blob: 0f473225931730ba68d40a01616ffe6570cef9fe [file] [log] [blame]
Summary: PL/R module for HAWQ
Name: plr-hawq_%{hawq_version_str}
Release: %{hawq_build_number}.el%{redhat_major_version}
Prefix: /usr/local/hawq_%{hawq_version_str}
License: GPL
BuildRequires: R-core-devel
Requires: R
Provides: plr-hawq
%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0
AutoReqProv: no
The PL/R modules provides Procedural language implementation of R for HAWQ.
# Note:
# 1. We do not use DESTDIR to specify the installation path since the binaries will be
# installed in $DESTDIR/$prefix instead of $DESTDIR.
# 2. We build using the "configured" prefix at first and then install it using
# the new prefix.
make -C %{plr_srcdir}
make -C %{plr_srcdir} install prefix=%{buildroot}/usr/local/hawq_%{hawq_version_str}