blob: f933c90cade7c7c34722f82d4658750f06af324d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
hawq checkperf -- Check the hardware for Greenplum Database
Usage: hawq checkperf <options>
--version : print version information
-d segdir : where segdir is a directory on which to test I/O performance.
Multiple -d flags may be specified for multiple directories
on each host. These will typically be your Greenplum primary
(and/or mirror) data directories.
e.g. -d /dbfast1 -d /dbfast2
-? : print this help text
-v : enable verbose
-V : enable very verbose
-D : print per host disk stats on disk read/write tests
-r flags : where flags specifies the tests to run [default=dsn].
Supported test flags are:
d: runs only disk tests
s: runs only stream benchmark
n: runs only netperf tests (serial)
N: runs only netperf tests (parallel)
M: runs only netperf tests (full matrix)
-B size : where size specifies the block size for disk performance tests
[default=32KB] e.g. 1KB, 4MB
-S size : where size specifies the file size for disk performance tests
[default=2X Memory] e.g. 500MB, 16GB
-h host : the host to connect to (multiple -h is okay)
-f file : a file listing all hosts to connect to
--duration : how long to run network test (default 5 seconds)
--netperf : use netperf instead of gpnetbenchServer/gpnetbenchClient
import os, sys
sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/lib')
import getopt, math, StringIO, stat, subprocess, signal
from gppylib.gpparseopts import OptParser
from gppylib.util import ssh_utils
from gppylib.gpcoverage import GpCoverage
except ImportError, e:
sys.exit('Error: unable to import module: ' + str(e))
if GPHOME is None:
sys.exit('Please set GPHOME environment variable')
if USER is None or USER is ' ':
sys.exit('Please set USER environment variable')
def usage(exitarg):
parser = OptParser()
print __doc__
class Global():
script_name = os.path.split(__file__)[-1]
opt = {}
opt['-d'] = []
opt['-D'] = False
opt['-v'] = False
opt['-V'] = False
opt['-r'] = ''
opt['-B'] = 1024 * 32
opt['-S'] = 0
opt['-h'] = []
opt['-f'] = None
opt['--duration'] = 15 # default to 15s
opt['--net'] = None
opt['--netserver'] = 'gpnetbenchServer'
opt['--netclient'] = 'gpnetbenchClient'
GV = Global()
def killall(procname):
return 'F=%s && (pkill $F || pkill -f $F || killall -9 $F) > /dev/null 2>&1 || true' % procname
def strcmd(cmd):
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + ' ' + y, map(lambda x: x.find(' ') > 0 and "'" + x + "'" or x, cmd))
def gpssh(cmd):
c = ['%s/bin/gpssh' % GPHOME]
if (GV.opt['-V']): c.append('-v')
if (GV.opt['-f']):
for h in GV.opt['-h']:
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Info]', strcmd(c)
p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out =
rc = p.wait()
return (not rc, out)
def gpscp(src, dst):
c = ['%s/bin/gpscp' % GPHOME]
if (GV.opt['-V']): c.append('-v')
if (GV.opt['-f']):
for h in GV.opt['-h']:
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Info]', strcmd(c)
p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out =
rc = p.wait()
return (not rc, out)
def getPlatform():
if sys.platform.find('linux') >= 0: return 'linux'
if sys.platform.find('darwin') >= 0: return 'darwin'
if sys.platform.find('sunos5') >= 0: return 'sunos5'
return '?'
