blob: ddd96775461c1700f97389709cc32343e7f3079b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
* analyze.c
* the Postgres statistics generator
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* The new ANALYZE implementation uses routine query processing
* capabilities of GPDB to compute statistics on relations. It
* differs from old ANALYZE functionally in that it computes global
* statistics which improves cardinalities of join/group-by
* operations.
* It uses SPI under the covers to issue queries. The main point of
* entry is the function analyzeStatement. This function does the
* heavy lifting of setting up transactions and getting locks.
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/commands/analyze.c,v 1.101 2006/11/05 22:42:08 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "access/pxfuriparser.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/hd_work_mgr.h"
#include "access/pxfanalyze.h"
#include "catalog/catquery.h"
#include "catalog/heap.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "access/tuptoaster.h"
#include "access/aosegfiles.h"
#include "access/parquetsegfiles.h"
#include "access/hash.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "catalog/indexing.h"
#include "catalog/namespace.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/pg_exttable.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlyam.h"
#include "cdb/cdbpartition.h"
#include "cdb/cdbheap.h"
#include "cdb/cdbhash.h"
#include "commands/vacuum.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h" /* pq_beginmessage() etc. */
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "postmaster/identity.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/datum.h"
#include "utils/faultinjector.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/tuplesort.h"
#include "utils/pg_locale.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/inval.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "cdb/cdbanalyze.h"
#include "cdb/cdbrelsize.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "storage/backendid.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"
#include "postmaster/autovacuum.h"
#include "catalog/pg_namespace.h"
#include "utils/debugbreak.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "commands/analyzeutils.h"
* Statistics related parameters.
int default_statistics_target = 25;
double analyze_relative_error = 0.25;
bool gp_statistics_pullup_from_child_partition = FALSE;
bool gp_statistics_use_fkeys = FALSE;
int gp_statistics_blocks_target = 25;
double gp_statistics_ndistinct_scaling_ratio_threshold = 0.10;
double gp_statistics_sampling_threshold = 10000;
const int gp_external_table_default_number_of_pages = 1000;
const int gp_external_table_default_number_of_tuples = 1000000;
* This struct contains statistics produced during ANALYZE
* on a column.
typedef struct AttributeStatistics
float4 ndistinct; /* number of distinct values. If less than 0, represents fraction of values that are distinct */
float4 nullFraction; /* fraction of values that are null */
float4 avgWidth; /* average width of values */
ArrayType *mcv; /* most common values */
ArrayType *freq; /* frequencies of most common values */
ArrayType *hist; /* equi-depth histogram bounds */
} AttributeStatistics;
* Logging level.
static int elevel = -1;
* in dbsize.c
extern int64 calculate_relation_size(Relation rel);
/* Top level functions */
static void analyzeRelation(Relation relation, List *lAttributeNames, bool rootonly);
static void analyzeComputeAttributeStatistics(Oid relationOid,
const char *attributeName,
float4 relTuples,
Oid sampleTableOid,
float4 sampleTableRelTuples,
bool mergeStats,
AttributeStatistics *stats);
static List* analyzableRelations(bool rootonly, List** fullRelOids);
static bool analyzePermitted(Oid relationOid);
static List *analyzableAttributes(Relation candidateRelation);
static int calculate_virtual_segment_number(List* candidateRelations);
static List *buildExplicitAttributeNames(Oid relationOid, VacuumStmt *stmt);
/* Reltuples/relpages estimation functions */
static void gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_heap(Relation rel, float4 *reltuples, float4 *relpages);
static void gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_ao_rows(Relation rel, float4 *reltuples, float4 *relpages);
static void gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_parquet(Relation rel, float4 *reltuples, float4 *relpages);
static void analyzeEstimateReltuplesRelpages(Oid relationOid, float4 *relTuples, float4 *relPages, bool rootonly);
static void analyzeEstimateIndexpages(Oid relationOid, Oid indexOid, float4 *indexPages);
/* Attribute-type related functions */
static bool isOrderedAndHashable(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName);
static bool isBoolType(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName);
static bool isNotNull(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName);
static bool isFixedWidth(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName, float4 *width);
static bool hasMaxDefined(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName);
/* Sampling related */
static float4 estimateSampleSize(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName, float4 relTuples);
static Oid buildSampleTable(Oid relationOid,
char* sampleTableName,
List *lAttributeNames,
float4 relTuples,
float4 requestedSampleSize,
float4 *sampleTableRelTuples);
/* Attribute statistics computation */
static int4 numberOfMCVEntries(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName);
static int4 numberOfHistogramEntries(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName);
static void analyzeComputeNDistinctBySample(Oid relationOid,
float4 relTuples,
Oid sampleTableOid,
float4 sampleTableRelTuples,
const char *attributeName,
bool *computeMCV,
bool *computeHist,
AttributeStatistics *stats
static float4 analyzeComputeNDistinctAbsolute(Oid sampleTableOid,
float4 sampleTableRelTuples,
const char *attributeName);
static float4 analyzeComputeNRepeating(Oid relationOid,
const char *attributeName);
static float4 analyzeNullCount(Oid sampleTableOid, Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName, bool mergeStats);
static float4 analyzeComputeAverageWidth(Oid sampleTableOid,
Oid relationOid,
const char *attributeName,
float4 relTuples,
bool mergeStats);
static void analyzeComputeMCV(Oid relationOid,
Oid sampleTableOid,
const char *attributeName,
float4 relTuples,
unsigned int nEntries,
bool mergeStats,
ArrayType **mcv,
ArrayType **freq);
static void analyzeComputeHistogram(Oid relationOid,
Oid sampleTableOid,
const char *attributeName,
float4 relTuples,
unsigned int nEntries,
bool mergeStats,
ArrayType *mcv,
ArrayType **hist);
static float4 analyzeComputeNDistinctByLargestPartition(Oid relationOid,
float4 relTuples,
const char *attributeName);
static StringInfo getStringLeafPartitionOids(Oid relationOid);
static Oid get_largest_leaf_partition(Oid rootOid);
/* Catalog related */
static void updateAttributeStatisticsInCatalog(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName,
AttributeStatistics *stats);
static void updateReltuplesRelpagesInCatalog(Oid relationOid, float4 relTuples, float4 relPages);
* Extern stuff.
extern List *find_all_inheritors(Oid parentrel);
extern BlockNumber RelationGuessNumberOfBlocks(double totalbytes);
extern Oid LookupFuncName(List *funcname, int nargs, const Oid *argtypes, bool noError);
extern bool optimizer; /* status of the new optimizer */
extern bool optimizer_analyze_root_partition; /* GUC for stats collection on root partitions */
* To avoid consuming too much memory during analysis and/or too much space
* in the resulting pg_statistic rows, we ignore varlena datums that are wider
* than WIDTH_THRESHOLD (after detoasting!). This is legitimate for MCV
* and distinct-value calculations since a wide value is unlikely to be
* duplicated at all, much less be a most-common value. For the same reason,
* ignoring wide values will not affect our estimates of histogram bin
* boundaries very much.
* This is the main entry point for analyze execution. Three possible ways of calling this method.
* 1. Full database ANALYZE. No relations are explicitly specified.
* 2. List of relations is specified (Usually by autovacuum).
* 3. One relation is specified (optionally, a list of columns).
* This method can only be called in DISPATCH or UTILITY roles.
* Input:
* vacstmt - Vacuum statement.
* relids - Usually NULL except when called by autovacuum.
void analyzeStatement(VacuumStmt *stmt, List *relids, int preferred_seg_num)
/* MPP-14608: Analyze may create temp tables.
* Disable autostats so that analyze is not called during their creation. */
GpAutoStatsModeValue autostatvalBackup = gp_autostats_mode;
GpAutoStatsModeValue autostatInFunctionsvalBackup = gp_autostats_mode_in_functions;
bool optimizerBackup = optimizer;
gp_autostats_mode = GP_AUTOSTATS_NONE;
gp_autostats_mode_in_functions = GP_AUTOSTATS_NONE;
optimizer = false;
analyzeStmt(stmt, relids, preferred_seg_num);
gp_autostats_mode = autostatvalBackup;
gp_autostats_mode_in_functions = autostatInFunctionsvalBackup;
optimizer = optimizerBackup;
/* Clean up in case of error. */
gp_autostats_mode = autostatvalBackup;
gp_autostats_mode_in_functions = autostatInFunctionsvalBackup;
optimizer = optimizerBackup;
/* Carry on with error handling. */
Assert(gp_autostats_mode == autostatvalBackup);
Assert(gp_autostats_mode_in_functions == autostatInFunctionsvalBackup);
Assert(optimizer == optimizerBackup);
* This method can only be called in DISPATCH or UTILITY roles.
* Input:
* vacstmt - Vacuum statement.
* relids - Usually NULL except when called by autovacuum.
void analyzeStmt(VacuumStmt *stmt, List *relids, int preferred_seg_num)
List *lRelOids = NIL;
List *lFullRelOids = NIL;
MemoryContext callerContext = NULL;
MemoryContext analyzeStatementContext = NULL;
MemoryContext analyzeRelationContext = NULL;
bool bUseOwnXacts = false;
ListCell *le1 = NULL;
int successCount = 0, failCount = 0;
StringInfoData failNames;
ResourceOwner asOwner, oldOwner1; /* asOwner for analyzeStmt resource owner */
* Ensure that an ANALYZE is requested.
* Ensure that vacuum was not requested.
* Both relids and stmt->relation cannot be non-null.
Assert(!(relids != NIL && stmt->relation != NULL));
* Works only in DISPATCH and UTILITY mode.
Assert(Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH || Gp_role == GP_ROLE_UTILITY);
* Only works in normal processing mode - should not be called in bootstrapping or
* init mode.
/* If running in diagnostic mode, simply return */
if (Gp_interconnect_type == INTERCONNECT_TYPE_NIL)
if (stmt->verbose)
elevel = INFO;
elevel = DEBUG2;
callerContext = CurrentMemoryContext;
* This is the statement-level context. This will be cleaned up when we exit this
* function.
analyzeStatementContext = AllocSetContextCreate(PortalContext,
* This is a per relation context.
analyzeRelationContext = AllocSetContextCreate(analyzeStatementContext,
* What relations need to be ANALYZED.
if (relids == NIL && stmt->relation == NULL)
* ANALYZE entire DB.
lRelOids = analyzableRelations(stmt->rootonly, &lFullRelOids);
if (stmt->rootonly && NIL == lRelOids)
(errmsg("there are no partitioned tables in database to ANALYZE ROOTPARTITION")));
else if (relids != NIL)
* ANALYZE called by autovacuum.
lRelOids = relids;
lFullRelOids = relids;
* ANALYZE one relation (optionally, a list of columns).
