blob: 7a2e7337797986eb0b9c5e1711136bd554bcb184 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* execnodes.h
* definitions for executor state nodes
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h,v 2007/04/26 23:24:57 tgl Exp $
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "nodes/params.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "nodes/relation.h"
#include "utils/hsearch.h"
#include "access/tupdesc.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "gpmon/gpmon.h" /* gpmon_packet_t */
#include "utils/memaccounting.h"
* Currently, since grouping is defined as uint64 internally, it limits the
* maximum number of grouping attributes to 64.
* partition selector ids start from 1. Sometimes we use 0 to initialize variables
#define InvalidPartitionSelectorId 0
struct CdbDispatchResults; /* in cdbdispatchresult.h */
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx; /* private, in "cdb/cdbexplain.c" */
struct ChunkTransportState; /* #include "cdb/cdbinterconnect.h" */
struct IndexInfo; /* #include "catalog/index.h" */
struct StringInfoData; /* #include "lib/stringinfo.h" */
struct Tuplestorestate; /* #include "utils/tuplestore.h" */
struct TupleTableSlot;
struct TupleTableData;
struct MemTupleBinding;
struct SnapshotData;
struct MemTupleData;
struct HeapScanDescData;
struct IndexScanDescData;
struct FileScanDescData;
struct TBMIterateResult;
struct TriggerDesc;
struct SliceTable;
/* ----------------
* IndexInfo information
* CDB: Moved declaration into "catalog/index.h" from "nodes/execnodes.h"
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* ExprContext_CB
* List of callbacks to be called at ExprContext shutdown.
* ----------------
typedef void (*ExprContextCallbackFunction) (Datum arg);
typedef struct ExprContext_CB
struct ExprContext_CB *next;
ExprContextCallbackFunction function;
Datum arg;
} ExprContext_CB;
/* ----------------
* ExprContext
* This class holds the "current context" information
* needed to evaluate expressions for doing tuple qualifications
* and tuple projections. For example, if an expression refers
* to an attribute in the current inner tuple then we need to know
* what the current inner tuple is and so we look at the expression
* context.
* There are two memory contexts associated with an ExprContext:
* * ecxt_per_query_memory is a query-lifespan context, typically the same
* context the ExprContext node itself is allocated in. This context
* can be used for purposes such as storing function call cache info.
* * ecxt_per_tuple_memory is a short-term context for expression results.
* As the name suggests, it will typically be reset once per tuple,
* before we begin to evaluate expressions for that tuple. Each
* ExprContext normally has its very own per-tuple memory context.
* CurrentMemoryContext should be set to ecxt_per_tuple_memory before
* calling ExecEvalExpr() --- see ExecEvalExprSwitchContext().
* ----------------
typedef struct ExprContext
NodeTag type;
/* Tuples that Var nodes in expression may refer to */
struct TupleTableSlot *ecxt_scantuple;
struct TupleTableSlot *ecxt_innertuple;
struct TupleTableSlot *ecxt_outertuple;
/* Memory contexts for expression evaluation --- see notes above */
MemoryContext ecxt_per_query_memory;
MemoryContext ecxt_per_tuple_memory;
/* Values to substitute for Param nodes in expression */
ParamExecData *ecxt_param_exec_vals; /* for PARAM_EXEC params */
ParamListInfo ecxt_param_list_info; /* for other param types */
* Values to substitute for Aggref nodes in the expressions of an Agg
* node, or for WindowFunc nodes within a WindowAgg node.
Datum *ecxt_aggvalues; /* precomputed values for aggs/windowfuncs */
bool *ecxt_aggnulls; /* null flags for aggs/windowfuncs */
/* Value to substitute for CaseTestExpr nodes in expression */
Datum caseValue_datum;
bool caseValue_isNull;
/* Value to substitute for CoerceToDomainValue nodes in expression */
Datum domainValue_datum;
bool domainValue_isNull;
/* Link to containing EState (NULL if a standalone ExprContext) */
struct EState *ecxt_estate;
/* Functions to call back when ExprContext is shut down */
ExprContext_CB *ecxt_callbacks;
/* Representing the final grouping and group_id for a tuple
* in a grouping extension query. */
uint64 grouping;
uint32 group_id;
} ExprContext;
/* ----------------
* Support for functions that might return sets (multiple rows)
* CDB: Moved these declarations into "fmgr.h" from "nodes/execnodes.h"...
* enum ExprDoneCond;
* enum SetFunctionReturnMode;
* struct ReturnSetInfo;
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* ProjectionInfo node information
* This is all the information needed to perform projections ---
* that is, form new tuples by evaluation of targetlist expressions.
* Nodes which need to do projections create one of these.
* ExecProject() evaluates the tlist, forms a tuple, and stores it
* in the given slot. Note that the result will be a "virtual" tuple
* unless ExecMaterializeSlot() is then called to force it to be
* converted to a physical tuple. The slot must have a tupledesc
* that matches the output of the tlist!
* The planner very often produces tlists that consist entirely of
* simple Var references (lower levels of a plan tree almost always
* look like that). So we have an optimization to handle that case
* with minimum overhead.
* targetlist target list for projection
* exprContext expression context in which to evaluate targetlist
* slot slot to place projection result in
* itemIsDone workspace for ExecProject
* isVarList TRUE if simple-Var-list optimization applies
* varSlotOffsets array indicating which slot each simple Var is from
* varNumbers array indicating attr numbers of simple Vars
* lastInnerVar highest attnum from inner tuple slot (0 if none)
* lastOuterVar highest attnum from outer tuple slot (0 if none)
* lastScanVar highest attnum from scan tuple slot (0 if none)
* ----------------
typedef struct ProjectionInfo
NodeTag type;
List *pi_targetlist;
ExprContext *pi_exprContext;
struct TupleTableSlot *pi_slot;
ExprDoneCond *pi_itemIsDone;
bool pi_isVarList;
int *pi_varSlotOffsets;
int *pi_varNumbers;
int pi_lastInnerVar;
int pi_lastOuterVar;
int pi_lastScanVar;
} ProjectionInfo;
/* ----------------
* JunkFilter
* This class is used to store information regarding junk attributes.
* A junk attribute is an attribute in a tuple that is needed only for
* storing intermediate information in the executor, and does not belong
* in emitted tuples. For example, when we do an UPDATE query,
* the planner adds a "junk" entry to the targetlist so that the tuples
* returned to ExecutePlan() contain an extra attribute: the ctid of
* the tuple to be updated. This is needed to do the update, but we
* don't want the ctid to be part of the stored new tuple! So, we
* apply a "junk filter" to remove the junk attributes and form the
* real output tuple.
* targetList: the original target list (including junk attributes).
* cleanTupType: the tuple descriptor for the "clean" tuple (with
* junk attributes removed).
* cleanMap: A map with the correspondence between the non-junk
* attribute numbers of the "original" tuple and the
* attribute numbers of the "clean" tuple.
* resultSlot: tuple slot used to hold cleaned tuple.
* ----------------
typedef struct JunkFilter
NodeTag type;
List *jf_targetList;
TupleDesc jf_cleanTupType;
AttrNumber *jf_cleanMap;
struct TupleTableSlot *jf_resultSlot;
} JunkFilter;
/* ----------------
* ResultRelInfo information
* Whenever we update an existing relation, we have to
* update indices on the relation, and perhaps also fire triggers.
* The ResultRelInfo class is used to hold all the information needed
* about a result relation, including indices.. -cim 10/15/89
* RangeTableIndex result relation's range table index
* RelationDesc relation descriptor for result relation
* NumIndices # of indices existing on result relation
* IndexRelationDescs array of relation descriptors for indices
* IndexRelationInfo array of key/attr info for indices
* TrigDesc triggers to be fired, if any
* TrigFunctions cached lookup info for trigger functions
* TrigInstrument optional runtime measurements for triggers
* ConstraintExprs array of constraint-checking expr states
* junkFilter for removing junk attributes from tuples
* projectReturning for computing a RETURNING list
* tupdesc_match ???
* mt_bind ???
* aoInsertDesc context for appendonly relation buffered INSERT
* extInsertDesc context for external table INSERT
* parquetInsertDesc context for parquet table INSERT
* insertSendBack information to be sent back to dispatch after INSERT in a parquet or AO table
* aosegno the AO segfile we inserted into.
