTable)
self.log(self.DEBUG, 'from columns are:')
for c in self.from_columns:
name = c[0]
typ = c[1]
self.log(self.DEBUG, '%s: %s'%(name,typ))
def read_table_metadata(self):
# KAS Note to self. If schema is specified, then probably should use PostgreSQL rules for defining it.
# find the shema name for this table (according to search_path)
# if it was not explicitly specified in the configuration file.
if self.schema == None:
queryString = """SELECT n.nspname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname = '%s'
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid);""" % quote_unident(self.table)
resultList = self.db.query(queryString.encode('utf-8')).getresult()
if len(resultList) > 0:
self.schema = (resultList[0])[0]
self.log(self.INFO, "setting schema '%s' for table '%s'" % (self.schema, quote_unident(self.table)))
self.log(self.ERROR, "table %s not found in any database schema" % self.table)
queryString = """select nt.nspname as table_schema,
c.relname as table_name,
a.attname as column_name,
a.attnum as ordinal_position,
format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as data_type,
c.relkind = 'r' AS is_updatable,
a.atttypid in (23, 20) and a.atthasdef and
(select position ( 'nextval(' in pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(adbin,adrelid) ) > 0 and
position ( '::regclass)' in pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(adbin,adrelid) ) > 0
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d
WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef) as has_sequence
from pg_catalog.pg_class c join pg_catalog.pg_namespace nt on (c.relnamespace = nt.oid)
join pg_attribute a on (a.attrelid = c.oid)
where c.relname = '%s' and nt.nspname = '%s'
and a.attnum > 0 and a.attisdropped = 'f'
order by a.attnum """ % (quote_unident(self.table), quote_unident(self.schema))
count = 0
self.into_columns = []
self.into_columns_dict = dict()
resultList = self.db.query(queryString.encode('utf-8')).dictresult()
while count < len(resultList):
row = resultList[count]
count += 1
ct = unicode(row['data_type'])
if ct == 'bigserial':
ct = 'bigint'
elif ct == 'serial':
ct = 'int4'
name = unicode(row['column_name'], 'utf-8')
name = quote_ident(name)
if unicode(row['has_sequence']) != unicode('f'):
has_seq = True
has_seq = False
i = [name,ct,None, has_seq]
self.into_columns_dict[name] = i
self.log(self.DEBUG, "found input column: " + str(i))
if count == 0:
# see if it's a permissions issue or it actually doesn't exist
sql = """select 1 from pg_class c, pg_namespace n
where c.relname = '%s' and
n.nspname = '%s' and
n.oid = c.relnamespace""" % (tableName, tableSchema)
resultList = self.db.query(sql.encode('utf-8')).getresult()
if len(resultList) > 0:
self.log(self.ERROR, "permission denied for table %s.%s" % \
(tableSchema, tableName))
self.log(self.ERROR, 'table %s.%s does not exist in database %s'% (tableSchema, tableName, self.options.d))
def read_mapping(self):
mapping = self.getconfig('gpload:output:mapping',dict,None, returnOriginal=True)
if mapping:
for key,value in mapping.iteritems():
if type(key) != unicode or type(value) != unicode:
self.control_file_error("gpload:output:mapping must be a YAML type mapping from strings to strings")
found = False
for a in self.into_columns:
if sqlIdentifierCompare(a[0], key) == True:
a[2] = value
found = True
if found == False:
self.log(self.ERROR,'%s in mapping is not in table %s'% \
(key, self.schemaTable))
# Now, map anything yet to be mapped to itself, picking up on those
# columns which are not found in the table.
for x in self.from_columns:
# Check to see if it already has a mapping value
i = filter(lambda a:a[2] == x[0], self.into_columns)
if not i:
# Check to see if the target column names match the input column names.
for a in self.into_columns:
if sqlIdentifierCompare(a[0], x[0]) == True:
i = a
found = True
if i:
if i[2] == None: i[2] = i[0]
self.log(self.ERROR, 'no mapping for input column ' +
'"%s" to output table' % x[0])
for name,typ,mapto,seq in self.into_columns:
self.log(self.DEBUG,'%s: %s = %s'%(name,typ,mapto))