Oid relationOid = InvalidOid;
Assert(relids == NIL);
Assert(stmt->relation != NULL);
relationOid = RangeVarGetRelid(stmt->relation, false, false /*allowHcatalog*/);
PartStatus ps = rel_part_status(relationOid);
if (ps != PART_STATUS_ROOT && stmt->rootonly)
(errmsg("skipping \"%s\" --- cannot analyze a non-root partition using ANALYZE ROOTPARTITION",
else if (ps == PART_STATUS_ROOT)
PartitionNode *pn = get_parts(relationOid, 0 /*level*/ ,
0 /*parent*/, false /* inctemplate */, CurrentMemoryContext, true /*includesubparts*/);
if (!stmt->rootonly)
lRelOids = all_leaf_partition_relids(pn); /* all leaves */
lFullRelOids = all_leaf_partition_relids(pn);
lRelOids = lappend_oid(lRelOids, relationOid); /* root partition */
lFullRelOids = lappend_oid(lFullRelOids, relationOid); /* root partition */
if (optimizer_analyze_midlevel_partition)
lRelOids = list_concat(lRelOids, all_interior_partition_relids(pn)); /* interior partitions */
lFullRelOids = list_concat(lFullRelOids, all_interior_partition_relids(pn)); /* interior partitions */
else if (ps == PART_STATUS_INTERIOR) /* analyze an interior partition directly */
/* disable analyzing mid-level partitions directly since the users are encouraged
* to work with the root partition only. To gather stats on mid-level partitions
* (for Orca's use), the user should run ANALYZE or ANALYZE ROOTPARTITION on the
* root level.
(errmsg("skipping \"%s\" --- cannot analyze a mid-level partition. "
"Please run ANALYZE on the root partition table.",
lRelOids = list_make1_oid(relationOid);
lFullRelOids = list_make1_oid(relationOid);
* Decide whether we need to start/commit our own transactions.
* The scenarios in which we can start/commit our own transactions are:
* 1. We are not in a transaction block and there are multiple relations specified (some of them may be implicit)
* 2. We are in autovacuum mode
if ((!IsInTransactionChain((void *) stmt) && list_length(lRelOids) > 1)
|| IsAutoVacuumProcess())
bUseOwnXacts = true;
elog(DEBUG2, "ANALYZE start/commit own transaction = %s", bUseOwnXacts ? "true" : "false");
* Iterate through all relids in the list and issue analyze on all columns on each relation.
if (bUseOwnXacts)
* We commit the transaction started in PostgresMain() here, and start
* another one before exiting to match the commit waiting for us back in
* PostgresMain().
* Create a resource owner to keep track of our resources even not in trasaction block
asOwner = ResourceOwnerCreate(CurrentResourceOwner, "analyzeStmt");
oldOwner1 = CurrentResourceOwner;
CurrentResourceOwner = asOwner;
* we use preferred_seg_num as default and
* compute target_seg_num based on data size and distributed type
* if there is no preferred_seg_num.
int target_seg_num = preferred_seg_num;
if (target_seg_num <= 0) {
target_seg_num = calculate_virtual_segment_number(lFullRelOids);
elog(LOG, "virtual segment number of analyze is: %d\n", target_seg_num);
* We open relations with appropreciate locks
List *candidateRelations = NIL;
foreach (le1, lRelOids)
Oid candidateOid = InvalidOid;
Relation candidateRelation = NULL;
Assert(analyzeStatementContext == CurrentMemoryContext);
candidateOid = lfirst_oid(le1);
candidateRelation =
try_relation_open(candidateOid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, false);
if (candidateRelation)
candidateRelations = lappend(candidateRelations, candidateRelation);
elog(ERROR, "Cannot open and lock relation %s for analyze",
* We allocate query resource for analyze
QueryResource *resource = AllocateResource(QRL_ONCE, 1, 0, target_seg_num, target_seg_num, NULL, 0);
QueryResource *savedResource = NULL;
savedResource = GetActiveQueryResource();
* We do actual analyze
foreach (le1, candidateRelations)
Relation candidateRelation = NULL;
bool bTemp = false;
Assert(analyzeStatementContext == CurrentMemoryContext);
if (bUseOwnXacts)
* We use a different transaction per relation so that we
* may release locks on relations as soon as possible.
ActiveSnapshot = CopySnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
candidateRelation = (Relation)lfirst(le1);
if (candidateRelation)
* We got a lock on the relation. Good!
if (analyzePermitted(RelationGetRelid(candidateRelation)))
StringInfoData ext_uri;
* We have permission to ANALYZE.
/* MPP-7576: don't track internal namespace tables */
switch (candidateRelation->rd_rel->relnamespace)
/* MPP-7773: don't track objects in system namespace
* if modifying system tables (eg during upgrade)
if (allowSystemTableModsDDL)
bTemp = true;
bTemp = true;
/* MPP-7572: Don't track metadata if table in any
* temporary namespace
if (!bTemp)
bTemp = isAnyTempNamespace(
if (candidateRelation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
* Is the relation the right kind?
(errmsg("skipping \"%s\" --- cannot analyze indexes, views, external tables or special system tables",
relation_close_at_resource_owner(candidateRelation, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, asOwner);
else if (isOtherTempNamespace(RelationGetNamespace(candidateRelation)))
/* Silently ignore tables that are temp tables of other backends. */
relation_close_at_resource_owner(candidateRelation, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, asOwner);
else if (RelationIsExternalPxfReadOnly(candidateRelation, &ext_uri) &&
/* PXF supports ANALYZE, but only when the GUC is on */
(errmsg("skipping \"%s\" --- analyze for PXF tables is turned off by 'pxf_enable_stat_collection'",
relation_close_at_resource_owner(candidateRelation, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, asOwner);
List *lAttNames = NIL;
/* Switch to per relation context */
if (stmt->va_cols)
* Column names have been provided. Should have specified relation name as well.
Assert(stmt->relation && "Column names specified but not relation name");
lAttNames = buildExplicitAttributeNames(RelationGetRelid(candidateRelation), stmt);
lAttNames = analyzableAttributes(candidateRelation);
/* Start a sub-transaction for each analyzed table */
MemoryContext oldcontext = CurrentMemoryContext;
ResourceOwner oldowner = CurrentResourceOwner;
analyzeRelation(candidateRelation, lAttNames, stmt->rootonly);
"", /* databaseName */
""); /* tableName */
#endif /* FAULT_INJECTOR */
CurrentResourceOwner = oldowner;
successCount += 1;
ErrorData *edata;
/* Save error info */
edata = CopyErrorData();
elog(WARNING, "skipping \"%s\" --- error returned: %s",
failCount += 1;
/* failNames uses memory from statement level context */
appendStringInfo(&failNames, "%s", failCount == 1 ? "(" : ", ");
appendStringInfo(&failNames, "%s", RelationGetRelationName(candidateRelation));
/* rollback this table's sub-transaction */
CurrentResourceOwner = oldowner;
/* Cancel from user should result in canceling ANALYZE, not just this table */
if (edata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_QUERY_CANCELED)
/* release error state */
/* Switch back to statement context and reset relation context */
* Close source relation now, but keep lock so
* that no one deletes it before we commit. (If
* someone did, they'd fail to clean up the
* entries we made in pg_statistic. Also,
* releasing the lock before commit would expose
* us to concurrent-update failures.)
relation_close_at_resource_owner(candidateRelation, NoLock, asOwner);
/* MPP-6929: metadata tracking */
if (!bTemp && (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH))
char *asubtype = "";
if (IsAutoVacuumProcess())
asubtype = "AUTO";
* We don't have permissions to ANALYZE the relation. Print warning and move on
* to the next relation.
(errmsg("Skipping \"%s\" --- only table or database owner can analyze it",
relation_close_at_resource_owner(candidateRelation, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, asOwner);
} /* if (analyzePermitted(RelationGetRelid(candidateRelation))) */
* Relation may have been dropped out from under us.
* TODO: should we print a warning here? Do we print it during
* ANALYZE DB or AutoVacuum?
} /* if (candidateRelation) */
if (bUseOwnXacts)
* We commit the transaction so that locks on the relation may be released.
} /* End of PG_TRY() */
resource = NULL;
/* Carry on with error handling. */
* We now free query resource
resource = NULL;
false, false);
CurrentResourceOwner = oldOwner1;
if (bUseOwnXacts)
* We start a new transaction command to match the one in PostgresMain().
* in hawq, there is no distributed transaction
ActiveSnapshot = CopySnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
if (failCount > 0)
appendStringInfo(&failNames, ")");
elog(failCount > 0 ? INFO : elevel, "ANALYZE completed. Success: %d, Failure: %d %s", successCount, failCount,;
Assert(analyzeStatementContext == CurrentMemoryContext);
* calculate virtual segment number for analyze statement.
* if there is hash distributed relations exist, use the max bucket number.
* if all relation are random, use the data size to determine vseg number.
static int calculate_virtual_segment_number(List* candidateOids) {
ListCell* le1;
int vsegNumber = 1;
int64 totalDataSize = 0;
bool isHashRelationExist = false;
int maxHashBucketNumber = 0;
bool isPartitionTableExist = false;
foreach (le1, candidateOids)
Oid candidateOid = InvalidOid;
candidateOid = lfirst_oid(le1);
PartStatus ps = rel_part_status(candidateOid);
isPartitionTableExist = true;
Relation rel = relation_open(candidateOid, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock);
if (candidateOid > 0 ) {
GpPolicy *targetPolicy = GpPolicyFetch(CurrentMemoryContext,
if(targetPolicy == NULL){
return GetAnalyzeVSegNumLimit(isPartitionTableExist);
if (targetPolicy->nattrs > 0) {
isHashRelationExist = true;
if(maxHashBucketNumber < targetPolicy->bucketnum){
maxHashBucketNumber = targetPolicy->bucketnum;
* if no hash relation, we calculate the data size of all the relations.
if (!isHashRelationExist) {
totalDataSize += calculate_relation_size(rel);
relation_close(rel, NoLock);
if (isHashRelationExist) {
vsegNumber = maxHashBucketNumber;
} else {
/*we allocate one virtual segment for each 128M data */
totalDataSize >>= 27;
vsegNumber = totalDataSize + 1;
Assert(vsegNumber > 0);
/*vsegNumber should be less than GetUtilPartitionNum*/
if(vsegNumber > GetAnalyzeVSegNumLimit(isPartitionTableExist)){
vsegNumber = GetAnalyzeVSegNumLimit(isPartitionTableExist);
return vsegNumber;
* This method extracts the explicit attributes listed in a vacuum statement. It must
* be called only when it is known that explicit columns have been specified in the vacuum
* statement. It checks if attribute exists and also if attribute has been dropped. It
* also silently drops attributes that have stats target set to 0.