* aoprocessed tuples processed for AO
* partInsertMap map input attrno to target attrno
* partSlot TupleTableSlot for the target part relation
* resultSlot TupleTableSlot for the target relation
* ----------------
typedef struct ResultRelInfo
NodeTag type;
Index ri_RangeTableIndex;
Relation ri_RelationDesc;
int ri_NumIndices;
RelationPtr ri_IndexRelationDescs;
struct IndexInfo **ri_IndexRelationInfo;
struct TriggerDesc *ri_TrigDesc;
FmgrInfo *ri_TrigFunctions;
struct Instrumentation *ri_TrigInstrument;
List **ri_ConstraintExprs;
JunkFilter *ri_junkFilter;
ProjectionInfo *ri_projectReturning;
int tupdesc_match;
struct MemTupleBinding *mt_bind;
struct AppendOnlyInsertDescData *ri_aoInsertDesc;
struct ExternalInsertDescData *ri_extInsertDesc;
struct ParquetInsertDescData *ri_parquetInsertDesc;
struct QueryContextDispatchingSendBackData *ri_insertSendBack;
List *ri_aosegnos;
List *ri_aosegfileinfos;
uint64 ri_aoprocessed; /* tuples processed for AO */
struct AttrMap *ri_partInsertMap;
struct TupleTableSlot *ri_partSlot;
struct TupleTableSlot *ri_resultSlot;
} ResultRelInfo;
typedef struct ShareNodeEntry
NodeTag type;
Node *sharePlan;
Node *shareState;
int refcount; /* reference count to guard from too-eager-free risk */
} ShareNodeEntry;
* PartitionAccessMethods
* Defines the lookup access methods for partitions, one for each level.
typedef struct PartitionAccessMethods
/* Number of partition levels */
int partLevels;
/* Access methods, one for each level */
void **amstate;
/* Memory context for access methods */
MemoryContext part_cxt;
} PartitionAccessMethods;
typedef struct PartitionState
NodeTag type;
AttrNumber max_partition_attr;
int result_partition_array_size; /* max elements of result relation array */
HTAB *result_partition_hash;
PartitionAccessMethods *accessMethods;
} PartitionState;
* PartitionMetadata
* Defines the metadata for partitions.
typedef struct PartitionMetadata
PartitionNode *partsAndRules;
PartitionAccessMethods *accessMethods;
} PartitionMetadata;
* PartOidEntry
* Defines an entry in the shared partOid hash table.
typedef struct PartOidEntry
/* oid of an individual leaf partition */
Oid partOid;
/* list of partition selectors that produced the above part oid */
List *selectorList;
} PartOidEntry;
* DynamicPartitionIterator
* Defines the iterator state to iterate over a set of partitions.
typedef struct DynamicPartitionIterator
/* An HTAB of partition oids to work on. */
HTAB *partitionOids;
/* The current HTAB iterator */
HASH_SEQ_STATUS *partitionIterator;
* If the HTAB is not completely iterated, we need to
* call hash_seq_term.
bool shouldCallHashSeqTerm;
/* Is this first partition of the HTAB? */
bool firstPartition;
/* The current partition's relation */
Relation currentRelation;
* The attribute mapping to use to convert varattno for an
* out-dated expression because of dropped attributes mismatch
* between the partition at last iterator position and the
* partition at current iterator position.
AttrNumber *attMap;
/* The relation oid at current iterator position. */
Oid attMapRelOid;
* The per-partition memory context to prevent memory leak during
* processing multiple partitions.
MemoryContext partitionMemoryContext;
} DynamicPartitionIterator;
* DynamicTableScanInfo
* Encapsulate the information that is needed to maintain the pid indexes
* for all dynamic table scans in a plan.
typedef struct DynamicTableScanInfo
* The total number of unique dynamic table scans in the plan.
int numScans;
* List containing the number of partition selectors for every scan id.
* Element #i in the list corresponds to scan id i
List *numSelectorsPerScanId;
* An array of pid indexes, one for each unique dynamic table scans.
* Each of these pid indexes maintains unique pids that are involved
* in the scan.
HTAB **pidIndexes;
* An array of *pointers* to DynamicPartitionIterator to record the
* current hash table iterator position.
DynamicPartitionIterator **iterators;
* Partitioning metadata for all relevant partition tables.
List *partsMetadata;
* The memory context in which pidIndexes are allocated.
MemoryContext memoryContext;
} DynamicTableScanInfo;
* Number of pids used when initializing the pid-index hash table for each dynamic
* table scan.
#define INITIAL_NUM_PIDS 1000
* The initial estimate size for dynamic table scan pid-index array, and the
* default incremental number when the array is out of space.
* The global variable for the information relevant to dynamic table scans.
* During execution, this will point to the value initialized in EState.
extern DynamicTableScanInfo *dynamicTableScanInfo;
/* ----------------
* EState information
* Master working state for an Executor invocation
* ----------------
typedef struct EState
NodeTag type;
/* Basic state for all query types: */
ScanDirection es_direction; /* current scan direction */
struct SnapshotData *es_snapshot; /* time qual to use */
struct SnapshotData *es_crosscheck_snapshot; /* crosscheck time qual for RI */
List *es_range_table; /* List of RangeTblEntry */
/* Info about target table for insert/update/delete queries: */
ResultRelInfo *es_result_relations; /* array of ResultRelInfos */
int es_num_result_relations; /* length of array */
ResultRelInfo *es_result_relation_info; /* currently active array elt */
JunkFilter *es_junkFilter; /* currently active junk filter */
Oid es_last_inserted_part; /* The Oid of the last partition we opened for insertion */
/* partitioning info for target relation */
PartitionNode *es_result_partitions;
/* AO segment file number for target relation */
List *es_result_aosegnos;
/* AO segment file info for target relation */
List *es_result_segfileinfos;
struct TupleTableSlot *es_trig_tuple_slot; /* for trigger output tuples */
/* Stuff used for SELECT INTO: */
Relation es_into_relation_descriptor;
bool es_into_relation_is_bulkload; /* always false in gpsql */
ItemPointerData es_into_relation_last_heap_tid;
/* Parameter info: */
ParamListInfo es_param_list_info; /* values of external params */
ParamExecData *es_param_exec_vals; /* values of internal params */
/* Other working state: */
MemoryContext es_query_cxt; /* per-query context in which EState lives */
struct TupleTableData *es_tupleTable; /* Array of TupleTableSlots */
uint64 es_processed; /* # of tuples processed */
Oid es_lastoid; /* last oid processed (by INSERT) */
List *es_rowMarks; /* not good place, but there is no other */
bool es_is_subquery; /* true if subquery (es_query_cxt not mine) */
bool es_instrument; /* true requests runtime instrumentation */
bool es_select_into; /* true if doing SELECT INTO */
bool es_into_oids; /* true to generate OIDs in SELECT INTO */
List *into_aosegnos; /* AO file 'seg' numbers for into realtion to use */
List *es_exprcontexts; /* List of ExprContexts within EState */
* this ExprContext is for per-output-tuple operations, such as constraint
* checks and index-value computations. It will be reset for each output
* tuple. Note that it will be created only if needed.
ExprContext *es_per_tuple_exprcontext;
/* Below is to re-evaluate plan qual in READ COMMITTED mode */
PlannedStmt *es_plannedstmt; /* link to top of plan tree */
struct evalPlanQual *es_evalPlanQual; /* chain of PlanQual states */
bool *es_evTupleNull; /* local array of EPQ status */
HeapTuple *es_evTuple; /* shared array of EPQ substitute tuples */
bool es_useEvalPlan; /* evaluating EPQ tuples? */
/* Additions for MPP plan slicing. */
struct SliceTable *es_sliceTable;
/* Data structure for node sharing */
List **es_sharenode;
int active_recv_id;
void *motionlayer_context; /* Motion Layer state */
struct ChunkTransportState *interconnect_context; /* Interconnect state */
/* MPP used resources */
bool es_interconnect_is_setup; /* is interconnect set-up? */
bool es_got_eos; /* was end-of-stream recieved? */
bool cancelUnfinished; /* when we're cleaning up, we need to make sure that we know it */
/* results from qExec processes */
struct DispatchData *dispatch_data;
/* CDB: EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics */
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx;
/* CDB: partitioning state info */
PartitionState *es_partition_state;
* The slice number for the current node that is
* being processed. During the tree traversal,
* this value is set by Motion and InitPlan nodes.
* currentSliceIdInPlan and currentExecutingSliceId
* are basically the same, except for InitPlan nodes.
* For InitPlan nodes, the nodes in the top slice have
* an assigned slice id in the plan, while the executing
* slice id for these nodes is the root slice id.
int currentSliceIdInPlan;
int currentExecutingSliceId;
* Each subplan has its own EState. This value indicates
* the level of the corresponding subplan for this EState
* with respect to the main plan tree.
* This is used to determine whether we could eager free
* the Material node on top of Broadcast inside a subplan
* (for supporting correlated subqueries). The Material
* node can be eager-free'ed only when this value is 0.
int subplanLevel;
* The root slice id for this EState.
int rootSliceId;
struct PlanState *planstate; /* plan's state tree */
* Information relevant to dynamic table scans.