def getMemory():
if getPlatform() == 'linux':
ok, out = run("sh -c 'cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal'")
if not ok: return 0
list = out.strip().split(' ')
val = int(list[len(list) - 2])
factor = list[len(list) - 1]
if factor == 'kB':
return val * 1024
return 0
if getPlatform() == 'darwin':
ok, out = run("/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.physmem")
if not ok: return 0
list = out.strip().split(' ')
val = int(list[1])
return val
if getPlatform() == 'sunos5':
ok, out = run("sh -c \"/usr/sbin/prtconf | awk '/^Memory/{print}'\"")
if not ok: return 0
list = out.strip().split(' ')
val = int(list[2])
factor = list[3]
if factor == 'Megabytes':
return val * 1024 * 1024
return 0
return 0
def parseMemorySize(line):
factor = 1
line = line.strip().upper()
if line.endswith('B'): line = line[:-1]
if line.endswith('G'): factor = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
elif line.endswith('M'): factor = 1024 * 1024
elif line.endswith('K'): factor = 1024
if factor > 1: line = line[:-1]
return int(line) * factor
except Exception, err:
print 'Error: ' + err
return 0
def parseDuration(val):
factor = 1
val = val.strip().upper()
if val.endswith('S'): val = val[:-1]
if val.endswith('M'): factor = 60
if val.endswith('H'): factor = 3600
if val.endswith('D'): factor = 86400
if factor > 1: val = val[:-1]
return int(val) * factor
except Exception, err:
print "exception: %s" % err
def print_version():
print '%s version $Revision$' % GV.script_name
def parseCommandLine():
global opt
(options, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '?vVDd:r:B:S:p:h:f:', ['duration=', 'version', 'netperf'])
except Exception, e:
usage('Error: ' + str(e))
for (switch, val) in options:
if (switch == '-?'): usage(0)
elif (switch[1] in 'vVD'): GV.opt[switch] = True
elif (switch[1] in 'dh'): GV.opt[switch].append(val)
elif (switch[1] in 'rf'): GV.opt[switch] = val
elif (switch[1] in 'BS'): GV.opt[switch] = parseMemorySize(val)
elif (switch == '--duration'): GV.opt[switch] = parseDuration(val)
elif (switch == '--version'): print_version()
elif (switch == '--netperf'):
GV.opt['--netserver'] = 'netserver'
GV.opt['--netclient'] = 'netperf'
# run default tests (if not specified)
if GV.opt['-r'] == '':
GV.opt['-r'] = 'dsN'
# parse netperf test type, error if more than one specified
netcount = 0
if GV.opt['-r'].find('n') >= 0:
GV.opt['--net'] = 'netperf'
netcount += 1
if GV.opt['-r'].find('N') >= 0:
GV.opt['--net'] = 'parallel'
netcount += 1
if GV.opt['-r'].find('M') >= 0:
GV.opt['--net'] = 'matrix'
netcount += 1
if netcount > 1:
usage('Error: please only specify one network test at a time (-r [n|M|N])')
if GV.opt['-V']: GV.opt['-v'] = True
if (len(GV.opt['-d']) == 0):
usage('Error: please specify at least one segdir (-d switch)')
if not (0 <= GV.opt['-B'] and 0 <= GV.opt['-S']):
usage('Error: please enter valid memory sizes for -B or -S switches')
hf = (len(GV.opt['-h']) and 1 or 0) + (GV.opt['-f'] and 1 or 0)
if hf != 1:
usage('Error: please specify at least one of -h or -f args, but not both')
if (GV.opt['-B']) > 1024*1024:
usage('Error: maximum size for -B parameter is 1MB')
if GV.opt['-S'] == 0:
GV.opt['-S'] = 2 * getMemory() / len(GV.opt['-d'])
GV.opt['-S'] /= len(GV.opt['-d'])
if GV.opt['--duration'] <= 0:
GV.opt['--duration'] = 15
print '[INFO] Invalid network duration specified. Using default (15 seconds)'
# strip the last '/' from the dir
dd = []
for d in GV.opt['-d']:
if d and d[-1] == '/': d = d[:-1]
GV.opt['-d'] = dd
def strcmd(cmd):
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + ' ' + y, map(lambda x: x.find(' ') > 0 and "'" + x + "'" or x, cmd))
print strcmd(sys.argv)
def run(cmd):
f = None
ok = False
out = ''
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Info]', cmd
f = os.popen(cmd)
out =
ok = not f.close()
f = None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if f: f.close()
if GV.opt['-v'] and out and out != '': print out
if out and out.find('Permission denied') >= 0 and out.find('publickey') >= 0 :
if not GV.opt['-v']: print out
print 'Please use gpssh-exkeys to exchange keys ...'