* Input:
* vacstmt - vacuum statement
* Output:
* list of attribute names that the vacuum statement requests
static List* buildExplicitAttributeNames(Oid relationOid, VacuumStmt *stmt)
List *lExplicitAttNames = NIL;
ListCell *le = NULL;
Assert(stmt->va_cols != NULL);
* va_col contains list of attributes that need to be analyzed.
foreach (le, stmt->va_cols)
HeapTuple attributeTuple;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
char *attributeName = strVal(lfirst(le));
pcqCtx = caql_getattname_scan(NULL, relationOid, attributeName);
attributeTuple = caql_get_current(pcqCtx);
/* Ensure that we can actually analyze the attribute. */
if (HeapTupleIsValid(attributeTuple))
Form_pg_attribute att_tup = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
/* If attribute is dropped, print an error message */
if (att_tup->attisdropped)
errmsg("Attribute %s has been dropped in relation %s.",
attributeName, get_rel_name(relationOid))));
/* If statstarget=0 or type is "unknown", silently skip it. */
if (att_tup->attstattarget != 0
&& att_tup->atttypid != UNKNOWNOID)
lExplicitAttNames = lappend(lExplicitAttNames, attributeName);
/* Attribute does not exist in relation. Error out */
errmsg("Relation %s does not have an attribute named %s.",
return lExplicitAttNames;
* This function determines if a table can be analyzed or not.
* Input:
* relationOid
* Output:
* true or false
static bool analyzePermitted(Oid relationOid)
return (pg_class_ownercheck(relationOid, GetUserId())
|| pg_database_ownercheck(MyDatabaseId, GetUserId()));
* If ANALYZE is requested with no relations specified, this method is called to build
* the implicit list of relations from pg_class. Only those with relkind == RELKIND_RELATION
* are considered.
* If rootonly is true, we only analyze root partition table.
* Input:
* None
* Output:
* List of relids
static List* analyzableRelations(bool rootonly, List **fullRelOids)
List *lRelOids = NIL;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
HeapTuple tuple = NULL;
pcqCtx = caql_beginscan(
cql("SELECT * FROM pg_class "
" WHERE relkind = :1 ",
while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = caql_getnext(pcqCtx)))
Oid candidateOid = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
if (analyzePermitted(candidateOid)
&& candidateOid != StatisticRelationId)
*fullRelOids = lappend_oid(*fullRelOids, candidateOid);
if (rootonly && !rel_is_partitioned(candidateOid))
if (analyzePermitted(candidateOid)
&& candidateOid != StatisticRelationId)
lRelOids = lappend_oid(lRelOids, candidateOid);
return lRelOids;
* Given a relation's Oid, generate the list of attribute names that may be analyzed.
* This ignores columns that have been dropped or if stattarget is set to 0 by user.
* Input:
* relation
* Output:
* List of attribute names. This will need to be free'd by the caller.
static List *analyzableAttributes(Relation candidateRelation)
int i = 0;
List *lAttNames = NIL;
Assert(candidateRelation != NULL);
for (i = 0; i < candidateRelation->rd_att->natts; i++)
Form_pg_attribute attr = candidateRelation->rd_att->attrs[i];
* Skip if one of these conditions is true:
* 1. Attribute is dropped
* 2. Stats target for attribute is 0
* 3. Attribute has "unknown" type.
if (!(attr->attisdropped
|| attr->attstattarget == 0
|| attr->atttypid == UNKNOWNOID))
char *attName = NULL;
attName = pstrdup(NameStr(attr->attname)); /* needs to be pfree'd by caller */
lAttNames = lappend(lAttNames, (void *) attName);
return lAttNames;
* This method is called once all the transactions and snapshots have been set up.
* At a very high-level, it performs two functions:
* 1. Compute and update reltuples, relages for the relation.
* 2. Compute and update statistics on requested attributes.
* If the input relation is too large, it may create a sampled version of the relation
* and compute statistics.
* TODO: Check with Daria/Eric about messages.
* Input:
* relation - relation
* lAttributeNames - list of attribute names.
* Output:
* None
static void analyzeRelation(Relation relation, List *lAttributeNames, bool rootonly)
Oid sampleTableOid = InvalidOid;
float4 minSampleTableSize = 0;
bool sampleTableRequired = true;
bool isExternalPxfReadOnly = false;
ListCell *le = NULL;
Oid relationOid = InvalidOid;
float4 estimatedRelTuples = 0.0;
float4 estimatedRelPages = 0.0;
float4 sampleTableRelTuples = 0.0;
List *indexOidList = NIL;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
StringInfoData location;
relationOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
isExternalPxfReadOnly = RelationIsExternalPxfReadOnly(relation, &location);
/* Step 1: estimate reltuples, relpages for the relation */
if (!isExternalPxfReadOnly)
analyzeEstimateReltuplesRelpages(relationOid, &estimatedRelTuples, &estimatedRelPages, rootonly);
analyzePxfEstimateReltuplesRelpages(relation, &location, &estimatedRelTuples, &estimatedRelPages);
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE estimated reltuples=%f, relpages=%f for table %s", estimatedRelTuples, estimatedRelPages, RelationGetRelationName(relation));
/* Step 2: update the pg_class entry. */
updateReltuplesRelpagesInCatalog(relationOid, estimatedRelTuples, estimatedRelPages);
/* Find relpages of each index and update these as well */
indexOidList = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
foreach (lc, indexOidList)
float4 estimatedIndexTuples = estimatedRelTuples;
float4 estimatedIndexPages = 0;
Oid indexOid = lfirst_oid(lc);
Assert(indexOid != InvalidOid);
if (estimatedRelTuples < 1.0)
* If there are no rows in the relation, no point trying to estimate
* number of pages in the index.
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE skipping index %s since relation %s has no rows.", get_rel_name(indexOid), get_rel_name(relationOid));
* NOTE: we don't attempt to estimate the number of tuples in an index.
* We will assume it to be equal to the estimated number of tuples in the relation.
* This does not hold for partial indexes. The number of tuples matching will be
* derived in selfuncs.c using the base table statistics.
analyzeEstimateIndexpages(relationOid, indexOid, &estimatedIndexPages);
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE estimated reltuples=%f, relpages=%f for index %s", estimatedIndexTuples, estimatedIndexPages, get_rel_name(indexOid));
updateReltuplesRelpagesInCatalog(indexOid, estimatedIndexTuples, estimatedIndexPages);
/* report results to the stats collector, too */
pgstat_report_analyze(relation, estimatedRelTuples, 0 /*totaldeadrows*/);
* Does the relation have any rows. If not, no point analyzing columns.
if (estimatedRelTuples < 1.0)
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE skipping computing statistics on table %s because it has no rows.", RelationGetRelationName(relation));
/* Cannot compute statistics on pg_statistic due to locking issues */
if (relationOid == StatisticRelationId)
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE skipping computing statistics on pg_statistic.");
* For an interior (mid-level) partition, we merge the stats from the leaf children under it.
* The stats at mid-level will be used by the new query optimizer when querying mid-level partitions
* directly. The merge of stats has to be triggered from the root level.
if (rel_part_status(relationOid) == PART_STATUS_INTERIOR)
foreach (le, lAttributeNames)
AttributeStatistics stats;
const char *lAttributeName = (const char *) lfirst(le);
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE merging statistics on attribute %s", lAttributeName);
analyzeComputeAttributeStatistics(relationOid, lAttributeName, estimatedRelTuples, relationOid, estimatedRelTuples, true /*mergeStats*/, &stats);
updateAttributeStatisticsInCatalog(relationOid, lAttributeName, &stats);
* Determine how many rows need to be sampled.
foreach (le, lAttributeNames)
const char *attributeName = (const char *) lfirst(le);
float4 minRowsForAttribute = estimateSampleSize(relationOid, attributeName, estimatedRelTuples);
minSampleTableSize = Max(minSampleTableSize, minRowsForAttribute);
* If no statistics are needed on any attribute, then fall through quickly.
if (minSampleTableSize == 0)
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE skipping computing statistics on table %s because no attribute needs it.", RelationGetRelationName(relation));
* Determine if a sample table needs to be created. If reltuples is very small,
* then, we'd rather work off the entire table. Also, if the sample required is
* the size of the table, then we'd rather work off the entire table.
* In case of PXF table, we always need a sample table because the various calculations
* should be done locally in HAWQ and not by retrieving the data again and again.
if (!isExternalPxfReadOnly &&
(estimatedRelTuples <= gp_statistics_sampling_threshold
|| minSampleTableSize >= estimatedRelTuples)) /* maybe this should be K% of reltuples or something? */
sampleTableRequired = false;
* Step 3: If required, create a sample table
if (sampleTableRequired)
char * sampleTableName = temporarySampleTableName(relationOid, "pg_analyze"); /* must be pfreed */
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE building sample table of size %.0f on table %s because %s.",
minSampleTableSize, RelationGetRelationName(relation),
isExternalPxfReadOnly ? "it's a PXF table" : "it has too many rows");
if (isExternalPxfReadOnly)
sampleTableOid = buildPxfSampleTable(relationOid, sampleTableName, lAttributeNames,
estimatedRelTuples, estimatedRelPages, minSampleTableSize,
sampleTableOid = buildSampleTable(relationOid, sampleTableName, lAttributeNames,
estimatedRelTuples, minSampleTableSize, &sampleTableRelTuples);
* Update the sample table's reltuples, relpages. Without these, the queries to the sample table would call cdbRelsize which can be an expensive call.