DynamicTableScanInfo *dynamicTableScanInfo;
* Infromation relevant to running context.
struct ProcessIdentity *ctx;
/* MemoryAccount that records the executor memory usage information. */
MemoryAccount *memoryAccount;
} EState;
struct PlanState;
struct MotionState;
extern struct MotionState *getMotionState(struct PlanState *ps, int sliceIndex);
extern int LocallyExecutingSliceIndex(EState *estate);
extern int RootSliceIndex(EState *estate);
extern void SliceLeafMotionStateAreValid(struct MotionState *ms);
/* es_rowMarks is a list of these structs: */
typedef struct ExecRowMark
Relation relation; /* opened and RowShareLock'd relation */
Index rti; /* its range table index */
bool forUpdate; /* true = FOR UPDATE, false = FOR SHARE */
bool noWait; /* NOWAIT option */
char resname[32]; /* name for its ctid junk attribute */
} ExecRowMark;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Tuple Hash Tables
* All-in-memory tuple hash tables are used for a number of purposes.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct TupleHashEntryData *TupleHashEntry;
typedef struct TupleHashTableData *TupleHashTable;
typedef struct TupleHashEntryData
/* firstTuple must be the first field in this struct! */
struct MemTupleData *firstTuple; /* copy of first tuple in this group */
/* there may be additional data beyond the end of this struct */
} TupleHashEntryData; /* VARIABLE LENGTH STRUCT */
typedef struct TupleHashTableData
HTAB *hashtab; /* underlying dynahash table */
int numCols; /* number of columns in lookup key */
AttrNumber *keyColIdx; /* attr numbers of key columns */
FmgrInfo *eqfunctions; /* lookup data for comparison functions */
FmgrInfo *hashfunctions; /* lookup data for hash functions */
MemoryContext tablecxt; /* memory context containing table */
MemoryContext tempcxt; /* context for function evaluations */
Size entrysize; /* actual size to make each hash entry */
struct TupleTableSlot *tableslot; /* slot for referencing table entries */
struct TupleTableSlot *inputslot; /* current input tuple's slot */
} TupleHashTableData;
typedef HASH_SEQ_STATUS TupleHashIterator;
* Use InitTupleHashIterator/TermTupleHashIterator for a read/write scan.
* Use ResetTupleHashIterator if the table can be frozen (in this case no
* explicit scan termination is needed).
#define InitTupleHashIterator(htable, iter) \
hash_seq_init(iter, (htable)->hashtab)
#define TermTupleHashIterator(iter) \
#define ResetTupleHashIterator(htable, iter) \
do { \
hash_freeze((htable)->hashtab); \
hash_seq_init(iter, (htable)->hashtab); \
} while (0)
#define ScanTupleHashTable(iter) \
((TupleHashEntry) hash_seq_search(iter))
/* Abstraction of different memory management calls */
typedef struct MemoryManagerContainer
void *manager; /* memory manager instance */
void *(*alloc)(void *manager, Size len);
void (*free)(void *manager, void *pointer);
* If existing space is too small, the realloced space is how many
* times of the existing one.
int realloc_ratio;
} MemoryManagerContainer;
static inline void *cxt_alloc(void *manager, Size len)
return MemoryContextAlloc((MemoryContext)manager, len);
static inline void cxt_free(void *manager, void *pointer)
if (pointer != NULL)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Expression State Trees
* Each executable expression tree has a parallel ExprState tree.
* Unlike PlanState, there is not an exact one-for-one correspondence between
* ExprState node types and Expr node types. Many Expr node types have no
* need for node-type-specific run-time state, and so they can use plain
* ExprState or GenericExprState as their associated ExprState node type.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------------
* ExprState node
* ExprState is the common superclass for all ExprState-type nodes.
* It can also be instantiated directly for leaf Expr nodes that need no
* local run-time state (such as Var, Const, or Param).
* To save on dispatch overhead, each ExprState node contains a function
* pointer to the routine to execute to evaluate the node.
* ----------------
typedef struct ExprState ExprState;
typedef Datum (*ExprStateEvalFunc) (ExprState *expression,
ExprContext *econtext,
bool *isNull,
ExprDoneCond *isDone);
struct ExprState
NodeTag type;
Expr *expr; /* associated Expr node */
ExprStateEvalFunc evalfunc; /* routine to run to execute node */
/* ----------------
* GenericExprState node
* This is used for Expr node types that need no local run-time state,
* but have one child Expr node.
* ----------------
typedef struct GenericExprState
ExprState xprstate;
ExprState *arg; /* state of my child node */
} GenericExprState;
/* ----------------
* AggrefExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct AggrefExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *args; /* states of argument expressions */
List *inputTargets; /* combined TargetList */
List *inputSortClauses; /* list of SortClause */
int aggno; /* ID number for agg within its plan node */
} AggrefExprState;
* ----------------
* GroupingFuncExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct GroupingFuncExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *args;
int ngrpcols; /* number of unique grouping attributes */
} GroupingFuncExprState;
/* ----------------
* WindowRefExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct WindowRefExprState
ExprState xprstate;
struct WindowState *windowstate; /* reflect parent window state */
List *args; /* states of argument expressions */
bool *argtypbyval; /* pg_type.typbyval for each argument */
int16 *argtyplen; /* pg_type.typlen of each argument */
int refno; /* index in window state's wrxstates list */
int funcno; /* index in window state's func_state array */
// bool isAgg; /* aggregate-derived? */
char winkind; /* pg_window.winkind */
} WindowRefExprState;
/* ----------------
* ArrayRefExprState node
* Note: array types can be fixed-length (typlen > 0), but only when the
* element type is itself fixed-length. Otherwise they are varlena structures
* and have typlen = -1. In any case, an array type is never pass-by-value.
* ----------------
typedef struct ArrayRefExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *refupperindexpr; /* states for child nodes */
List *reflowerindexpr;
ExprState *refexpr;
ExprState *refassgnexpr;
int16 refattrlength; /* typlen of array type */
int16 refelemlength; /* typlen of the array element type */
bool refelembyval; /* is the element type pass-by-value? */
char refelemalign; /* typalign of the element type */
} ArrayRefExprState;
/* ----------------
* FuncExprState node
* Although named for FuncExpr, this is also used for OpExpr, DistinctExpr,
* and NullIf nodes; be careful to check what xprstate.expr is actually
* pointing at!
* ----------------
typedef struct FuncExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *args; /* states of argument expressions */
* Function manager's lookup info for the target function. If func.fn_oid
* is InvalidOid, we haven't initialized it yet (nor any of the following
* fields).
FmgrInfo func;
* For a set-returning function (SRF) that returns a tuplestore, we
* keep the tuplestore here and dole out the result rows one at a time.
* The slot holds the row currently being returned.
struct Tuplestorestate *funcResultStore;
struct TupleTableSlot *funcResultSlot;
* In some cases we need to compute a tuple descriptor for the function's
* output. If so, it's stored here.
TupleDesc funcResultDesc;
bool funcReturnsTuple; /* valid when funcResultDesc isn't NULL */
* We need to store argument values across calls when evaluating a SRF
* that uses value-per-call mode.
* setArgsValid is true when we are evaluating a set-valued function and
* we are in the middle of a call series; we want to pass the same
* argument values to the function again (and again, until it returns
* ExprEndResult).
bool setArgsValid;
* Flag to remember whether we found a set-valued argument to the
* function. This causes the function result to be a set as well. Valid
* only when setArgsValid is true or funcResultStore isn't NULL.
bool setHasSetArg; /* some argument returns a set */
* Flag to remember whether we have registered a shutdown callback for
* this FuncExprState. We do so only if funcResultStore or setArgsValid
* has been set at least once (since all the callback is for is to release
* the tuplestore or clear setArgsValid).
bool shutdown_reg; /* a shutdown callback is registered */
* Current argument data for a set-valued function; contains valid data
* only if setArgsValid is true.
FunctionCallInfoData setArgs;
/* Fast Path */
ExprState *fp_arg[2];
Datum fp_datum[2];
bool fp_null[2];
} FuncExprState;
/* ----------------
* ScalarArrayOpExprState node
* This is a FuncExprState plus some additional data.