return (ok, out)
runTeardown_torndown = False
def runTeardown():
global runTeardown_torndown
if runTeardown_torndown: return
if GV.opt['-v']:
print '--------------------'
print ' TEARDOWN'
print '--------------------'
dirs = ''
for d in GV.opt['-d']: dirs = '%s %s/gpcheckperf_$USER' % (dirs, d)
(ok, out) = gpssh('rm -rf ' + dirs)
if GV.opt['--net']:
(ok, out) = gpssh(killall(GV.opt['--netserver']))
runTeardown_torndown = True
def runSetup():
if GV.opt['-v']:
print '--------------------'
print ' SETUP'
print '--------------------'
okCount = 0
#check python reachable
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Info] verify python interpreter exists'
(ok, out) = gpssh('python -c print')
if not ok:
if not GV.opt['-v']: print out
sys.exit("[Error] unable to find python interpreter on some hosts\n"
+" verify PATH variables on the hosts")
#mkdir cperf
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Info] making hawq checkperf directory on all hosts ... '
dirs = ''
for d in GV.opt['-d']: dirs = '%s %s/gpcheckperf_$USER' % (dirs, d)
cmd = 'rm -rf %s ; mkdir -p %s' % (dirs, dirs)
(ok, out) = gpssh(cmd)
if not ok:
sys.exit("[Error] unable to make hawq checkperf directory. \n"
+ " command failed: " + cmd)
def copyExecOver(fname):
#copy to this dir
d = GV.opt['-d'][0]
target = '%s/gpcheckperf_$USER/%s' % (d, fname)
path = '%s/lib/%s' % (sys.path[0], fname)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
print "binary file not found: %s" % path
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Info] copy local %s to remote %s' % (path, target)
try: pathStat = os.stat(path)
except: sys.exit('[Error] cannot stat file ' + path)
if not stat.S_ISREG(pathStat.st_mode): sys.exit('[Error] invalid file ' + path)
if not os.access(path, os.X_OK): sys.exit('[Exit] file not executable: ' + path)
(ok, out) = gpscp(path, '=:%s' % target)
if not ok: sys.exit('[Error] command failed: gpscp %s =:%s' % (path, target))
#chmod +x file
(ok, out) = gpssh('chmod a+rx %s' % target)
if not ok: sys.exit('[Error] command failed: chmod a+rx %s' % target)
return target
def parseMultiDDResult(out):
# parse output of "time -p"
out = StringIO.StringIO(out)
result = {}
bytes = 0
for line in out:
i = line.find(']')
if i == -1: continue
o = line[i+2:]
if o.startswith('multidd total bytes '):
h = line[1:i]
o = o.split()
bytes = int(o[-1])
if o.startswith('real'):
h = line[1:i]
o = o.split()
time = float(o[1])
if time < 0.1: time = 0.1 # avoid division by zero
mbps = bytes / time / 1024 / 1024
result[h] = (mbps, time, bytes)
return result
def runDiskWriteTest(multidd):
print '--------------------'
print '-- DISK WRITE TEST'
print '--------------------'
cmd = 'time -p ' + multidd
for d in GV.opt['-d']:
cmd = cmd + (' -i /dev/zero -o %s/gpcheckperf_$USER/ddfile' % d)
if GV.opt['-B']: cmd = cmd + (' -B %d' % GV.opt['-B'])
if GV.opt['-S']: cmd = cmd + (' -S %d' % GV.opt['-S'])
(ok, out) = gpssh(cmd)
if not ok:
sys.exit('[Error] command failed: ' + cmd)
return parseMultiDDResult(out)
def runDiskReadTest(multidd):
print '--------------------'
print '-- DISK READ TEST'
print '--------------------'
cmd = 'time -p ' + multidd
for d in GV.opt['-d']:
cmd = cmd + (' -o /dev/null -i %s/gpcheckperf_$USER/ddfile' % d)
if GV.opt['-B']: cmd = cmd + (' -B %d' % GV.opt['-B'])
if GV.opt['-S']: cmd = cmd + (' -S %d' % GV.opt['-S'])
(ok, out) = gpssh(cmd)
if not ok:
sys.exit('[Error] command failed: ' + cmd)