* We know the number of tuples in the sample table, but don't have the information about the number of pages. We set it to 2 arbitrarily.
updateReltuplesRelpagesInCatalog(sampleTableOid, sampleTableRelTuples, 2);
/* We must have a non-empty sample table */
Assert(sampleTableRelTuples > 0.0);
pfree((void *) sampleTableName);
* Step 4: ANALYZE attributes, one at a time.
foreach (le, lAttributeNames)
AttributeStatistics stats;
const char *lAttributeName = (const char *) lfirst(le);
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE computing statistics on attribute %s", lAttributeName);
if (sampleTableRequired)
analyzeComputeAttributeStatistics(relationOid, lAttributeName, estimatedRelTuples, sampleTableOid, sampleTableRelTuples, false /*mergeStats*/, &stats);
analyzeComputeAttributeStatistics(relationOid, lAttributeName, estimatedRelTuples, relationOid, estimatedRelTuples, false /*mergeStats*/, &stats);
updateAttributeStatisticsInCatalog(relationOid, lAttributeName, &stats);
* Step 5: Cleanup. Drop the sample table.
if (sampleTableRequired)
elog(elevel, "ANALYZE dropping sample table");
dropSampleTable(sampleTableOid, false);
* Generates a table name for the auxiliary sample table that may be created during ANALYZE.
* This is not super random. However, this should be sufficient for our purpose.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation
* prefix - sample name prefix
* Output:
* sample table name. This must be pfree'd by the caller.
char* temporarySampleTableName(Oid relationOid, char* prefix)
char tmpname[NAMEDATALEN];
snprintf(tmpname, NAMEDATALEN, "%s_%u_%i", prefix, relationOid, MyBackendId);
return pstrdup(tmpname);
* This method determines the number of mcv entries to be computed for a particular attribute.
* Input:
* relationOid - Oid of relation
* attributeName - Name of attribute
* Output:
* number of mcv entries.
static int4 numberOfMCVEntries(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName)
HeapTuple attributeTuple = NULL;
Form_pg_attribute attribute = NULL;
int4 nMCVEntries = 0;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_getattname_scan(NULL, relationOid, attributeName);
attributeTuple = caql_get_current(pcqCtx);
attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
nMCVEntries = attribute->attstattarget;
if (nMCVEntries < 0)
nMCVEntries = (int4) default_statistics_target;
return nMCVEntries;
* This method determines the number of histogram entries to be computed for a particular attribute.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's Oid
* attributeName - Name of attribute
* Output:
* number of histogram entries. Currently, this is the same as the number of MCV entries.
static int4 numberOfHistogramEntries(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName)
/** for now, the number of histogram entries is same as mcv_entries */
return numberOfMCVEntries(relationOid, attributeName);
* Determine the number of tuples from relation that will need to be sampled
* to compute statistics on the specific attribute. This method looks up the
* stats target for the said attribute (if one is not found, the default_statistics_target
* is used) and employs a formula (explained below) to compute the number of rows
* needed.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation whose sample size must be determined
* attributeName - attribute
* relTuples - number of tuples in relation.
* Output:
* sample size
static float4 estimateSampleSize(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName, float4 relTuples)
float4 sampleSize = 0.0;
int4 statsTarget = 0.0;
statsTarget = Max(numberOfHistogramEntries(relationOid, attributeName),
numberOfMCVEntries(relationOid, attributeName));
Assert(statsTarget >= 0);
* The following choice of minrows is based on the paper
* "Random sampling for histogram construction: how much is enough?"
* by Surajit Chaudhuri, Rajeev Motwani and Vivek Narasayya, in
* Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management
* of Data, 1998, Pages 436-447. Their Corollary 1 to Theorem 5
* says that for table size n, histogram size k, maximum relative
* error fraction, and error probability gamma, the minimum
* random sample size is
* r = 4 * k * ln(2*n/gamma) / error_fraction^2
* We use gamma=0.01 in our calculations.
Assert(relTuples > 0.0);
if (analyze_relative_error > 0.0)
sampleSize = (float4) 4 * statsTarget * log(2 * relTuples / 0.01) / (analyze_relative_error * analyze_relative_error);
sampleSize = relTuples;
sampleSize = Max(sampleSize, 0.0); /* Sanity check for low relTuples */
sampleSize = Min(sampleSize, relTuples); /* Bound sample size to table size */
return sampleSize;
* This is a helper method that executes a SQL statement using the SPI interface.
* It optionally calls a callback function with result pointer.
* Input:
* src - SQL string
* read_only - is it a read-only call?
* tcount - execution tuple-count limit, or 0 for none
* callbackFn - callback function to be executed once SPI is done.
* clientData - argument to call back function (usually pointer to data-structure
* that the callback function populates).
void spiExecuteWithCallback(
const char *src,
bool read_only,
long tcount,
spiCallback callbackFn,
void *clientData)
volatile bool connected = false; /* needs to be volatile when accessed by PG_CATCH */
int ret = 0;
if (SPI_OK_CONNECT != SPI_connect())
errmsg("Unable to connect to execute internal query: %s.", src)));
connected = true;
elog(DEBUG2, "Executing SQL: %s", src);
/* Do the query. */
ret = SPI_execute(src, read_only, tcount);
Assert(ret > 0);
if (callbackFn)
connected = false;
int res = SPI_finish();
elog(DEBUG5, "finish SPI %s, res %d, ret %d", src, res, ret);
/* Clean up in case of error. */
if (connected)
int res = SPI_finish();
elog(DEBUG5, "finish SPI %s after error, res %d, ret %d", src, res, ret);
/* Carry on with error handling. */
* A callback function for use with spiExecuteWithCallback. Asserts that exactly one row was returned.
* Gets the row's first column as a float, using 0.0 if the value is null
void spiCallback_getSingleResultRowColumnAsFloat4(void *clientData)
Datum datum_f;
bool isnull = false;
float4 *out = (float4*) clientData;
Assert(SPI_tuptable != NULL); /* must have result */
Assert(SPI_processed == 1); /* we expect only one tuple. */
Assert(SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->attrs[0]->atttypid == FLOAT4OID); /* must be float4 */
datum_f = heap_getattr(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], 1, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &isnull);
if (isnull)
*out = 0.0;
*out = DatumGetFloat4(datum_f);
* A callback function for use with spiExecuteWithCallback. Copies the SPI_processed value into
* *clientDataOut, treating it as a float4 pointer.
void spiCallback_getProcessedAsFloat4(void *clientData)
float4 *out = (float4*) clientData;
*out = (float4)SPI_processed;
* A callback function for use with spiExecuteWithCallback. Reads each column of output into an array
* The number of arrays, the memory context for them, and the output location are determined by
* treating *clientData as a EachResultColumnAsArraySpec and using the values there
void spiCallback_getEachResultColumnAsArray(void *clientData)
EachResultColumnAsArraySpec * spec = (EachResultColumnAsArraySpec*) clientData;
int i;
ArrayType ** out = spec->output;
Assert(SPI_tuptable != NULL);
for ( i = 1; i <= spec->numColumns; i++ )
*out = SPIResultToArray(i, spec->memoryContext);
* This method builds a sampled version of the given relation. The sampled
* version is created in a temp namespace. Note that ANALYZE can be
* executed only by the database owner. It is safe to assume that the database
* owner has permissions to create temp tables. The sampling is done by
* using the random() built-in function.
* TODO: Once tablesample becomes available, rewrite this function to utilize tablesample.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation to be sampled
* sampleTableName - sample table name, moderately unique
* lAttributeNames - attributes to be included in the sample
* relTuples - estimated size of relation
* requestedSampleSize - as determined by attribute statistics requirements.
* sampleTableRelTuples - limit on size of the sample.
* Output:
* sampleTableRelTuples - number of tuples in the sample table created.
static Oid buildSampleTable(Oid relationOid,
char* sampleTableName,
List *lAttributeNames,
float4 relTuples,
float4 requestedSampleSize,
float4 *sampleTableRelTuples)
int nAttributes = -1;
StringInfoData str;
int i = 0;
ListCell *le = NULL;
const char *schemaName = NULL;
const char *tableName = NULL;
char *sampleSchemaName = pstrdup("pg_temp");
Oid sampleTableOid = InvalidOid;
float4 randomThreshold = 0.0;
RangeVar *rangeVar = NULL;
Assert(requestedSampleSize > 0.0);
Assert(relTuples > 0.0);
randomThreshold = requestedSampleSize / relTuples;
schemaName = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(relationOid)); /* must be pfreed */
tableName = get_rel_name(relationOid); /* must be pfreed */
appendStringInfo(&str, "create table %s.%s as (select ",
quote_identifier(sampleSchemaName), quote_identifier(sampleTableName));
nAttributes = list_length(lAttributeNames);
foreach_with_count(le, lAttributeNames, i)
appendStringInfo(&str, "Ta.%s", quote_identifier((const char *) lfirst(le)));
if (i < nAttributes - 1)
appendStringInfo(&str, ", ");
appendStringInfo(&str, " ");
/* if table is partitioned, we create a sample over all parts */
appendStringInfo(&str, "from %s.%s as Ta where random() < %.38f limit %lu) distributed randomly",
quote_identifier(tableName), randomThreshold, (unsigned long) requestedSampleSize);
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
spiCallback_getProcessedAsFloat4, sampleTableRelTuples);
elog(elevel, "Created sample table %s.%s with nrows=%.0f",
rangeVar = makeRangeVar(NULL /*catalogname*/, sampleSchemaName, sampleTableName, -1);
sampleTableOid = RangeVarGetRelid(rangeVar, true, false /*allowHcatalog*/);
Assert(sampleTableOid != InvalidOid);
* MPP-10723: Very rarely, we may be unlucky and generate an empty sample table. We error out in this case rather than
* generate bad statistics.
if (*sampleTableRelTuples < 1.0)
elog(ERROR, "ANALYZE unable to generate accurate statistics on table %s.%s. Try lowering gp_analyze_relative_error",
pfree((void *) rangeVar);
pfree((void *) tableName);
pfree((void *) schemaName);
pfree((void *) sampleSchemaName);
return sampleTableOid;
* Drops the sample table created during ANALYZE.