* ----------------
typedef struct ScalarArrayOpExprState
FuncExprState fxprstate;
/* Cached info about array element type */
Oid element_type;
int16 typlen;
bool typbyval;
char typalign;
/* Fast path x in ('A', 'B', 'C') */
int fp_n;
int *fp_len;
Datum *fp_datum;
} ScalarArrayOpExprState;
/* ----------------
* BoolExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct BoolExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *args; /* states of argument expression(s) */
} BoolExprState;
/* ----------------
* PartOidExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct PartOidExprState
ExprState xprstate;
/* accepted leaf PartitionConstraints for current tuple */
struct PartitionConstraints **acceptedLeafPart;
} PartOidExprState;
/* ----------------
* PartDefaultExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct PartDefaultExprState
ExprState xprstate;
/* accepted partitions for all levels */
struct PartitionConstraints **levelPartConstraints;
} PartDefaultExprState;
/* ----------------
* PartBoundExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct PartBoundExprState
ExprState xprstate;
/* accepted partitions for all levels */
struct PartitionConstraints **levelPartConstraints;
} PartBoundExprState;
/* ----------------
* PartBoundInclusionExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct PartBoundInclusionExprState
ExprState xprstate;
/* accepted partitions for all levels */
struct PartitionConstraints **levelPartConstraints;
} PartBoundInclusionExprState;
/* ----------------
* PartBoundOpenExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct PartBoundOpenExprState
ExprState xprstate;
/* accepted partitions for all levels */
struct PartitionConstraints **levelPartConstraints;
} PartBoundOpenExprState;
/* ----------------
* SubPlanState node
* ----------------
typedef struct SubPlanState
ExprState xprstate;
EState *sub_estate; /* subselect plan has its own EState */
struct PlanState *planstate; /* subselect plan's state tree */
ExprState *testexpr; /* state of combining expression */
List *args; /* states of argument expression(s) */
bool needShutdown; /* TRUE = need to shutdown subplan */
struct MemTupleData * curTuple; /* copy of most recent tuple from subplan */
/* these are used when hashing the subselect's output: */
ProjectionInfo *projLeft; /* for projecting lefthand exprs */
ProjectionInfo *projRight; /* for projecting subselect output */
TupleHashTable hashtable; /* hash table for no-nulls subselect rows */
TupleHashTable hashnulls; /* hash table for rows with null(s) */
bool havehashrows; /* TRUE if hashtable is not empty */
bool havenullrows; /* TRUE if hashnulls is not empty */
MemoryContext hashtablecxt; /* memory context containing hash tables */
MemoryContext hashtempcxt; /* temp memory context for hash tables */
ExprContext *innerecontext; /* working context for comparisons */
AttrNumber *keyColIdx; /* control data for hash tables */
FmgrInfo *eqfunctions; /* comparison functions for hash tables */
FmgrInfo *hashfunctions; /* lookup data for hash functions */
struct StringInfoData *cdbextratextbuf; /* to pass text to cdbexplain */
} SubPlanState;
/* ----------------
* FieldSelectState node
* ----------------
typedef struct FieldSelectState
ExprState xprstate;
ExprState *arg; /* input expression */
TupleDesc argdesc; /* tupdesc for most recent input */
} FieldSelectState;
/* ----------------
* FieldStoreState node
* ----------------
typedef struct FieldStoreState
ExprState xprstate;
ExprState *arg; /* input tuple value */
List *newvals; /* new value(s) for field(s) */
TupleDesc argdesc; /* tupdesc for most recent input */
} FieldStoreState;
/* ----------------
* ConvertRowtypeExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct ConvertRowtypeExprState
ExprState xprstate;
ExprState *arg; /* input tuple value */
TupleDesc indesc; /* tupdesc for source rowtype */
TupleDesc outdesc; /* tupdesc for result rowtype */
AttrNumber *attrMap; /* indexes of input fields, or 0 for null */
Datum *invalues; /* workspace for deconstructing source */
bool *inisnull;
Datum *outvalues; /* workspace for constructing result */
bool *outisnull;
} ConvertRowtypeExprState;
/* ----------------
* CaseExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct CaseExprState
ExprState xprstate;
ExprState *arg; /* implicit equality comparison argument */
List *args; /* the arguments (list of WHEN clauses) */
ExprState *defresult; /* the default result (ELSE clause) */
} CaseExprState;
/* ----------------
* CaseWhenState node
* ----------------
typedef struct CaseWhenState
ExprState xprstate;
ExprState *expr; /* condition expression */
ExprState *result; /* substitution result */
} CaseWhenState;
/* ----------------
* ArrayExprState node
* Note: ARRAY[] expressions always produce varlena arrays, never fixed-length
* arrays.
* ----------------
typedef struct ArrayExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *elements; /* states for child nodes */
int16 elemlength; /* typlen of the array element type */
bool elembyval; /* is the element type pass-by-value? */
char elemalign; /* typalign of the element type */
} ArrayExprState;
/* ----------------
* RowExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct RowExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *args; /* the arguments */
TupleDesc tupdesc; /* descriptor for result tuples */
} RowExprState;
/* ----------------
* RowCompareExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct RowCompareExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *largs; /* the left-hand input arguments */
List *rargs; /* the right-hand input arguments */
FmgrInfo *funcs; /* array of comparison function info */
} RowCompareExprState;
/* ----------------
* CoalesceExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct CoalesceExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *args; /* the arguments */
} CoalesceExprState;
/* ----------------
* MinMaxExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct MinMaxExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *args; /* the arguments */
FmgrInfo cfunc; /* lookup info for comparison func */
} MinMaxExprState;
/* ----------------
* NullTestState node
* ----------------
typedef struct NullTestState
ExprState xprstate;
ExprState *arg; /* input expression */
bool argisrow; /* T if input is of a composite type */
/* used only if argisrow: */
TupleDesc argdesc; /* tupdesc for most recent input */
} NullTestState;
/* ----------------
* CoerceToDomainState node
* ----------------
typedef struct CoerceToDomainState
ExprState xprstate;
ExprState *arg; /* input expression */
/* Cached list of constraints that need to be checked */
List *constraints; /* list of DomainConstraintState nodes */
} CoerceToDomainState;
/* ----------------
* PercentileExprState node
* ----------------
typedef struct PercentileExprState
ExprState xprstate;
List *args; /* states of argument expressions */
List *tlist; /* combined TargetList */
int aggno; /* ID number within its plan node */
} PercentileExprState;
* DomainConstraintState - one item to check during CoerceToDomain
* Note: this is just a Node, and not an ExprState, because it has no
* corresponding Expr to link to. Nonetheless it is part of an ExprState
* tree, so we give it a name following the xxxState convention.
typedef enum DomainConstraintType
} DomainConstraintType;
typedef struct DomainConstraintState
NodeTag type;
DomainConstraintType constrainttype; /* constraint type */
char *name; /* name of constraint (for error msgs) */
ExprState *check_expr; /* for CHECK, a boolean expression */
} DomainConstraintState;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Executor State Trees
* An executing query has a PlanState tree paralleling the Plan tree
* that describes the plan.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------------
* PlanState node
* We never actually instantiate any PlanState nodes; this is just the common
* abstract superclass for all PlanState-type nodes.
* ----------------
typedef struct PlanState
NodeTag type;
Plan *plan; /* associated Plan node */
EState *state; /* at execution time, state's of individual
* nodes point to one EState for the whole
* top-level plan */
bool fHadSentGpmon;
* Common structural data for all Plan types. These links to subsidiary
* state trees parallel links in the associated plan tree (except for the
* subPlan list, which does not exist in the plan tree).
List *targetlist; /* target list to be computed at this node */
List *qual; /* implicitly-ANDed qual conditions */
struct PlanState *lefttree; /* input plan tree(s) */
struct PlanState *righttree;
List *initPlan; /* Init SubPlanState nodes (un-correlated expr
* subselects) */
List *subPlan; /* SubPlanState nodes in my expressions */
* State for management of parameter-change-driven rescanning
Bitmapset *chgParam; /* set of IDs of changed Params */
* Indicate whether it is unsafe to eager free the memory used by this node when
* this node outputted its last row.
* The unsafe cases are Mark/Restore, Rescan on Material/Sort on top of a Motion.
bool delayEagerFree;
* Other run-time state needed by most if not all node types.
struct TupleTableSlot *ps_OuterTupleSlot; /* slot for current "outer" tuple */
struct TupleTableSlot *ps_ResultTupleSlot; /* slot for my result tuples */
ExprContext *ps_ExprContext; /* node's expression-evaluation context */
ProjectionInfo *ps_ProjInfo; /* info for doing tuple projection */
* EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics collection
struct Instrumentation *instrument; /* runtime stats for this node */
struct StringInfoData *cdbexplainbuf; /* EXPLAIN ANALYZE report buf */
void (*cdbexplainfun)(struct PlanState *planstate, struct StringInfoData *buf);
/* callback before ExecutorEnd */
* GpMon packet
int gpmon_plan_tick;
gpmon_packet_t gpmon_pkt;
} PlanState;
typedef struct Gpmon_NameUnit_MaxVal
char *name;
char *unit;
int64 maxval;
} Gpmon_NameUnit_MaxVal;
typedef struct Gpmon_NameVal_Text
char *name;
char *value;
} Gpmon_NameVal_Text;
/* Gpperfmon helper functions defined in execGpmon.h */
extern char *GetScanRelNameGpmon(Oid relid, char schema_table_name[SCAN_REL_NAME_BUF_SIZE]);
extern void CheckSendPlanStateGpmonPkt(PlanState *ps);
extern void EndPlanStateGpmonPkt(PlanState *ps);
extern void InitPlanNodeGpmonPkt(Plan* plan, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate,
PerfmonNodeType type, int64 rowsout_est,
char* relname);
extern uint64 PlanStateOperatorMemKB(const PlanState *ps);
static inline void Gpmon_M_Incr(gpmon_packet_t *pkt, int nth)
static inline void Gpmon_M_Incr_Rows_Out(gpmon_packet_t *pkt)
static inline void Gpmon_M_Add_Rows_Out(gpmon_packet_t *pkt, int val)
pkt->u.qexec.rowsout += val;
static inline void Gpmon_M_Add(gpmon_packet_t *pkt, int nth, int val)
pkt->u.qexec.measures[nth] += val;
static inline void Gpmon_M_Set(gpmon_packet_t *pkt, int nth, int64 val)
pkt->u.qexec.measures[nth] = val;
static inline int64 Gpmon_M_Get(gpmon_packet_t *pkt, int nth)
return pkt->u.qexec.measures[nth];
static inline void Gpmon_M_Reset(gpmon_packet_t *pkt, int nth)
pkt->u.qexec.measures[nth] = 0;
/* ----------------
* these are are defined to avoid confusion problems with "left"
* and "right" and "inner" and "outer". The convention is that
* the "left" plan is the "outer" plan and the "right" plan is
* the inner plan, but these make the code more readable.
