blob: c657c597017044c4c35583ec36f2c6b619956750 [file] [log] [blame]
* copy.h
* Definitions for using the POSTGRES copy command.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/commands/copy.h,v 1.28 2006/08/30 23:34:22 tgl Exp $
#ifndef COPY_H
#define COPY_H
#include "c.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "tcop/dest.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
* Represents the different source/dest cases we need to worry about at
* the bottom level
typedef enum CopyDest
COPY_FILE, /* to/from file */
COPY_OLD_FE, /* to/from frontend (2.0 protocol) */
COPY_NEW_FE, /* to/from frontend (3.0 protocol) */
COPY_EXTERNAL_SOURCE /* to/from external source (RET/WET) */
} CopyDest;
* Represents the end-of-line terminator type of the input
typedef enum EolType
} EolType;
* There are several ways to know the input row number where an error happened,
* in order to report it reliably.
* ROWNUM_ORIGINAL - Used when the error happens in the same place that the
* *whole* file or data is read, and input row numbers can be tracked reliably.
* So, if an error happens in the n'th data row read, it's actually the n'th row
* of the file (or data stream).
* Using this type are - COPY in dispatch mode, COPY in utility mode, External
* tables with 'file', and external web tables.
* ROWNUM_EMBEDDED - Used when the error happens in a place where a random
* part of the file is read (given to us) and therefore the row numbers of the
* original data are unknown.
* So, If an error happens in the n'th row read it can actually be the (n+m)'th
* row of the original file.
* Using this type are - COPY in execute mode, and External tables getting data
* from a gpfdist process in a CSV Format (gpfdist only parses CSV row by row,
* while text format is parsed in chucks).
* In this case we do some extra work to retrieve the original row number - the
* distributor (COPY dispatcher, or gpfdist) embeds the original row number in
* the beginning of each data row, and this number is extracted later on.
* BYTENUM_EMBEDDED - Original row isn't even known to the distributor, only
* the byte offset of each chunk it sends. We report errors in byte offset
* number, not row number. We keep track of byte counts. This is currently
* only used by external tables with gpfdist in 'text' format.
typedef enum ErrLocType
} ErrLocType;
* The error handling mode for this data load.
typedef enum CopyErrMode
ALL_OR_NOTHING, /* Either all rows or no rows get loaded (the default) */
SREH_IGNORE, /* Sreh - ignore errors (REJECT but no error table) */
SREH_LOG /* Sreh - log errors in an error table */
} CopyErrMode;
* This struct contains all the state variables used throughout a COPY
* operation. For simplicity, we use the same struct for all variants of COPY,
* even though some fields are used in only some cases.
* Multi-byte encodings: all supported client-side encodings encode multi-byte
* characters by having the first byte's high bit set. Subsequent bytes of the
* character can have the high bit not set. When scanning data in such an
* encoding to look for a match to a single-byte (ie ASCII) character, we must
* use the full pg_encoding_mblen() machinery to skip over multibyte
* characters, else we might find a false match to a trailing byte. In
* supported server encodings, there is no possibility of a false match, and
* it's faster to make useless comparisons to trailing bytes than it is to
* invoke pg_encoding_mblen() to skip over them. encoding_embeds_ascii is TRUE
* when we have to do it the hard way.
typedef struct CopyStateData
/* low-level state data */
CopyDest copy_dest; /* type of copy source/destination */
FILE *copy_file; /* used if copy_dest == COPY_FILE */
StringInfo fe_msgbuf; /* used for all dests during COPY TO, only for
* dest == COPY_NEW_FE in COPY FROM */
bool fe_copy; /* true for all FE copy dests */
bool fe_eof; /* true if detected end of copy data */
EolType eol_type; /* EOL type of input */
char *eol_str; /* optional NEWLINE from command. before eol_type is defined */
int client_encoding; /* remote side's character encoding */
bool need_transcoding; /* client encoding diff from server? */
bool encoding_embeds_ascii; /* ASCII can be non-first byte? */
FmgrInfo *enc_conversion_proc; /* conv proc from exttbl encoding to
server or the other way around */
FmgrInfo *custom_formatter_func; /* function to convert to custom format */
char *custom_formatter_name; /* name of function to convert to custom format */
List *custom_formatter_params; /* list of defelems that hold user's format parameters */
uint64 processed; /* # of tuples processed */
size_t bytesread;
/* parameters from the COPY command */
Relation rel; /* relation to copy to or from */
QueryDesc *queryDesc; /* executable query to copy from */
List *attnumlist; /* integer list of attnums to copy */
List *attnamelist; /* list of attributes by name */
List *force_quote; /* the raw fc column name list */
List *force_notnull; /* the raw fnn column name list */
char *filename; /* filename, or NULL for STDIN/STDOUT */
bool custom; /* custom format? */
bool oids; /* include OIDs? */
bool csv_mode; /* Comma Separated Value format? */
bool header_line; /* CSV header line? */
char *null_print; /* NULL marker string (server encoding!) */
int null_print_len; /* length of same */
char *null_print_client; /* same converted to client encoding */
char *delim; /* column delimiter (1 byte or multibytes) */
char *quote; /* CSV quote char (must be 1 byte) */
char *escape; /* CSV escape char (must be 1 byte) */
bool *force_quote_flags; /* per-column CSV FQ flags */
bool *force_notnull_flags; /* per-column CSV FNN flags */
bool fill_missing; /* missing attrs at end of line are NULL */
/* these are just for error messages, see copy_in_error_callback */
const char *cur_relname; /* table name for error messages */
int64 cur_lineno; /* line number for error messages. Negative means it isn't available. */
int64 cur_byteno; /* number of bytes processed from input */
const char *cur_attname; /* current att for error messages */
//const char *cur_attval; /* current att value for error messages */
* Working state for COPY TO
FmgrInfo *out_functions; /* lookup info for output functions */
MemoryContext rowcontext; /* per-row evaluation context */
* These variables are used to reduce overhead in textual COPY FROM.