void dropSampleTable(Oid sampleTableOid, bool isExternal)
StringInfoData str;
const char *sampleSchemaName = NULL;
const char *sampleTableName = NULL;
sampleSchemaName = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(sampleTableOid)); /* must be pfreed */
sampleTableName = get_rel_name(sampleTableOid); /* must be pfreed */
appendStringInfo(&str, "drop %stable %s.%s",
isExternal ? "external " : "",
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
pfree((void *)sampleSchemaName);
pfree((void *)sampleTableName);
* This method determines the number of pages corresponding to an index.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation being analyzed
* indexOid - index whose size is to be determined
* Output:
* indexPages - number of pages in the index
static void analyzeEstimateIndexpages(Oid relationOid, Oid indexOid, float4 *indexPages)
*indexPages = 0;
Relation rel = try_relation_open(indexOid, AccessShareLock, false);
if (rel != NULL)
Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX);
*indexPages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(rel);
relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
* This method estimates reltuples/relpages for a relation. To do this, it employs
* the built-in function 'gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages'. If the table to be
* analyzed is a system table, then it calculates statistics only using the master.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's Oid
* Output:
* relTuples - estimated number of tuples
* relPages - estimated number of pages
static void analyzeEstimateReltuplesRelpages(Oid relationOid, float4 *relTuples, float4 *relPages, bool rootonly)
*relPages = 0.0;
*relTuples = 0.0;
List *allRelOids = NIL;
/* if GUC optimizer_analyze_root_partition is off, we do not analyze root partitions, unless
* using the 'ANALYZE ROOTPARITION tablename' command.
* This is done by estimating the reltuples to be 0 and thus bypass the actual analyze.
* See MPP-21427.
* For mid-level parititions, we aggregate the reltuples and relpages from all leaf children beneath.
if (rel_part_status(relationOid) == PART_STATUS_INTERIOR ||
(rel_is_partitioned(relationOid) && (optimizer_analyze_root_partition || rootonly)))
allRelOids = rel_get_leaf_children_relids(relationOid);
allRelOids = list_make1_oid(relationOid);
/* iterate over all parts and add up estimates */
ListCell *lc = NULL;
float4 partRelPages = 0.0;
float4 partRelTuples = 0.0;
foreach (lc, allRelOids)
Oid singleOid = lfirst_oid(lc);
Relation rel = try_relation_open(singleOid, AccessShareLock, false);
if (rel != NULL ) {
Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);
if (RelationIsHeap(rel))
* in gpsql, all heap table should not be distributed.
gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_heap(rel, &partRelTuples,
else if (RelationIsAoRows(rel))
gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_ao_rows(rel, &partRelTuples,
else if (RelationIsParquet(rel)){
gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_parquet(rel, &partRelTuples,
relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
*relPages += partRelPages;
*relTuples += partRelTuples;
* This method updates reltuples, relpages in the pg_class entry
* for the specified table.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation whose entry must be changed
* reltuples - number of tuples as estimated during ANALYZE
* relpages - number of pages as estimated during ANALYZE
static void updateReltuplesRelpagesInCatalog(Oid relationOid, float4 relTuples, float4 relPages)
Relation pgclass = NULL;
HeapTuple tuple = NULL;
Form_pg_class pgcform = NULL;
bool dirty = false;
cqContext cqc;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
Assert(relationOid != InvalidOid);
Assert(relTuples > -1.0);
Assert(relPages > -1.0);
* We need a way to distinguish these 2 cases:
* a) ANALYZEd table is empty
* b) Table has never been ANALYZEd
* To do this, in case (a), we set relPages = 1. For case (b), relPages = 0.
if (relPages < 1.0)
Assert(relTuples < 1.0);
relPages = 1.0;
* update number of tuples and number of pages in pg_class
pgclass = heap_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
pcqCtx = caql_addrel(cqclr(&cqc), pgclass);
/* Fetch a copy of the tuple to scribble on */
tuple = caql_getfirst(
cql("SELECT * FROM pg_class "
" WHERE oid = :1 "
/* We have locked the relation. We should not have trouble finding pg_class tuple */
pgcform = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
/* Apply required updates, if any, to copied tuple */
if (pgcform->relpages != (int32) relPages)
pgcform->relpages = (int32) relPages;
dirty = true;
if (pgcform->reltuples != (float4) relTuples)
pgcform->reltuples = (float4) relTuples;
dirty = true;
elog(DEBUG3, "ANALYZE oid=%u pages=%d tuples=%f",
relationOid, pgcform->relpages, pgcform->reltuples);
* If anything changed, write out the tuple.
if (dirty)
heap_inplace_update(pgclass, tuple);
/* the above sends a cache inval message */
heap_close(pgclass, RowExclusiveLock);
* Does this attribute have a total ordering defined i.e. does it have "<", "="
* and is the attribute hashable?
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's Oid
* attributeName - attribute in question
* Output:
* true if operators are defined and the attribute type is hashable, false otherwise.
static bool isOrderedAndHashable(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName)
HeapTuple attributeTuple = NULL;
Form_pg_attribute attribute = NULL;
Operator equalityOperator = NULL;
Operator ltOperator = NULL;
bool result = true;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_getattname_scan(NULL, relationOid, attributeName);
attributeTuple = caql_get_current(pcqCtx);
attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
/* Does type have "=" operator */
equalityOperator = equality_oper(attribute->atttypid, true);
if (!equalityOperator)
result = false;
/* Does type have "<" operator */
ltOperator = ordering_oper(attribute->atttypid, true);
if (!ltOperator)
result = false;
/* Is the attribute hashable?*/
if (!isGreenplumDbHashable(attribute->atttypid))
result = false;
return result;
* Does attribute have "max" aggregate function defined? We can compute histogram
* only if this function is defined.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's Oid
* attributeName - attribute in question
* Output:
* true if "max" function is defined, false otherwise.
static bool hasMaxDefined(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName)
HeapTuple attributeTuple = NULL;
Form_pg_attribute attribute = NULL;
Oid maxAggregateFunction = InvalidOid;
bool result = true;
List *funcNames = NIL;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_getattname_scan(NULL, relationOid, attributeName);
attributeTuple = caql_get_current(pcqCtx);
attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
/* Does type have "max" operator */
funcNames = list_make1(makeString("max"));
maxAggregateFunction = LookupFuncName(funcNames, 1 /* nargs to function */,
&attribute->atttypid, true);
if (!OidIsValid(maxAggregateFunction))
result = false;
return result;
* Is the attribute of type boolean?
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's Oid
* attributeName - attribute in question
* Output:
* true or false
static bool isBoolType(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName)
HeapTuple attributeTuple = NULL;
Form_pg_attribute attribute = NULL;
bool isBool = false;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_getattname_scan(NULL, relationOid, attributeName);
attributeTuple = caql_get_current(pcqCtx);
attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
isBool = (attribute->atttypid == BOOLOID);
return isBool;
* Compute absolute number of distinct values in the sample table. This method constructs
* a SQL string using the sampleTableOid and issues an SPI query.
* Input:
* sampleTableOid - sample table's oid
* sampleTableRelTuples - number of tuples in the sample table (this may be estimated or actual)
* attributeName - attribute in question
* Output:
* number of distinct values of attribute
static float4 analyzeComputeNDistinctAbsolute(Oid sampleTableOid,
float4 sampleTableRelTuples,
const char *attributeName)
StringInfoData str;
float4 ndistinct = -1.0;
const char *sampleSchemaName = NULL;
const char *sampleTableName = NULL;
sampleSchemaName = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(sampleTableOid)); /* must be pfreed */
sampleTableName = get_rel_name(sampleTableOid); /* must be pfreed */
appendStringInfo(&str, "select count(*)::float4 from (select Ta.%s from %s.%s as Ta group by Ta.%s) as Tb",
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
spiCallback_getSingleResultRowColumnAsFloat4, &ndistinct);
pfree((void *) sampleTableName);
pfree((void *) sampleSchemaName);
elog(elevel, "count(ndistinct()) gives %f values.", ndistinct);
return ndistinct;
* Compute the number of repeating values in a relation.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's oid
* attributeName - attribute
* Output:
* number of values that repeat i.e. their frequency is greater than 1.
* TODO: this query is very similar to MCV query. Can we do some optimization here?
static float4 analyzeComputeNRepeating(Oid relationOid,
const char *attributeName)
StringInfoData str;
float4 nRepeating = -1.0;
const char *sampleSchemaName = NULL;
const char *sampleTableName = NULL;
sampleSchemaName = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(relationOid)); /* must be pfreed */
sampleTableName = get_rel_name(relationOid); /* must be pfreed */
appendStringInfo(&str, "select count(v)::float4 from (select Ta.%s as v, count(Ta.%s) as f from %s.%s as Ta group by Ta.%s) as foo where f > 1",
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
spiCallback_getSingleResultRowColumnAsFloat4, &nRepeating);
pfree((void *) sampleTableName);
pfree((void *) sampleSchemaName);
return nRepeating;
* This routine creates an array from one of the result attributes after an SPI call.
* It allocates this array in the specified context. Note that, in general, the allocation
* context must not the SPI context because that is likely to get cleaned out soon.
* Input:
* resultAttributeNumber - attribute to flatten into an array (1 based)
* Output:
* array of attribute type
ArrayType * SPIResultToArray(int resultAttributeNumber, MemoryContext allocationContext)
ArrayType *result = NULL;
int i = 0;
Oid typOutput = InvalidOid;
bool isVarLena = false;
MemoryContext callerContext;
Form_pg_attribute attribute = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->attrs[resultAttributeNumber - 1];
callerContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(allocationContext);
result = construct_empty_array(attribute->atttypid);
* We should not need to detoast the type.
getTypeOutputInfo(attribute->atttypid, &typOutput, &isVarLena);
for (i=0;i<SPI_processed;i++)
Datum dValue = 0;
bool isnull = false;
int index = 0;
Datum deToastedValue = 0;
dValue = heap_getattr(SPI_tuptable->vals[i], resultAttributeNumber, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &isnull);
if (!isnull)
if (isVarLena)
deToastedValue = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM(dValue));
deToastedValue = dValue;
* Add this value to the result array.
index = i+1; /* array indices are 1 based */
result = array_set(result, 1 /* nSubscripts */, &index, deToastedValue, isnull,
-1 /* arraytyplen */,
if (deToastedValue != dValue)
return result;
* This method determines if a particular attribute has the "not null" property.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's oid
* attributeName
* Output:
* true if attribute is not-null. false otherwise.
static bool isNotNull(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName)
HeapTuple attributeTuple = NULL;
Form_pg_attribute attribute = NULL;
bool nonNull = false;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_getattname_scan(NULL, relationOid, attributeName);
attributeTuple = caql_get_current(pcqCtx);
attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
nonNull = attribute->attnotnull;
return (nonNull);
* Computes the absolute number of NULLs in the sample table.