* ----------------
#define innerPlanState(node) (((PlanState *)(node))->righttree)
#define outerPlanState(node) (((PlanState *)(node))->lefttree)
/* ----------------
* ResultState information
* ----------------
typedef struct ResultState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
ExprState *resconstantqual;
bool inputFullyConsumed; /* are we done? */
bool rs_checkqual; /* do we need to check the qual? */
bool isSRF;/* state flag for processing set-valued
* functions in targetlist */
ExprDoneCond lastSRFCond; /* Applicable only if isSRF is true. Represents the last done flag */
} ResultState;
/* ----------------
* RepeatState information
* ----------------
typedef struct RepeatState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
bool repeat_done; /* are we done? */
struct TupleTableSlot *slot; /* The current tuple */
int repeat_count; /* The number of repeats for the current tuple */
ExprState *expr_state; /* The state to evaluate the expression */
} RepeatState;
/* ----------------
* AppendState information
* nplans how many plans are in the list
* whichplan which plan is being executed (0 .. n-1)
* firstplan first plan to execute (usually 0)
* lastplan last plan to execute (usually n-1)
* ----------------
typedef struct AppendState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
PlanState **appendplans; /* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
int eflags; /* used to initialize each subplan */
int as_nplans;
int as_whichplan;
int as_firstplan;
int as_lastplan;
} AppendState;
* SequenceState
typedef struct SequenceState
PlanState ps;
PlanState **subplans;
int numSubplans;
* True if no subplan has been executed.
bool initState;
} SequenceState;
/* ----------------
* BitmapAndState information
* ----------------
typedef struct BitmapAndState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
PlanState **bitmapplans; /* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
int nplans; /* number of input plans */
Node *bitmap; /* output stream bitmap */
} BitmapAndState;
/* ----------------
* BitmapOrState information
* ----------------
typedef struct BitmapOrState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
PlanState **bitmapplans; /* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
int nplans; /* number of input plans */
Node *bitmap; /* output bitmap */
} BitmapOrState;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Scan State Information
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* What stage the scan node is currently
* SCAN_INIT: we are initializing the scan state
* SCAN_FIRST: part of the initialization is done and we are
* ready to scan the first relation of possibly multiple
* relations, if it is a dynamic scan.
* SCAN_SCAN: all initializations for reading tuples are done
* and we are either reading tuples, or ready to read tuples
* SCAN_MARKPOS: we have marked a position in the scan state
* SCAN_NEXT: we are done with the current relation and waiting
* for the next relation (if multi-partition)
* SCAN_DONE: we are done with all relations/partitions, but
* the scan state is still valid for a ReScan (i.e., we
* haven't destroyed our scan state yet)
* SCAN_END: we are completely done. We cannot ReScan, without
* redoing the whole initialization phase again.
enum {
SCAN_END = 64,
* TableType
* Enum for different types of tables.
typedef enum
} TableType;
/* ----------------
* ScanState information
* ScanState extends PlanState for node types that represent
* scans of an underlying relation. It can also be used for nodes
* that scan the output of an underlying plan node --- in that case,
* only ScanTupleSlot is actually useful, and it refers to the tuple
* retrieved from the subplan.
* currentRelation relation being scanned (NULL if none)
* ScanTupleSlot pointer to slot in tuple table holding scan tuple
* scan_state the stage of scanning
* tableType the table type of the target relation
* ----------------
typedef struct ScanState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
Relation ss_currentRelation;
struct HeapScanDescData * ss_currentScanDesc;
struct TupleTableSlot *ss_ScanTupleSlot;
List *splits;
int scan_state;
/* The type of the table that is being scanned */
TableType tableType;
} ScanState;
* SeqScanOpaqueData
* Additional state data (in addition to ScanState) for scanning heap table.
typedef struct SeqScanOpaqueData
struct HeapScanDescData * ss_currentScanDesc;
struct {
HeapTupleData item[512];
int bot, top;
HeapTuple last;
int seen_EOS;
} ss_heapTupleData;
} SeqScanOpaqueData;
* SeqScanState
* State data for scanning heap table.
typedef struct SeqScanState
ScanState ss;
SeqScanOpaqueData *opaque;
} SeqScanState;
* These structs store information about index quals that don't have simple
* constant right-hand sides. See comments for ExecIndexBuildScanKeys()
* for discussion.
typedef struct
ScanKey scan_key; /* scankey to put value into */
ExprState *key_expr; /* expr to evaluate to get value */
} IndexRuntimeKeyInfo;
typedef struct
ScanKey scan_key; /* scankey to put value into */
ExprState *array_expr; /* expr to evaluate to get array value */
int next_elem; /* next array element to use */
int num_elems; /* number of elems in current array value */
Datum *elem_values; /* array of num_elems Datums */
bool *elem_nulls; /* array of num_elems is-null flags */
} IndexArrayKeyInfo;
/* ----------------
* IndexScanState information
* indexqualorig execution state for indexqualorig expressions
* ScanKeys Skey structures to scan index rel
* NumScanKeys number of Skey structs
* RuntimeKeys info about Skeys that must be evaluated at runtime
* NumRuntimeKeys number of RuntimeKeys structs
* RuntimeKeysReady true if runtime Skeys have been computed
* RuntimeContext expr context for evaling runtime Skeys
* RelationDesc index relation descriptor
* ScanDesc index scan descriptor
* ----------------
typedef struct IndexScanState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
List *indexqualorig;
ScanKey iss_ScanKeys;
int iss_NumScanKeys;
IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *iss_RuntimeKeys;
int iss_NumRuntimeKeys;
IndexArrayKeyInfo *iss_ArrayKeys;
int iss_NumArrayKeys;
bool iss_RuntimeKeysReady;
ExprContext *iss_RuntimeContext;
Relation iss_RelationDesc;
struct IndexScanDescData *iss_ScanDesc;
* tableOid is the oid of the partition or relation on which
* our current index relation is defined.
Oid tableOid;
} IndexScanState;
* DynamicIndexScanState
typedef struct DynamicIndexScanState
IndexScanState indexScanState;
* Partition id index that mantains all unique partition ids for the
* DynamicIndexScan.
HTAB *pidxIndex;
* Status of the part to retrieve (result of the sequential search in a hash table).
/* Like DynamicTableScanState, this flag is required to handle error condition.
* This flag prevent ExecEndDynamicIndexScan from calling hash_seq_term() or
* a NULL hash table. */
bool shouldCallHashSeqTerm;
* We will create a new copy of logicalIndexInfo in this memory context for
* each partition. This memory context will be reset per-partition to free
* up previous partition's logicalIndexInfo memory
MemoryContext partitionMemoryContext;
/* The partition oid for which the current varnos are mapped */
Oid columnLayoutOid;
} DynamicIndexScanState;
/* ----------------
* BitmapIndexScanState information
* ----------------
typedef struct BitmapIndexScanState
IndexScanState indexScanState; /* pseudo inheritance */
Node *bitmap; /* output bitmap */
} BitmapIndexScanState;
/* ----------------
* BitmapHeapScanState information
* bitmapqualorig execution state for bitmapqualorig expressions
* tbm bitmap obtained from child index scan(s)
* tbmres current-page data
* ----------------
typedef struct BitmapHeapScanState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
struct HeapScanDescData * ss_currentScanDesc;
List *bitmapqualorig;
Node *tbm;
struct TBMIterateResult *tbmres;
} BitmapHeapScanState;
/* ----------------
* BitmapAppendOnlyScanState information
* bitmapqualorig execution state for bitmapqualorig expressions
* tbm bitmap obtained from child index scan(s)
* tbmres current-page data
* ----------------
typedef struct BitmapAppendOnlyScanState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
struct AppendOnlyFetchDescData *baos_currentAOFetchDesc;
List *baos_bitmapqualorig;
Node *baos_tbm;
struct TBMIterateResult *baos_tbmres;
bool baos_gotpage;
int baos_cindex;
bool baos_lossy;
int baos_ntuples;
bool isAORow; /* If this is for AO Row tables. */
} BitmapAppendOnlyScanState;
/* ----------------
* BitmapTableScanState information
* scanDesc an opaque (scan method dependent) scan descriptor
* bitmapqualorig execution state for bitmapqualorig expressions
* tbm bitmap obtained from child index scan(s)
* tbmres current bitmap-page data
* isLossyBitmapPage is the current bitmap-page lossy?
* recheckTuples should the tuples be rechecked for eligibility because of visibility issues
* needNewBitmapPage are we done with current bitmap page and therefore need a new one?
* iterator an opaque iterator object to iterate a bitmap page and the corresponding table data
* ----------------
typedef struct BitmapTableScanState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
void *scanDesc;
List *bitmapqualorig;
Node *tbm;
struct TBMIterateResult *tbmres;
bool isLossyBitmapPage;
bool recheckTuples;
bool needNewBitmapPage;
void *iterator;
} BitmapTableScanState;
/* ----------------
* TidScanState information
* NumTids number of tids in this scan
* TidPtr index of currently fetched tid
* TidList evaluated item pointers (array of size NumTids)
* ----------------
typedef struct TidScanState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
List *tss_tidquals; /* list of ExprState nodes */
int tss_NumTids;
int tss_TidPtr;
int tss_MarkTidPtr;
ItemPointerData *tss_TidList;
HeapTupleData tss_htup;
} TidScanState;
/* ----------------
* SubqueryScanState information
* SubqueryScanState is used for scanning a sub-query in the range table.