# In order to find out whether we have an existing external table in the
# catalog which could be reused for this operation we need to make sure
# that it has the same column names and types, the same data format, and
# location specification, and single row error handling specs.
# This function will return the SQL to run in order to find out whether
# such a table exists.
def get_reuse_exttable_query(self, shortTableName, formatType, formatOpts, limitStr, from_cols):
sql = """select attrelid::regclass
from (
row_number() over (partition by attrelid order by attnum) as attord,
on (pg_class.oid = attrelid)
relstorage = 'x' and
relname like 'ext_gpload_reusable_%s_%%' and
attnum > 0 and
not attisdropped
) pgattr
pg_exttable pgext
on(pgattr.attrelid = pgext.reloid)
""" % (shortTableName)
for i, l in enumerate(self.locations):
if i == 0:
sql+= "where "
sql+= "and "
sql+= "pgext.location[%s] = %s\n" % (i + 1, quote(l))
sql+= """and pgext.fmttype = %s
and pgext.writable = false
and pgext.fmtopts like %s """ % (quote(formatType[0]),quote("%" + quote_unident(formatOpts.rstrip()) +"%"))
if limitStr:
sql+= "and pgext.rejectlimit = %s " % limitStr
sql+= "group by attrelid "
sql+= """having
count(*) = %s and
bool_and(case """ % len(from_cols)
for i, c in enumerate(from_cols):
name = c[0]
typ = c[1]
sql+= "when attord = %s then atttypid = %s::regtype and attname = %s\n" % (i+1, quote(typ), quote(quote_unident(name)))
sql+= """else true
limit 1;"""
self.log(self.DEBUG, "query used to identify reusable external relations: %s" % sql)
return sql
# Create a string from the following conditions to reuse staging table:
# 1. same target table
# 2. same number of columns
# 3. same names and types, in the same order
# 4. same distribution key (according to columns' names and thier order)
def get_staging_conditions_string(self, target_table_name, staging_cols, distribution_cols):
columns_num = len(staging_cols)
staging_cols_str = '-'.join(map(lambda col:'%s-%s' % (quote(quote_unident(col[0])), quote(col[1])), staging_cols))
distribution_cols_str = '-'.join([quote(quote_unident(col)) for col in distribution_cols])
return '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (target_table_name, columns_num, staging_cols_str, distribution_cols_str)
# This function will return the SQL to run in order to find out whether
# we have an existing staging table in the catalog which could be reused for this
# operation, according to the mathod and the encoding conditions.
def get_reuse_staging_table_query(self, encoding_conditions):
sql = """SELECT oid::regclass
FROM pg_class
WHERE relname = 'staging_gpload_reusable_%s';""" % (encoding_conditions)
self.log(self.DEBUG, "query used to identify reusable temporary relations: %s" % sql)
return sql
# Create a new external table or find a reusable external table to use for this operation
def create_external_table(self):
# extract all control file information and transform it accordingly
# in order to construct a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement if will be
# needed later on
self.error_table = self.getconfig('gpload:input:error_table', unicode, None)
formatType = self.getconfig('gpload:input:format', unicode, 'text').lower()
formatOpts = ""
locationStr = ','.join(map(quote,self.locations))
delimiterValue = self.getconfig('gpload:input:delimiter', unicode, False)
if isinstance(delimiterValue, bool) and delimiterValue == False:
""" implies the DELIMITER option has no value in the yaml file, so use default """
if formatType=='csv':
formatOpts += "delimiter ',' "
elif len(delimiterValue) != 1:
self.control_file_warning("A delimiter must have a length of one. Special characters must be quoted. gpload will assume this is a sql escape character sequence.")