* Input:
* sampleTableOid - sample table to query on
* relationOid - original table
* attributeName - attribute in question
* mergeStats - for root or interior partition, whether to merge stats from leaf children partitions
* Output:
* Number of NULLs
static float4 analyzeNullCount(Oid sampleTableOid, Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName, bool mergeStats)
StringInfoData str;
float4 nullcount = 0.0;
if (mergeStats)
/* To merge stats, we compute the null fraction of this column
* by taking the average of null fractions of the leaf children partitions.
StringInfo str2 = getStringLeafPartitionOids(relationOid);
appendStringInfo(&str, "select sum(stanullfrac*reltuples)::float4 from pg_statistic, pg_class where "
"pg_class.oid = pg_statistic.starelid and starelid %s and staattnum = %d",
str2->data, get_attnum(relationOid, attributeName));
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
spiCallback_getSingleResultRowColumnAsFloat4, &nullcount);
const char *schemaName = NULL;
const char *tableName = NULL;
schemaName = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(sampleTableOid)); /* must be pfreed */
tableName = get_rel_name(sampleTableOid); /* must be pfreed */
appendStringInfo(&str, "select count(*)::float4 from %s.%s as Ta where Ta.%s is null",
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
spiCallback_getSingleResultRowColumnAsFloat4, &nullcount);
pfree((void *) tableName);
pfree((void *) schemaName);
return nullcount;
* Is the attribute fixed-width? If so, this method extracts the width of the attribute.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's oid
* attributeName - name of attribute
* Output:
* returns true if fixed width
* width - must be non-null. sets width if it returns true.
static bool isFixedWidth(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName, float4 *width)
HeapTuple attributeTuple = NULL;
Form_pg_attribute attribute = NULL;
float4 avgwidth = 0.0;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_getattname_scan(NULL, relationOid, attributeName);
attributeTuple = caql_get_current(pcqCtx);
attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
avgwidth = get_typlen(attribute->atttypid);
if (avgwidth > 0)
*width = avgwidth;
return true;
return false;
* Computes average width of an attribute. This uses the built-in pg_column_size.
* Input:
* sampleTableOid - relation on which to compute average width.
* relationOid - original table
* attributeName - name of attribute
* sampleTableRelTuples - size of relation
* mergeStats - for root or interior partition, whether to merge stats from leaf children partitions
* Output:
* Average width of attribute.
static float4 analyzeComputeAverageWidth(Oid sampleTableOid,
Oid relationOid,
const char *attributeName,
float4 relTuples,
bool mergeStats)
StringInfoData str;
float4 avgwidth = 0.0;
if (mergeStats)
/* To merge stats, we compute the average width of this column
* by taking the average of average width of the leaf children partitions.
Assert(0.0 < relTuples);
StringInfo str2 = getStringLeafPartitionOids(relationOid);
appendStringInfo(&str, "select (sum(stawidth*reltuples)/%f)::float4 from pg_statistic, pg_class where "
"pg_class.oid = pg_statistic.starelid and starelid %s and staattnum = %d",
relTuples, str2->data, get_attnum(relationOid, attributeName));
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount*/,
spiCallback_getSingleResultRowColumnAsFloat4, &avgwidth);
const char *sampleSchemaName = NULL;
const char *sampleTableName = NULL;
sampleSchemaName = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(sampleTableOid)); /* must be pfreed */
sampleTableName = get_rel_name(sampleTableOid); /* must be pfreed */
appendStringInfo(&str, "select avg(pg_column_size(Ta.%s))::float4 from %s.%s as Ta where Ta.%s is not null",
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
spiCallback_getSingleResultRowColumnAsFloat4, &avgwidth);
pfree((void *) sampleTableName);
pfree((void *) sampleSchemaName);
return avgwidth;
* Computes the most common values and their frequencies for relation.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation's oid
* sampleTableOid - oid of sample table
* attributeName - attribute in question
* relTuples - number of rows in relation
* nEntries - number of MCV entries
* mergeStats - for root or interior partition, whether to merge stats from leaf children partitions
* Output:
* mcv - array of most common values (type is the same as attribute type)
* freq - array of float4's
static void analyzeComputeMCV(Oid relationOid,
Oid sampleTableOid,
const char *attributeName,
float4 relTuples,
unsigned int nEntries,
bool mergeStats,
ArrayType **mcv,
ArrayType **freq)
if (mergeStats)
/* for partitioned table, we aggregate the MCVs/Freqs of the leaf partitions
to compute MCVs/Freqs of the interior or root partition */
ArrayType *result[2];
AttrNumber attnum = get_attnum(relationOid, attributeName);
aggregate_leaf_partition_MCVs(relationOid, attnum, nEntries, result);
*mcv = result[0];
*freq = result[1];
StringInfoData str;
const char *sampleSchemaName = NULL;
const char *sampleTableName = NULL;
ArrayType *spiResult[2];
EachResultColumnAsArraySpec spec;
Assert(relTuples > 0.0);
Assert(nEntries > 0);
sampleSchemaName = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(sampleTableOid)); /* must be pfreed */
sampleTableName = get_rel_name(sampleTableOid); /* must be pfreed */
appendStringInfo(&str, "select Ta.%s as v, count(Ta.%s)::float4/%f::float4 as f from %s.%s as Ta "
"where Ta.%s is not null group by (Ta.%s) order by f desc limit %u",
spec.numColumns = 2;
spec.output = spiResult;
spec.memoryContext = CurrentMemoryContext;
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
spiCallback_getEachResultColumnAsArray, &spec);
*mcv = spiResult[0]; /* first attribute of result are mcvs */
*freq = spiResult[1]; /* second attribute of result are freqs */
pfree((void *) sampleTableName);
pfree((void *) sampleSchemaName);
* Compute histogram entries for relation.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation
* sampleTableOid - oid of sample table
* attributeName - attribute
* relTuples - estimated number of tuples in relation
* nEntries - number of histogram entries requested
* mergeStats - for root or interior partition, whether to merge stats from leaf children partitions
* mcv - most common values calculated. these must be excluded before calculating
* histogram. this may be null.
* Output:
* hist - array of values representing a histogram. This histogram contains no repeating values.
static void analyzeComputeHistogram(Oid relationOid,
Oid sampleTableOid,
const char *attributeName,
float4 relTuples,
unsigned int nEntries,
bool mergeStats,
ArrayType *mcv,
ArrayType **hist)
if (mergeStats)
/* for partitioned table, we aggregate the histogram of the leaf partitions
to compute histogram of the interior or root partition */
ArrayType *result = NULL;
AttrNumber attnum = get_attnum(relationOid, attributeName);
aggregate_leaf_partition_histograms(relationOid, attnum, nEntries, &result);
*hist = result;
StringInfoData str;
unsigned int bucketSize = 0;
EachResultColumnAsArraySpec spec;
StringInfoData whereClause;
Assert(relTuples > 0.0);
Assert(nEntries > 0);
bucketSize = relTuples / nEntries;
if (bucketSize <= 1) /* histogram will be empty if bucketSize <= 1 */
*hist = NULL;
const char *sampleSchemaName = NULL;
const char *sampleTableName = NULL;
sampleSchemaName = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(sampleTableOid)); /* must be pfreed */
sampleTableName = get_rel_name(sampleTableOid); /* must be pfreed */
appendStringInfo(&whereClause, "%s is not null", quote_identifier(attributeName));
* This query orders the table by rank on the value and chooses values that occur every
* 'bucketSize' interval. It also chooses the maximum value from the relation. It then
* removes duplicate values and orders the values in ascending order. This corresponds to
* the histogram.
appendStringInfo(&str, "select v from ("
"select Ta.%s as v, row_number() over (order by Ta.%s) as r from %s.%s as Ta where %s "
"union select max(Tb.%s) as v, 1 as r from %s.%s as Tb where %s) as foo "
"where r %% %u = 1 group by v order by v",
spec.numColumns = 1;
spec.output = hist;
spec.memoryContext = CurrentMemoryContext;
spiExecuteWithCallback(, false /*readonly*/, 0 /*tcount */,
spiCallback_getEachResultColumnAsArray, &spec);
pfree((void *) sampleTableName);
pfree((void *) sampleSchemaName);
* Compute NDistinct of a column using sample table.
static void analyzeComputeNDistinctBySample
Oid relationOid,
float4 relTuples,
Oid sampleTableOid,
float4 sampleTableRelTuples,
const char *attributeName,
bool *computeMCV,
bool *computeHist,
AttributeStatistics *stats
float4 nDistinctAbsolute = analyzeComputeNDistinctAbsolute(sampleTableOid, sampleTableRelTuples, attributeName);
if (nDistinctAbsolute < 1.0)
* This can happen if no sample table was employed and all values happen
* to be null and we did not estimate relTuples accurately.