* The sub-query will have its own EState, which we save here.
* ScanTupleSlot references the current output tuple of the sub-query.
* SubEState exec state for sub-query
* ----------------
typedef struct SubqueryScanState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
PlanState *subplan;
EState *sss_SubEState;
bool cdb_want_ctid; /* true => ctid is referenced in targetlist */
ItemPointerData cdb_fake_ctid;
} SubqueryScanState;
/* ----------------
* FunctionScanState information
* Function nodes are used to scan the results of a
* function appearing in FROM (typically a function returning set).
* tupdesc expected return tuple description
* tuplestorestate private state of tuplestore.c
* funcexpr state for function expression being evaluated
* cdb_want_ctid true => ctid is referenced in targetlist
* cdb_fake_ctid
* cdb_mark_ctid
* ----------------
typedef struct FunctionScanState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
TupleDesc tupdesc;
struct Tuplestorestate *tuplestorestate;
ExprState *funcexpr;
bool cdb_want_ctid;
ItemPointerData cdb_fake_ctid;
ItemPointerData cdb_mark_ctid;
} FunctionScanState;
/* ----------------
* TableFunctionState information
* Table Function nodes are used to scan the results of a table function
* operating over a table as input.
* ----------------
typedef struct TableFunctionState
ScanState ss; /* Table Function is a Scan */
struct AnyTableData *inputscan; /* subquery scan data */
TupleDesc resultdesc; /* Function Result descriptor */
HeapTupleData tuple; /* Returned tuple */
FuncExprState *fcache; /* Function Call Cache */
FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo; /* Function Call Context */
ReturnSetInfo rsinfo; /* Resultset Context */
bool is_rowtype; /* Function returns records */
bool is_firstcall;
bytea *userdata; /* bytea given by describe func */
} TableFunctionState;
/* ----------------
* ValuesScanState information
* ValuesScan nodes are used to scan the results of a VALUES list
* rowcontext per-expression-list context
* exprlists array of expression lists being evaluated
* array_len size of array
* curr_idx current array index (0-based)
* marked_idx marked position (for mark/restore)
* Note: is used to evaluate any qual or projection
* expressions attached to the node. We create a second ExprContext,
* rowcontext, in which to build the executor expression state for each
* Values sublist. Resetting this context lets us get rid of expression
* state for each row, avoiding major memory leakage over a long values list.
* ----------------
typedef struct ValuesScanState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
ExprContext *rowcontext;
List **exprlists;
int array_len;
int curr_idx;
int marked_idx;
bool cdb_want_ctid; /* true => ctid is referenced in targetlist */
} ValuesScanState;
/* ----------------
* ExternalScanState information
* ExternalScan nodes are used to scan external tables
* ess_ScanDesc the state of the file data scan
* ----------------
typedef struct ExternalScanState
ScanState ss;
struct FileScanDescData *ess_ScanDesc;
bool cdb_want_ctid;
ItemPointerData cdb_fake_ctid;
} ExternalScanState;
/* ----------------
* AppendOnlyScanState information
* AppendOnlyScan nodes are used to scan append only tables
* aos_ScanDesc is the additional data that is needed for scanning
* AppendOnly table.
* ----------------
typedef struct AppendOnlyScanState
ScanState ss;
struct AppendOnlyScanDescData *aos_ScanDesc;
} AppendOnlyScanState;
* ParquetScanOpaqueData
* Additional data (in addition to ScanState) for scanning parquet
* table.
typedef struct ParquetScanOpaqueData
* The array to indicate columns that are involved in the scan.
bool *proj;
int ncol;
struct ParquetScanDescData *scandesc;
} ParquetScanOpaqueData;
/* -----------------------------------------------
* ParquetScanState, need modify for parquet special
* -----------------------------------------------
typedef struct ParquetScanState
ScanState ss;
ParquetScanOpaqueData *opaque;
} ParquetScanState;
* TableScanState
* Encapsulate the scan state for different table type.
* During execution, the 'opaque' is mapped to different XXXOpaqueData
* for different table type.
typedef struct TableScanState
ScanState ss;
* Opaque data that is associated with different table type.
void *opaque;
} TableScanState;
* DynamicTableScanState
typedef struct DynamicTableScanState
TableScanState tableScanState;
* Pid index that maintains all unique partition pids for this dynamic
* table scan to scan.
HTAB *pidIndex;
* The status of sequentially scan the pid index.
* Should we call hash_seq_term()? This is required
* to handle error condition, where we are required to explicitly
* call hash_seq_term(). Also, if we don't have any partition, this
* flag should prevent ExecEndDynamicTableScan from calling
* hash_seq_term() on a NULL hash table.
bool shouldCallHashSeqTerm;
* The first partition requires initialization of expression states,
* such as qual and targetlist, regardless of whether we need to re-map varattno
bool firstPartition;
* lastRelOid is the last relation that corresponds to the
* varattno mapping of qual and target list. Each time we open a new partition, we will
* compare the last relation with current relation by using varattnos_map()
* and then convert the varattno to the new varattno
Oid lastRelOid;
* scanrelid is the RTE index for this scan node. It will be used to select
* varno whose varattno will be remapped, if necessary
Index scanrelid;
* This memory context will be reset per-partition to free
* up previous partition's memory
MemoryContext partitionMemoryContext;
} DynamicTableScanState;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Join State Information
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------------
* JoinState information
* Superclass for state nodes of join plans.
* ----------------
typedef struct JoinState
PlanState ps;
JoinType jointype;
List *joinqual; /* JOIN quals (in addition to ps.qual) */
} JoinState;
/* ----------------
* NestLoopState information
* NeedNewOuter true if need new outer tuple on next call
* MatchedOuter true if found a join match for current outer tuple
* NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left outer joins
* ----------------
typedef struct NestLoopState
JoinState js; /* its first field is NodeTag */
bool nl_NeedNewOuter;
bool nl_MatchedOuter;
bool nl_innerSquelchNeeded; /*CDB*/
bool nl_QuitIfEmptyInner; /*CDB*/
bool shared_outer;
bool prefetch_inner;
bool reset_inner; /*CDB-OLAP*/
bool require_inner_reset; /*CDB-OLAP*/
struct TupleTableSlot *nl_NullInnerTupleSlot;
List *nl_InnerJoinKeys; /* list of ExprState nodes */
List *nl_OuterJoinKeys; /* list of ExprState nodes */
bool nl_innerSideScanned; /* set to true once we've scanned all inner tuples the first time */
bool nl_qualResultForNull; /* the value of the join condition when one of the sides contains a NULL */
} NestLoopState;
/* ----------------
* MergeJoinState information
* NumClauses number of mergejoinable join clauses
* Clauses info for each mergejoinable clause
* JoinState current "state" of join. see execdefs.h
* FillOuter true if should emit unjoined outer tuples anyway
* FillInner true if should emit unjoined inner tuples anyway
* MatchedOuter true if found a join match for current outer tuple
* MatchedInner true if found a join match for current inner tuple
* OuterTupleSlot slot in tuple table for cur outer tuple
* InnerTupleSlot slot in tuple table for cur inner tuple
* MarkedTupleSlot slot in tuple table for marked tuple
* NullOuterTupleSlot prepared null tuple for right outer joins
* NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left outer joins
* OuterEContext workspace for computing outer tuple's join values
* InnerEContext workspace for computing inner tuple's join values
* ----------------
/* private in nodeMergejoin.c: */
typedef struct MergeJoinClauseData *MergeJoinClause;
typedef struct MergeJoinState
JoinState js; /* its first field is NodeTag */
int mj_NumClauses;
MergeJoinClause mj_Clauses; /* array of length mj_NumClauses */
int mj_JoinState;
bool mj_FillOuter;
bool mj_FillInner;
bool mj_MatchedOuter;
bool mj_MatchedInner;
struct TupleTableSlot *mj_OuterTupleSlot;
struct TupleTableSlot *mj_InnerTupleSlot;
struct TupleTableSlot *mj_MarkedTupleSlot;
struct TupleTableSlot *mj_NullOuterTupleSlot;
struct TupleTableSlot *mj_NullInnerTupleSlot;
ExprContext *mj_OuterEContext;
ExprContext *mj_InnerEContext;
bool prefetch_inner; /* MPP-3300 */
bool mj_squelchInner; /* MPP-3300 */
} MergeJoinState;
/* ----------------
* HashJoinState information
* hj_HashTable hash table for the hashjoin
* (NULL if table not built yet)
* hj_CurHashValue hash value for current outer tuple
* hj_CurBucketNo bucket# for current outer tuple
* hj_CurTuple last inner tuple matched to current outer
* tuple, or NULL if starting search
* (CurHashValue, CurBucketNo and CurTuple are
* undefined if OuterTupleSlot is empty!)
