blob: a62f0abc12f7e6469cfb92495feec753f6385535 [file] [log] [blame]
* tuptoaster.h
* POSTGRES definitions for external and compressed storage
* of variable size attributes.
* Copyright (c) 2000-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/access/tuptoaster.h,v 2007/02/04 20:00:49 tgl Exp $
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "access/memtup.h"
#include "storage/bufpage.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
* This enables de-toasting of index entries. Needed until VACUUM is
* smart enough to rebuild indexes from scratch.
* These symbols control toaster activation. If a tuple is larger than
* TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD, we will try to toast it down to no more than
* TOAST_TUPLE_TARGET bytes. Both numbers include all tuple header overhead
* and between-fields alignment padding, but we do *not* consider any
* end-of-tuple alignment padding; hence the values can be compared directly
* to a tuple's t_len field. (Note that the symbol values are not
* necessarily MAXALIGN multiples.)
* The numbers need not be the same, though they currently are.
#define TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD (MaxHeapTupleSize / 4)
#define TOAST_TUPLE_TARGET (MaxHeapTupleSize / 4)
* If an index value is larger than TOAST_INDEX_TARGET, we will try to
* compress it (we can't move it out-of-line, however). Note that this
* number is per-datum, not per-tuple, for simplicity in index_form_tuple().
#define TOAST_INDEX_TARGET (MaxHeapTupleSize / 16)
* When we store an oversize datum externally, we divide it into chunks
* containing at most TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE data bytes. This number *must*
* be small enough that the completed toast-table tuple (including the
* ID and sequence fields and all overhead) is no more than MaxHeapTupleSize
* bytes. It *should* be small enough to make toast-table tuples no more
* than TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD bytes, else heapam.c will uselessly invoke
* the toaster on toast-table tuples.
* NB: you cannot change this value without forcing initdb, at least not
* if your DB contains any multi-chunk toasted values.
MAXALIGN(offsetof(HeapTupleHeaderData, t_bits)) + \
sizeof(Oid) + \
sizeof(int32) + \
/* -------
* Convert internal struct to external format.
* The caller should call pfree() to free the returned pointer.
extern struct varatt_external *copy_varatt_external(struct varlena *attr);
/* ----------
* toast_insert_or_update -
* Called by heap_insert() and heap_update().
* 'isFrozen' is normally marked false. it is only true
* when we are interested in inserting it with FrozenTxnId
* such a scenario is when we insert into an error table.
* since the data itself is inserted as frozen, we need any
* toasted data to be inserted frozen as well.
* ----------
extern HeapTuple toast_insert_or_update(Relation rel,
HeapTuple newtup, HeapTuple oldtup,
MemTupleBinding *pbind, int toast_tuple_target,
bool isFrozen);
/* ----------
* toast_delete -
* Called by heap_delete().
* ----------
extern void toast_delete(Relation rel, HeapTuple oldtup);
/* ----------
* heap_tuple_fetch_attr() -
* Fetches an external stored attribute from the toast
* relation. Does NOT decompress it, if stored external
* in compressed format.
* ----------
extern struct varlena *heap_tuple_fetch_attr(struct varlena *attr);
/* ----------
* varattrib_untoast_ptr_len
* Fast path to get the pointer and length, avoid palloc if possible.
* ----------
extern void varattrib_untoast_ptr_len(Datum d, char **datastart, int *len, void **tofree);
/* ----------
* varattrib_untoast_len
* Fast path to get the length, avoid palloc if possible.
* ----------
extern int varattrib_untoast_len(Datum d);
/* ----------
* heap_tuple_untoast_attr() -
* Fully detoasts one attribute, fetching and/or decompressing
* it as needed.
* ----------
extern struct varlena *heap_tuple_untoast_attr(struct varlena *attr);
/* ----------
* heap_tuple_untoast_attr_slice() -
* Fetches only the specified portion of an attribute.
* (Handles all cases for attribute storage)
* ----------
extern struct varlena *heap_tuple_untoast_attr_slice(struct varlena *attr,
int32 sliceoffset,
int32 slicelength);
/* ----------
* toast_flatten_tuple_attribute -
* If a Datum is of composite type, "flatten" it to contain no toasted fields.
* This must be invoked on any potentially-composite field that is to be
* inserted into a tuple. Doing this preserves the invariant that toasting
* goes only one level deep in a tuple.
* ----------
extern Datum toast_flatten_tuple_attribute(Datum value,
Oid typeId, int32 typeMod);
/* ----------
* toast_compress_datum -
* Create a compressed version of a varlena datum, if possible
* ----------
extern Datum toast_compress_datum(Datum value);
/* ----------
* toast_raw_datum_size -
* Return the raw (detoasted) size of a varlena datum
* ----------
extern Size toast_raw_datum_size(Datum value);
/* ----------
* toast_datum_size -
* Return the storage size of a varlena datum
* ----------
extern Size toast_datum_size(Datum value);
#endif /* TUPTOASTER_H */