Assert(sampleTableOid == relationOid);
stats->ndistinct = 0.0;
*computeMCV = false;
*computeHist = false;
else if (ceil(sampleTableRelTuples) == ceil(nDistinctAbsolute))
* Since all values are distinct, we assume that all values in the original
* relation are distinct.
stats->ndistinct = -1.0;
* If there are many more distinct values than mcv buckets,
* we can ignore computing mcv values.
if (nDistinctAbsolute > numberOfMCVEntries(relationOid, attributeName))
*computeMCV = false;
* Some values repeated - the number of repeating values is used
* to determine the total number of distinct values in the original relation.
float4 nRepeatingAbsolute = analyzeComputeNRepeating(sampleTableOid, attributeName);
* MPP-10301. Note that some time has passed since nDistinct was computed. If the table being analyzed
* is a catalog table, it could have changed in this period.
if (nRepeatingAbsolute > nDistinctAbsolute)
nRepeatingAbsolute = nDistinctAbsolute;
* It is possible that all values are distinct but it reaches here due to
* inaccurate sampleTableRelTuples (without sampling).
if (0 == nRepeatingAbsolute)
stats->ndistinct = -1.0;
if (nDistinctAbsolute > numberOfMCVEntries(relationOid, attributeName))
*computeMCV = false;
if (ceil(nRepeatingAbsolute) == ceil(nDistinctAbsolute))
/* All distinct values are in the sample. Assumption is that there exist no distinct values outside this world. */
stats->ndistinct = nDistinctAbsolute;
* Estimate the number of distinct values using the estimator
* proposed by Haas and Stokes in IBM Research Report RJ 10025:
* n*d / (n - f1 + f1*n/N)
* where f1 is the number of distinct values that occurred
* exactly once in our sample of n rows (from a total of N),
* and d is the total number of distinct values in the sample.
* This is their Duj1 estimator; the other estimators they
* recommend are considerably more complex, and are numerically
* very unstable when n is much smaller than N.
double onceInSample = nDistinctAbsolute - nRepeatingAbsolute;
double numer = sampleTableRelTuples * nDistinctAbsolute;
double denom = sampleTableRelTuples - onceInSample + onceInSample * (sampleTableRelTuples / relTuples);
stats->ndistinct = (float4) numer / denom;
/* lower bound */
if (stats->ndistinct < nDistinctAbsolute)
stats->ndistinct = nDistinctAbsolute;
/* Aggregating ndistinct of leaf partitions to figure out the root or interior
* partition table ndistinct without actual data access.
* We assume that the leaf stats are already in the catalog.
* This approach has its limitation - we are trying to infer parent table ndistinct
* by observing the ndistinct of the largest leaf partition.
static float4
Oid relationOid,
float4 relTuples,
const char *attributeName
float4 result = 0;
AttrNumber attnum = get_attnum(relationOid, attributeName);
/* For partition key in single-level single-partition key hierarchy,
* the values for each partition must be disjoint. Therefore we sum
* up the ndistinct from every partition. This is also true for the
* mid-level partitions that are one level above the leaf level.
PartStatus ps = rel_part_status(relationOid);
bool oneLevelAboveLeaf = true;
List *lpart_keys = NIL;
lpart_keys = rel_partition_key_attrs(relationOid);
else /* PART_STATUS_INTERIOR == ps */
List *lpart_keys_all_level = rel_partition_keys_ordered(rel_partition_get_master(relationOid));
int nlevels = list_length(lpart_keys_all_level); /* total number of partitioning levels, each level has one or more partition keys */
List *lpath_relids = rel_get_part_path1(relationOid); /* list of Oids starting from this node (including) and up to the root (excluding) */
int nlevels_up = list_length(lpath_relids); /* number of levels above this node */
lpart_keys = (List*) list_nth(lpart_keys_all_level, nlevels_up); /* partition key(s) of this level */
if (nlevels != nlevels_up + 1)
oneLevelAboveLeaf = false;
if (oneLevelAboveLeaf && 1 == list_length(lpart_keys) && attnum == linitial_int(lpart_keys))
List *lRelOids = rel_get_leaf_children_relids(relationOid);
ListCell *lc = NULL;
foreach(lc, lRelOids)
Oid partOid = lfirst_oid(lc);
float4 partNDV = get_attdistinct(partOid, attnum);
if (partNDV < 0.0)
float4 partReltuples = get_rel_reltuples(partOid);
result += (-1.0) * partNDV * partReltuples;
result += partNDV;
return result;
/* For non-partition key column or composition partition keys, we try to reason with the
* ndistinct of the largest leaf partition.
* 1. if ndistinct<=-1.0 in the child partition, the column is a unique column in the child partition. We
* expect the column to remain distinct in the root as well.
* 2. if -1.0 < ndistinct < 0.0, the absolute number of ndistinct values in the child partition is a fraction
* of the number of rows in the partition. We expect that the absolute number of ndistinct in the root
* to stay the same. Therefore, we convert this to a positive number.
* 3. if ndistinct is positive, it indicates a small absolute number of distinct values. We expect these
* values to be repeated in all partitions. Therefore, we expect no change in the ndistinct in the root.
Oid largestLeafOid = get_largest_leaf_partition(relationOid);
float4 largestLeafNDV = get_attdistinct(largestLeafOid, attnum);
if (largestLeafNDV <= -1.0)
result = largestLeafNDV;
else if (largestLeafNDV < 0.0)
result = (-1.0) * largestLeafNDV * get_rel_reltuples(largestLeafOid);
result = largestLeafNDV;
return result;
/* Get the oid of the largest leaf partition of a partition table (root or interior).
* Assuming the reltuples for leaf-level partitions have already been populated.
* Cannot be called on a leaf-level partition.
static Oid
get_largest_leaf_partition(Oid relid)
float4 largestReltuples = 0;
List *lChildrenOid = rel_get_leaf_children_relids(relid);
ListCell *lc = NULL;
Oid oidLargestPart = linitial_oid(lChildrenOid);
foreach(lc, lChildrenOid)
Oid currOid = lfirst_oid(lc);
float4 currReltuples = get_rel_reltuples(currOid);
if (currReltuples > largestReltuples)
oidLargestPart = currOid;
largestReltuples = currReltuples;
return oidLargestPart;
* Helper function to create the IN clause used for calculating merged stats.
* StringInfo is allocated in the current memory context,
* so the caller should free it.
* Input: relationOid - oid of a root or interior partition
* Output: string "in (oid_1, oid_2, ..., oid_n)" where oid_i's are the oid of leaf children partitions
* of relationOid
static StringInfo
getStringLeafPartitionOids(Oid relationOid)
StringInfo str = makeStringInfo();
ListCell *le = NULL;
List *lRelOids = rel_get_leaf_children_relids(relationOid);
appendStringInfo(str, "in (");
for (le = list_head(lRelOids); le != list_tail(lRelOids); le = lnext(le))
appendStringInfo(str, "%u, ", lfirst_oid(le));
appendStringInfo(str, "%u)", lfirst_oid(le));
return str;
* Responsible for computing statistics on relationOid.
* Input:
* relationOid - original relation on which statistics must be computed.
* attributeName - name of attribute
* relTuples - expected number of tuples in relation
* sampleTableOid - Oid of the sampled version of the table. It is possible that sampleTableOid == relationOid.
* sampleTableRelTuples - number of tuples in sampled version
* mergeStats - for root or interior partition, whether to merge stats of leaf children partitions
* Output:
* stats - structure containing nullfrac, avgwidth, ndistinct, mcv, hist
static void analyzeComputeAttributeStatistics(Oid relationOid,
const char *attributeName,
float4 relTuples,
Oid sampleTableOid,
float4 sampleTableRelTuples,
bool mergeStats,
AttributeStatistics *stats)
bool computeWidth = true;
bool computeDistinct = true;
bool computeMCV = true;
bool computeHist = true;
Assert(stats != NULL);
Assert(sampleTableRelTuples > 0.0);
/* Default values */
stats->ndistinct = -1.0;
stats->nullFraction = 0.0;
stats->avgWidth = 0.0;
stats->mcv = NULL;
stats->freq = NULL;
stats->hist = NULL;
if (isNotNull(relationOid, attributeName))
stats->nullFraction = 0.0;
float4 nullCount = analyzeNullCount(sampleTableOid, relationOid, attributeName, mergeStats);
if (ceil(nullCount) >= ceil(sampleTableRelTuples))
* All values are null. no point computing other statistics.
computeWidth = false;
computeDistinct = false;
computeMCV = false;
computeHist = false;
stats->nullFraction = Min(nullCount / sampleTableRelTuples, 1.0);
elog(elevel, "nullfrac = %.6f", stats->nullFraction);
if (computeWidth && !isFixedWidth(relationOid, attributeName, &stats->avgWidth))
stats->avgWidth = analyzeComputeAverageWidth(sampleTableOid, relationOid, attributeName, relTuples, mergeStats);
elog(elevel, "avgwidth = %f", stats->avgWidth);
if (!isOrderedAndHashable(relationOid, attributeName))
computeDistinct = false;
computeMCV = false;
computeHist = false;
if (!hasMaxDefined(relationOid, attributeName))
computeHist = false;
if (isBoolType(relationOid, attributeName))
stats->ndistinct = 2;
computeDistinct = false;
computeHist = false;
if (stats->avgWidth > COLUMN_WIDTH_THRESHOLD)
/* Extremely wide columns are considered to be fully distinct. See comments
computeDistinct = false;
computeMCV = false;
computeHist = false;
if (computeDistinct)
if (mergeStats)
stats->ndistinct = analyzeComputeNDistinctByLargestPartition(relationOid, relTuples, attributeName);
analyzeComputeNDistinctBySample(relationOid, relTuples, sampleTableOid, sampleTableRelTuples,
attributeName, &computeMCV, &computeHist, stats);
/* upper bound */
if (stats->ndistinct > relTuples)
stats->ndistinct = relTuples;
* Does ndistinct scale with reltuples?
if (stats->ndistinct > relTuples * gp_statistics_ndistinct_scaling_ratio_threshold)
stats->ndistinct = -1.0 * stats->ndistinct / relTuples;
elog(elevel, "ndistinct = %.6f", stats->ndistinct);
if (computeMCV)
unsigned int nMCVEntries = numberOfMCVEntries(relationOid, attributeName);
analyzeComputeMCV(relationOid, sampleTableOid, attributeName, sampleTableRelTuples,
nMCVEntries, mergeStats, &stats->mcv, &stats->freq);
if (stats->mcv)
elog(elevel, "mcv=%s", OidOutputFunctionCall(751,PointerGetDatum(stats->mcv)));
if (stats->freq)
elog(elevel, "freq=%s", OidOutputFunctionCall(751,PointerGetDatum(stats->freq)));
if (computeHist)
unsigned int nHistEntries = numberOfHistogramEntries(relationOid, attributeName);
analyzeComputeHistogram(relationOid, sampleTableOid, attributeName, sampleTableRelTuples,
nHistEntries, mergeStats, stats->mcv, &stats->hist);
if (stats->hist)
elog(elevel, "hist=%s", OidOutputFunctionCall(751,PointerGetDatum(stats->hist)));
* This method updates the pg_statistic tuple for the specific attribute. It populates
* it with the statistics computed by ANALYZE.