* hj_OuterHashKeys the outer hash keys in the hashjoin condition
* hj_InnerHashKeys the inner hash keys in the hashjoin condition
* hj_HashOperators the join operators in the hashjoin condition
* hj_OuterTupleSlot tuple slot for outer tuples
* hj_HashTupleSlot tuple slot for hashed tuples
* hj_NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left outer joins
* hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot first tuple retrieved from outer plan
* hj_NeedNewOuter true if need new outer tuple on next call
* hj_MatchedOuter true if found a join match for current outer
* hj_OuterNotEmpty true if outer relation known not empty
* hj_nonequijoin true to force hash table to keep nulls
* ----------------
/* these structs are defined in executor/hashjoin.h: */
typedef struct HashJoinTupleData *HashJoinTuple;
typedef struct HashJoinTableData *HashJoinTable;
typedef struct HashJoinState
JoinState js; /* its first field is NodeTag */
List *hashclauses; /* list of ExprState nodes (hash) */
List *hashqualclauses; /* CDB: list of ExprState nodes (match) */
HashJoinTable hj_HashTable;
uint32 hj_CurHashValue;
int hj_CurBucketNo;
HashJoinTuple hj_CurTuple;
List *hj_OuterHashKeys; /* list of ExprState nodes */
List *hj_InnerHashKeys; /* list of ExprState nodes */
List *hj_HashOperators; /* list of operator OIDs */
struct TupleTableSlot *hj_OuterTupleSlot;
struct TupleTableSlot *hj_HashTupleSlot;
struct TupleTableSlot *hj_NullInnerTupleSlot;
struct TupleTableSlot *hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot;
bool hj_NeedNewOuter;
bool hj_MatchedOuter;
bool hj_OuterNotEmpty;
bool hj_InnerEmpty; /* set to true if inner side is empty */
bool prefetch_inner;
bool hj_nonequijoin;
/* true if found matching and usable cached workfiles */
bool cached_workfiles_found;
/* set after loading nbatch and nbuckets from cached workfile */
bool cached_workfiles_batches_buckets_loaded;
/* set after loading cached workfiles */
bool cached_workfiles_loaded;
/* set if the operator created workfiles */
bool workfiles_created;
/* number of batches when we loaded from the state. -1 means not loaded yet */
int nbatch_loaded_state;
} HashJoinState;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Materialization State Information
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------------
* Generic tuplestore structure
* used to communicate between ShareInputScan nodes,
* Materialize and Sort
* ----------------
typedef union GenericTupStore
struct NTupleStore *matstore; /* Used by Materialize */
struct Tuplesortstate_mk *sortstore_mk; /* Used by Sort when gp_enable_mk_sort = true */
struct Tuplesortstate *sortstore; /* Used by Sort when gp_enable_mk_sort = false */
} GenericTupStore;
/* ----------------
* MaterialState information
* materialize nodes are used to materialize the results
* of a subplan into a temporary file.
* ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot refers to output of underlying plan.
* ----------------
typedef struct MaterialState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
bool randomAccess; /* need random access to subplan output? */
bool eof_underlying; /* reached end of underlying plan? */
bool ts_destroyed; /* called destroy tuple store? */
GenericTupStore *ts_state; /* private state of tuplestore.c */
void *ts_pos;
void *ts_markpos;
void *share_lk_ctxt;
bool cached_workfiles_found; /* true if found matching and usable cached workfiles */
} MaterialState;
/* ----------------
* ShareInputScanState information
* State of each scanner of the ShareInput node
* ----------------
typedef struct ShareInputScanState
ScanState ss;
* Depends on share_type, we should have a tuplestore_state, tuplestore_pos
* or tuplesort_state, tuplesort_pos
GenericTupStore *ts_state;
void *ts_pos;
void *ts_markpos;
void *share_lk_ctxt;
bool freed; /* is this node already freed? */
} ShareInputScanState;
/* XXX Should move into buf file */
extern void *shareinput_reader_waitready(int share_id, PlanGenerator planGen);
extern void *shareinput_writer_notifyready(int share_id, int nsharer_xslice_notify_ready, PlanGenerator planGen);
extern void shareinput_reader_notifydone(void *, int share_id);
extern void shareinput_writer_waitdone(void *, int share_id, int nsharer_xslice_wait_done);
extern void shareinput_create_bufname_prefix(char* p, int size, int share_id);
/* ----------------
* SortState information
* ----------------
typedef struct SortState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
bool randomAccess; /* need random access to sort output? */
bool sort_Done; /* sort completed yet? */
GenericTupStore *tuplesortstate; /* private state of tuplesort.c */
/* CDB */ /* limit state */
ExprState *limitOffset; /* OFFSET parameter, or NULL if none */
ExprState *limitCount; /* COUNT parameter, or NULL if none */
bool noduplicates; /* true if discard duplicate rows */
void *share_lk_ctxt;
bool cached_workfiles_found; /* true if found matching and usable cached workfiles */
bool cached_workfiles_loaded; /* set after loading cached workfiles */
} SortState;
/* ---------------------
* AggState information
* ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot refers to output of underlying plan.
* Note: contains ecxt_aggvalues and
* ecxt_aggnulls arrays, which hold the computed agg values for the current
* input group during evaluation of an Agg node's output tuple(s). We
* create a second ExprContext, tmpcontext, in which to evaluate input
* expressions and run the aggregate transition functions.
* -------------------------
/* these structs are private in nodeAgg.c: */
typedef struct AggStatePerAggData *AggStatePerAgg;
typedef struct AggStatePerGroupData *AggStatePerGroup;
* There are four different types of Agg nodes:
* (1) Scalar (Plain) Agg: Inputs are read in and aggregated into a single value. This Agg
* always returns a single value, even when there are no inputs at all.
* (2) Ordinary Grouping Agg node: Inputs come in as groups. Each group is aggregated.
* This Agg will handle the ordinary grouping and first stage of rollup Agg.
* (3) Intermediate Rollup Agg node: There are two different inputs:
* (a) Inputs that just need to be pass-through. These tuples are coming from
* 2+ level downstream of rollup Aggs, and do not need to be aggregated.
* (b) Inputs that need to be aggregated as groups. These tuples also need to
* be pass-through.
* (4) Final Rollup Agg node: This is similar to (3), except that the pass-through
* tuples need to be finalized.
typedef enum AggregateType
} AggregateType;
typedef struct AggState
ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
List *aggs; /* all Aggref nodes in targetlist & quals */
int numaggs; /* length of list (could be zero!) */
FmgrInfo *eqfunctions; /* per-grouping-field equality fns */
FmgrInfo *hashfunctions; /* per-grouping-field hash fns */
AggStatePerAgg peragg; /* per-Aggref information */
MemoryContext aggcontext; /* memory context for long-lived data */
ExprContext *tmpcontext; /* econtext for input expressions */
bool agg_done; /* indicates completion of Agg scan */
/* these fields are used in AGG_PLAIN and AGG_SORTED modes: */
AggStatePerGroup pergroup; /* per-Aggref-per-group working state */
struct MemTupleData * grp_firstTuple; /* copy of first tuple of current group */
/* these fields are used in AGG_HASHED mode: */
TupleHashTable hashtable; /* hash table with one entry per group */
struct TupleTableSlot *hashslot; /* slot for loading hash table */
List *hash_needed; /* list of columns needed in hash table */
TupleHashIterator hashiter; /* for iterating through hash table */
/* MPP */
struct HashAggTable *hhashtable;
MemoryManagerContainer mem_manager;
AggregateType aggType;
/* ROLLUP */
AggStatePerGroup perpassthru; /* per-Aggref-per-pass-through-tuple working state */
* The following are used to define how to modify input tuples to
* satisfy the rollup level of this Agg node.
int num_attrs; /* number of grouping attributes for the Agg node */
Datum *replValues;
bool *replIsnull;
bool *doReplace;
List *percs; /* all PercentileExpr nodes in targetlist & quals */
/* true if found matching and usable cached workfiles */
bool cached_workfiles_found;
/* set after loading cached workfiles */
bool cached_workfiles_loaded;
/* set if the operator created workfiles */
bool workfiles_created;
} AggState;
/* ---------------------
* WindowState information
* -------------------------
typedef struct WindowStatePerLevelData *WindowStatePerLevel;
typedef struct WindowStatePerFunctionData *WindowStatePerFunction;
typedef struct WindowInputBufferData *WindowInputBuffer;
typedef struct WindowState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
List *wrxstates; /* all WindowRefExprState nodes in targetlist */
FmgrInfo *eqfunctions; /* equality fns for partition key */
struct TupleTableSlot *priorslot; /* place for prior tuple */
struct TupleTableSlot *curslot; /* current tuple */
struct TupleTableSlot *spare; /* current tuple */
struct TupleTableSlot *saveslot; /* convenient place holder */
/* meta data about the current slot */
bool cur_slot_is_new; /* is this a slot from a buffer or outer plan */
bool cur_slot_part_break; /* slot breaks the partition key */
int cur_slot_key_break; /* break level of the key in the slot */
/* Array of working states per distinct window function */
int numfuncs;
WindowStatePerFunction func_state;
/* Per row state */
int64 row_index;
int numlevels;
WindowStatePerLevel level_state;
/* memory context for transition value processing */
/* XXX: we should probably have one context per level, so that we can
* reset it when there's a key change at that level
MemoryContext transcontext;
MemoryManagerContainer mem_manager;
* context for comparing datums immediately.
