blob: 869ccba645c77582206817f30365ce804eb9b381 [file] [log] [blame]
Fresh installation from source code
1. Compile ORC format in pluggable storage framework
$ ./configure --with-orc; make -j8; make install
2. Configure and initialize cluster
$ hawq init cluster -a
Fresh installation from rpm package
1. Setup yum repository
2. Install rpm package
$ sudo yum install -y hawq
3. Configure and initialize cluster
$ hawq init cluster -a
Upgrade from to
1. Stop cluster on master node
$ hawq stop cluster -a
2. Backup configuration on each node
$ cp -rf $GPHOME/etc ~/
3. Backup yum repository on each node
4. Setup yum repository on each node
5. Install rpm package on each node
$ sudo yum remove -y hawq
$ sudo yum install -y hawq
6. Configure on each node
$ cp -rf ~/etc/* $GPHOME/etc/
7. Install ORC format
1) Configure the cluster to upgrade mode
$ hawq start cluster
$ hawq config -c upgrade_mode -v on --skipvalidation
$ hawq restart cluster -a
2) Install ORC format in pg_catalog.pg_proc table in template1 on master node
Please find $hawq_master_address_port in $GPHOME/etc/hawq-site.xml
$ PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' psql -a -p $hawq_master_address_port -d template1 -f $GPHOME/share/postgresql/orc_install.sql > orc_install.out 2>&1
3) Install ORC format in pg_catalog.pg_proc table in template1 on segment node
Please find $hawq_segment_address_port in $GPHOME/etc/hawq-site.xml
$ PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' psql -a -p $hawq_segment_address_port -d template1 -f $GPHOME/share/postgresql/orc_install.sql > orc_install.out 2>&1
4) Configure the cluster to normal mode
$ hawq config -c upgrade_mode -v off --skipvalidation
$ hawq restart cluster -a
5) Get user database name on master node
$ psql -a -d template1 -c "select datname from pg_database where datname not in ('hcatalog', 'template0', 'template1') order by datname;"
6) Install ORC format in pg_catalog.pg_proc table in each user database on master node
$ psql -a -d $user_database_name -f $GPHOME/share/postgresql/orc_install.sql > orc_install.out 2>&1
7) Restart cluster on master node
$ hawq restart cluster -a
8. Uninstall ORC format if necessary
Refer to installation of ORC format while use /user/local/hawq/share/postgresql/orc_uninstall.sql instead of /user/local/hawq/share/postgresql/orc_install.sql
9. Install PostGIS if necessary
10. Install MADlib if necessary