return parseMultiDDResult(out)
def runStreamTest():
print '--------------------'
print '-- STREAM TEST'
print '--------------------'
rmtPath = copyExecOver('stream')
(ok, out) = gpssh(rmtPath)
if not ok: sys.exit('[Error] command failed: ' + rmtPath)
out = StringIO.StringIO(out)
result = {}
for line in out:
i = line.find(']')
o = line[i+2:]
if o.startswith('Copy:'):
h = line[1:i]
o = o.split()
result[h] = (float(o[1]), 0, 0)
return result
def startNetServer():
port = 23000
rmtPath = copyExecOver(GV.opt['--netserver'])
for i in xrange(5):
if i > 0: print '[Warning] retrying with port %d' % port
(ok, out) = gpssh(killall(GV.opt['--netserver']))
(ok, out) = gpssh('%s -p %d > /dev/null 2>&1' % (rmtPath, port))
if ok: return port
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Warning] start netserver with port %d failed' % port
port += 12
return 0
def killProc(proc):
if proc:
os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
except OSError:
return proc.wait()
return 0
def spawnNetperfTestBetween(x, y, netperf_path, netserver_port, sec=5):
cmd = ('%s -H %s -p %d -t TCP_STREAM -l %s -f M -P 0 '
% (netperf_path, y, netserver_port, sec))
c = ['ssh', '-o', 'BatchMode yes',
'-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking no',
x, cmd]
proc = None
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Info]', strcmd(c)
proc = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if not proc:
print '[Warning] netperf failed on %s -> %s' % (x, y)
return (None, None, None)
return (proc, x, y)
def reapNetperfTest(proc, x, y):
ok = True
out = None
if proc:
rc = proc.wait()
out =
ok = not killProc(proc)
proc = None
except KeyboardInterrupt, ki:
proc = None
if GV.opt['-v'] and out and out != '':
print '[Info]',out
if out and out.find('Permission denied') >= 0 and out.find('publickey') >= 0 :
if not GV.opt['-v']:
print out
print '[Error] Please use gpssh-exkeys to exchange keys ...'
if not ok:
print '[Warning] netperf failed on %s -> %s' % (x, y)
return []
for line in StringIO.StringIO(out):
line = line.split()
if len(line) != 5: continue
l = [x, y]
l.extend(map(lambda x: float(x), line))
if GV.opt['-v']:
print '[Info] %s -> %s : %s' % (x, y, str(line))
return l
print '[Warning] netperf failed on %s -> %s (invalid result)' % (x, y)
print '[Info]', out
return []
def runNetperfTestBetween(x, y, netperf_path, netserver_port):
(proc, x, y) = spawnNetperfTestBetween(x, y, netperf_path, netserver_port, GV.opt['--duration'])
if not proc:
return []
return reapNetperfTest(proc, x, y)
def setupNetPerfTest():
print '-------------------'
print '-- NETPERF TEST'
print '-------------------'
hostlist = ssh_utils.HostList()
for h in GV.opt['-h']: hostlist.add(h)
if GV.opt['-f']: hostlist.parseFile(GV.opt['-f'])
h = hostlist.get()
if len(h) == 0:
usage('Error: missing hosts in -h and/or -f arguments')
if len(h) == 1:
print '[Warning] single host only - abandon netperf test'
return (None, None, None)
# start netserver
netserver_port = startNetServer()
if netserver_port == 0:
print '[Error] unable to start netserver ... abort netperf test'
return (None, None, None)
netperf = copyExecOver(GV.opt['--netclient'])
return (netperf, h, netserver_port)
def runNetPerfTest():
(netperf, hostlist, netserver_port) = setupNetPerfTest()
if not netperf:
return None
# make sure we have even number of hosts
odd = None
h = hostlist[:]
if len(h) & 1 == 1:
odd = h.pop() # take one out
# run netperf test between host[0] & host[1], host[2] & host[3], ...
result = []
for i in xrange(len(h)):
if i & 1 == 0: continue
x = h[i-1]
y = h[i]
res = runNetperfTestBetween(x, y, netperf, netserver_port)
if res and len(res) >= 6: result.append(res)
res = runNetperfTestBetween(y, x, netperf, netserver_port)
if res and len(res) >= 6: result.append(res)
# run netperf test between the odd host and host 0
if odd:
x = odd
y = h[0]
res = runNetperfTestBetween(x, y, netperf, netserver_port)
if res and len(res) >= 6: result.append(res)
res = runNetperfTestBetween(y, x, netperf, netserver_port)
if res and len(res) >= 6: result.append(res)
return result
def runNetPerfTestParallel():
(netperf, hostlist, netserver_port) = setupNetPerfTest()
if not netperf:
return None
# make sure we have even number of hosts
h = hostlist[:]
if len(h) & 1 == 1:
# run netperf test between host[0] & host[1], host[2] & host[3], ...
result = []
procList = []
for i in xrange(len(h)):
if i & 1 == 0: continue
x = h[i-1]
y = h[i]
p = spawnNetperfTestBetween(x, y, netperf, netserver_port, GV.opt['--duration'])
if p[0]:
for (proc, x, y) in procList:
res = reapNetperfTest(proc, x, y)
if res and len(res) >= 6: result.append(res)
# second round: test between host[1] & host[0], host[3] & host[2], ...
procList = []
for i in xrange(len(h)):
if i & 1 == 0: continue
x = h[i-1]
y = h[i]
p = spawnNetperfTestBetween(y, x, netperf, netserver_port, GV.opt['--duration'])
if p[0]:
for (proc, x, y) in procList:
res = reapNetperfTest(proc, x, y)
if res and len(res) >= 6: result.append(res)
return result
def get_host_map(hostlist):
Returns a seglist dictionary that maps segment name to hostname and
a uniqhosts dictionary that maps each hostname to one segment name.
For example:
seglist =
seglist['sdw1-1'] = apollo1
seglist['sdw1-2'] = apollo1
seglist['sdw2-1'] = apollo2
seglist['sdw2-2'] = apollo2
uniqhosts =
uniqhosts['apollo1'] = 'sdw1-1'
uniqhosts['apollo2'] = 'sdw2-1'
seglist = dict() # segment list
uniqhosts = dict() # unique host list
# get list of hostnames
rc, out = gpssh('hostname')
if not rc:
raise Exception('Encountered error running hostname')
# get unique hostname list
for line in out.splitlines():
seg, host = line.translate(None,'[]').split()
uniqhosts[host] = seg
# get list of segments associated with each host (can't use gpssh since it de-dupes hosts)
for host in hostlist:
cmd = ['ssh', '-o', 'BatchMode yes', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking no', host, 'hostname' ]
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[Info]', strcmd(cmd)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
rc = proc.wait()
if rc:
raise Exception('ssh error with the following command:\n%s' % cmd)
out =
seglist[host] = out.strip()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception, err:
print err
return seglist, uniqhosts
def runNetPerfTestMatrix():
Runs full matrix network test where each host connnects with
every link on every other host.
Returns performance results and a dictionary mapping segment_name
to hostname
(netperf, hostlist, netserver_port) = setupNetPerfTest()
if not netperf:
return None
# dict() of seglist[segname] = hostname, uniqhosts[hostname] = 1 segment name
seglist, uniqhosts = get_host_map(hostlist)
# spawn netperf between all hosts
result = []
procList = []
for host in uniqhosts:
for segment in seglist:
if seglist[segment] == host:
p = spawnNetperfTestBetween( host, segment, netperf, netserver_port, GV.opt['--duration'])
if p[0]:
for (proc, srcHost, dstHost) in procList:
res = reapNetperfTest(proc, srcHost, dstHost)
if res and len(res) >= 6: result.append(res)
return result, seglist
def printMatrixResult(result, seglist):
print 'Full matrix netperf bandwidth test'