* Input:
* relationOid - relation
* attributeName - name of the attribute
* stats - struct containing all the computed statistics
static void updateAttributeStatisticsInCatalog(Oid relationOid, const char *attributeName, AttributeStatistics *stats)
Datum values[Natts_pg_statistic];
bool nulls[Natts_pg_statistic];
bool replaces[Natts_pg_statistic];
int2 attNum = -1;
int i = 0;
Oid equalityOid = InvalidOid;
Oid ltOid = InvalidOid;
* For some reason, pg_statistic stores the "<" and "=" operator associated
* with the attribute.
HeapTuple attributeTuple;
Form_pg_attribute attribute;
Operator equalityOperator;
Operator ltOperator;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_getattname_scan(NULL, relationOid, attributeName);
attributeTuple = caql_get_current(pcqCtx);
attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
attNum = attribute->attnum;
equalityOperator = equality_oper(attribute->atttypid, true);
if (equalityOperator)
equalityOid = oprid(equalityOperator);
ltOperator = ordering_oper(attribute->atttypid, true);
if (ltOperator)
ltOid = oprid(ltOperator);
for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_statistic; ++i)
nulls[i] = false;
replaces[i] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_starelid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(relationOid); /* starelid */
values[Anum_pg_statistic_staattnum - 1] = Int16GetDatum(attNum); /* staattnum */
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stanullfrac - 1] = Float4GetDatum(stats->nullFraction); /* stanullfrac */
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stawidth - 1] = Int32GetDatum((int32) stats->avgWidth); /* stawidth */
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stadistinct - 1] = Float4GetDatum(stats->ndistinct); /* stadistinct */
/* We will always put MCV in slot 1 and histogram in slot 2 */
if (stats->mcv)
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stakind1 - 1] = Int16GetDatum(STATISTIC_KIND_MCV);
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stakind1 - 1] = Int16GetDatum((int2) 0); /* no mcv */
if (stats->hist)
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stakind2 - 1] = Int16GetDatum(STATISTIC_KIND_HISTOGRAM);
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stakind2 - 1] = Int16GetDatum((int2) 0);
/* correlation */
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stakind3 - 1] = Int16GetDatum((int2) 0); /* we do not compute correlation anymore */
/* an extra slot */
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stakind4 - 1] = Int16GetDatum((int2) 0);
/* staops .. which correspond to operators. Sigh.. */
if (stats->mcv)
values[Anum_pg_statistic_staop1 - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(equalityOid);
values[Anum_pg_statistic_staop1 - 1] = 0;
if (stats->hist)
values[Anum_pg_statistic_staop2 - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(ltOid);
values[Anum_pg_statistic_staop2 - 1] = 0;
/* dummy fields */
values[Anum_pg_statistic_staop3 - 1] = 0;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_staop4 - 1] = 0;
/* Now working on stanumbers */
if (stats->freq)
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers1 - 1] = PointerGetDatum(stats->freq);
nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers1 - 1] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers1 - 1] = 0;
/* dummy fields */
nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers2 - 1] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers2 - 1] = 0;
nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers3 - 1] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers3 - 1] = 0;
nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers4 - 1] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers4 - 1] = 0;
/* Now working on stavalues */
if (stats->mcv)
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues1 - 1] = PointerGetDatum(stats->mcv);
nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues1 - 1] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues1 - 1] = 0;
if (stats->hist)
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues2 - 1] = PointerGetDatum(stats->hist);
nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues2 - 1] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues2 - 1] = 0;
/* dummy values */
nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues3 - 1] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues3 - 1] = 0;
nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues4 - 1] = true;
values[Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues4 - 1] = 0;
/* Now work on pg_statistic */
HeapTuple oldStatisticsTuple;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_beginscan(
cql("SELECT * FROM pg_statistic "
" WHERE starelid = :1 "
" AND staattnum = :2 "
oldStatisticsTuple = caql_getnext(pcqCtx);
if (HeapTupleIsValid(oldStatisticsTuple))
/* pg_statistic tuple exists. */
HeapTuple stup = caql_modify_current(pcqCtx,
caql_update_current(pcqCtx, stup);
/* and Update indexes (implicit) */
/* insert new tuple into pg_statistic. we are guaranteed
* no-one else will overwrite this row because of
* ShareUpdateExclusiveLock on the relation.
HeapTuple stup = caql_form_tuple(pcqCtx, values, nulls);
caql_insert(pcqCtx, stup);
/* and Update indexes (implicit) */
* This method estimates the number of tuples and pages in a heaptable relation. Getting the number of blocks is straightforward.
* Estimating the number of tuples is a little trickier. There are two factors that complicate this:
* 1. Tuples may be of variable length.
* 2. There may be dead tuples lying around.
* To do this, it chooses a certain number of blocks (as determined by a guc) randomly. The process of choosing is not strictly
* uniformly random since we have a target number of blocks in mind. We start processing blocks in order and choose an block
* with a probability p determined by the ratio of target to total blocks. It is possible that we get really unlucky and reject
* a large number of blocks up front. We compensate for this by increasing p dynamically. Thus, we are guaranteed to choose the target number
* of blocks. We read all heaptuples from these blocks and keep count of number of live tuples. We scale up this count to
* estimate reltuples. Relpages is an exact value.
* Input:
* rel - Relation. Must be a heaptable.
* Output:
* reltuples - estimated number of tuples in relation.
* relpages - exact number of pages.
static void gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_heap(Relation rel, float4 *reltuples, float4 *relpages)
float4 nrowsseen = 0; /* # rows seen */
float4 nrowsdead = 0; /* # rows seen */
BlockNumber nblockstotal = 0; /* nblocks in relation */
BlockNumber nblockstarget = (BlockNumber) gp_statistics_blocks_target;
BlockNumber nblocksseen = 0;
int j = 0; /* counter */
* Ensure that the right kind of relation with the right kind of storage is passed to us.
Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);
nblockstotal = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(rel);
if (nblockstotal == 0 || nblockstarget == 0)
* If there are no blocks, there cannot be tuples.
*reltuples = 0.0;
*relpages = 0.0;
for (j=0 ; j<nblockstotal; j++)
* Threshold is dynamically adjusted based on how many blocks we need to examine and how many blocks
* are left.
double threshold = ((double) nblockstarget - nblocksseen)/((double) nblockstotal - j);
* Random dice thrown to determine if current block is chosen.
double diceValue = ((double) random()) / ((double) MAX_RANDOM_VALUE);
if (threshold >= 1.0 || diceValue <= threshold)
* Block j shall be examined!
BlockNumber targblock = j;
Buffer targbuffer;
Page targpage;
OffsetNumber targoffset,
* Check for cancellations.
* We must maintain a pin on the target page's buffer to ensure that
* the maxoffset value stays good (else concurrent VACUUM might delete
* tuples out from under us). Hence, pin the page until we are done
* looking at it. We don't maintain a lock on the page, so tuples
* could get added to it, but we ignore such tuples.
/* -------- MirroredLock ---------- */
targbuffer = ReadBuffer(rel, targblock);
LockBuffer(targbuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
targpage = BufferGetPage(targbuffer);
maxoffset = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(targpage);
/* Inner loop over all tuples on the selected block. */
for (targoffset = FirstOffsetNumber; targoffset <= maxoffset; targoffset++)
ItemId itemid;
itemid = PageGetItemId(targpage, targoffset);
nrowsdead += 1;
HeapTupleData targtuple;
ItemPointerSet(&targtuple.t_self, targblock, targoffset);
targtuple.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(targpage, itemid);
targtuple.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(itemid);
if(!HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(rel, &targtuple, SnapshotNow, targbuffer))
nrowsdead += 1;
/* Now release the pin on the page */
/* -------- MirroredLock ---------- */
Assert(nblocksseen > 0);
* To calculate reltuples, scale up the number of live rows per block seen to the total number
* of blocks.
*reltuples = ceil((nrowsseen - nrowsdead) * nblockstotal / nblocksseen);
*relpages = nblockstotal;
* This method estimates the number of tuples and pages in an append-only relation. AO tables maintain accurate
* tuple counts in the catalog. Therefore, we will only require access to segment catalogs to determine reltuples.
* Relpages is obtained by fudging AO block sizes.
* Input:
* rel - Relation. Must be an AO table.
* Output:
* reltuples - estimated number of tuples in relation.
* relpages - exact number of pages.
static void gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_ao_rows(Relation rel, float4 *reltuples, float4 *relpages)
FileSegTotals *fstotal;
* Ensure that the right kind of relation with the right type of storage is passed to us.
Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);
Assert(Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH);
*relpages = 0.0;
*reltuples = 0.0;
fstotal = GetSegFilesTotals(rel, SnapshotNow);
* The planner doesn't understand AO's blocks, so need this method to try to fudge up a number for
* the planner.
*relpages += RelationGuessNumberOfBlocks((double) fstotal->totalbytes);
* The number of tuples in AO table is known accurately. Therefore, we just utilize this value.
*reltuples += (double) fstotal->totaltuples;
* This method estimates the number of tuples and pages in a parquet relation. Parquet tables maintain accurate
* tuple counts in the catalog. Therefore, we will only require access to segment catalogs to determine reltuples.
* Relpages is obtained by fudging AO block sizes.
* Input:
* rel - Relation. Must be a parquet table.
* Output:
* reltuples - estimated number of tuples in relation.
* relpages - exact number of pages.
static void gp_statistics_estimate_reltuples_relpages_parquet(Relation rel, float4 *reltuples, float4 *relpages)
ParquetFileSegTotals *fstotal;
* Ensure that the right kind of relation with the right type of storage is passed to us.
Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);
Assert(Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH);
*relpages = 0.0;
*reltuples = 0.0;
fstotal = GetParquetSegFilesTotals(rel, SnapshotNow);
* The planner doesn't understand AO's blocks, so need this method to try to fudge up a number for
* the planner.
*relpages += RelationGuessNumberOfBlocks((double) fstotal->totalbytes);
* The number of tuples in AO table is known accurately. Therefore, we just utilize this value.
*reltuples += (double) fstotal->totaltuples;