blob: 61da7f1971c3ed70d0cb54e836099f9987b11ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
* pg_exttable.h
* definitions for system wide external relations
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "catalog/genbki.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
* pg_exttable definition.
CREATE TABLE pg_exttable
with (camelcase=ExtTable, oid=false, relid=6040)
reloid oid, -- refers to this relation's oid in pg_class
location text[], -- array of URI strings
fmttype "char", -- 't' (text) or 'c' (csv)
fmtopts text, -- the data format options
command text, -- the command string to EXECUTE
rejectlimit integer, -- error count reject limit per segment
rejectlimittype "char", -- 'r' (rows) or 'p' (percent)
fmterrtbl oid, -- the data format error table oid in pg_class
encoding integer, -- character encoding of this external table
writable boolean -- 't' if writable, 'f' if readable
create unique index on pg_exttable(reloid) with (indexid=6041);
alter table pg_exttable add fk reloid on pg_class(oid);
alter table pg_exttable add fk fmterrtbl on pg_class(oid);
Generated by version 33
on Wed Aug 15 14:23:37 2012
TidyCat Comments for pg_exttable:
Table does not have an Oid column.
Table does not have static type (only legal for pre-3.3 tables).
Table has TOASTable columns, but NO TOAST table.
/* ----------------
* pg_exttable definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_exttable
* ----------------
#define ExtTableRelationId 6040
CATALOG(pg_exttable,6040) BKI_WITHOUT_OIDS
Oid reloid; /* refers to this relation's oid in pg_class */
text location[1]; /* array of URI strings */
char fmttype; /* 't' (text) or 'c' (csv) */
text fmtopts; /* the data format options */
text command; /* the command string to EXECUTE */
int4 rejectlimit; /* error count reject limit per segment */
char rejectlimittype; /* 'r' (rows) or 'p' (percent) */
Oid fmterrtbl; /* the data format error table oid in pg_class */
int4 encoding; /* character encoding of this external table */
bool writable; /* 't' if writable, 'f' if readable */
} FormData_pg_exttable;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_exttable corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_exttable relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_exttable *Form_pg_exttable;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_exttable
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_exttable 10
#define Anum_pg_exttable_reloid 1
#define Anum_pg_exttable_location 2
#define Anum_pg_exttable_fmttype 3
#define Anum_pg_exttable_fmtopts 4
#define Anum_pg_exttable_command 5
#define Anum_pg_exttable_rejectlimit 6
#define Anum_pg_exttable_rejectlimittype 7
#define Anum_pg_exttable_fmterrtbl 8
#define Anum_pg_exttable_encoding 9
#define Anum_pg_exttable_writable 10
* gp_exttable values for FormData_pg_attribute.
* [Similar examples are Schema_pg_type, Schema_pg_proc, Schema_pg_attribute, etc, in
* pg_attribute.h]
#define Schema_pg_exttable \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"reloid"}, 26, -1, 4, 1, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', true, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"location"}, 1009, -1, -1, 2, 1, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"fmttype"}, 18, -1, 1, 3, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"fmtopts"}, 25, -1, -1, 4, 0, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"command"}, 25, -1, -1, 5, 0, -1, -1, false, 'x', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"rejectlimit"}, 23, -1, 4, 6, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"rejectlimittype"}, 18, -1, 1, 7, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"fmterrtbl"}, 26, -1, 4, 8, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"encoding"}, 23, -1, 4, 9, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'i', false, false, false, true, 0 }, \
{ ExtTableRelationId, {"writable"}, 16, -1, 1, 10, 0, -1, -1, true, 'p', 'c', false, false, false, true, 0 }
* pg_exttable table values for FormData_pg_exttable.
#define Class_pg_exttable \
25, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, false, RELKIND_RELATION, RELSTORAGE_HEAP, Natts_pg_exttable, \
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, FirstNormalTransactionId, {0}, {{{'\0','\0','\0','\0'},{'\0'}}}
* Descriptor of a single AO relation.
* For now very similar to the catalog row itself but may change in time.
typedef struct ExtTableEntry
List* locations;
char fmtcode;
char* fmtopts;
char* command;
int rejectlimit;
char rejectlimittype;
Oid fmterrtbl;
int encoding;
bool iswritable;
bool isweb; /* extra state, not cataloged */
} ExtTableEntry;
/* No initial contents. */
extern void
InsertExtTableEntry(Oid tbloid,
bool iswritable,
bool isweb,
bool issreh,
char formattype,
char rejectlimittype,
char* commandString,
int rejectlimit,
Oid fmtErrTblOid,
int encoding,
Datum formatOptStr,
Datum locationExec,
Datum locationUris);
extern ExtTableEntry*
GetExtTableEntry(Oid relid);
extern ExtTableEntry *
Relation pg_exttable_rel,
TupleDesc pg_exttable_dsc,
HeapTuple tuple,
Oid *relationId);
extern void
RemoveExtTableEntry(Oid relid);
#define CustomFormatType 'b'
#define TextFormatType 't'
#define CsvFormatType 'c'
#define ParquetFormatType 'p'
#define OrcFormatType 'o'
#define NonCustomFormatType 'n'
/* PXF formats*/
#define GpdbWritableFormatName "GPDBWritable"
#define TextFormatName "TEXT"
#define fmttype_is_custom(c) (c == CustomFormatType)
#define fmttype_is_text(c) (c == TextFormatType)
#define fmttype_is_csv(c) (c == CsvFormatType)
#define fmttype_is_parquet(c) (c == ParquetFormatType)
#define fmttype_is_orc(c) (c == OrcFormatType)
extern bool RelationIsPluggableStorage(Oid relid);
extern bool RelationIsMagmaTable(Oid relid);
/* RelationIsMagmaTable maybe throw exception, so add RelationIsMagmaTable2 */
extern bool RelationIsMagmaTable2(Oid relid);
extern bool RelationIsORCTable(Oid relid);
#endif /* PG_EXTTABLE_H */