blob: 871fc05c0bbe0f9309d8eb6e6f2c6c8ed04ba79e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// orc access manager
#ifndef ORCAM_H_
#define ORCAM_H_
#include "access/orcsegfiles.h"
#include "cdb/cdbquerycontextdispatching.h"
#include "nodes/relation.h"
#define MAX_ORC_ROW_GROUP_SIZE 1024 * 1024 * 1024
// here we use orc block size in Bytes
#define MAX_ORC_COMPRESS_BLOCK_SIZE 1024 * 1024 * 1024
// here we use orc stripe size in MBytes
#define MAX_ORC_STRIPE_SIZE 1024
struct ScanState;
typedef struct OrcFormatData OrcFormatData;
typedef struct OrcInsertDescData {
Relation rel;
int32 segno;
int64 insertCount;
OrcFormatData *orcFormatData;
QueryContextDispatchingSendBack sendback;
MemoryContext memCxt;
} OrcInsertDescData;
typedef struct OrcScanDescData {
Relation rel;
OrcFormatData *orcFormatData;
ItemPointerData cdb_fake_ctid;
} OrcScanDescData;
typedef struct OrcDeleteDescData {
Relation rel;
int32 newSegno;
Datum rowId;
OrcFormatData *orcFormatData;
QueryContextDispatchingSendBack sendback;
bool directDispatch;
} OrcDeleteDescData;
typedef struct OrcUpdateDescData {
Relation rel;
int32 newSegno;
int64 updateCount;
Datum rowId;
TupleTableSlot *slot;
OrcFormatData *orcFormatData;
QueryContextDispatchingSendBack sendback;
bool directDispatch;
MemoryContext memCxt;
} OrcUpdateDescData;
// insert
extern OrcInsertDescData *orcBeginInsert(Relation rel,
ResultRelSegFileInfo *segfileinfo);
extern Oid orcInsert(OrcInsertDescData *insertDesc, TupleTableSlot *slot);
extern Oid orcInsertValues(OrcInsertDescData *insertDesc, Datum *values,
bool *nulls, TupleDesc tupleDesc);
extern void orcEndInsert(OrcInsertDescData *insertDesc);
// scan
extern void orcBeginScan(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern TupleTableSlot* orcScanNext(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern void orcEndScan(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern void orcReScan(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern OrcScanDescData* orcBeginReadWithOptionsStr(
Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot, TupleDesc desc, List* fileSplits,
bool* colToReads, void* pushDown, const char*);
extern OrcScanDescData* orcBeginRead(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot,
TupleDesc desc, List* fileSplits,
bool* colToReads, void* pushDown);
extern void orcReadNext(OrcScanDescData* scanData, TupleTableSlot* slot);
extern void orcEndRead(OrcScanDescData* scanData);
extern void orcResetRead(OrcScanDescData* scanData);
// delete
extern OrcDeleteDescData *orcBeginDelete(Relation rel, List *fileSplits,
List *relFileNodeInfo,
bool orderedRowId,
bool directDispatch);
extern void orcDelete(OrcDeleteDescData *deleteDesc);
extern uint64 orcEndDelete(OrcDeleteDescData *deleteDesc);
// update
extern OrcUpdateDescData *orcBeginUpdate(Relation rel, List *fileSplits,
List *relFileNodeInfo,
bool orderedRowId,
bool directDispatch);
extern void orcUpdate(OrcUpdateDescData *updateDesc);
extern uint64 orcEndUpdate(OrcUpdateDescData *updateDesc);
// utils
extern bool isDirectDispatch(Plan *plan);
void checkOrcError(OrcFormatData* orcFormatData);
// index
extern int64_t* orcCreateIndex(Relation rel, Oid idxId, List* segno, int64* eof,
List* columnsToRead, int sortIdx);
extern void orcBeginIndexOnlyScan(struct ScanState* scanState, Oid idxId,
List* columnsInIndex);
extern void orcIndexReadNext(OrcScanDescData* scanData, TupleTableSlot* slot,
List* columnsInIndex);
extern TupleTableSlot* orcIndexOnlyScanNext(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern void orcEndIndexOnlyScan(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern void orcIndexOnlyReScan(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern OrcScanDescData* orcBeginIndexOnlyRead(Relation rel, Oid idxId,
List* columnsInIndex,
Snapshot snapshot, TupleDesc desc,
List* fileSplits,
bool* colToReads, void* pushDown);
extern void orcBeginIndexOnlyScan(struct ScanState* scanState, Oid idxId,
List* columnsInIndex);
extern TupleTableSlot* orcIndexOnlyScanNext(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern void orcEndIndexOnlyScan(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern void orcIndexOnlyReScan(struct ScanState* scanState);
extern OrcScanDescData* orcBeginIndexOnlyRead(Relation rel, Oid idxId,
List* columnsInIndex,
Snapshot snapshot, TupleDesc desc,
List* fileSplits,
bool* colToReads, void* pushDown);
#endif /* ORCAM_H_ */