formatOpts += "delimiter %s " % self.getconfig('gpload:input:delimiter', unicode)
formatOpts += "delimiter %s " % \
quote(self.getconfig('gpload:input:delimiter', unicode))
nullas = self.getconfig('gpload:input:null_as', unicode, False)
self.log(self.DEBUG, "null " + unicode(nullas))
if nullas != False: # could be empty string
formatOpts += "null %s " % quote(nullas)
elif formatType=='csv':
formatOpts += "null '' "
formatOpts += "null %s " % quote("\N")
esc = self.getconfig('gpload:input:escape', None, None)
if esc:
if type(esc) != unicode and type(esc) != str:
self.control_file_error("gpload:input:escape must be a string")
if esc.lower() == 'off':
if formatType == 'csv':
self.control_file_error("ESCAPE cannot be set to OFF in CSV mode")
formatOpts += "escape 'off' "
formatOpts += "escape %s " % quote(esc)
if formatType=='csv':
formatOpts += "escape %s " % quote(self.getconfig('gpload:input:quote',
unicode, extraStuff='for csv formatted data'))
formatOpts += "escape %s " % quote("\\")
if formatType=='csv':
formatOpts += "quote %s " % quote(self.getconfig('gpload:input:quote',
unicode, extraStuff='for csv formatted data'))
if self.getconfig('gpload:input:header',bool,False):
formatOpts += "header "
force_not_null_columns = self.getconfig('gpload:input:force_not_null',list,[])
if force_not_null_columns:
for i in force_not_null_columns:
if type(i) != unicode and type(i) != str:
self.control_file_error("gpload:input:force_not_null must be a YAML sequence of strings")
formatOpts += "force not null %s " % ','.join(force_not_null_columns)
encodingStr = self.getconfig('gpload:input:encoding', unicode, None)
limitStr = self.getconfig('gpload:input:error_limit',int, None)
if self.error_table and not limitStr:
self.control_file_error("gpload:input:error_table requires " +
"gpload:input:error_limit to be specified")
# get the list of columns to use in the extnernal table
if not self.from_cols_from_user:
# don't put values serial columns
from_cols = filter(lambda a: a[3] != True,
from_cols = self.from_columns
# If the 'reuse tables' option was specified we now try to find an
# already existing external table in the catalog which will match
# the one that we need to use. It must have identical attributes,
# external location, format, and encoding specifications.
if self.reuse_tables == True:
tableName = quote_unident(self.table)
# MPP-13348
shortTableName = shortname(tableName)
self.log(self.DEBUG, "create_external_table: %s shortTableName: %s" % (tableName, shortTableName))
sql = self.get_reuse_exttable_query(shortTableName, formatType, formatOpts, limitStr, from_cols)
resultList = self.db.query(sql.encode('utf-8')).getresult()
if len(resultList) > 0:
# found an external table to reuse. no need to create one. we're done here.
self.extTableName = (resultList[0])[0]
self.log(self.INFO, "reusing external table %s" % self.extTableName)
# didn't find an existing external table suitable for reuse. Format a reusable
# name and issue a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE on it. Hopefully we can use it next time
# around
self.extTableName = "ext_gpload_reusable_%s_created_%s" % (shortTableName, self.unique_suffix)
self.log(self.INFO, "did not find an external table to reuse. creating %s" % self.extTableName)
# construct a CREATE READABLE EXTERNAL TABLE statement and execute it
sql = "create readable external table %s" % self.extTableName
sql += "(%s)" % ','.join(map(lambda a:'%s %s' % (a[0], a[1]), from_cols))
sql += "location(%s) "%locationStr
sql += "format%s "% quote(formatType)
if len(formatOpts) > 0:
sql += "(%s) "% formatOpts
if encodingStr:
sql += "encoding%s "%quote(encodingStr)
if self.error_table:
sql += "log errors into %s " % self.error_table
if limitStr:
if limitStr < 2:
self.control_file_error("error_limit must be 2 or higher")
sql += "segment reject limit %s "%limitStr
self.log(self.LOG, sql)
except Exception, e:
self.log(self.ERROR, 'could not run SQL "%s": %s' % (sql, unicode(e)))
# set up to drop the external table at the end of operation, unless user
# specified the 'reuse_tables' option, in which case we don't drop
if self.reuse_tables == False:
self.cleanupSql.append('drop external table if exists %s'%self.extTableName)
# Create a new staging table or find a reusable staging table to use for this operation
# (only valid for update/merge operations).
def create_staging_table(self):
# Do some initial work to extract the update_columns and metadata
# that may be needed in order to create or reuse a temp table
if not self.from_cols_from_user:
# don't put values serial columns
from_cols = filter(lambda a: a[3] != True, self.from_columns)
from_cols = self.from_columns
# make sure we set the correct distribution policy
distcols = self.getconfig('gpload:output:match_columns', list)
# MPP-13399, CR-2227
including_defaults = ""
if self.getconfig('gpload:output:including_defaults',bool,True):
including_defaults = " including defaults"
sql = "SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'temp_gpload_reusable_%%';"
resultList = self.db.query(sql.encode('utf-8')).getresult()
if len(resultList) > 0:
self.log(self.WARN, """Old style, reusable tables named "temp_gpload_reusable_*" from a previous versions were found.
Greenplum recommends running "DROP TABLE temp_gpload_reusable_..." on each table. This only needs to be done once.""")