# sum up Rx/Tx rate for each host
netTx = dict()
netRx = dict()
for h in result:
if netTx.has_key( h[0] ):
netTx[ h[0] ] += float( h[6] )
netTx[ h[0] ] = float( h[6] )
# netRx requires that we lookup the hostname for a given segment name
if netRx.has_key( seglist[ h[1] ] ):
netRx[ seglist[ h[1] ] ] += float( h[6] )
netRx[ seglist[ h[1] ] ] = float( h[6] )
# print Tx rates
print "\nPer host transfer rates"
for host in netTx:
print '%s Tx rate: %.2f' % (host, netTx[host])
# print Rx rates
print "Per host receive rates"
for host in netRx:
print '%s Rx rate: %.2f' % (host, netRx[host])
# print per link results in verbose mode
if GV.opt['-v']:
for h in result:
print '%s -> %s = %f' % (h[0], h[1], h[6])
sum = min = max = avg = 0
n = map(lambda x: float(x[6]), result)
sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, n)
min = reduce(lambda x, y: x > y and y or x, n, 9999999999)
max = reduce(lambda x, y: x > y and x or y, n)
avg = float(sum) / len(result)
copy = n[:]
median = copy[len(copy) / 2]
print ''
print 'Summary:'
print 'sum = %.2f MB/sec' % sum
print 'min = %.2f MB/sec' % min
print 'max = %.2f MB/sec' % max
print 'avg = %.2f MB/sec' % avg
print 'median = %.2f MB/sec' % median
print ''
def printNetResult(result):
print 'Netperf bisection bandwidth test'
for h in result:
print '%s -> %s = %f' % (h[0], h[1], h[6])
sum = min = max = avg = 0
n = map(lambda x: float(x[6]), result)
sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, n)
min = reduce(lambda x, y: x > y and y or x, n, 9999999999)
max = reduce(lambda x, y: x > y and x or y, n)
avg = float(sum) / len(result)
copy = n[:]
median = copy[len(copy) / 2]
print ''
print 'Summary:'
print 'sum = %.2f MB/sec' % sum
print 'min = %.2f MB/sec' % min
print 'max = %.2f MB/sec' % max
print 'avg = %.2f MB/sec' % avg
print 'median = %.2f MB/sec' % median
print ''
limit = max * 0.9
for r in result:
if r[6] < limit:
print '[Warning] connection between %s and %s is no good' % (r[0], r[1])
def printResult(title, result):
totTime = 0
totBytes = 0
totMBPS = 0
min = 99999999
max = 0
minHost = maxHost = None
for h in result:
(mbps, time, bytes) = result[h]
totTime += time
totBytes += bytes
totMBPS += mbps
if min > mbps:
min = mbps
minHost = h
if max < mbps:
max = mbps
maxHost = h
avgTime = totTime / len(result)
if (totTime > 0): print ' %s avg time (sec): %3.2f' % (title, avgTime)
if (totBytes > 0): print ' %s tot bytes: %d' % (title, totBytes)
print ' %s tot bandwidth (MB/s): %3.2f' % (title, totMBPS)
print ' %s min bandwidth (MB/s): %3.2f [%s]' % (title, min, minHost)
print ' %s max bandwidth (MB/s): %3.2f [%s]' % (title, max, maxHost)
if GV.opt['-D']:
print ' -- per host bandwidth --'
for h in result:
(mbps, time, bytes) = result[h]
print ' %s bandwidth (MB/s): %3.2f [%s]' % (title, mbps, h)
coverage = GpCoverage()
diskWriteResult = diskReadResult = streamResult = netResult = None
tornDown = False
if GV.opt['-r'].find('d') >= 0:
multidd = copyExecOver('multidd')
diskWriteResult = runDiskWriteTest(multidd)
diskReadResult = runDiskReadTest(multidd)
if GV.opt['-r'].find('s') >= 0:
streamResult = runStreamTest()
if GV.opt['--net'] == 'netperf':
netResult = runNetPerfTest()
elif GV.opt['--net'] == 'parallel':
netResult = runNetPerfTestParallel()
elif GV.opt['--net'] == 'matrix':
netResult, seglist = runNetPerfTestMatrix()
print '===================='
print '== RESULT'
print '===================='
if diskWriteResult:
printResult('disk write', diskWriteResult)
if diskReadResult:
printResult('disk read', diskReadResult)
if streamResult:
printResult('stream', streamResult)
if netResult and GV.opt['--net'] == 'matrix':
printMatrixResult(netResult, seglist)
elif netResult and GV.opt['--net']:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print '[Abort] Keyboard Interrupt ...'