* we need reset this context every time we run comparison,
* since window frame may contain unlimited number of rows.
MemoryContext cmpcontext;
/* framed window functions need access to their frames */
WindowStatePerFunction cur_funcstate;
/* input buffer */
WindowInputBuffer input_buffer;
/* Indicate if any function need a peer count. */
bool need_peercount;
/* A char buffer to temporarily hold serialized data
* before writing them to the frame buffer.
* Use this pre-allocated buffer to avoid doing
* palloc/pfree many times.
* The size of this array is specified by 'max_size'.
char *serial_array;
Size max_size;
} WindowState;
/* ----------------
* UniqueState information
* Unique nodes are used "on top of" sort nodes to discard
* duplicate tuples returned from the sort phase. Basically
* all it does is compare the current tuple from the subplan
* with the previously fetched tuple (stored in its result slot).
* If the two are identical in all interesting fields, then
* we just fetch another tuple from the sort and try again.
* ----------------
typedef struct UniqueState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
FmgrInfo *eqfunctions; /* per-field lookup data for equality fns */
MemoryContext tempContext; /* short-term context for comparisons */
} UniqueState;
/* ----------------
* HashState information
* ----------------
typedef struct HashState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
HashJoinTable hashtable; /* hash table for the hashjoin */
List *hashkeys; /* list of ExprState nodes */
bool hs_keepnull; /* Keep nulls */
bool hs_quit_if_hashkeys_null; /* quit building hash table if hashkeys are all null */
bool hs_hashkeys_null; /* found an instance wherein hashkeys are all null */
/* hashkeys is same as parent's hj_InnerHashKeys */
} HashState;
/* ----------------
* SetOpState information
* SetOp nodes are used "on top of" sort nodes to discard
* duplicate tuples returned from the sort phase. These are
* more complex than a simple Unique since we have to count
* how many duplicates to return.
* ----------------
typedef struct SetOpState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
FmgrInfo *eqfunctions; /* per-field lookup data for equality fns */
bool subplan_done; /* has subplan returned EOF? */
long numLeft; /* number of left-input dups of cur group */
long numRight; /* number of right-input dups of cur group */
long numOutput; /* number of dups left to output */
} SetOpState;
/* ----------------
* LimitState information
* Limit nodes are used to enforce LIMIT/OFFSET clauses.
* They just select the desired subrange of their subplan's output.
* offset is the number of initial tuples to skip (0 does nothing).
* count is the number of tuples to return after skipping the offset tuples.
* If no limit count was specified, count is undefined and noCount is true.
* When lstate == LIMIT_INITIAL, offset/count/noCount haven't been set yet.
* ----------------
typedef enum
LIMIT_INITIAL, /* initial state for LIMIT node */
LIMIT_EMPTY, /* there are no returnable rows */
LIMIT_INWINDOW, /* have returned a row in the window */
LIMIT_SUBPLANEOF, /* at EOF of subplan (within window) */
LIMIT_WINDOWEND, /* stepped off end of window */
LIMIT_WINDOWSTART /* stepped off beginning of window */
} LimitStateCond;
typedef struct LimitState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
ExprState *limitOffset; /* OFFSET parameter, or NULL if none */
ExprState *limitCount; /* COUNT parameter, or NULL if none */
int64 offset; /* current OFFSET value */
int64 count; /* current COUNT, if any */
bool noCount; /* if true, ignore count */
LimitStateCond lstate; /* state machine status, as above */
int64 position; /* 1-based index of last tuple returned */
struct TupleTableSlot *subSlot; /* tuple last obtained from subplan */
} LimitState;
* DML Operations
* ExecNode for DML.
* This operator contains a Plannode in PlanState.
* The Plannode contains indexes to the resjunk columns
* needed for deciding the action (Insert/Delete), the table oid
* and the tuple ctid.
typedef struct DMLState
PlanState ps;
JunkFilter *junkfilter; /* filter that removes junk and dropped attributes */
struct TupleTableSlot *cleanedUpSlot; /* holds 'final' tuple which matches the target relation schema */
} DMLState;
* ExecNode for Split.
* This operator contains a Plannode in PlanState.
* The Plannode contains indexes to the ctid, insert, delete, resjunk columns
* needed for adding the action (Insert/Delete).
* A MemoryContext and TupleTableSlot are maintained to keep the INSERT
* tuple until requested.
typedef struct SplitUpdateState
PlanState ps;
bool processInsert; /* flag that specifies the operator's next action. */
struct TupleTableSlot *insertTuple; /* tuple to Insert */
struct TupleTableSlot *deleteTuple; /* tuple to Delete */
} SplitUpdateState;
* ExecNode for AssertOp.
* This operator contains a Plannode that contains the expressions
* to execute.
typedef struct AssertOpState
PlanState ps;
} AssertOpState;
* ExecNode for RowTrigger.
* This operator contains a Plannode that contains the triggers
* to execute.
typedef struct RowTriggerState
PlanState ps;
struct TupleTableSlot *newTuple; /* stores new values */
struct TupleTableSlot *oldTuple; /* stores old values */
struct TupleTableSlot *triggerTuple; /* stores returned values by the trigger */
} RowTriggerState;
typedef enum MotionStateType
MOTIONSTATE_NONE, /* The motion state is not decided, or non active in a slice
* (neither send nor recv)
MOTIONSTATE_SEND, /* The motion is sender */
MOTIONSTATE_RECV, /* The motion is recver */
} MotionStateType;
/* ----------------
* MotionState information
* ----------------
typedef struct MotionState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
MotionStateType mstype; /* Motion state type */
bool stopRequested; /* set when we want transfer to stop */
/* For motion send */
bool sentEndOfStream; /* set when end-of-stream has successfully been sent */
List *hashExpr; /* state struct used for evaluating the hash expressions */
struct CdbHash *cdbhash; /* hash api object */
/* For Motion recv */
void *tupleheap; /* data structure for match merge in sorted motion node */
int routeIdNext; /* for a sorted motion node, the routeId to get next (same as
* the routeId last returned ) */
bool tupleheapReady; /* for a sorted motion node, false until we have a tuple from
* each source segindex */
/* The following can be used for debugging, usage stats, etc. */
int numTuplesFromChild; /* Number of tuples received from child */
int numTuplesToAMS; /* Number of tuples from child that were sent to AMS */
int numTuplesFromAMS; /* Number of tuples received from AMS */
int numTuplesToParent; /* Number of tuples either from child or AMS that were sent to parent */
int *numTuplesByHashSegIdx; /* Distribution of number of tuples from child by hash seg index */
struct timeval otherTime; /* time accumulator used in sending motion node to keep track of time
* spent getting the next tuple (not sending). this could mean time spent
* in another motion node receiving. */
struct timeval motionTime; /* time accumulator for time spent in motion node. For sending motion node
* it is just the amount of time actually sending the tuple thru the
* interconnect. For receiving motion node, it is the time spent waiting
* and processing of the next incoming tuple.
Oid *outputFunArray; /* output functions for each column (debug only) */
int numInputSegs; /* the number of segments on the sending slice */
} MotionState;
* ExecNode for PartitionSelector.
* This operator contains a Plannode in PlanState.
typedef struct PartitionSelectorState
PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
PartitionNode *rootPartitionNode; /* PartitionNode for root table */
PartitionAccessMethods *accessMethods; /* Access method for partition */
struct PartitionConstraints **levelPartConstraints; /* accepted partitions for all levels */
struct PartitionConstraints **acceptedLeafPart; /* accepted leaf PartitionConstraints for current tuple */
List *levelEqExprStates; /* ExprState for equality expressions for all levels */
List *levelExprStates; /* ExprState for general expressions for all levels */
ExprState *residualPredicateExprState; /* ExprState for evaluating residual predicate */
ExprState *propagationExprState; /* ExprState for evaluating propagation expression */
} PartitionSelectorState;
extern void sendInitGpmonPkts(Plan *node, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForResult(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForAppend(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForSequence(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForBitmapAnd(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForBitmapOr(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForTableScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForDynamicTableScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForExternalScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForIndexScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForDynamicIndexScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForBitmapIndexScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForBitmapHeapScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForBitmapAppendOnlyScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForTidScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForSubqueryScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForFunctionScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForValuesScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForNestLoop(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForMergeJoin(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForHashJoin(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForMaterial(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForSort(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForGroup(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForAgg(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForUnique(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForHash(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForSetOp(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForLimit(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForMotion(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForShareInputScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForWindow(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForRepeat(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForDefunctOperators(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForDML(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
extern void initGpmonPktForPartitionSelector(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
* The funcion pointers to init gpmon package for each plan node.
* The order of the function pointers are the same as the one defined in
* NodeTag (nodes.h).
extern void (*initGpmonPktFuncs[T_Plan_End - T_Plan_Start])(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate);
#endif /* EXECNODES_H */