# If the 'reuse tables' option was specified we now try to find an
# already existing staging table in the catalog which will match
# the one that we need to use. It must meet the reuse conditions
is_temp_table = 'TEMP '
if self.reuse_tables == True:
is_temp_table = ''
target_table_name = quote_unident(self.table)
# create a string from all reuse conditions for staging tables and ancode it
conditions_str = self.get_staging_conditions_string(target_table_name, from_cols, distcols)
encoding_conditions = hashlib.md5(conditions_str).hexdigest()
sql = self.get_reuse_staging_table_query(encoding_conditions)
resultList = self.db.query(sql.encode('utf-8')).getresult()
if len(resultList) > 0:
# found a temp table to reuse. no need to create one. we're done here.
self.staging_table_name = (resultList[0])[0]
self.log(self.INFO, "reusing staging table %s" % self.staging_table_name)
# truncate it so we don't use old data
# didn't find an existing staging table suitable for reuse. Format a reusable
# name and issue a CREATE TABLE on it (without TEMP!). Hopefully we can use it
# next time around
# we no longer need the timestamp, since we will never want to create few
# tables with same encoding_conditions
self.staging_table_name = "staging_gpload_reusable_%s" % (encoding_conditions)
self.log(self.INFO, "did not find a staging table to reuse. creating %s" % self.staging_table_name)
# MPP-14667 - self.reuse_tables should change one, and only one, aspect of how we build the following table,
# and that is, whether it's a temp table or not. In other words, is_temp_table = '' iff self.reuse_tables == True.
sql = 'CREATE %sTABLE %s ' % (is_temp_table, self.staging_table_name)
cols = map(lambda a:'%s %s' % (a[0], a[1]), from_cols)
sql += "(%s)" % ','.join(cols)
sql += " DISTRIBUTED BY (%s)" % ', '.join(distcols)
self.log(self.LOG, sql)
if not self.options.D:
if not self.reuse_tables:
self.cleanupSql.append('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s' % self.staging_table_name)
def count_errors(self):
if hasattr(self.db, 'notices'):
if self.error_table and not self.options.D and not self.reuse_tables:
# make sure we only get errors for our own instance
queryStr = 'select count(*) from ' + self.error_table + " WHERE relname = '%s'" % self.extTableName
results = self.db.query(queryStr.encode('utf-8')).getresult()
return (results[0])[0]
return 0
def report_errors(self):
errors = self.count_errors()
if errors==1:
self.log(self.WARN, '1 bad row')
self.exitValue = 1
elif errors:
self.log(self.WARN, '%d bad rows'%errors)
self.exitValue = 1
def do_insert(self, dest):
Handle the INSERT case
self.log(self.DEBUG, "into columns " + str(self.into_columns))
cols = filter(lambda a:a[2]!=None, self.into_columns)
# only insert non-serial columns, unless the user told us to
# insert the serials explicitly
if not self.from_cols_from_user:
cols = filter(lambda a:a[3] == False, cols)
sql = 'INSERT INTO %s' % dest
sql += ' (%s)' % ','.join(map(lambda a:a[0], cols))
sql += ' SELECT %s' % ','.join(map(lambda a:a[2], cols))
sql += ' FROM %s' % self.extTableName
# cktan: progress thread is not reliable. revisit later.
#progress = Progress(self,self.ports)
self.log(self.LOG, sql)
if not self.options.D:
self.rowsInserted = self.db.query(sql.encode('utf-8'))
except Exception, e:
# We need to be a bit careful about the error since it may contain non-unicode characters
strE = unicode(str(e), errors = 'ignore')
strF = unicode(str(sql), errors = 'ignore')
self.log(self.ERROR, strE + ' encountered while running ' + strF)
#progress.number = 1
def do_method_insert(self):
def map_stuff(self,config,format,index):
lis = []
theList = self.getconfig(config,list)
theList = convertListToDelimited(theList)
for i in theList:
if type(i) != unicode and type(i) != str:
self.control_file_error("%s must be a YAML sequence of strings"%config)
j = self.into_columns_dict.get(i)
if not j:
self.log(self.ERROR,'column %s in %s does not exist'%(i,config))
if not j[index]:
self.log(self.ERROR,'there is no mapping from the column %s in %s'%(i,config))
return lis
def fix_update_cond(self, match):
return 'into_table.' +
def do_update(self,fromname,index):
sql = 'update %s into_table ' % self.get_qualified_tablename()
sql += 'set %s '%','.join(self.map_stuff('gpload:output:update_columns',(lambda x,y:'%s=from_table.%s' % (x, y)),index))
sql += 'from %s from_table' % fromname
match = self.map_stuff('gpload:output:match_columns'
, lambda x,y:'into_table.%s=from_table.%s' % (x, y)
, index)
update_condition = self.getconfig('gpload:output:update_condition',
unicode, None)
if update_condition:
# Place the table alias infront of column references.
# The following logic is not bullet proof. It may not work
# correctly if the user uses an identifier in both its
# delimited and un-delimited format (e.g. where c1 < 7 and "c1" > 2)
# Better lexing and parsing needs to be done here to fix all cases.
update_condition = ' ' + update_condition + ' '
for name, type, mapto, seq in self.into_columns:
regexp = '(?<=[^\w])%s(?=[^\w])' % name
self.log(self.DEBUG, 'update_condition re: ' + regexp)
temp_update_condition = update_condition
updateConditionList = splitIntoLiteralsAndNonLiterals(update_condition)
skip = False
newUpdateConditionList = []
update_condition = ''
for uc in updateConditionList:
if skip == False:
uc = re.sub(regexp, self.fix_update_cond, uc)
skip = True
update_condition = update_condition + uc
if update_condition == temp_update_condition:
# see if column can be undelimited, and try again.
if len(name) > 2 and name[1:-1] == name[1:-1].lower():
regexp = '(?<=[^\w])%s(?=[^\w])' % name[1:-1]
self.log(self.DEBUG, 'update_condition undelimited re: ' + regexp)
update_condition = re.sub( regexp
, self.fix_update_cond
, update_condition
self.log(self.DEBUG, "updated update_condition to %s" %
sql += ' where %s' % ' and '.join(match)
self.log(self.LOG, sql)
if not self.options.D:
self.rowsUpdated = self.db.query(sql.encode('utf-8'))
except Exception, e:
# We need to be a bit careful about the error since it may contain non-unicode characters
strE = unicode(str(e), errors = 'ignore')
strF = unicode(str(sql), errors = 'ignore')
self.log(self.ERROR, strE + ' encountered while running ' + strF)
def get_qualified_tablename(self):
tblname = "%s.%s" % (self.schema, self.table)
return tblname
def get_table_dist_key(self):
# NOTE: this query should be re-written better. the problem is that it is
# not possible to perform a cast on a table name with spaces...
sql = "select attname from pg_attribute a, gp_distribution_policy p , pg_class c, pg_namespace n "+\
"where a.attrelid = c.oid and " + \
"a.attrelid = p.localoid and " + \
"a.attnum = any (p.attrnums) and " + \
"c.relnamespace = n.oid and " + \
"n.nspname = '%s' and c.relname = '%s'; " % (quote_unident(self.schema), quote_unident(self.table))
resultList = self.db.query(sql.encode('utf-8')).getresult()
attrs = []
count = 0
while count < len(resultList):
count = count + 1
return attrs
def table_supports_update(self):
"""Columns being updated cannot appear in the distribution key."""
distKeyList = self.get_table_dist_key()
distkey = set()
for dk in distKeyList:
self.distkey = distkey
if len(distkey) != 0:
# not randomly distributed - check that UPDATE_COLUMNS isn't part of the distribution key
updateColumnList = self.getconfig('gpload:output:update_columns',
update_columns = convertListToDelimited(updateColumnList)
update_columns = set(update_columns)
a = distkey.intersection(update_columns)
if len(a):
self.control_file_error('update_columns cannot reference column(s) in distribution key (%s)' % ', '.join(list(distkey)))
def do_method_update(self):
"""Load the data in and update an existing table based upon it"""
# These rows are inserted temporarily for processing, so set inserted rows back to zero.
self.rowsInserted = 0
self.do_update(self.staging_table_name, 0)
def do_method_merge(self):
"""insert data not already in the table, update remaining items"""
self.rowsInserted = 0 # MPP-13024. No rows inserted yet (only to temp table).