* attribute_buf holds the separated, de-escaped text for each field of
* the current line. The CopyReadAttributes functions return arrays of
* pointers into this buffer. We avoid palloc/pfree overhead by re-using
* the buffer on each cycle.
StringInfoData attribute_buf;
* Similarly, line_buf holds the whole input line being processed. The
* input cycle is first to read the whole line into line_buf, convert it
* to server encoding there, and then extract the individual attribute
* fields into attribute_buf. line_buf is preserved unmodified so that we
* can display it in error messages if appropriate.
StringInfoData line_buf;
int *attr_offsets;
bool line_buf_converted; /* converted to server encoding? */
* Finally, raw_buf holds raw data read from the data source (file or
* client connection). CopyReadLine parses this data sufficiently to
* locate line boundaries, then transfers the data to line_buf and
* converts it. Note: we guarantee that there is a \0 at
* raw_buf[raw_buf_len].
#define RAW_BUF_SIZE 65536
/* NOTE: raw_buf in Greenplum Database is used with different logic than postgres COPY */
char raw_buf[RAW_BUF_SIZE + 1]; /* extra byte for '\0' */
int raw_buf_index; /* next byte to process */
bool raw_buf_done; /* finished processing the current buffer */
int missing_bytes; /* see scanTextLine() for explanation */
/* Greenplum Database specific variables */
bool is_copy_in; /* copy in or out? */
char eol_ch[2]; /* The byte values of the 1 or 2 eol bytes */
bool escape_off; /* treat backslashes as non-special? */
bool delimiter_off; /* no delimiter. 1-column external tabs only */
bool delimiter_multibytes;
int last_hash_field;
bool line_done; /* finished processing the whole line or
* stopped in the middle */
bool end_marker;
char *begloc;
char *endloc;
bool error_on_executor; /* true if errors arrived from the
* executors COPY (QEs) */
StringInfoData executor_err_context; /* error context text from QE */
/* for CSV format */
bool in_quote;
bool last_was_esc;
/* for TEXT format */
bool esc_in_prevbuf; /* escape was last character of the data input
* buffer */
bool cr_in_prevbuf; /* CR was last character of the data input
* buffer */
/* Original row number tracking variables */
ErrLocType err_loc_type; /* see enum def for description */
bool md_error;
/* Error handling options */
CopyErrMode errMode;
struct CdbSreh *cdbsreh; /* single row error handler */
int num_consec_csv_err; /* # of consecutive csv invalid format errs */
PartitionNode *partitions; /* partitioning meta data from dispatcher */
List *ao_segnos; /* AO table meta data from dispatcher */
List *ao_segfileinfos; /* AO segment file information from dispatcher */
List *splits; /* table scan splits for this segment */
/* end Greenplum Database specific variables */
struct QueryResource *resource;
PlannedStmt *planstmt; /* ext table copy to */
} CopyStateData;
typedef CopyStateData *CopyState;
#define ISOCTAL(c) (((c) >= '0') && ((c) <= '7'))
#define OCTVALUE(c) ((c) - '0')
extern void ValidateControlChars(bool copy, bool load, bool csv_mode, char *delim,
char *null_print, char *quote, char *escape,
List *force_quote, List *force_notnull,
bool header_line, bool fill_missing, char *newline,
int numcols);
extern uint64 DoCopy(const CopyStmt *stmt, const char *queryString);
extern DestReceiver *CreateCopyDestReceiver(void);
extern List *CopyGetAttnums(TupleDesc tupDesc, Relation rel, List *attnamelist);
extern bool CopyReadLineText(CopyState cstate, size_t bytesread);
extern bool CopyReadLineCSV(CopyState cstate, size_t bytesread);
extern void CopyReadAttributesText(CopyState cstate, char * __restrict nulls,
int * __restrict attr_offsets, int num_phys_attrs, Form_pg_attribute * __restrict attr);
extern void CopyReadAttributesCSV(CopyState cstate, char *nulls, int *attr_offsets,
int num_phys_attrs, Form_pg_attribute *attr);
extern void CopyOneRowTo(CopyState cstate, Oid tupleOid,
Datum *values, bool *nulls);
extern void CopyOneCustomRowTo(CopyState cstate, bytea *value);
extern void CopySendEndOfRow(CopyState cstate);
extern void limit_printout_length(StringInfo buf);
extern void truncateEol(StringInfo buf, EolType eol_type);
extern void setEncodingConversionProc(CopyState cstate, int client_encoding, bool iswritable);
extern void CopyEolStrToType(CopyState cstate);
#endif /* COPY_H */