self.do_update(self.staging_table_name, 0)
# insert new rows to the target table
match = self.map_stuff('gpload:output:match_columns',lambda x,y:'into_table.%s=from_table.%s'%(x,y),0)
matchColumns = self.getconfig('gpload:output:match_columns',list)
cols = filter(lambda a:a[2] != None, self.into_columns)
sql = 'INSERT INTO %s ' % self.get_qualified_tablename()
sql += '(%s) ' % ','.join(map(lambda a:a[0], cols))
sql += '(SELECT %s ' % ','.join(map(lambda a:'from_table.%s' % a[0], cols))
sql += 'FROM (SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY %s) AS gpload_row_number ' % ','.join(matchColumns)
sql += 'FROM %s) AS from_table ' % self.staging_table_name
sql += 'LEFT OUTER JOIN %s into_table ' % self.get_qualified_tablename()
sql += 'ON %s '%' AND '.join(match)
where = self.map_stuff('gpload:output:match_columns',lambda x,y:'into_table.%s IS NULL'%x,0)
sql += 'WHERE %s ' % ' AND '.join(where)
sql += 'AND gpload_row_number=1)'
self.log(self.LOG, sql)
if not self.options.D:
self.rowsInserted = self.db.query(sql.encode('utf-8'))
except Exception, e:
# We need to be a bit careful about the error since it may contain non-unicode characters
strE = unicode(str(e), errors = 'ignore')
strF = unicode(str(sql), errors = 'ignore')
self.log(self.ERROR, strE + ' encountered while running ' + strF)
def do_truncate(self, tblname):
self.log(self.LOG, "Truncate table %s" %(tblname))
if not self.options.D:
truncateSQLtext = "truncate %s" % tblname
except Exception, e:
self.log(self.ERROR, 'could not execute truncate target %s: %s' % (tblname, str(e)))
def do_method(self):
# Is the table to be truncated before the load?
preload = self.getconfig('gpload:preload', list, default=None)
method = self.getconfig('gpload:output:mode', unicode, 'insert').lower()
truncate = False
self.reuse_tables = False
if preload:
truncate = self.getconfig('gpload:preload:truncate',bool,False)
self.reuse_tables = self.getconfig('gpload:preload:reuse_tables',bool,False)
if truncate == True:
if method=='insert':
self.log(self.ERROR, 'preload truncate operation should be used with insert ' +
'operation only. used with %s' % method)
# sql pre or post processing?
sql = self.getconfig('gpload:sql', list, default=None)
before = None
after = None
if sql:
before = self.getconfig('gpload:sql:before', unicode, default=None)
after = self.getconfig('gpload:sql:after', unicode, default=None)
if before:
self.log(self.LOG, "Pre-SQL from user: %s" % before)
if not self.options.D:
except Exception, e:
self.log(self.ERROR, 'could not execute SQL in sql:before "%s": %s' %
(before, str(e)))
if method=='insert':
elif method=='update':
elif method=='merge':
self.control_file_error('unsupported method %s' % method)
# truncate the staging table to avoid dumping it's content - see MPP-15474
if method=='merge' or method=='update':
if after:
self.log(self.LOG, "Post-SQL from user: %s" % after)
if not self.options.D:
except Exception, e:
self.log(self.ERROR, 'could not execute SQL in sql:after "%s": %s' %
(after, str(e)))
def run2(self):
self.log(self.DEBUG, 'config ' + str(self.config))
start = time.time()
self.log(self.INFO, 'running time: %.2f seconds'%(time.time()-start))
def run(self):
self.db = None
self.rowsInserted = 0
self.rowsUpdated = 0
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_kill)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_kill)
# win32 doesn't do SIGQUIT
if not platform.system() in ['Windows', 'Microsoft']:
signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, handle_kill)
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN)
except Exception:
self.exitValue = 2
if (self.options.qv > self.INFO):
self.log(self.ERROR, "unexpected error -- backtrace " +
"written to log file")
if self.cleanupSql:
self.log(self.LOG, 'removing temporary data')
for a in self.cleanupSql:
self.log(self.DEBUG, a)
except Exception:
if self.subprocesses:
self.log(self.LOG, 'killing gpfdist')
for a in self.subprocesses:
if platform.system() in ['Windows', 'Microsoft']:
# win32 API is better but hard for us
# to install, so we use the crude method
subprocess.Popen("taskkill /F /T /PID %i" %,
shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
except OSError:
for t in self.threads:
self.log(self.INFO, 'rows Inserted = ' + str(self.rowsInserted))
self.log(self.INFO, 'rows Updated = ' + str(self.rowsUpdated))
self.log(self.INFO, 'data formatting errors = ' + str(NUM_WARN_ROWS))
if self.exitValue==0:
self.log(self.INFO, 'gpload succeeded')
elif self.exitValue==1:
self.log(self.INFO, 'gpload succeeded with warnings')
self.log(self.INFO, 'gpload failed')
g = gpload(sys.argv[1:])